Eternal Life

Chapter 296

More than 30 Divine Ability Mysteries Realm cultivators, including three Fifth Layer “Celestial Realm”, a Returning Origin Realm refines the meaning of this life, actually without the resistance of Fang Han, directly stunned by a palm ground. If the one-on-one defeat, the prince is not unusual, it is acceptable, but all the garbage is generally knocked down, and even a little resistance is not, which is too outrageous.

“you you you…………”

When the prince looked at Fang Han, he couldn’t speak, and after a long while, he said: “Dao friends really have Divine Ability, please explain the way. If you can assist me, I will do my best to support my friends. Come to the king here is no plot, but also ask the Taoist to leave, I can send a friend a treat as a compensation. The character of the Taoist friend, the king thinks that he can’t control it. It won’t lead to the upper body, if the Taoist wants I am afraid that I can’t do it. I am the prince of the Great Clouds Empire. Even the long-term giant of Longevity Mysteries Realm can’t control me.”

“Well, it’s Divine Ability cultivation to Celestial Realm’s Expert, and it’s also the Prince of the Great Clouds Empire. It’s A wise man submits to circumstances. But I have no other harm to you. To be honest, this time also Just want to use your name to buy Nirvana. Because I have some hatred with Extreme Unity Sect, once I am exposed, I will be chased. Of course, my identity is actually a well-known Immortal Dao Expert, not Demon Dao, the background is solid, and I am not afraid of Extreme Unity Sect. But before cultivation to Golden Core, I don’t want to cause too much trouble. If Wang Ye can assist me, I will naturally give a good return.”

When Fang Han saw the reaction of the prince, he knew that the prince could not control himself and his speech changed. He simply opened the skylight and said something bright.

Because he saw that the power of this “King of Princes”, among the Great Clouds Empire, does not seem to be the biggest.

If you are the biggest force, you can definitely recruit Golden Core Expert.

“Oh? The friend is actually Immortal Dao? It’s easy. It’s very troublesome with Extreme Unity Sect, but our Great Clouds Empire is not exactly a tributary of Extreme Unity Sect. It is stipulated that Extreme Unity Sect can’t. Forcibly interfering with the things of my Great Clouds Empire royal family, this is the decree passed down from the fairy tens of thousands of years ago. No one dares to blatantly violate. As long as the Taoist friends are in my house, the people of Extreme Unity Sect dare not come to forcefully arrest people. of.”

When the prince heard it, he settled in the heart.

“That’s good, these cultivators, with some usefulness, can serve the prince. I will rescue them.” Fang Han squirted, and many raindrops fell on the more than 30 cultivators.

These more than 30 cultivators are all Rogue Cultivator Sects. There is no backstage. Fang Han is naturally not afraid that they will be in trouble if they suffer.

Ascension Gate’s true disciple is the benefit of this.

Immortal Dao The top ten giants are sometimes very useful.

This tone is the Azure Emperor wood emperor mixed with the fairy world, as well as several healing water system Divine Ability, although there is no life and death, the effect of meat and bones, but the vitality. More than 30 cultivators were injured, and Fang Han did not have Assassin. So the blue raindrops spilled on them and immediately made them wake up.

After waking up, these cultivators saw Fang Han, suddenly looking at each other and staring at the other’s left hand. They felt that a horrible Aura conveyed it and could erase it at any time. He couldn’t help but shudder. . Silence for a moment, Xiaoyue Daoist said: “The predecessor Magic Force is boundless, Divine Ability is vast, and it can help the prince to do great things. I wait for everyone’s Magic Force to be low and unbearable, and it is better to go back to the door and repair it. , let’s say goodbye.”

After that, he has to get up and leave, and other people have said: “Wang Ye, let’s say goodbye”

Everyone flew up, and of course they didn’t have a face to stay any longer.

“Well, you are friends, please stay. The great cause of Wang Ye is naturally dependent on you. I am just a icing on the cake.” Fang Han waved his hand and a golden light intercepted everyone, making them unable to fly. .

These cultivators, flying in all directions, have to leave the house without people blocking, but under the Fang Han, all the people have a golden light in front of them, which shows the horrible Culture Base.

Especially Xiaoyue Daoist, the golden light in front of him forced him to drop again and again, and finally had to fall to the ground, his face changed, and he felt the horrible lethality of Jinguang, even if it was Golden Core Expert. . This really knows that Fang Han’s Divine Ability is amazing.

Xiaoyue Daoist is not a Immortal Dao Ten Sects disciple, but also a well-known Rogue Cultivator Sectmaster. Xiaoyueshan is well-known in the Rogue Cultivator world, with thousands of disciplines. Divine Ability Mysteries Realm has dozens of disciplines, and it has been built for hundreds of years, and it has been slowly expanding. He also saw Golden Core Expert, but it was far from the pressure that Fang Han gave him. He knew that this person was too powerful. It would be easy to kill him. He didn’t know how to be invited by the prince.

Fang Han will naturally not let these Rogue Cultivators go, just to give a lesson, some chores these Rogue Cultivator can still help. And he won’t really help the princes. If these Rogue Cultivators are gone, they will leave, and the prince will be alone, and they will lose the value of future use.

