Eternal Life

Chapter 289

General cultivator, drilling ground is very difficult.

Divine Ability Mysteries Realm’s Expert can only use violence to force the ground to blast, open a tunnel, and then dig out for the elixir. But at most it can only reach a few hundred feet deep, but also to prevent the tunnel from collapsing, and a million pounds of rock fell to bury itself in it. Even the Divine Ability Fifth Layer “Celestial Realm” Powerhouse, only the strength of the ten thousand stampeding horses, was buried alive in the depths of Baizhang, and will be mad and die, can not get out.

Not to mention the depths of a thousand feet.

The earth’s soil is no more than the bottom of the sea.

Even if the cultivation of the Divine Ability of the soil system, the opening of the underground tunnel is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Although the Divine Ability Ninth Layer’s Expert can display its own “Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation”, it can be drilled into the ground, but it won’t last long. The influence of underground magnetism on “Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation” is quite serious.

The cultivator is to drill the ground, except to refine some of the magical treasures of the ground, such as the shuttle. However, such magical treasures are extremely difficult to refine. After the refining, they are Peerless Grade Treasured Artifacts. They are not very useful in fighting. Therefore, few people refine.

For a variety of reasons, many cultivators know that there are treasures in the ground, and they can only “look at the ground”, but why not.

The bottom is the most hidden treasure. The cave houses of various ancient cultivators have been immersed in the ground and changed to the ground. There are also a variety of rare mineral lode, elixir, plants and animals.

Fang Han refines the “Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty”, in which the Yellow Emperor Earth Emperor is the most central. Directly linked to “Yama Golden Body”. With the Earth Emperor Astral Qi walking through the ground, like a duck, it can be said that underground, even the Expert of the Divine Ability Mysteries Realm Tenth Layer, it is difficult to kill him.

Even the Expert of Longevity Mysteries Realm’s First Layer, as long as Fang Han can drill to the ground, can escape the birth.

Unless it is the cultivation to the Expert of the Second layer Undying Body, then he can’t escape. Because others rely on the Undying Body and integrate into the earth, it is much faster than he drills.

But in this world, the Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Van Gogh giant is less, and the cultivation is less to the Second layer Undying Body.

In fact, Fang Han brought Little Lady True Fox to the bottom of the earth, not to believe that she has the treasure house of the magic. He didn’t believe that when he came out, he could come across a treasure house, especially the fox.

But when it came to the bottom, the initiative was in his hands.

Now that he has reached the depths of the ground, if he pulls away at any time, Little Lady True Fox has a big Divine Ability, and he has to die in the ground.

Those melted soil, after the Fang Han walk, the Magic Force will retreat and re-solidify.

“This is the first time I have used the Earth Emperor Astral Qi to drill the ground. I didn’t think that the underground world is really wonderful.” In the underground, I was eager to play, and Fang Han was enjoying it. Awkward, a large piece of soil was turned into yellow water. In the yellow water, there are some rare spiritual things, such as gold and silver pangolins, six-eared squirrels, and earthworms, all struggling fiercely, not knowing what happened.

At the same time, there are some elixir that are woody and have not been melted, but they all float in the yellow water.

Fang Han will naturally not let go, all of which are stored in the Yellow Springs Diagram.

Many of the mineral lode, faintly passed to the huge Aura. Underground, it really is rich in treasure.

As you dive deeper into the depths of the ground, the more concentrated the earth is. Fang Han didn’t straighten down, but was free everywhere, because there was some hard mineral lode in the earth’s soil, and it couldn’t melt. He didn’t force it to break open, and he avoided looking for another place.

This is also the reason why the general Expert can not forcibly open the underground tunnel. Some underground rocks are mountain bones and hard gold steel. The flying sword can only break some small gaps.

Gradually, Fang Han went deep into the depths of 5,000 feet, surrounded by darkness and silence. All of them were hard basalt stones. The big floorboards were a lot harder to move forward. Even if Earth Emperor Astral Qi was irradiated, it would take a long time to melt.

Fortunately, his Magic Force is endless, with the support of World Tree, there is no danger of exhaustion, otherwise it will be exhausted and buried underground.

“How can this person have such a long Magic Force…” Little Lady True Fox is also secretly surprised. “This magical ridge I once asked a Grand Elder of the Fox family to explore, the Grand Elder has been practicing. It became Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, Divine Ability Ninth Layer, and the law was pulled out into the ground, but when it arrived at the basalt layer, Magic Force was almost exhausted, almost could not come out. Did not find any movement, this Fang Han It is the Expert of the Divine Ability Sixth Layer Celestial Realm. The Magic Force is so long that even the Grand Elder can’t compare. It’s no wonder that you can kill the ghost emperor.”

“Here, it is already 5,000 feet deep underground. The big floorboards are all basalt layers. I have to consume huge Magic Force every time I go further. You have to give me some Magic Crystal Jade to supplement Magic Force. Otherwise I can If you can’t keep going, you can just let go of you.”

