Eternal Life

Chapter 270

Fang Han will not explode Golden Core in the face of Meng Shaobai, but he can use the tactics of Golden Core to smack the West and scare Meng Shaobai, making him a dilemma.

Sure enough, when Meng Shaobai saw the Golden Core, he heard the word “explosion” conveyed from the above, and immediately retreated. He was chased by Zhang Han and caught a trace by Fang Han. The two stars were extremely powerful. The big Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact immediately attacked and shot his mind, and he had to strike it to get rid of the trouble.

The sinister shot, the sizzling start, the use of tricks between the moments, even the three longevity Mysteries Realm watched the giants were shocked, no one thought of Fang Han in the fight, the tactics used so Ingenious, the peak is very small. If it is an expert with a good match, then this will immediately fall into a dead end.

The penetrating power of the shooting star is powerful, and the strength of the condense boundless stars, shot by one arrow, locks the opponent’s Aura soul, to the dead side, the Expert above the Golden Core level, it is difficult to escape.

Now Meng Shaobai has fallen into such a situation.

“Star Shooting Arrow” has reached within three feet of his side! Almost penetrated into his mind.

“Hey!” On Meng Shaobai’s face, there was no shocking appearance. This moment entered a state where the heart was like a water stop. The Aura on the body suddenly shrank inward. If Peng Peng was absorbing water, the heaven and earth vitality collapsed again. Space cuts fragmented, hey! The shooting star arrow was actually sucked into his stomach.


Fang Han made a slight movement. He had already refining the “falling star bow” and “shooting star arrow”. The two treasures and he both had a subtle sense. Now that Meng Shaobai swallowed it inside, he suddenly felt When I arrived at my own star-shaped arrow, it seemed to enter a strange chaotic space. I couldn’t fly to the end, and there were many weird elements around me, as if I wanted to keep the Spirit imprinted in the star-shaped arrow.

Nothing wrong, it is digestion.

Meng Shaobai’s display of the paralyzed parasitic mistletoe, Peng Peng, has its own life characteristics. In ancient times, Peng Peng, swallowing stars, is a piece of chaos in the body, capable of digesting all matter. Although Meng Shaobai is far from being able to swallow the stars, he can use this feature to wrap his own magical treasure with his own “Kuangpeng Yuanshen” method.

“The life characteristics of Kunpeng are really powerful. Although I have already counted it, I have only experienced the characteristics of Peng Peng’s devour of all things and digesting everything. But I want to refine my shooting star arrow, it is still a little earlier!”

Fang Han smiled slightly in his heart.

“A Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact, I want to shoot me? Is it too small to see me?” After Meng Shaobai swallowed the star-shot arrow, the body disappeared again. The next moment, a sword was close to the edge of Fang Han. Assassination goes on.

The situation is like a thunder, Sword Qi is like a cold moon, and the forest is extremely cold. If it is cold in winter, it will absorb all the vitality. The endless world of heaven and earth, collapsed inward, under this sword, people with low skill should even be directly absorbed into the tip of the sword.

However, just as Sword Qi was close to Fang Han’s Sanzhang, Fang Han suddenly raised a five-color canopy on top of his head and Emperor’s head on the head.

The five-color canopy, the light-filled, the scent of the clouds around the clouds, which also faintly thunder and bright electric awns, one lit up, huge power crowded out, Meng Shaobai’s sword actually encountered Great resistance was blocked outside the three feet, and the assassination did not go in.

“Awesome power! Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty! It’s a great Divine Ability that can match the Doomsday Scourge.”

Such as the child, Heavenly Punishment Elder, Jiang soft three giants saw the five-color canopy out, actually let Meng Shaobai’s sword assassination can not enter, suddenly thoughts and shocks, secretly analyze the power of Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty.

“Meng Shaobai, my top canopy, is a scorpion, a white tiger, a python, a otter, a basalt cultivation, and the law is not invading, all evils are not broken! Of course, if you blew yourself Your 鲲鹏元神, you can break open, just see if you are willing to sacrifice your life.”

Seeing Meng Shaobai’s swordpoint assassinated on his own light cover, the power was raging, the surrounding air blasted continuously, and a group of airflow exploded, but it never broke the canopy. Fang Han laughed, big sleeves. At a glance, suddenly the size of the grape, the inconspicuous purple light flew to Meng Shaobai.

On the same day, Fang Han killed Song Weiyi, and used the door of Ah Nao to collect the purple light scorpion and use it now, killing Meng Shaobai!

“Purple scorpion!”

Meng Shaobai knows the goods, sees the purple color of this grape, and it is shocked. It is the Divine Thunder magical treasure of Extreme Unity Sect. Although it is a one-time, the explosion is very powerful. Once it is contaminated, the purple fire burns and it is very troublesome. Big.


His body disappeared again, and the air was so vast that the air between the heavens and the earth was cut into pieces, such as thunder and bombing. Countless gas explosions, blasting around the canopy of Fang Han.

“Fang Han, do you think you have a turtle shell? I can’t help you? I will let you trap in this storm and enjoy the endless storms!”

