Eternal Life

Chapter 273

“It鈥檚 so powerful. If it鈥檚 not that Meng Shaobai has taken most of the Peng Peng鈥檚 strength out, I鈥檓 going to hit him on the box, and I鈥檓 afraid it will be swallowed by him. It鈥檚 no effect. After living in the Pengpeng Dome, it is simply a person who can withstand unlimited attacks. Any Astral Qi, magical treasure can be slowly digested and transformed into power after being swallowed by him.”

Not to mention that Meng Shaobai was suddenly defeated by Fang Han in the 50th Boxing Mid-Autumn Dantian, and immediately suffered from the infinite suffering, the body like a prawn. Fang Han In a boxing, he felt that most of his Divine Ability was sent to Meng Shaobai’s body, which was like a mud cow into the sea, and did not have any effect. This thoroughly understood the “King Peng Yuan Shen”.

Can absorb any attack.

Even if a flying sword smashed into the body of Meng Shaobai, he would not enter his body and be swallowed into the god of Peng Peng.

Of course, if you attack the limit of the absorption of the god of Peng Peng, Meng Shaobai will also explode. But everyone knows that Kun Peng’s ability to swallow is incredible, even if Meng Shaobai’s initial cultivation into Divine Ability, I am afraid that only the attack of the giants of Longevity Mysteries Realm can explode him.

And as Meng Shaobai’s Culture Base improves, his swallowing capacity will increase, and he will be absorbed by the attack after he enters Longevity Mysteries Realm.

But this is a very distant thing.

Now it is Fang Han who took the initiative! Do not! To be precise, Fang Han is winning.

However, Fang Han does not have the slightest relaxation, he wants to completely suppress Meng Shaobai! Playing him like a dead dog completely destroyed his invincible confidence and made him stunned. Since then, he has never had the courage to fight himself. Although both of them are a sect of discipline, it is best not to fight, but the infighting is not provoked by Fang Han. But Meng Shaobai himself can not tolerate his genius’s discipline, first in the Great Clouds Empire.

In the face of those who voluntarily provoke themselves, Fang Han will never be merciless, and will not let go.

To be completely beaten, the other party is afraid of yourself.

boom! Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! 鐮扮牥鐮癋ang Han After a fist, he did not hesitate to completely destroy his golden emperor, his body flickered and turned into a golden wind, surrounded by Meng Shaobai鈥檚 body and hit hard. !

A punch hit Meng Shaobai’s chest, playing his whole person lying flat and flying up, his mouth squirting blood. At this moment, his 椴睵eng Yuanshen also returned to his body and swallowed the horror of Fang Han鈥檚 fist.

“You dare to swallow my magical treasure. When I was your baby boy, it was naive!” Fang Han suddenly kicked and kicked Meng Shaobai’s face and kicked his face up. Blood red blood red. Meng Shaobai’s body is extremely tough. Although not as powerful as Fang Han, the ordinary flying sword is absolutely unstoppable, but how powerful is Fang Han’s boxing? Although his Kuang Peng Yuan Shen can absorb a large part, but still can not stop the destruction of Fang Han.

“Fang Han, I am not dead with you!”

Where Meng Shaobai has suffered such a big loss, it can be said that since he was born, he is the pride of the heavens, the spirituality is full, the cultivate Dao is extremely fast, and there is a big Immortal fate, great luck, fortuitous encounter everywhere, everywhere is fierce . I have never lost in dealing with people, but where I know, today I have suffered a big loss in the hands of Fang Han!

In the violent roar, a circle of airflow burst out of the body, trying to resolve the horrible power that Fang Han hit in his body.

“court death!”

Fang Han never stops, his palms are turned over, and his palms are photographed on the big hole of Meng Shaobai’s body. Many Divine Ability is pouring into the air and destroying all the vitality of Meng Shaobai. At the same time, his left hand, between the captures, covered Heavenly Demon’s hand and flew out, slamming the head of Meng Shaobai’s head Heavenly Gate.

If you are a better person, if the head of the Heavenly Gate is scratched, then the Divine Ability will be abolished, and the Magic Force will be leaked out, and the Culture Base will be turned into nothing.

At the same time, Fang Han’s ghost snake sword, bloody Demonic blade, soul sword, also smashed on Meng Shaobai’s body.

“Want to destroy my body! It is impossible! 椴查箯鍏冪, all give me suck! Swallow!” Meng Shaobai’s body tried to flash, and a wave of water on the skin appeared, three sinister swords Killed on the water wave texture, it did not enter the body of Meng Shaobai, and was swallowed by the god of Peng Pengyuan.

“I let you swallow! I told you to swallow again!”

Fang Han didn’t care. He knew that Meng Shaobai could only rely on the swallowing ability of the gods and gods to resolve his attacks. He couldn’t help but laugh, and he took a handful of gestures. The heavenly six eyes sealed the monument, and the Yellow Springs Diagram all flew. Then, it slammed into the body of Meng Shaobai.

Meng Shaobai’s eyes are extremely vicious. When he looks at Fang Han, he suddenly tries his best to rise to the sky. His 椴查箯鍏冪 now accommodates many different Divine Ability elements, as well as the cover of Heavenly Demon, the Demonic blade, the blood. Sword, ghost snake sword, great array, yellow springs Diagram, shooting star arrow, so many magical treasures in his 椴?鍏?鍏?鍏?, , , , , , Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di The sword, killing Fang Han.

