Eternal Life

Chapter 304

“A retreat…”

When the prince heard what Fang Han said, he was also heartbroken. In fact, he is not in the middle of many emperors, he is eager to send a birthday gift to the exquisite Immortal Venerable, that is, he wants to please Exquisite Jewel Paradise. If he can win a female cultivator of Exquisite Jewel Paradise, then the status will rise sharply. .

However, he did not dare to offend Extreme Unity Sect.

Now Fang Han actually said that the birthday of Immortal Venerable is the Golden Core of Extreme Unity Sect, which will make the Immortal Venerable happy, but the Extreme Unity Sect is offended.

However, the Immortal Venerable is a well-known short-term protection, and the people she protects are not moved. If you donate Golden Core and can protect her, it will not be a disaster for a lifetime.

“Dedicated to Golden Core, you can completely find the big back of the Immortal Venerable. But you must offend Extreme Unity Sect, the risk is coexisting. But with your current power, it is too weak, even if I assist you, it is impossible. I have won the big position. I am asking for a chance for the prince. I am choosing this for you. Anyway, I must go to Exquisite Jewel Paradise and take the Golden Core to the exquisite Immortal Venerable.”

Fang Han puts aside the Golden Core.

This Song’s only Golden Core, he is not ready for refining, the first is the Divine Ability inside, he will. There is nothing unusual about it. The second is that he can’t refine now. Even after he has become a Golden Core, he has to refine the nine ghosts. Third, the Golden Core is dedicated to the Immortal Venerable, and it has a big backing. The Immortal Venerable will definitely give you more benefits than the Golden Core. This is a profitable business.

Maximizing the benefits of your own things is the consistent measure of Fang Han.

“This matter, let me consider it. Let’s think about another thing.” The prince thought about it. It is not good to make a decision: “After seven days, our prince is going to an Ancient Vestige adventure. I don’t know if the friend can Help me?”

“I know this thing, is the ancient Vestige opened by your royal family Elder by the Prince of Narsa? I don’t know where it is? What is the danger?” Fang Han knows that the Royal Clouds Empire’s royal family is very energetic, unlike the general secular The dynasty in the dynasty, even the Expert of the Divine Ability secret can not offend.

Even under the jurisdiction of Extreme Unity Sect, the Royal Clouds Empire’s royal family has autonomy, and of course the Extreme Unity Sect is dedicated to the endless medicine pill and magical treasure every year.

“That is an outside territory above the stars. It is an ancient battlefield of my royal family Elder. Now it is a transmission of the ancient battlefield. So with a lot of vitality to stimulate the power of the ancient array, the result opens a door to time and space, leading to The outer territory of a weird star, there is a strong treasure. But there are many tyrannical monsters, Heavenly Demon, and weird secrets. This time the royal family Elder let our princes explore, it is a test, try The meaning of refining.”

“Oh?” Fang Han thought. “That’s a place similar to the Five Elements.”

In fact, in the entire Xuanhuang big world, there are many ancient Vestige, transmitting ancient arrays. Returning to the market is a special case. Of course, among the wild temples, you can lead to the main temple of the Five Elements, and it is also a transmission of ancient arrays. Every place in this place can be of great benefit.

“This is a good opportunity to improve my strength, but my strength is shallow and I can’t get any benefit. I was going to go with Xiao Yue Daoist, but now with Fang Han you can help me.”

“Hua Tiandu will escort the Feng Prince to go with it?” Fang Han asked.


“If that’s the case, then I will go with you.” Fang Han decided, originally he wanted to return to Stars Sect to send a letter, but thought about it, first escorted the Prince to enter Ancient Vestige, it is not a good thing, Maybe you can find what treasure. Now I am clean and tidy, nothing.

“Good!” Prince patted the table and stood up: “I have sent people to secretly watch all the movements of the Prince of Feng. If there is news from Hua Tiandu, I will inform you.”

Fang Han nodded and closed her eyes.

In the next few days, there was nothing safe, and every day, he worked quietly, accumulating Spirit, and infusing the vitality to the Peng Peng. Because the days of evolution and engulfing the magic array are not far away.

Once the Great Devouring Technique is completed, you can learn not only the endless ascension of Meng Shaobai, but also the strength.

In seven or eight days, it will pass. Fang Han recharges the essence and does not concise a Nascent Origin Pill. Instead, he stores the huge fairy scent in the body of many meridians, caves, and slowly nourishes and gathers with his Essence Blood.

Just waiting for the qi and blood, once again hit the Golden Core, a success.

“Hey! Now you and I can cooperate, can Hua Tiandu not recognize me?”

“I definitely can’t recognize it. I swallowed 1.3 million pounds of Nine Yang Holy Water. Although I couldn’t evolve the bridge, I was inspired by many Demonic art that hides Aura and changes the shape. Demon Dao, originally Hua Tiandu is not Longevity Mysteries Realm, can’t see it. Change and change! Hahaha, Yellow Springs Diagram has a method of reincarnation, which is to change the appearance of temperament, meaning that you have passed this The change in the game is equal to the reincarnation of the tires. It is ever-changing!”