Meng Shaobai’s body is flickering, appearing in the West for a while, and appearing in the East for a while, and his shadow is everywhere in the heavens and the earth.

Every time he fanned the six wings behind him, there was a storm condense formed into a gas blast, such as thunder and screams, shaking the world and shaking.

His flashing wings are extremely fast. Every blink of an eye is hundreds of times, even thousands of times. In the blink of an eye, millions of storm thunders have repeatedly exploded on Fang Han’s canopy.

On the degree, no one is better than Meng Shaobai who combined the life characteristics of Kunpeng.

Fang Han’s Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty, the condensed canopy, once it is displayed, there is really nothing that can be forcibly broken, Dao Artifact will not work! The explosion of the Golden Core may be able to blast the gap, and the Expert of Longevity Mysteries Realm must also be trapped and used a powerful means to refine the half hour.

However, Meng Shaobai relied on the degree of enthusiasm, coupled with the infinite endlessness of the Yuanpeng Yuanshen, flapping its wings, cutting the airflow, and forming the “Thunder of the Storm”, directly trapping Fang Han.

Fang Han is headed by Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty, a tortoise shell that is invincible and invincible.

And he is also invincible, because with his degree, Fang Han can not attack him. He can’t even lock his position at all, and his degree is now faster than the Golden Core level Expert’s Insta Kill Tactics.

Divine Thunder blasted out of the tens of millions of storms, but they were all forced by the light of the five-color huahua, and the five-color canopy seemed to have a role in fixing the wind. No matter how violent the storm, the five colors disappeared. Formless.

Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty The condensed canopy was originally very powerful, not to mention that Fang Han took a “ream relic” for the past ten days, and incorporated medicinal power into Divine Ability. The five elements of Divine Thunder are even more powerful. .

“The next two people, the victory and defeat is hard to divide. One degree of lightning ghost, one method does not invade.” Heavenly Punishment Elder looked at this scene, slightly.

“That is not necessarily, Fang Han this child, means secretive, endless. I am afraid there are still some new tricks.” Jiang softly said.

“Meng Shaobai’s Magic Force is long, and the Peng Peng Yuanshen is exquisite. The Aura is quite a bit longer.” Ruyi said in a cold and cold way: “I think Fang Han is going to lose at this time. After all, Meng Shaobai is taller than him.” Three realms! The difference between the three realms is not Divine Ability, magical treasure can make up. At this time, Meng Shaobai, even the characters on Divine Ability Tenth Layer Defying Heaven Changing Fate will not fall into Downwind.”

“Hey! I swallowed my shooting star arrow and wanted to refine it? It’s so easy, it can let me find your position. Do you think the shooting star arrow is so swallowed?”

Fang Han At this point, his eyes were ridiculous, his mind suddenly changed, and he locked Meng Shaobai’s position. It turned out that Meng Shaobai swallowed the star arrow, but let Fang Han and his gods have a subtle connection. Fang Han What is the Culture Base? You can take advantage of this subtle connection and gain an advantage right away.

In fact, this was a strategy at the time. Fang Han had already designed it. He first threatened with the explosion of Golden Core, and then shot and killed the star arrow, forcing Meng Shaobai to cast a smashing magical treasure, which allowed him to The position of Meng Shaobai is always determined.

Meng Shaobai cultivation became the Yuanpeng Yuanshen, and it was absolutely impossible. Any attack could not be locked in his position. Does Fang Han know this? I have long been counted in my heart.

“Cover Heavenly Demon! Give me a hand!”

The body was shaking, and a huge palm flew out from the left hand. It was “covering Heavenly Demon’s hand”, with a dark magical flame, and there were five colors of light and more thunder, which flew out immediately. I swept the thunder of the storm around me. Directly caught in the depths of a certain airflow vortex.

Covering Heavenly Demon’s hand was extremely powerful, especially the moment when Fang Han cultivated into Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty. The strong five elements also tempered the magic hand, and the quality was stronger and faster.

And ten days ago, the medicinal properties of the reincarnation also penetrated into the skeleton of the magic hand. Make the bones of the magic hand become a rib, a wave between the waving, the lightning fly.


Covering Heavenly Demon’s hand, he directly grabbed the vortex of the airflow and exploded, showing the shadow of Meng Shaobai.

At this moment, Fang Han found the true form of Meng Shaobai. Covering Heavenly Demon’s hand, the rock and stone will be turned into black fly ash, and the surrounding airflow is all stagnation. It seems that the Space is frozen.

“Sword Qi has no life to win the destiny” Meng Shaobai saw the magic hand flying, covering the sky, and the six wings were moved in the hands of a sword without a sword. The sword body became one, and turned into a Changhong Stegosaurus, actually and three major The Jianlong, which has gathered dozens of Experts, is somewhat similar. Just a moment, the magic hand is smashed and bombarded to Fang Han.


The sword dragon of the incarnation of Meng Shaobai has infinite power. It hits the Fang Han Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty. The canopy is shaking, although it cannot be broken, but the energy is strong.

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