“I want to run! You haven’t eaten enough yet! The purple scorpion didn’t hit you, and now let you swallow it in!” Fang Han smiled again, his body moved instantly, and the purple light of the grapes was hit in his hand. Entering the body of Meng Shaobai, he also swallowed his 椴查箯鍏冪.

At this time, Meng Shaobai has been dodging. He was beaten by the purple scorpion and swallowed into the Yuan dynasty.

He had to swallow, and if he didn’t swallow it, the purple scorpion exploded on his surface, enough to blow him up. Mortal Body crashes. Mortal Body died, his Culture Base was greatly reduced, and he still didn’t know how to win in the future. After winning, it is not the original body, unable to wear in with the soul, it will never progress, let alone peep into Longevity Mysteries Realm.

“Explosion! Explosion! Explosion!”

Fang Han saw Meng Shaobai swallowing the purple scorpion, his face showed a cruel smile, called three bursts! Suddenly, the purple scorpion exploded in the sacred spirit of Meng Shaobai.

Bang! Rumble!

Meng Shaobai’s body trembled and seemed to be disintegrated, but his body did not disintegrate after all, but a large amount of scarlet mist was sprayed in the seven scorpions. With the purple gas, the scarlet mist was seriously injured and exploded. The life of Essence Blood, while the purple gas is the power of the purple light scorpion explosion.

This time, the purple gas scorpion exploded in the Yuanpeng Yuanshen, which made him really badly hurt. Almost all of the gods and gods were blown up. If they changed other Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, they would be the coiling of Hua Tiandu. The martial god, swallowing the purple scorpion to explode in it, I am afraid to disintegrate, but his 椴?鍏?yuan god is different, this feature makes him save his life.

However, his Kuang Peng was also completely injured, and the Divine Ability inside was chaotic.


He finally couldn’t stand it, and once again, a blood spurted out. This blood spurt contained a big group of vitality. The swallowed Demonic blade was bloody, covering the Heavenly Demon hand, the ghost snake sword, the soul sword, and the Yellow Springs Diagram. The seal of the monument, and even the star of the shooting star spit out.

His body also lost its balance, and even the power of flying did not disappear. It fell straight from the air and fell on the Heavenly Punishment Platform. Even the sword that never left the hand fell to the side.

Hahahaha, Demonic blade The bloody sky fluttered out, and the body moved, and all the blood sprayed by Meng Shaobai was absorbed. “Dabu, the blood of the Kunpeng beast, if I can absorb more blood, I can definitely be promoted to Middle Grade Dao Artifact!”

The blood of Meng Shaobai contains the blood of Kunpeng. After absorption, the king of blood night got a lot of benefits. For a time, this Demonic blade wanted to suck the blood of Meng Shaobai.


Fang Han was also contaminated with a trace of blood, and he felt the power of Space, which penetrated into his Great Severing Technique. Actually, the power of Great Severing Technique has increased a little bit: “Yes, Peng Peng swallows stars, which is a natural force with Space.”

“You thought my magical treasure was so delicious, I ate it. All spit it out!”

Fang Han took the magical treasure and landed slowly on the Heavenly Punishment Platform. Looking at Meng Shaobai coldly, naturally it was the gesture of the winner. At this time, Meng Shaobai鈥檚 general trend had gone and he could no longer compete with Fang Han.

” Lost! Meng Shaobai was so powerful that he lost. The method of Fang Han is simply earth-shattering. A peerless Expert of Divine Ability Ninth Layer, Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation can be defeated by him. It seems that he killed the ghost emperor. The thing is real. This is really a rare wizard among thousands of years.”

“Yes! It’s three levels lower, and it can beat Meng Shaobai. If Fang Han cultivation becomes Golden Core, how strong is it? I think Fang Han may not fail if he is now with Hua Tiandu. .”

“It’s really amazing. Our Ascension Sect has such a powerful character, and it is so strong that we will not suffer at least.”

“Today, Fang Han is a peerless genius, and it is no doubt. It seems that after the Headmaster Supreme Abandonment, only he and Hua Tiandu compete for the Headmaster. Today’s failure, Meng Shaobai has lost his qualification.”

“Our Ascension Sect, the future Headmaster candidate.”

“In World, we recorded a lot of genius in the cultivate Dao world, but there is no such exaggeration as Fang Han. Divine Ability Sixth Layer Returning Origin Realm can beat the characters of Ninth Layer Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, even Powerhouse, which can kill Tenth Layer Defying Heaven Changing Fate, we seem to be stuttering.”

“Yes, this time he defeated Meng Shaobai, we don’t have to hesitate. You can go and show him well. After he and Hua Tiandu compete for the Headmaster. After he won, we have a good time.” . . . . . . . . . . . .

Fang Han, under the defeat of Meng Shaobai, suddenly all the onlookers of true disciple, including some Elder are boiling, and there are many arguments. It can be said that in this battle, Fang Han became the real existence of Hua Tiandu in the eyes of all Ascension Sect Elder and true disciple.

“Damn, hateful! Am I still the opponent of Fang Han?” Wan Luo twisted into a group: “No, I have to inform Senior Brother Tiandu! Let Fang Han grow up, it is really dangerous.” Be sure to kill him before he makes the Golden Core!”

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