Eternal Life

Chapter 264

“Fang Han, it’s weird, you make such a big noise, that Meng Shaobai actually has the patience of death, especially if you lick his half-human and half-devil monster, according to his character, I guess he will I will kneel down and fight with you directly, great war. No matter what the consequences.”

Hey strange way.

Meng Shaobai’s character has actually changed, and he has been stunned by half-man and half-devil.

“There is nothing. He is practicing Divine Ability and wants to turn the essence of Kuang Peng into his own Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation and step into the realm of Divine Ability Ninth Layer. So I know that I am demonstrating to him, he I also patience for a while, when can he practice Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, that is, he and I have a great war. And the more I swear at him, the more patient he can, with the help of this kind of patience, turning into boundless Killing, until the peak of the accumulation, suddenly burst, put me to death. After January, he will certainly be able to practice Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, I would like to see, he combined the law of the life of the Peng Peng life, Will be strong to what point.”

Fang Han sees it all clearly: “But waiting for his cultivation to become Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, I don’t know what the progress is like. If not, let the Count Lord Hong Yi and Crane Fairy step into Divine. Ability Mysteries Realm.”

Next, Fang Han did more things. He turned the “Demon God palm” into a bloody rain, and joined his Azure Emperor Astral Qi to make a pure spirit and scored “County.” In the body of Lord Hong Yi and “Crane Fairy”, with the help of this huge force, this man finally began to change and entered the Divine Ability Mysteries Realm.

“County Lord Hong Yi” stepped into Divine Ability Mysteries Realm. After “Crane Fairy” stepped into Divine Ability Mysteries Realm, it began to change. A white feather was shining, and the whole crane seemed to be angry. In general, between the Magic Force spit, although not as good as the Black Water Snake King, it is not much different.

When the powerful animals achieve Divine Ability, Magic Force is much stronger than people.

Next, Crane Fairy can take away the feathers and turn them into human figures as long as they are alone and cannot be killed. But this is a very dangerous thing, and no one can help.

Xing Yun Baobao, after getting the flesh and blood of Demon God, and Fang Han Insight’s 20 kinds of stars Divine Ability, when they finally saw the Supreme Divine Ability of the Stars Promise Book. Suddenly, Astral Qi differentiated and entered Divine Ability Fourth Layer Yin-Yang Realm.

Divine Ability, the “Stars of the Promise Book”, uses the power of the stars to evolve a Promise Book. The mystery is extremely deep. Stars Sect does not have this mysterious Divine Ability. I don’t know where the Star Tremble is from. Learned.

Of course, “Star-killing” did not cultivate this Divine Ability to the highest level.

Fang Han didn’t feel that Divine Ability was great at the beginning, but when it was with Xing Yun Baobao’s Insight “Stars Promise Book”, it was indeed profound and profound, and it was not under Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty.

“The starless promise is rumored. After the Divine Ability?cultivation of the Promise Palace, to the highest level, you can refine the stars in the vast starry sky and take them to it. It seems to be remembered, the whole body is shocking, chubby. The expression on the face showed a lot of sugar gourd.

“The Promise Star Palace? What is the martial art? Is there another big martial art besides Immortal Dao Ten Sects?” Fang Han frowned and asked casually.

“The Promise Star Palace is not a martial art in the world of Xuanhuang. It is a big sect in the depths of the distant starry sky. It is very large. I am afraid it is comparable to the Extreme Unity Sect, but it is only a legend, very early in the morning. At the time, their people had come to Xuanhuangda world, and I mentioned it occasionally. I also found the history of the clues in our Stars Sect books.” Xing Yun Baobao scratched his head.

“Fang Han, said Immortal Dao Ten Sects, Demon Dao Seven Veins, Devil Dao Five Sects, and the demon race in the middle of this Xuanhuang big world, but there are many hidden antiquity in the whole Xuanhuang big world. Expert, as well as the Vanguard giants who lived in the Space fault, these are unborn characters. A Closed door meditation is tens of thousands of years. Not to mention the depths of the distant stars, I don’t know how to hide countless mysteries and cultivators. Think about it, we met the mysterious man in the Primordial Immortal House? There is also the magic deity sealed in the Five Elements. The Expert who sealed the demon statue, turned the five fingers into the Five Elements. There are many Outer territory Heavenly Demons. In the Xuanhuangda world, in some places, even the Great Emperor Yellow Springs are not willing to go. In the future, we have to be careful and be careful.” I also nodded: “The Promise I haven’t heard of the Star Palace, but the martial art that can create the means of the Stars Promise Book is definitely terrifying. The power of stars is The most mysterious and expansive force in the earth’s universe is also the most difficult to manipulate, because the power of each star is different. If you collect the fusion without authorization, the ten will explode. Great Emperor Yellow Springs There will be a variety of stars Divine Ability, but it is not taught to the discipline. That’s why. So if you want to cultivate the power of the stars, you have to be very careful.”

