Eternal Life

Chapter 312

Han did not answer Hua Tiandu’s words, directly expressed by action, the body swayed, disappeared, the next moment appeared around the body of Hua Tiandu, fingers like a sword, magic burning, thunder flashing, five colors of light are still running, Powerful hole penetration cuts directly.

Hua Tiandu did not move, and the body distributed tens of thousands of purple symbols, still turned into Divine Thunder, flooding out, and did not fight with Fang Han, directly Divine Thunder scrub. Quite a bit of the taste of Fang Han and Meng Shaobai during the battle.

At that time, Fang Han and Meng Shaobai played against each other. Meng Shaobai’s wings flickered and flew everywhere, while Fang Han spurred the five elements of Divine Thunder and washed it everywhere. Now it is the role conversion.

Among the crypts, there are Rays everywhere.

This is Hua Tiandu’s “Xuan Tian Lian Lei Leifu great array”. First, you must trap Fang Han. When he cleans up the “Black King” on the ground, he will display all the means to kill Fang Han.

This time he went to the underground Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, not his full strength, he also left a part of Essence Qi in the Dragon Palace on the ground, to completely kill another Expert “Black King”, and only him If you are strong, you can fight on both sides. Both have the upper hand.

“This Divine Thunder great array is really amazing. If I force it to rush, I will rush out, but to expose my true strength, I will be recognized by Hua Tiandu. But……… just do it.”

An idea, a flash in his heart, suddenly has a spectrum.

In the Divine Thunder, Fang Han’s thoughts entered the Yellow Springs Diagram, and suddenly the seven dragon eggs that had just been obtained were suddenly pushed, close to the Peng Peng Dome.

Inside the seven dragon eggs, it seems that there is an extremely dangerous thought. It seems that the dragon that was born in the dragon egg has some ideas. I know that I will be swallowed up by the big devouring magic array on the Peng Peng Dome. Unable to struggle.

But where does Fang Han make them struggle? The dragon egg is bred with rich life essence, which is a good opportunity for the Peng Peng giant to swallow.

This Peng Peng Dome seems to be hatching because it has swallowed Essence Qi, who has transformed itself into Golden Core. However, it still needs a huge amount of vitality. Although Fang Han permeates the celestial spirit every day, it takes a long time to really evolve. It is less than half a year and more than a year.

However, since he has got seven dragon eggs, Fang Han will naturally not give up on it. The huge essence of life is fed to the Pengpeng giant egg.

Sure enough, the dragon egg was close to the Peng Peng giant egg, and felt the incomparable strong essence of life. The big devouring magic array above the Peng Peng giant egg worked strongly, and a stock of Devil Qi was released. The seven dragon eggs were directly taken in. .

Subsequently, the magic lines on the eggshell of the Pengpeng giant egg were ten times clear. The Great Devour of the Demon Array is once again in turn, transforming all of the life characteristics of Jing Peng into the Astral Qi of Demonic art.

Fang Han Insight has a long time on the magic lines. I know a little about the great Devouring Technique, the Demon Dao, the magical effect of the Divine Ability. Even more, the 巨 巨 巨 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 巨 G G G G G Into the Golden Core, but also let him and the Peng Peng giant flesh and blood.

He is very familiar with everything that changes inside.

Kā chā kā chā , 鲲 巨 巨 巨 不 不 不 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Gradually transformed into countless symbols, these deep and mysterious symbols everywhere show an eternal mystery in the universe, constantly swallowing, never satisfied.

After absorbing the essence of the life of the seven dragon eggs, the Peng Peng Dome finally evolved into a big devouring magic array, one of the Demon Dao Supreme Divine Ability, and the Great Destruction Technique, Great Severing Technique, and the two Divine Ability is more mysterious and rare.

Yellow Springs Diagram Yellow Springs At the bottom of the river, a magical scorpion rises.

How is this a magic array? The big one is not big, the size is one acre, but the inside is dark and dark. I don’t know where to go. It really shows the three-word conception “Bottomless hole!”.

Can accommodate the bottomless pit of the entire world. A bottomless cave that will never fill up.

Inside the symbol, it seems that the stars are generally rotating, and all the time is in the interpretation of the heavens and the earth. In the depths of the bottomless pit, it seems that there is a monster that specializes in consuming the stars, and the breath is swallowing and running.

The big devouring magic array finally condensed successfully.

This represents a new Demon Sect Supreme Divine Ability, born.

When this Demon Dao Supreme Divine Ability was born, Fang Han felt that he had a flesh-and-blood relationship with himself. He didn’t need sacrificial refining at all, and he shrank into a group, and turned into a figure of the palm of his hand and merged into his body. Going to my mind, running constantly, I have made my mind expand again!

The first to know the sea, the second to know the sea, has doubled. Now Fang Han feels himself, even if he can’t refine the nine ghosts that contain the ghosts, but he can also accommodate the next Golden Core Magic Force.

After expanding the sea of ​​knowledge, this big devouring magic array automatically finds the fate of Fang Han and integrates it into it.

The life of this life is shocked, and I immediately accepted this Demonic art Divine Ability.