Suddenly, the Yellow Springs Diagram changed into a robe, but it was not yellow, but emerald green, and it was approved by Fang Han. Suddenly, Fang Han changed his temperament and seemed to become a weak scholar.

At the same time, his face is also distorted, and he has changed, and there are some secular Chinese people.

The whole person went to shed one’s mortal body and exchange one’s bones, and no one could recognize it.

“Great Emperor Yellow Springs established Dao of Samsara in the past, and traveled for hundreds of years. It changed various forms, scholars, old farmers, hawkers, officials, military commanders………all beings. No one can see the broken, I also got a lot of Experience. Now that you dress up a little, you are completely obscured. I give you a name, called………en, called the life-study student. This is a nickname for the Great Emperor Yellow Springs game.”

“The book is a student? Isn’t that recognized by some old antiques?”

“It’s the nickname of the game world, and the cultivate Dao world doesn’t know.”

“That’s good, Xing Yun Baobao? Do you want to pretend?”

“He pretended to be a fart, and he couldn’t sleep in the Sun Moon Five Stars Bracelet. It was the right way.”

Just dressed up, the prince hurriedly walked in. Looking at the image of Fang Han, “You………”, he couldn’t believe it, this is Fang Han, thinking that someone else ran in.

“Hey, Prince, from today, I am a life-threatening student, a Rogue Cultivator that seems to be right and wrong, like evil.” Fang Han said, Devil Qi in the throat made two turns, even the sound Great changes, no original sound quality. It really didn’t change.

“This reincarnation is really beautiful, and the role in the Yellow Springs Diagram is really amazing!” Fang Han felt his change, and he was happy.

Reincarnation, it is actually a hidden technology.

It is true that this change is equivalent to reincarnation. Everything is gone. This hidden hidden technique is really horrible.

“Good, good, good, so hidden, no one can see it.” The prince knows that this is Fang Han, and he is shocked and happy: “Today is the day when our royal children are gathering, going to the underground. Vestige. I have to be together.”

“No problem, leave.”………

The most central part of Xuanhuang City is a vast square. The center of the square stands with a sturdy Chinese watch. At this time, there are brilliances falling in the sky. They are the royals of the Great Clouds Empire. They are wearing yellow robes. There are also some waist belts in the waist, which are some distant relatives, clan children.

The Royal family of Great Clouds Empire is almost all cultivator! And among them, the Culture Base is unfathomable, compared to the last sect of Immortal Dao.

This also ensures that they have enough tyrannical power to rule the vast territory of tens of billions of people. What is the concept of an empire with a population of tens of billions?

“Thirteen brothers, I heard that the twenty-fourth brothers recently recruited an Expert, and the cripple between the 18th brothers and the Qingyang ancestors. I don’t know if it is true?” Among the many royal families, the most attractive The attention is to a person who looks close to thirty, young and not stable, majestic and yet pleasing, and temperament. This is the “Big Prince” of the Culture Base in the Great Clouds Empire, the Royal Family.

All the stars around them. The general gathered some princes.

“It is true. This person is like a power. It seems to be a giant among Demon Dao. The Qingyang ancestor was abolished between the two tricks. Although the Golden Core made by Qingyang’s ancestors is not strong, it is Golden Core. It’s too late to blew. I don’t know what Demon Dao Divine Ability is cultivation.”

One of the emperors around the “Easy Prince”, this prince is extremely powerful, a pair of tiger eyes, slightly curled lips, showing the spirit of dare to fight, but without losing deep. And Aura is round, and it is also a prince who has become a Golden Core.

This prince is the thirteen emperor “war prince.”

“Oh? Divine Ability, which makes Golden Core Expert unable to blew itself, this world doesn’t seem to have much. Can you find clues from it?” There are some wisdom in the eyes of Easy Prince.

“Come on, twenty-four brothers came.” The thirteenth emperor “the prince of war” touched the prince.

“Go! Let’s go and see.” Between the words, “Easy Prince” body floated up automatically and flew up.

“Easy Prince is coming, he is inscrutable, the most powerful among the princes. Be careful.” Seeing the easy prince flying, the prince has some trepidation, seems to be afraid of a four prince.

“No matter, this person is indeed a bit difficult.” Fang Han also saw it, and secretly looked at the “easy prince” who was flying. The temperament of this person is like a book that can never be read, and it is rich in connotations. Cultivation Base doesn’t even wear it, of course, if you can handle it, you can know.

“I heard that the twenty-four brothers recruited an Expert. I think this is the case.”

Easy Prince stopped in the air and watched Fang Han approach, suddenly opening.

“Under the life of the scholar, the long-time prince is famous.” Fang Han stunned, opened a jade fan and fanned it. This fan is not a treasure, it is a temporary book that he took in the palace.

Seeing the appearance of Fang Han, the easy prince flashed a hint of confusion that was not easy to detect, as if he had guessed wrong.

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