Eternal Life

Chapter 260

“What happened? Why did you feel an inexplicable panic just now?” With the Han Han, the spiritual line that Spirit Talisman shuttled through the space tunnel, the inexplicable fluster in his heart suddenly disappeared. Can not help but wonder, his current practice is not shallow, you can feel something in the dark.

However, he naturally did not know that he had just hanged a line, but in the starry sky, there was such a terrible big hand to intercept him.

Whirring whirring!

Numerous winds suddenly came from the end of the tunnel, and then there was a glimmer of light at the end of the dark tunnel. When everyone passed through the cornice, they saw the boundless forest, and the wild old temples in the distance stood in the wild. Deep in the jungle, no one is silent.

It turned out that everyone from the depths of the Five Elements, actually came outside the wild jungle. Going further, I went deep into the old temple.

“I finally returned to the Xuanhuang big world! It really can come out. Fang Han Daoyou, do you still have the ability to take us to the Five Elements?” The three swordsmen floated on the wild jungle, but did not dare to go deep into the jungle. The wild old temple, Elder Jian Kuang squinted and suddenly sang a fate to Fang Han.

Fang Han stunned and quickly touched the Spirit Talisman. Suddenly, he was happy. He could use the Spirit Talisman to “see” the five elements.

The land of the Five Elements is an unnamed star in the depths of the distant starry sky. No matter how good your eyes are in the Xuanhuangda world, it is impossible to see how deep the Magic Force is, because it is too far away. If it is not time and space shuttle, Space folds, even if it is a giant of Longevity Mysteries Realm, it will not necessarily fly.

Of course, the Longevity Mysteries Realm first layer “Ten Thousand Life Realm” and the second layer “Undying Body” Expert, did not understand the true meaning of Space, but also can not travel in time and space, Space folded.

Fang Han was able to take people through the shuttle, relying on the Spirit Talisman with the six big manga spells on it. This Spirit Talisman does not have any self-defense, resisting the power of the enemy, as if it is a ticket, from the land of the Five Elements to the ticket on the edge of the world’s wild temple.

Now that Fang Han’s “God of Mind” penetrates into “Spirit Talisman”, you can see a tunnel leading to the depths of the distant starry sky. Then the stars of the Five Elements are slowly appearing at the end of the tunnel. Mountains and rivers, sinister seams, and even some powerful places like Demonic Qi and Devil Qi, he saw an approximate.

“It turns out that this Spirit Talisman is so wonderful!”

Fang Han is overjoyed. He is through Spirit Talisman, which is equal to the change of the five elements. And he can still feel that if he wants to go back to the Five Elements, he can go immediately.

In other words, he can enter the “five elements of the land” anytime, anywhere, without any hindrance.

Now the Five Elements is the back garden of his home.

“Elder Elder, of course I can enter the Five Elements.” Fang Han gave the fact that “Now, the Grand Grand Elder can go back and report to the Sectmaster. This time, if you want to enter the Five Elements, you can always come to I. Everything is good to discuss. 哼哼! Extreme Unity Sect can break through the space-time tunnel, enter the five elements, relying on Immortal Artifact, and open the door of the air at that time, consume a lot of energy every moment, can not support how long of.”

“Yes, the unit of time and space opened by Extreme Unity Sect, the consumption of each breath is equivalent to the Magic Force, which has been repaired for hundreds of years by the general Expert. It can only be consumed for a few days and will be completely shut down. It is not a long-term I don’t think that Fang Han’s friend got Spirit Talisman, and he was able to enter the Five Elements at any time. It seems that the Five Elements is really a fate to the friends.”

The volley of a sword Feng Fei Tiandao.

“There seems to be another way to enter the Five Elements, which is to enter from the inside of the ancient temple.” Danzi suddenly said: “Unless people are not afraid of mysterious curses.”

“No, the passage inside the wild old temple has been closed. After I got the Spirit Talisman in the Five Elements, I can’t enter the Five Elements from the ancient temple.” Fang Han through Spirit Talisman, the wild temple That channel has been completely closed. Now if anyone wants to enter the Five Elements, they have to learn the Extreme Unity Sect.

“In this case, Fang Han, friends, we are back to the door, you killed the two Golden Core disciple of Extreme Unity Sect. Although it is their fault, the two Golden Core disciple are dead, this thing is too big, in the Immortal Demon will cause a storm, you have to protect yourself.” Elder Jian Kuang arched.

Originally, “Curse Mania” Elder’s Cultivation Base is Divine Ability Ninth Layer, Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation, and the Disciple of Divine Ability Sixth Layer “Returning Origin Realm” is fundamentally ignored. It is a difference of three levels. But Fang Han’s current strength is still above him. It is not with two pieces of Dao Artifact, that is, a Spirit Talisman with fifty-five Divine Ability can fight with his “Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation”.

Abandoning all magical treasures, the single-to-single Cultivation Base, Elder Jian Kuang knows that he can’t clean up Fang Han, and he is likely to be picked up by the other party.

In the face of such people, the power is equal, and naturally there is no shelf to put.

“many thanks Elder Jian Kuang, I have my own way of doing things.” Fang Han nodded. “But you are careful, don’t be poisoned by Extreme Unity Sect when you go back to the martial art. Then blame me. Then I am hard to distinguish.”

