Eternal Life

Chapter 291

This little crystal pen saw Fang Han destroying the five Emperor’s caps, but actually resisted a stroke, but did not stop, and it was a stroke, and suddenly infinite vitality came from thousands of unknown Space condense. , once again gathered into an arc edge. This stroke seems to be a “dead” word.

In an instant, when I saw the word “death”, Fang Han almost saw his end in a split. Between the universe and the universe, master the king of life and death, waving the pen of life and death in his hand. Nothing exists to escape the oppression of this “dead” word.

“This is absolutely impossible to resist, only desperate! Fight!”

Fang Han At this moment, Essence Qi’s unprecedented condense, after thousands of times of tempering, took countless elixir, medicine pill’s body, all the blood rushed together, condense into a drop of Essence Blood, sprayed from the mouth Come out and spray again onto your own life symbol.

Divine Ability, which was originally scattered, was re-condensed and reconstituted the great array. The five emperor’s caps in the deep core also re-expanded to form a double-sized umbrella, welcoming the “crystal pen” The word “dead” came over.

Bang! Rumble!

When the word “death” came under pressure, Fang Han felt that his body was sinking. It seemed that thousands of mountains were crushing together, and it seemed to be a thousand hundred stars. They collided with themselves, and the endless world of heaven and earth collapsed. The “Big Life Symbol” on the top of the head broke again!

The tremor of the “five emperor’s cover” kā chā kā chā in the depths of the core began to scatter.

Under this, Fang Han knows that it is not that he is not strong, but that the other is extremely terrifying! This little “crystal pen” must have come to the fore. When he came to the underground to hunt for treasure, he did not expect that the treasure was found, but the person was killed by the treasure. What a big irony?

“Kill!” Covering Heavenly Demon, Yellow Springs Diagram, King of Blood Night, and even Sun Moon Five Stars Bracelet, at this moment, all flew out to help resist this little “Crystal”.

However, this little “crystal pen” suddenly had an idea, “Get Lost ! “

Hey! All magical treasures are bounced off.

This is simply the autumn wind sweeping leaves. This “Crystal” is obviously the imperial person in the magical treasure. It is majestic and above all magical treasures. The innate Aura, what magical treasure is not.

A shot of all the magical treasures, this “Crystal” once again to Fang Han. This power is much larger than the previous two, obviously it is to kill Fang Han.


Fang Han has never suffered such a great danger and has fallen into such a mortal situation. Under this oppression, he remains calm, and all the potential of the whole body is exploding at this moment, exhaling, and a stronger one. Essence Blood, squirting from his mouth, once again merges with his “Birth of Life”.

“The old man is not born, the feet are big, the sky is full of hands, the five elements are refining, Divine Ability seed Big Golden Core!”

In Fang Han’s screams, his body broke into his own life, and seemed to be integrated with Fu. At the time when the third pen of the “Crystal Pen” came, a burst of sound was heard, and the sky was full of rain and rain, and an illusory Golden Core emerged vaguely. In the end, the depth of the ground was 5,000 feet. The rainbow is everywhere. The strength between the heavens and the earth, the constant turbulence, the basaltic rock plate, melting everywhere, turned into a pure earth, gathered in the Golden Core, to change this illusory Golden Core to a real Golden Core.


This illusory Golden Core collides with the third pen of the “Crystal”.

This illusory Golden Core bursts and turns into a life symbol. The third pen of the crystal pen was eventually resisted.

“During the Divine Ability, the Seventh Layer Golden Core?” The Little Lady True Fox was shocked.

“Hey! This is just the vain, the peak of Returning Origin Realm, the half-step Golden Core. It’s only half a step away from Golden Core. It’s all your demon girl, going down to find the treasure, how can we encounter such a terrible magical? Treasure!” 阎 阎 阎 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 抓住 抓住 抓住 抓住 抓住 抓住 抓住 抓住 抓住 抓住 抓住 抓住 抓住 Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little Little

At this point, the horror crystal pen saw that the third pen was actually resisted by Fang Han, and he also made a mysterious stroke.

This one, Fang Han is really unstoppable.

Just under the pressure of life and death like never before, he tried his best to explode his potential. He actually pushed the Divine Ability Sixth Layer “Returning Origin Realm” to the critical point and turned it into an illusory Golden Core.

However, this Golden Core is just a shadow. Although the power is once again enhanced, it is not a true Golden Core. It can only be called a half-step Golden Core, Virtual Dan. It can only appear for a while like the sea market.

His life is full of fifty-five Great Divine Abilitys. To condense into a Golden Core, you have to get a lot of energy. It’s a thousand times more common than an ordinary Expert. Where can it be so easy to condense?