He instinctively felt that this line of princes would definitely have an effect on himself. Moreover, he wants to conquer this group of Culture Base.

“You don’t have to regret it. See what this is?” Fang Han took out Sun Moon Five Stars Bracelet. “You have been beaten by me, it’s normal.”

“Dao Artifact !Dao Artifact ! You are a Stars Sect person!”

“It seems to be Sun Moon Five Stars Bracelet, rumored to be Star Sect, Xing Yun Baobao!”

“Don’t you be Xing Yun Baobao?”

“Stars Sect, Immortal Dao Ten Sects!”

There was a lot of discussion, and it seems that the name of Immortal Dao Ten Sects is still very stressful in some Rogue Cultivator Sects, just like a group of thieves and grasshoppers heard the Imperial Court army.

“You, do you have the heart to leave the king? This king provides a lot of medicine pill to the disciples of the sects every month, and now that the king got the assistant of the Stars Sect senior, it is a bit more and different. The means by which the emperor resisted, and later seized the throne, more grasped. When the king achieved great cause, everyone also had a big threshold.”

The prince spoke, and the softness was not hard.

He spent a lot of resources to recruit these Rogue Cultivators, all ran, his murders boiled, and there was some gloom between the words.

Several Magic Forces were low, only cultivation to True Qi’s Rogue Cultivator heard this, and immediately woke up in the heart, this prince is not a good role, the means of hot. Cultivation Base is also the “Daoist” of the vertical and horizontal sides. If you really leave this, I am afraid to end………

“I am not a Stars Sect person, but a big brother of Xing Yun Baobao.” Fang Han said faintly: “From now on, we will assist the prince, the Great Clouds Empire, the infinite magical treasure, the infinite medicine pill, As for today’s things, you don’t need to be rumored, what should you do or do. Of course, if you work for the prince, what tricky characters are there, such as other princes, there is a pair of Golden Core Expert. You are not good, tell me as much as possible, I naturally go to kill!”

After that, Fang Han said to the prince of the prince: “Schedule a place to talk, let’s discuss one or two, I have to listen to it. Wang Ye has some main opponents now. You are busy with each other.”

“Good! Go to my study!”

The prince is very happy.

The study is very large, there are gold beds everywhere, jasper paving, and some hidden arrays, precious ancient books Jade Slip, Fang Han casually look, even see the “World” such a book, I do not know is Where did you get it?

After the two sat down, there were no outsiders. The prince suddenly blinked a little dignified on his face: “If I guess there is nothing wrong with it, the Taoist friend is the Ascension Sect genius genius, Fang Han Daoist, who recently became famous in the cultivate Dao world.”

“Oh? The prince is so powerful, so I guessed my identity?” Fang Han did not seem surprised, it seems that the prince’s ability is not shallow.

“Sure enough, it was Fang Han Daoist. I still saw Sun Moon Five Stars Bracelet.” The prince only guessed it. Seeing Fang Han default, the heart beats twice. “It seems that my luck is good, but when I go out, I will recruit you, the big Expert! The powerhouse that is rare in the past three thousand years! This is stronger than the three or five Golden Core giants!”

“I don’t think that the Prince has such a means to know me.” Fang Han smiled: “It seems that I have shown Sun Moon Five Stars Bracelet to test your eyesight. That’s right. If you can’t recognize it, then There is no need to compete for the throne of the Great Clouds Empire. The news is too bad.”

He was deliberately just now.

“It seems that I passed the test of Fang Han Daoist. Fang Han is one of the most outstanding talents in the recent Immortal Dao Ten Sects, and the limelight is catching up with the exquisite Immortal Venerable more than 3,000 years ago. I am the Great Clouds Empire. This important information can’t be ignored. You and Stars Sect’s few masters, rumored to have done a big thing in the five elements of the deep stars. When I saw the Sun Moon Five Stars Bracelet, I naturally figured it out. “My prince said: “But you have offended Extreme Unity Sect too deeply, and you really can’t show your identity in this Xuanhuangcheng.”

“So, you know that I killed Extreme Unity Sect two Golden Core Expert, Zhao Xuanyi, Song Weiyi?” Fang Han said.

“Yes, last month, I used one million medicine pills and bought this big news at Six League.”

“What, this news actually has a million medicine pill?” Fang Han almost came out in his heart, he absolutely did not expect that this Great Clouds Empire not only sell medicine pill, magical treasure, but also sell news, and take it yourself The news went out to sell. Think about it and twist it separately: “If you do, then dare you let me help you?”

“Hey, what dare not! Hua Tiandu can support my older brother, I will be able to support you! Now I am going to more than a hundred princes, I am cultivation to the Divine Ability Fifth Layer Celestial Realm, or in the top 20. It’s not that there is no hope to win the throne.” The prince changed a face, his mouth was slightly tilted, and there was a bit of awkwardness and a hot decision. “Since I have confirmed your identity, I believe in you. Say, if you fully support I, what do you want?”

“What do I want? Naturally I buy Nirvana first, but in these three days, I need a lot of Nine Yang Holy Water. A lot, 颐 Prince, do you understand what I mean?” Fang Han licks his lips, eyes All of them are conspiracy and blackmail.

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