Originally containing fifty-five Divine Ability’s sacred symbols, it has now turned into fifty-six Great Divine Ability, and that the devour of the magical array flies into the shackles, engulfing Devil Qi to wrap the sacred symbol, making this The symbol is again tight, strong, and faintly converging into the trend of Golden Core.

However, at this time, it is definitely not the time for condense Golden Core.

And there is more than one Divine Ability, and the energy that Fu Wei turns into Golden Core does not know how much more. And the transformation of Golden Core, can not be disturbed, is now surrounded by Hua Tiandu in Lei Zhen, the transformation of Golden Core is to find death.

“Hey! This is a great array of great arrays. It’s a joke. See how I broke! Hua Tiandu, if you try to kill me, I still have some scruples. You have a small force, even the magical treasure. Want to kill me? That’s too naive.”

Fang Han swam in the thunderbolt, suddenly spit out, a lot of thunderbolts swallowed into the mouth, suddenly the thunder force disappeared into a big piece, his body almost did not even see the shadow, he flew out , disappeared again.

From the Peng Peng giant egg to devour the dragon egg, the evolution of the Great Devouring Technique, into the mind of Fang Han, into the Fu, the long story is actually a blink of an eye, which is in the calculation of Fang Han.

Hua Tiandu’s thunder, he originally rushed out the life, can also forcibly tear, but in this case, Hua Tiandu knows that he is Fang Han, there are still many troubles. Now it is necessary to use the big devouring magic array to break the Lei Fu array and make Hua Tiandu more confused.

Now Hua Tiandu wants to kill him. Not so easy.

“Great Devouring Technique !”

Fang Han suddenly displayed the Great Devouring Technique and ate a gap in the thunder, and Hua Tiandu was also shocked. He did not expect that the most mysterious Divine Ability of this Demon Sect could actually appear on the body of the “Desperate Scholar”.

It turned out that he still had some doubts. The desperate scholar had some relationship with Fang Han, but now it seems that Fang Han is unlikely to have Great Devouring Technique.

Therefore, in the case of Fang Han, he did not have time to catch up.

“Great Devouring Technique, even if I got the Culture Method, I am afraid I have to cultivate for hundreds of years before I can make it. This Dao technique is the most difficult to cultivate. This person can actually succeed. Is it Heavenly Demon?” Hua Tiandu When I received the thunder, I saw the entire crypt, empty, and Fang Han didn’t know where to go.

“Hey! Since there will be Great Devouring Technique, then my 30% strength is not enough to take this person. Go back and kill the Black King. This child can’t run away.”

Hua Tiandu moved and disappeared into the ground.

At this time, in the Dragon Palace on the ground, Divine Ability Ninth Layer, Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation’s Powerhouse, “Black King” and Hua Tiandu fight to a critical juncture.

Hua Tiandu will display two pieces of Dao Artifact in succession, and the Expert will be charged directly.

You know, Golden Core Expert can make Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Van Gogh giants have some scruples, because the Golden Core blew, and the Divine Ability Ninth Layer Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation’s Expert is even more terrifying. Self-explosive, more powerful, enough to sweep everything. Generally, this kind of Expert fight is very scruples, and will not kill you.

But today Hua Tiandu, but forced to kill the Divine Ability Ninth Layer Expert. It can also be seen that he is overbearing more than Longevity Mysteries Realm Expert.

However, he naturally relies on two pieces of Dao Artifact.

Coiling martial Excalibur and Great Furnace!

“Coiling martial” is Middle Grade Dao Artifact, powerful. Needless to say. The “Great Furnace” is High Grade Dao Artifact! And Fang Qingxue’s “indefinite electric” character exists in a level that can be refined and almost everything exists. When Coiling Martial Immortal Venerable was alive, Demon Soul in Heavenly Demon was refining.

“Hua Tiandu! I am not dead with you!”

At this time, “Black King” has been completely trapped, and several magical treasures on his body have been smashed. No matter what the magical treasure, including the Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact, there is no way to resist the edge of the coiling martial.

Middle Grade Dao Artifact is not the same as the Low Grade Dao Artifact.

The only thing that can be countered by the “Black King” is his own Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation. He has worked hard for thousands of years and has the power to withstand the coiling martial.

But it also consumes a lot of energy.

Moreover, the big old furnace, shrouded him, he now knows that even if he is the last resort, ignoring Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, there is no use, can not break the ancient furnace, even more harmless Hua Tiandu, some of the remnants of Essence Qi, will also be sucked away.

Under such a mind, he blew his mind about Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation.

You know, Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation is blew, and people are dead. There is no chance at all.

He is still struggling to support and look for opportunities.

Just then, the underground conveyed the sound of rumble. It seems that the other half of Hua Tiandu has returned to Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation.

“No, I don’t care much at this time.” Hei Wang slammed his heart. Suddenly, he slammed an arm and smashed his arm into countless blood rain. The devil’s crying sounded in it. The dark clouds are rolling into the dark gods.

This is his means of abandoning his body and self-harm.

It is called “Devil’s Body”.

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