However, under the pressure of this crystal pen, he was able to push Returning Origin Realm to the peak, which is a breakthrough. It has saved many years of Insight’s hard work.

However, if the fourth stroke of this “Crystal” is drawn, then all of Fang Han’s comprehension will only last a lifetime.

Just in the fourth arc of the mysterious arc, I had to cut through Fang Han, and when I killed him, I suddenly lost the Spirit Talisman with the pen-like pattern on Little Lady True Fox. .

This Spirit Talisman was immediately glazed and blocked in front of the “Crystal” pen.


The mysterious sign that killed the Fang Han disappeared without a trace. This Spirit Talisman was stroked by a crystal pen and was actually integrated into the pen.

“Well? It turns out that I said two small cultivators, how could I find me? It turned out that I fell into their hands that year, forget it, don’t kill you. Don’t bother me to sleep, I still Not when it was born. A small cultivator of Divine Ability Sixth Layer Returning Origin Realm can withstand three strokes. Although I don’t use much power, I can resist it and you have luck. A warning, to disturb my sleep, I will kill you next time!” A sound wave, the ancient syllable, conveyed from the little “crystal pen”.

Then, between the little “crystal pen”, it went down to a deeper place, disappearing instantly without a trace, leaving only the boundless basalt fault.

“This” Little Lady True Fox was also shocked and stunned.

“What is this magical treasure? So powerful!” Fang Han was shocked.

“If I guess there is no mistake, this is the Three Emperor’s Treasures, the Emperor’s pen! It was Immortal Artifact, which was disabled by the Taikoo Protoss. It is still Peerless Grade Dao Artifact, the power is endless. One can kill Undying Body All of the following Expert! The sound that just happened is the Artifact Spirit of the Emperor’s pen! Unexpectedly, it is hidden quietly here, no one can think of it.”

The sound is awkward.

Just if this stroke is over, the Yellow Springs Diagram may be broken, and you may have to fall asleep again.

“People’s pen! This is the Emperor’s pen!” Fang Han is also a trembling, and Spirit and 阎 communicate: “The fox is still a treasure.”

“In any case, there must be weirdness here. There are some important things hidden in the Space fault. It may also be something sealed, and the Emperor pen may be guarding something. Otherwise he won’t choose to sleep here. But our strength now. I can’t detect the Space fault at all, and I can’t conquer the Emperor’s pen! Among the three royal magical treasures, the Emperor’s mirror is the most beautiful, and the Emperor’s book is infinite. The Emperor’s pen is the sharpest. The Emperor once said that the world is the most sharp. Something, not a sword, but a pen!” said: “But here the news of the Emperor’s pen is hidden, and you must not reveal it. Otherwise, there will be a great disaster. This Little Lady True Fox must be taken, or killed. .”

“Kill it, take it, wait for my cultivation to Longevity Mysteries Realm, come here and look for the Emperor pen! See if you can surrender him. Fengbaiyu Headmaster has the Emperor mirror, if I can have a person, then the Headmaster is sure Will sit down firmly.”

Fang Han looked at the place where the Emperor’s pen disappeared in the basalt fault, and he was envious of this Peerless Grade Dao Artifact. Because of this treasure, even if the “阎” cultivation to the peak, restore the strength of the year, is not the opponent of this Peerless Grade Dao Artifact.

If he surrendered to this magical treasure, he would have a good grasp of the “too Primordial Immortal House”. Because when the wind white feathers with the Emperor mirror, but forcibly opened the door of too Primordial Immortal House.


Fang Han suddenly wrapped up “Little Lady True Fox” with Magic Force and ran the Dao technique. It took more than an hour to get out of the ground and see the sky again.

“What kind of magical treasure is that?” Little Lady True Fox is also shocked: “The power is much more terrifying than the treasures of the townsmen of my fox family. Fang Han, this time since the treasure hunt is not successful, you I also got a piece of my treasure, then we are even, and now we are running around. I will leave.”

“Everything goes on here? The secret here, I don’t want the third person to know. I don’t want you to call back the major Experts after you go back. Now you can’t go anywhere, just stay with me!” Fang Han changed his face. In an unshakable tone.

“You! What do you want to do! Are you still the right discipline? You are just a few of the stars of the Stars Sect!” Little Lady True Fox was shocked and said: “You are not afraid of me laughing at you?”

“Hey! I don’t want you to be my waiting, I don’t take you to refining medicine, yin and yang. Just don’t let you reveal the secret. This time you hurt me almost on the spot, I can’t make you easy. Going away, let’s say, what I want to do with Fang Han, will you care about your little monster? Joke! You laugh at me, can I lose a hair?” Fang Han swung a big sleeve, Yellow Springs Diagram rolled up, Rolled the Little Lady True Fox into it.

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