Eternal Life

Chapter 247

** Coming soon, the five-line land of the big ticket will have the biggest ** ever, everyone will wait and see

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!

White Tiger was a terrifying roar. It didn’t expect Fang Han to be so difficult, and he was scheming, murderous and insidious.

Its body is completely condensed, but although it is not comparable to Longevity Mysteries Realm Expert’s Undying Body, it is also a fight with the cultivate Dao’s “Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation”. It is not afraid of damage, even if it is damaged. Being smashed into pieces, you can also condense together, and the magic flame burns to the top and can be restored.

However, Fang Han turned “Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty” into a seal and broke into its body, but it was the weakness of its center. The seal, constantly taking its energy, is constantly growing, like a parasite.

It feels that the vitality is constantly weakening, and it wants to force the force to extinguish the seal in the body, but the three major Dao Artifacts outside, as well as the cover of Heavenly Demon, are getting tighter and tighter, the flames are burning, blood night The king’s blade light shuttles, and it is the body that kills the platinum liquid.

Even more powerful is that the “door of the nose”, the rolling Devil Qi paved the way, completely wrapped it in it, making it feel endless suffering, broke into the nose and hell.

“I am a powerful god born out of the Five Elements, and the five elements are immortal, I will not die. I am a good man, it is immortal! You are a little creature, fight against me! It is just looking for death!”

White Tiger’s Ferocity Inhales, the body re-expands, the white sphere, and the outside is shimmering with a strong electric light that bursts out. It is the Divine Thunder of Gengjin.

Ball lightning in platinum color!

As soon as I rushed out, I repeatedly exploded, and countless Sword Qi cut vertically and horizontally, and suddenly forced the three Dao Artifacts hard. The white tiger swayed out of the encirclement and swayed, and with a quick and uncomfortable degree, he shot Fang Han.

It is smirking, when it is photographed in the palm of the hand, its palm fingers are like a hook-shaped sickle, and it is rotated high. It seems that it is to kill Fang Han’s body magic treasure, Astral Qi, all killed.

“You are fooled again!”

White Tiger just took a shot down and heard Fang Han’s voice in his ear, and his palm turned into a virtual shadow.

“Not good!” Between its shock, the body was tight, and it was caught by a large hand with nine fingers. It was once again on Fang Han’s head and was caught by the “Heavenly Demon Hand”.

“The ever-changing!” White Tiger smiled coldly, his body suddenly shrank dozens of times, turning into a cat-sized white tiger, fleeing from the gap between the cover of Heavenly Demon.

Fang Han sensed that White Tiger had shrunk, and the Heavenly Demon hand immediately tightened and grabbed, but it was a step late and did not catch. This is no wonder that he, according to the truth, Divine Ability Mysteries Realm’s cultivate Dao, Mortal Body is unlikely to become smaller.

Just like Fang Han, Mortal Body has exercised to the extreme. You can twist the bones at will, bite your back with your mouth, or shrink your bones and shrink yourself into a child, but there is no way to shrink it smaller and become a thumb. The size of an inch small servant. That is the legendary thing that Longevity Mysteries Realm Undying Body can do.

Longevity Mysteries Realm, after the Undying Body is built, the Mortal Body can be changed at will, and it is not impossible to shrink into a dust.

White Tiger also has this ability now, because it is not a Mortal Body, but a Gengjin gas.

Of course, its body is far less powerful than the Longevity Mysteries Realm Undying Body, and if it is trapped by Fang Han, it can still be refining.

When the White Tiger came out, the body expanded again and changed into the original size. This time it was a human being, a human body, a tiger’s head, and a tiger head.

“Little creature, do you think you can hurt White Tiger?” White Tiger screamed and twirled again, attacking Fang Han in a similar way to Insta Kill Tactics. And between the fly, a platinum Astral Qi, scattered into the air, suddenly the air became extremely heavy and stagnate.

“Want to control the Space? Reduce the degree of my movement, but it is in my heart. I don’t know my cultivation is the Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty?” Fang Han, I know that White Tiger is putting his own Geng gold Astral. Qi is scattered, and in the air, the air will become heavier than mercury. In any way, Divine Ability can’t be displayed quickly, and the body shape can’t move high.

But for him, it is like a duck.

Because “White Emperor’s Golden Emperor Chop”, in the Geng Jinqi, the performance is smoother.

When I thought about it, I suddenly flew out a lot of white golden light in his body, wrapped all the body into a fusiform golden light, and moved it to another place in an instant, letting White Tiger’s attack fall again, and he Between the movements, the degree has increased a lot, the body’s fusiform golden light, constantly grabbing the Gengjin gas from the White Tiger, refining itself into everything.

On these days when I entered the Five Elements, Fang Han’s Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty didn’t know how many five elements he had learned. He had already cultivated himself. Now he is showing White Emperor’s Golden Emperor Chop, which is a kind of White Tiger. The pressure of the superior.


White Tiger saw this scene, could not help but anger, Fang Han’s gold Divine Ability is obviously much smaller than it, but the quality is very high, and it is restrained.

“Join hands!”