“Hey! Now that I have reached the Xuanhuangda world, there is this ability in Extreme Unity Sect!” Elder Jian Kuang said: “We all have the sword of the life. If it vibrates, it will be known immediately by the sect. Headmaster and other Expert will tear. Cracked the void and rushed over.”

“That’s good, let’s say goodbye. After March, you come to my reincarnation and take medicine pill.”

Fang Han talked, the body was vertical, soaring, and disappeared without a trace. His current degree, exquisite, is the five elements of Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty, between the flashes, the meteor catching the moon, has completely passed the time he used the “Fifth Hell King Cauldron” to hurry.

At that time, he used “Fifth Hell King Cauldron” because he was very fast, could not stay, and killed several Protoss, but now it is different. Cultivation Base Dajin, completely over ten times, but silent, cut through the air, without the slightest fireworks. I want to stop and stop, I want to add it, I am completely happy.

In fact, his current “Lifetime Symbol” has completely passed the protection of Fifth Hell King Cauldron.

Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty is very difficult to practice, but once it is practiced, it is earth-shattering.

Think about the power of the “Doomsday Scourge” that the 12th Golden Earth Expert teamed up with in the “Five Elements”. After the practice of the Five Emperor Demon Soul, it is not lost to the “Doomsday Scourge”.

“This child will surely be able to achieve a climate in the future. As long as it does not die, it will be a nail on the Vanguard giant. Ascension Sect has such a discipline, it is really happy.”

Danzizi looked at Fang Han and flew away. He sighed and seemed to be sighing why his martial art did not have such a discipline? Otherwise, you can still get some cheap.

“Let’s practice the life of the cockroach, there is a snail blowing, the singer’s vision appears, this is the quality of the immortal. Just look at how Ascension Sect treats him. If it is in my school, desperately protect it.” Elder Jian Kuang was dignified and then took a sarcasm: “Extreme Unity Sect also had such a discipline, but they were too arrogant and they added themselves.”

Feng Feitian nodded: “Elder Jian Kuang is said to be Immortal Venerable. It is true that when she cultivated into a Golden Core, there was also a vision of blowing a snail and hitting the drum. Now it is a teaching supreme, Magic Force deep Undetectable. Not far from Immortal. If she is now an Extreme Unity Sect, how powerful is Extreme Unity Sect? I am afraid that I have unified the world.”

“Go! We are going back to the door. I am reporting this matter. Although I did not get cheaper in the five places, I met Fang Han. After three months, there are millions of Nascent Origin Pill. I can go to the Five Elements at any time. The land is not worthwhile.”

“Fang Han’s Nascent Origin Pill, get the market to sell, if you talk well, it is not difficult to sell a hundred Baiyang Dan, one million, is 300 million medicine pill! There are 300 million Huge money, don’t know what you want to buy”

Three Grand Elder also flew up, actually talked about the huge amount of money, want to buy what is the treasure.

“Fang Han, brother, I have to go back to the sect. I have been cultivation for a long time in the Five Elements. I feel that my Astral Qi is in a hurry, it seems to be cute, it may be a sign of breaking into Divine Ability Fourth Layer Yin-Yang Realm. Xing Yun Baobao, who slept in the Sun Moon Five Stars Bracelet, spoke.

When Fang Han and Song Weiyi and Zhao Xuanyi fought, Xing Yun Baobao avoided it and waited for it to change.

“That doesn’t have to go back to the martial art, go to my reincarnation peak. I still have a Demon God palm that can’t be refining. Now I am cultivation and become the Demon Soul of the Five Emperors. The door of A Nasal is also open, so I can put Demon God. Hand refining, assist Your breakthrough is not difficult. When you break through to Divine Ability Fifth Layer Celestial Realm, I will refine the Song Core’s Golden Core, so you can have twenty-seven Divine Ability! Power is increasing!”

Fang Han was in flight, but it prevented Xing Yun Baobao from returning to the door.

He refining Song Weiyi’s Golden Core to Xing Yun Baobao, also to win over Stars Sect. Consciousness is “I killed Extreme Unity Sect disciple, captured Golden Core, and Xing Yun Baobao also refining. Extreme Unity Sect came to ask for sin, how to deal with it together.”

Try to bring all the people who can use it to your own chariot.

Xing Yun Baobao’s body seems to have been refining by a secret method. If it can be cultivated to Divine Ability Fifth Layer Celestial Realm, it can refine a Golden Core. With more than 20 Divine Ability.

If it is a general Expert, it will explode.

“That’s a good relationship, my strength has increased greatly. There are a few people in the martial art who are so embarrassed.” Xing Yun Baobao blew his nose.

In this way, flying for a few hours, Fang Han saw the feathering mountains far away, but he suddenly stopped because he saw a strange scene, a lot of white clouds in Ascension Mountain in the distance. They all gathered together to a mountain and then were swallowed up.

It is like an extremely huge ancient beast lurking in it.

“What is that?” Fang Han was taken aback.

“鲲鹏吐纳! Swallow the river and spit the sea!” He fixed his eyes and looked.

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