Eternal Life

Chapter 239: Three magic weapons

Chapter 239 Three ** treasure

"At present, there are at least 1.2 million horses in the cold, and they are stronger than us!"

"Yeah, we are the Tao, and we can accommodate enormous power. In terms of strength, it is difficult for any monk to compete with us. Now Fang Han is the master of the five-day heaven and earth, and there are millions of horses. If he cultivated to the same place and later became a golden dan, how strong would it be?"

The king of blood night and the star Zen, watching the transformation of Fang Han, could not help but face each other.

Although the king of blood night is the avatar of Fang Han, the intention of Fang Han must be unconditionally obeyed, but he still has his own will. At this time, he feels the power of Fang Han’s body, which can destroy him and can’t help himself. Frightened and trembled, I was afraid of using the rear cold to improve the power of "阎" and give it to you.

The core of its body is also purely yang, and even has a pure Yang array, but there is no such thing as a five-star bracelet.

"He now has a total of fifty-five kinds of great supernatural powers. If you cultivate to the six-pointed reunification of the supernatural powers, the one that is concealed will be smashed. We can't beat us. The general lower-quality goods are not opponents. It can be compared to the Chinese product! The king of blood night, after it is against the enemy, I am afraid that I will not use you, all rely on his life."

Star Zen body snarls.

He was also scared by Fang Han's fifty-five kinds of great gods. Among the stars, some of the giants with long-term qualifications and long-lived secrets have no fifty-five great supernatural powers.

The average master, the five kinds of supernatural powers are basic. More than ten kinds of supernatural powers, that is very qualified. Twenty kinds of magical powers, that is the amazing wizards. Thirty kinds of magical powers, that is the old antiques that have been practiced for at least three thousand years. Forty kinds of magical powers, that is rare in a million years. As for more than 50 kinds, it is really terrible.

Now Fang Han against the enemy, in addition to using some magical escape, confused, basically use the king of blood night.

Because the king of blood night is the most powerful, the rest of the "big day fire", "black day wind disaster" and even "exquisite big Luotian" "five emperors" are not comparable to the king of blood night.

However, once it has entered the six-fold "return to the realm" of the magical powers, the law will be unified, all the magical powers will come together and become a "life-saving symbol". With the horror of fifty-five kinds of magical powers, it can be hard Shentong’s “Heaven and Earth Law”!

Not to mention the general Golden Dan.

If it becomes a golden dan, it will be even more powerful. I am afraid that I will fight against the "Nine Ghosts and Gods" and will not fall. Self-explosive, the giants of the long-lived secrets must immediately escape.

"This time, the decomposition of Jin Dan, it was much easier than the last time the fire cloud fairy. It seems that it is a life, two mature. But refining this Jin Dan, I feel that the second knowledge of the sea is almost full. Even if you give me a golden dan, it is impossible to refine it! Not to mention the nine ghosts."

Fang Han runs all the magical powers in his mind and finds that the two seas are almost full. Even if the golden dan of the "stolen thief" is still there, it is impossible to refine it.

It seems that to continue to increase the magical powers, we must open up another sea of ​​knowledge. Or it is to promote the realm.

"Panwu Hercules" has such a powerful, that is, it can open up the sea of ​​knowledge infinitely, and simulate the void of layers. But every time you open up a new sea of ​​knowledge, you have to double your difficulties. And it is also dangerous to double, Fang Han is now not risky to open up.

Moreover, a large amount of war killings are not collected.

To open up the third knowledge of the sea, the need for war killing can be much greater than before.

"Well, let's take a look at the harvest now. Then look for the Five Elements. This time, although refining the Golden Dan of the Stars, it will not increase the strength of me. Only by practicing to the six-pointed system of Shentong. Real strength is skyrocketing!” Fang Han knows that if he is against the enemy now, he still has to sacrifice the magic knife, because the fifty-five kinds of magical powers cannot be united. It is still a plate of scattered sand, and any magical powers that are used alone will be dispelled and the power will be small.

Deal with ghost masters, ancient Mongolian, and Meng Shaobai. Show a magical power, and immediately destroy one.

Because all his magical powers are made by Jin Dan masters. It was useful to meet the master of the Seven Golden Dragons, but the power of the supernatural power was greatly weakened by the masters of the supernatural powers.

With Wan Luo fighting, he is also able to display the "big day fire" or something, but it is useless to fight with Meng Shaobai. Unless he also cultivated into the realm of "fire and catastrophe", and then re-cultivated the magical powers. Such a single magical power will be useful.

It is very clear to this party.

Between the talks, he waved his hand, and a slick long sword was drilled out, trapped in a **** light, left and right conflict, like a ghost like a snake, but how can not rush out.

This is the "Ghost Snake!"

A treasure trove of treasures is no less than a baby like "Blood and Sword" and "Rashomon". The ghost sword of the ghost emperor, although not a Taoist, but the slick is invisible, is a good thing to kill people.

Fang Han grabbed this ghost snake sword, and his mind moved. Huang Quan’s figure flew a lot of magic, wrapped around the sword. Then the sword gradually weakened and finally stayed in the blood. Unmoved, apparently refining.

A nose magic gas can even hurt the ghost emperor itself, let alone a ghost snake sword.