Fang Han suddenly stopped and talked.

He is now deep into the rock layer, surrounded by three squares, all of which are melted rocks, not magma, but a mud-like substance.

That is the phenomenon caused by the melting of basalt by Earth Emperor Astral Qi.

“What are you talking about!” Little Lady True Fox heard Fang Han’s voice and screamed: “You are robbing the fire! If you leave, I have to suffocate in the rocks now. You How is this different from direct killing?”

“Yes, now the depth of the ground is close to five thousand feet. After I left, this melting rock is not supported by my Earth Emperor Astral Qi. It will solidify and everyone can’t save you. Maybe thousands of years. After ten thousand years, you will become fossils, and it will not be dug out.”

Fang Han nodded very seriously: “But I am not robbing by fire, my Magic Force is difficult to maintain. Do you know? I am using Earth Emperor Astral Qi to continuously melt the rocks, and each breath consumes Magic Force. It’s only a month before the regular Divine Ability Mysteries Realm can build up the energy. You don’t give me a little benefit in such a big consumption, can you be a coolie?”

“I didn’t mean it? I found the treasure house of Feng Moling. We divided it together. Isn’t this good enough?” Little Lady True Fox.

“I can’t see the benefits, I never take it seriously. Only when the real benefits come to me, I will believe, to be honest, I don’t believe that there is any treasure in this magical ridge. At least I don’t have it now. Ok, now my Magic Force is almost the same.”

Fang Han Between the words, the head of the life symbol is weaker, and the melting rock around it begins to solidify, and the range is only two square feet.


Little Lady True Fox immediately approached Fang Han for fear of being frozen in the rock.

“You are a naked threat.” Then she softened again: “I didn’t lie to you. It’s really a magical ridge. It has treasures, but it’s hard to find it. I used to ask the foxes.” Elder, and you don’t have such a long Magic Force, you don’t find a hidden treasure in the basal layer of the big floor.”

“At this bottom, there are a lot of intrigues and tricks that can’t be used. I see that there are still a lot of treasures on your body, you can conspiracy to count me.” Fang Han smiled.

“Forget it, I am afraid of you! This is a gourd Zengyuandan made with Magic Crystal Jade, a total of thousands. You must be able to support it with your hand.” Little Lady True Fox removed from Hundred Treasure Bag A big gourd medicine pill.

“Well, not bad!” Fang Han took the gourd and poured out a medicine pill. He saw that the medicine pill is crystal-clear, and it is made from Magic Crystal Jade. It can complement Magic Force. You can even recover your strength.

This medicine pill is used in combat and has many benefits.

Deep in the depths of the ground, Little Lady True Fox does not dare to swear. Otherwise, Fang Han pulled away and she became a fossil, sealed in basalt, and Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Expert could not save her.

I received this gourd “Zengyuan Dan” and Fang Han licked his finger: “You gave me your Divine Thunder, and I am very interested in this magical treasure.”

The jade-like Divine Thunder, even he was deceived. Thought it was Peerless Grade Dao Artifact. I almost got it and was seriously injured.

“You grab!” Little Lady True Fox’s face was angry and then softened: “This jade symbol is called the demon god, and it is the Demon God Lord who has made great efforts to refine it for me. As a last resort, I won’t take it out to deceive others. This jade symbol appears to be Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact on the surface. It is almost true. There are many arrays on it. The core method is Divine Thunder. I will This one, if you encounter a powerful enemy in the future, without this life-saving thing, you will die.”

“Oh, this way! Then you will keep your life.” Fang Han narrowed the light of his life.

“Come on you! Give it to you!” Little Lady True Fox saw Fang Han as a gentleman in his mouth and acted as a small servant. If the Fuguang shrinks, he can’t keep himself. She only knew that this person was very ruthless, and quickly threw the jade charm of the “Heavenly Devil”.

Fang Han took it immediately and threw it into the door of the Yellow Springs Diagram. Let “阎” go to research.

“Well! This is not because I forced you, but you volunteered to me.” Fang Han looked cold. “Now let me see, these basalt rocks, big floorboards, what is the embarrassing place. If If you can’t find it, you have to compensate me.”

Between the words, the head of his life is full of light, and the rock immediately melts and melts. In the basalt rock layer of the large floor block, it shuttles everywhere.

“This ancient character has responded!” Suddenly, Little Lady True Fox cried. The painting had an ancient pen, Spirit Talisman, and it suddenly moved.

“Is it?” Fang Han also felt a bit of a clue and quickly drilled into the place where Aura felt.


Suddenly, the rock was not melted by Earth Emperor Astral Qi, and Fang Han hit the wall and quickly fixed his eyes! Actually, the basalt, which was originally dark black, turned into a hard and transparent diamond!

It’s good, it’s the world’s most precious diamond. It is actually a big section now! I don’t know how much! Is it as big as a whole mountain? It’s even bigger.

Deep in the center of this infinity diamond rock layer, it seems that there is a vaguely existing palace.

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