Fang Han smiled and said: “After a month, Meng Shaobai practiced Divine Ability Ninth Layer Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation. I have to sort out all the Divine Ability Dao techniques again, and I will have a sure grasp. If people are convinced, they can also have hidden Assassin 锏, but they can’t despise them.”

“After practicing Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty, you can at least be invincible.” Hey, he is confident in the Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty.

“Six eyes sealed the monument!”

Fang Han didn’t talk, but thought, and charged the most powerful magical treasure of “Zhao Xuanyi”. The six-headed god monument emerged. These six monuments have been killed since Zhao Xuanyi was killed. Completely silent. However, Fang Han feels that this magical treasure is extremely powerful, but he is interested in Insight.

Six monuments, the intricate runes above, and the one in the center of the monument, reveal mystery everywhere.

Little by little, I infiltrated my Magic Force, and Fang Han showed up that his Magic Force was strongly resisted by the monument. Suddenly, I turned over and took out the Golden Core of Zhao Xuanyi and looked it up carefully.

There are 27 kinds of Great Divine Ability on Zhao Xuanyi’s Golden Core. In addition to Extreme Unity Sect’s own Divine Ability, such as “Black Windstorm” and “Daily Fire”, Fang Han is now in the core of the Golden Core. A mysterious Divine Ability.

This Divine Ability, the shape seems to be a stack of books, a list, bling. Deep in the core of the “Zhao Xuanyi” Golden Core, it forms the core skeleton of the entire Golden Core.

“It’s not the core of the Golden Core that is made up of the five elements of Divine Ability!” Fang Han was shocked. In the cultivate Dao world, whether it’s the genius or the Golden Core, the core of the composition is the five elements of Divine.

Because the five elements must first be condensed into a great array, and then condensed with the five internal organs, and finally turned into a five-line life, even the Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty is no exception.

However, the composition of the “Zhao Xuanyi” Golden Core skeleton is actually another kind of **, not a five elements. This is a subversive practice.

“How is this? What is this Dao technique? Feng Han **?” Fang Han immediately came to mind, careful Insight, and gradually came up with some clues, this structure is constructed as Zhao Xuan’s life-giving Golden Core called “ Seal God **”. In the void, six inexplicable elements, into the six hexagrams, intertwined, and then into a six-strength Astral Qi, turned into a “great array”, there is an unmeasurable role of ghosts.

In the midst of the void, there are many kinds of vitality, not to mention the five elements, the essence of the sun and the moon, the dense stars, the various meta-magnetics, and the inexplicable scent of the mysterious voids. Collecting these elements to take care of the crude, filtering harmful, collecting a beneficial process.

Between heaven and earth, hundreds of millions of elements, there are various methods of collection, either swallowing, or using Spirit meditation, or prayer induction, or Magic Force condense

Now, to seal God, it is to use a special collection method to collect six of the hundreds of millions of kinds of vitality.

“Five elements of the five elements of the gas, six eyes sealed the gods into the six?” Fang Han licked his lips, he felt that this Insight, benefited a lot. It was a portal to re-cultivation. It can be said that he felt that he was closer to Longevity Mysteries Realm.

The internal organs are the heart, liver, kidney, lungs and spleen. Six sputum is gall, large intestine, triple burner, bladder, stomach. They are all important organs of the human body and they are indispensable.

“Feng Shen ** is actually like this. I saw it for the first time today. I only know that this Dao technique is a wonderful work. It turns out that it is not a skeleton with five elements, but a sacrificial refining. Astral Qi, this is indeed a deep thought. Unfortunately, Fang Han can’t accommodate the power of a Golden Core in your knowledge of the sea. Otherwise, refining this Golden Core, getting the gods, your life symbol Will go further, the Six Miles will be further concise, the body is more powerful. Life essence will also increase.”

At the same time, Fang Han and Fang Han also praised this Divine Ability.

“I can’t fuse, I am cultivation. I am very interested in this sacred god. It is good to use it to exercise.” Fang Han closes his eyes and uses the concept of “Feng Shen **” Taking the magic of the gods, thinking about the depths of the universe, among the hundreds of millions of Space, there are six kinds of vitality, which are conveyed from the void and enter their bodies.

His Spirit is extremely powerful, and his life can be called invincible. This idea, not long after, really feels that there is a very subtle mysterious energy around the Space, and it is ingested into the six scorpions to nourish the body.

In general, as long as the Spirit is strong enough, you can take it in. Only the celestial spirit can only be ingested after breaking Longevity Mysteries Realm.

Six mysterious “Feng Shen Yuan” was photographed in his six hexagrams, and gradually became entangled with the five elements of the five internal organs, resulting in some new changes.

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