The instinct of one bite followed by the violent spurt, all of which were integrated into the ghost snake sword, and the sword flew up again and entered the Huangquan map.

If this "Ghost Snake Sword" is taken out for auction, it will definitely not be under the "Great Vatican Light Boat".

However, where Fang Han will go out to auction, he can enhance the strength of his own people in the future.

After the "Ghost Snake Sword" was packed, Fang Han asked the Nebula Baby to take out many of the flags that were collected. There are five hundred shots. This is the magic weapon used by the ghost emperor to arrange the "Wan Ghost Locking Soul". It is a set of treasures. The quality of each flag is very good, arranged in a large array, it is difficult for the gods to break through.

If Fang Han had three pieces of equipment this time, the door of Ah Nai was a thing that restrained the ghosts from smashing the soul. This time, he was trapped in it, and eternal life could not turn over.

"This set of flags, go back and re-smelt, and use the spirit of the fairy to nourish into a spirit, guarding my reincarnation peak. It has great use."

Fang Han also lost all of Huang Quan’s picture.

This set of treasures was originally used to guard the mountain gates. In the future, it can also capture the devils and integrate them into them. In the future, if you encounter the demon, or the Protoss siege, you can also guard for a while.

The last one! It is a huge palm, nine fingers, and there is a fleshy existence between the gaps of the fingers. The power is great, although there is no derivation of the spirit, it becomes a Taoist, but it is more powerful than the king of blood night, the five-star bracelet of the sun and the moon! It is a purely devastating force.

This is the "covering the magic hand."

The ghost weapon is the most powerful magic weapon. It is also a treasure trove of treasures, but it incorporates a supernatural power of the ghost emperor's lifelong cultivation. It can be said that if this treasure is upgraded to a Taoist device, it will immediately be a Chinese product or even a quality product. Compared to the king of blood night, the five-star bracelet of the sun and the moon is much more powerful.

However, this promotion is extremely difficult. Even if it is a white feather, I am afraid that it will not be able to get it. It will take many longevity secrets to join hands and consume its own blood.

Fang Han killed the ghost emperor this time, and got a total of three magic weapons, the first is the "Ghost Snake Sword", the second is the five hundred million ghosts, and the third is the "covering the magic hand."

Of course, the Heavenly Devil is also the most powerful one.

As for the other magic drugs, all of them were destroyed in the explosion of Jindan. Even the powerful "Soul Throne" residue is left a little bit.

This is also a flaw in the explosion of Jin Dan.

"Sky the magic hand, only the hand to cover the sky! Great momentum. I don't know what the magic door magical power is like. Unfortunately, I don't have time to practice. I can only rely on plundering now, which is also a major drawback of cultivation. But fortunately, the Five Emperors and Great Devils are my own cultivation."

Fang Han continued to breathe a few breaths, and sprayed on the "covering the sky", this magic hand gradually became smaller, blending into the cold of the life of the suffocating, seems to gradually have some spirituality.

"Hey! Covering the magic power, covering the sky magic hand. Originally it is to use the five emperors to go to the ritual. The ghost emperor will not be the five emperors, the magic hand is not complete. Fang Han, you got the magic hand this baby It is best to blend in with your own flesh and blood and combine one of your arms into one."

When you see such a situation, you can immediately point it out.

Fang Han took a left-handed move, and suddenly the "shadowing hand" became smaller and smaller, and finally completely integrated into his left hand, and the bones of the left hand, flesh and blood, completely integrated.

Suddenly, Fang Han felt his left hand and seemed to have endless devastating power. He could even take off the stars in the sky and hold the sun and the moon.

Of course, this is an illusion, unless the real immortal, no one has the magical power of the sun and the moon.

However, the power of "the enchantment of the sky" was also seen. When the ghosts chased themselves, one claw caught them, all the mountains and trees, the swamps, all turned into black fly ash.

From then on, Fang Han’s left hand became a horrible magic hand. And after the fusion of the magic hand and Fang Han's flesh and blood, a little breath does not leak out. If you are against the enemy, you will catch it, and you will be able to kill someone immediately. Even the enemy's treasure weapon, the sword, what a powerful magic weapon, can also be crushed.

It is a pity that one of the magical hands of the sky is full of magical powers, and the magical powers have been completely integrated into the magic hand. Can not be stripped out, otherwise, into the mind of Fang Han, is a supreme magic.

And this magical power is cultivated by the masters who have changed their lives from the top ten, and they have the greatest power.

That Fang Han will be fifty-six kinds of magical powers.

"The magician of the sky is very powerful, and it is unexpected. When I return to the feathering gate, the mountain river list contest, I have to fight with Meng Shaobai and fight his arrogance. Now my strength is right. It won't lose, but it will be difficult to get rid of him. When I get to the home, a sacred symbol containing fifty-five kinds of magical powers will be played, and it will inevitably make him like a dog!"

Fang Hanxin is thinking about it.

"Fang Han big brother, the thorn thief, the star thief is not there are two magic weapons? Look at what is good inside? The forty thieves at sea, there are rich treasures, if there is any good baby, I also Yes……"

The nebula baby suddenly patted the martial arts.

"This reminds me."

Fang Han took out two sacs from Huang Quan.

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