In the confrontation between Fang Han and White Tiger, the king of Blood Night, the three Dao Artifacts of the Star Zen are gathered again. This time, the three Dao Artifacts are in different positions, which seems to constitute a small one. The three talents, the strengths are connected together, and they are pressed down. Just a moment, the Rolling Devil Qi, the blood flame, the power of the stars wrapped the White Tiger.

Fang Han screamed, his body was wrapped in White Emperor’s Golden Emperor Chop. Suddenly, he wore it in, and then he got into the White Tiger’s body, moving Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty and fifty. Divine Ability.

“How come you have so many Divine Ability!” The White Tiger was just suppressed by the three Dao Artifacts. Suddenly, when he felt his body move, he was drilled in by Fang Han. It was not angry and was going to move in the body. Thunder, who killed Fang Han, but did not expect it, just destroyed, the Great Divine Ability one after another in the body bombarded.

More than 50 kinds of Great Divine Ability!

It really shocked the White Tiger. It was born in the land of the Five Elements. I don’t know how many years, I also saw many human cultivators who have crossed the Five Elements, but I have trained 50 with Divine Ability Fifth Layer Celestial Realm. A lot of Great Divine Ability, none of them.

Rumble! rumble!

More than 50 kinds of Great Divine Ability, all bombarded by Fang Han, directly blasted the body of White Tiger. A lot of Geng Jinqi, rushing around.

Seeing this scene, the three Dao Artifact did not stand by and watched, but they all exerted their own strength, forced the gengjin gas back, and again condense into the shape of the White Tiger. They are afraid that White Tiger will escape, because the White Tiger, a beast, will be killed if it is killed in two, and the remaining half will escape.

The White Tiger, which was forced back to the prototype, was so badly wounded that he was about to regain his power, but the cover of Heavenly Demon was shrouded again, and it was pressed against it, and the flames burned it to nourish it.

“You! Good!” White Tiger roared, but it didn’t help. It was constantly in the body, Divine Thunder, but now the power is greatly reduced, it can’t shake the combination of the three Dao Artifact and cover the Heavenly Demon hand. Repression.

Fang Han then appeared on the cover of Heavenly Demon, slamming his mouth, and the golden gas on White Tiger was forcibly plundered by him, enriching its White Emperor’s Golden Emperor Chop.

The power of the White Tiger is constantly weakening, and the power of Fang Han is constantly increasing. At the end of the day, White Emperor’s Golden Emperor Chop two Emperor bodies, fully revealed, high majesty, commanding the gold power between heaven and earth.

White Tiger looked at the White Emperor with fear. Suddenly, the emotions calmed down and the whole body disintegrated into the infinite Geng Divine Thunder.

It won’t blew itself, but it can consume energy and turn into a Divine Thunder attack.

But this did not help, White Emperor Golden Emperor two Emperor, let all the Divine Thunder hit the body. They all absorbed in.

The entire White Tiger disappeared at this moment, and the White Emperor Golden Emperor, the body swelled, swelled, re-expanded, and reached a hundred feet high! Towering into the sky, and then suddenly scattered, turned into a golden sky, shrouded dozens of miles, the thunder and lightning inside, countless white balls flying, even evolved the Divine Thunder!

At this moment, Fang Han’s White Emperor’s Golden Emperor Chop, finally perfected, changed the Divine Thunder!

After refining and refining a White Tiger beast, this gold Divine Ability is finally cultivated like Mu Wanggong. At this moment, Fang Han has a feeling of tears, because these days, killing too many gold monsters, the White Emperor’s Golden Emperor Chop is never perfect. He thought that this Divine Ability would never be cultivation.

I can’t think of it now.

The sky is golden, the thunder and lightning flash, and it has ignited a group of monsters in the distance, but it is a group of earthen “stag beetles”, called “Pure Earth”, which is very powerful, but it has been transformed by White Emperor’s Golden Emperor Chop. The Jinyun hood, the infinite Geng Divine Thunder bombarded, all turned into the soil, absorbed by Fang Han.

“Now there is water, fire, earth, three Great Divine Ability. There is no cultivation. I have to find the beast of the same level as White Tiger, killing refining! The five elements are perfect, the five emperors and five emperors can enter the Returning Origin Realm My Returning Origin Realm, cultivation is really difficult, it is a thousand times more difficult than the ordinary cultivator.”

Fang Han exclaimed.

“The chances of you stepping into Longevity Mysteries Realm are also much greater than the average cultivator.”

The crowd once again went deep into the land of the Five Elements, eager to meet the powerful monsters of the White Tiger.

Just when Fang Han killed the White Tiger and made Divine Thunder, White Emperor’s Golden Emperor Chop, when there were hundreds of thousands of miles away from Fang Han, there was also a group of teams who actually came to the five elements. !

A huge door of time and space suddenly appeared on the edge of this mysterious and vast five-line land. Then in the huge door of time and space, the brilliance of the roads flashed one after another, all of which were Expert.

There is Divine Ability Fifth Layer Celestial Realm’s Expert, there is Divine Ability Sixth Layer Returning Origin Realm’s Expert, and even Seventh Layer Golden Core, and even more powerful presence.

These Experts are the lowest Celestial Realm. It seems to be the union of several giant sects of elite experts.

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