Eternal Life

Chapter 251

“An ancient demon statue of the seal” listened to this, Fang Han鈥檚 head squeaked, as if a bee was flying, he looked at this old-fashioned old man, how to put the ancient demon Combine with him.

However, the strength of the other side, killing two Suzaku birds between the fingers, this Divine Ability, is simply terrible.

Two Suzaku birds, each with an extremely powerful presence. The two ends are united and can compete with the “Ghost Emperor”! In this way, I was killed, I am afraid that the Heavenly Punishment Elder level of Longevity Mysteries Realm, the Vanguard giant can not do it.

Wind white feathers show the emperor’s realm, but it is OK. But where is this old Taoist so easy?

“Yes, but you see me, it’s just a projection of mine. My body is now being suppressed by the five elements of the roots inside the planet. The five elements of this planet are a great power.” With his own five fingers.” The old Taoist was talking between the khaki big hand and went down into the crack in the ground. Fang Han only felt a darkness and followed the ground.

Later, he landed in a palace under the ground, surrounded by empty, the old Taoist sitting in the center of the palace, a futon. And behind him, carrying a huge python! Nothing wrong, it is a python! Earth god beast, the legendary king of hell.

And in the mouth of this python, there is a flamingo. It was the scorpion bird that was taken down by the scorpion and is now dying.

“This python has been controlled by me. I just turned it into a big hand and killed two little Suzakus. Your cultivation of the Five Emperor Demon Soul is now lacking in fire, and the two doors are still not perfect, now The refining of the Suzaku bird and the python.”

The old Taoist priests are beckoning and extremely friendly.

Fang Han was hesitant. He didn’t think that such a good thing would actually fall on his head. After a moment of silence, he looked up and said: “Predecessors, why are you helping me? Is it necessary for my predecessors to get out of trouble and need my aidist? 鈥?/p>

“Ha ha ha ha” old Taoist priest suddenly smiled: “I was suppressed by the Five Elements, and with your strength, it is impossible for me to get out of trouble. Even if it is cultivation for 10,000 years, it is useless. If you can fly into a fairy, Instead, I can move the five elements of the roots. The reason why I spend the accumulated Magic Force, projecting assist you, is just a piece of chess, the next move is free. Some time ago, the land of the five elements also came a young People, I originally wanted to help him, but his cultivation is a lifeless kendo, heaven and earth ruthless, see God killing God, see Buddha killing Buddha, independent world. So my tricks are on his body. It鈥檚 just a waste. It鈥檚 just that you have come in these days. The cultivation is actually the Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty. It鈥檚 the same source as me. I naturally want to help you, give you some benefits, you don鈥檛 have it, How many days have you not seen Demon King? Otherwise, you can’t get to the center of the Five Elements. Of course, the magical treasure on your body is quite interesting. The door, do not know which of the younger generation sacrificial refining? Unfortunately, the damage is too severe unless the emperor to find the book, it is impossible to recover further. “

鈥淧redecessors used me as a chess piece? What is the next trick?鈥?Fang Han felt his mouth dry.

“Look!” The old Taoist swayed, and a round of light appeared in front of him. There was a huge door to time and space, and there were many cultivators. Especially the twelve Golden Core cultivators. Take out your own Golden Core sacrifices and turn into a doomsday disaster, constantly killing the day of Demon King.

“This” Fang Han’s lips are even more dry: “How many days Demon King!”

“The inside of this planet, sealed me, and my men, 840 million Heavenly Demon. I released thousands of days of Demon King, killing people of Extreme Unity Sect, it is nothing, blocking Just a little bit of their footsteps. The end of the natural disaster, the end of the natural disaster, is indeed powerful.” The old Taoist explained to Fang Han.

鈥淓xcuse me, how do you go out in the Five Elements?鈥?Fang Han raised the most critical issue. He can’t go out now.

The old Taoist smiled: “The land of the five elements is the best trial field of the martial art. The five elements of the roots can continuously produce all kinds of monsters, give the sects a trial trial, and provide them with five elements. Xuanhuang big world Which of the martial arts, got the land of the five elements, will be anxious. The reason why I projected onto the surface of the planet is to tell you. In the center of the five elements, there is a mountain with a mountain. Spirit Talisman, you go to uncover it. This is the key to mastering the Five Elements. Don’t let it fall into the hands of others. And get the Spirit Talisman and you are free to enter and exit the Five Elements. Extreme Unity The people of Sect are the doors of time and space forcibly opened up, but to maintain such a portal, it is necessary to consume immeasurable Magic Force every moment.”

鈥淥h? Is that true?鈥?Fang Han listened and nodded. 鈥淗ow did the young man who came in earlier go out, did he get the Spirit Talisman on the mountain?鈥?He said the young man, nature It is Meng Shaobai.

“That’s not there, but in order to prevent him from being the Spirit Talisman, design commander Demon King besieged him and brought him to another temporary passage for me to go out. Wait until you get the Spirit Talisman. If he comes in again, he will not go out.” The old Taoist swayed his hand: “Well, you began to refine the Suzaku bird, and this python. My accumulated Magic Force is also very expensive to be sealed.” This projection is about to disappear, remember! Go to the center of the Five Elements and uncover a Spirit Talisman. When you fall into the hands of others, you won’t be able to master the Five Elements.”

Between the old Taoist priests, the body gradually began to become transparent.

And the sly python, a fierce Aura, began to recover.

“not good!”

Fang Han immediately let the cockroaches and the three Dao Artifacts cover it, shrouded the python and the Suzaku bird, and countless Divine Ability slammed down, suddenly between the two soil systems, the fire beasts , it was broken up, the most concise, the most pure vitality, scattered.


Open the mouth, Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty all work, Emperor Earth Emperor Road, Scarlet Emperor’s Flame Emperor Qi, full of python, Suzaku’s soil, fire.

Whether it is the White Tiger, or the otter, the suzaku, the python, it is the essence of the five elements, the most pure crystal. In the Xuanhuang big world, it is not condensed, but it has long been taken away by some Great Divine Ability cultivators. Or refine it into a magical treasure, or refine it into a medicine pill, and give it to the discipline. Even the auction house of Great Clouds Empire is unlikely to have such things.

That is even rarer than Dao Artifact.

When Fang Han came to the land of the five elements, he was able to kill these beasts and collect Essence Qi. If you follow the general cultivation in the Xuanhuang big world, I am afraid that it will not be able to complete the complete cultivation of Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty for two or three hundred years.

First, the Suzaku bird was assimilated by Scarlet Emperor’s Flame Emperor Qi.

Fang Han felt the depths of his heart, a volcanic magma-like blood, spurting out. In order to roll the fire cloud, suspended in the top of the head, constantly rubbing, changing, countless C fire Divine Thunder began to brew in it, and then there was a shocking sound.

The piece of fire above the head, the horror power contained in it, has now completely exceeded the Divine Ability. Divine Thunder was born and destroyed, and it was born again, the fire king Astral Qi, the real big perfect!

At this time, there are already four thunderclouds on Fang Han’s head.

Azure Emperor Wood Emperor Thundercloud, Black Emperor Water King Thundercloud, Scarlet Emperor Fire Emperor Thundercloud, White Emperor Golden Emperor Thundercloud.

The last piece of thundercloud left, the Yellow Emperor Earth Emperor Thundercloud has not yet condensed. Because of the python, it was very difficult to refine and refine.

The python is the most powerful earthly beast. If it is single-on-one, it will not be able to win the encounter with Fang Han.

鈥淎ll-round sacrificial refining, five-line cycle!鈥?Fang Han At this time, there are four Divine Abilitys in the Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty, but they also know some tricks, and try to narrow down the four thunderclouds. In the Earth Emperor Astral Qi, between the time, by the water, by the native wood, by the wood fire Earth Emperor Astral Qi power surge, including the python balloon.

A khaki-colored thundercloud finally rose.

At this time, on the head of Fang Han, there were five thunderclouds again, condense into a canopy, five-color brilliance flashing, a faint aroma, and auspicious clouds floating, especially in this canopy Between the voids, there are countless chanting voices that seem to be inexplicable, praising this Divine Ability “big.”

The body of Fang Han’s body is completely connected, and the viscera has a qualitative change. The bones, muscles and tendons of the body have a five-color faint light, which seems to be the most perfect diamond drill. Shining underneath.

And his two knowledge of the sea, suddenly expanded! Spirit Space, re-expanding. Can accommodate more Divine Ability and Magic Force.

Even the black flames of the “Heavenly Demon Hand”, which is integrated with his flesh and blood, are also covered with colorful light. The power is even greater.

How many hardships and hardships have been killed, how many five-line monsters have been killed, and thousands of times of efforts have been made compared to the usual cultivator, and now it has finally become

“Good! Good! Good! Fang Han, your Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty, and finally all the great accomplishments! Hahahahahahaha such power, invincible, fast! Take the five emperors as the Foundation, burn Spirit Fire, turn all your Divine Ability into a magical charm! Step into Divine Ability Sixth Layer Returning Origin Realm !”

I can鈥檛 wait to scream.

“This Divine Ability is very powerful. I am now struggling with all my strength. I am afraid that I can’t move this five-element.” Star Zen sounds a little hoarse, and he feels the horror of Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty cultivation.

“Well, I am about to step into Returning Origin Realm! Take a look at my life-changing charm, and what is the power!” Fang Han naturally no longer hesitates, stepping into Divine Ability Sixth Layer, Returning Origin Realm has two conditions, One is the five-line Divine Ability, and the second is to ignite the fire of Spirit. He is now satisfied with both conditions, and naturally he will begin to cultivation.

In these five elements, there are many powerful monsters, and even the people of Extreme Unity Sect are coming in. Fang Han can’t unify his own Culture Base if he doesn’t practice cost, and fifty-five Divine Ability can’t compete.

puff! puff! puff! puff

Zhang mouth fiercely spit out Divine Ability, fifty Divine Ability, all of which were taken out by Fang Han and turned into a block of formations, rotating around the five emperors.

At the same time, Fang Han took out his Magic Force, burned and calcined these Divine Ability.

Nourishing and nourishing all of Fang Han’s Magic Force, they are all ignited by the fire of Spirit and are constantly calcined. Finally, these fifty-five Divine Ability have a tendency to condense together.

However, at this time, Fang Han’s Magic Force suddenly became a bit of a bad drive!

Even with the support of World Tree’s celestial spirit, Fang Han Magic Force began to be unhealthy! What a terrible consumption this is!

If Magic Force can’t help, it will not only be abandoned, but Divine Ability will be dispersed, and Fang Han will become a waste!

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