Eternal Life

Chapter 234

The collection block has to break 100,000, and there are more than 9,000 red tickets in one day. It is also breaking 10,000. Everyone adds some oil and strives to break the record of 10,000 yuan for the red ticket tomorrow. If it breaks through 10,000 tomorrow, I will explode it, and it is the ** chapter. 12 arrived, everyone took the red ticket and broke the record of 10,000 votes a day. Let me burst. Record-breaking!

“This ghost emperor is really the bone of the bones, how can you not smash him. Hey, you said that we stopped and he was a great war, what would happen?”

In the wild jungle, the more you fly inside, the taller the forest, the denser it is. The thicker the trees, the dozens of people must gather together, and there are hundreds of people coming high, the leaves are flourishing, covering a few hundred acres, black pressure The day is not seen. Among them are large vines entangled, countless monsters, snake worms, wild wild beasts living in it, forming a unique world. A fresh world that is very different from the outside.

Fang Han is now in the jungle.

He descended from the white clouds in the sky, and shuttled through the black-pressed jungle. His body was covered with blue wood, completely integrated with the jungle. Aura did not leak, and the whole person seemed to be a billion miles. The wild jungle blends into one.

This is “wooden.”

His “Azure Supreme Wood Emperor Merit” cultivation was in the realm of great perfection, and he was unique among the Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty, manipulating Wanmu Reiki. Now entering the wild jungle, all the flowers and trees in this jungle are almost part of his own Astral Qi.

If you fly in the sky, the target is too obvious, it is easy to be caught up by the ghost emperor and re-trapped.

Now the demo of the Divine Ability Tenth Layer “Defying Heaven Changing Fate” is desperately chasing him.

And he is running away from death.

Although in the previous siege, Fang Han took the “Stars of the Stars” and “Stolen Moon Thief”. The two thieves did not know the power of “A Nasal Gate”. They stupidly hit the knife and killed them in one fell swoop. benefit. But the ghost emperor is different, deeply know that the door of the nose is powerful, the power of Magic Force is very strong, if you fight, I am afraid that the end will be very tragic.

Fang Han has a self-knowledge and can now defeat Divine Ability Seventh Layer Golden Core Expert. It can even compete with the Expert of the Divine Ability Seventh Layer Great Windfire Tribulation. But dealing with the Divine Ability Ninth Layer “Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation” Expert is very difficult. The big Powerhouse that deals with the Divine Ability Tenth Layer “Defying Heaven Changing Fate” is undoubtedly defeated.

Although the “A Nasal Gate” specifically restrained the Ghost Emperor’s Cultural Method Divine Ability, which reduced his fierceness by more than half, but the opponent’s Magic Force is extremely long, is an old monster for thousands of years, and many treasures are not displayed. Right up, Fang Han still has to lose in the infinite endless divine ability of Divine Ability.

Fang Han shuttles through the wild jungle, using Azure Supreme Wood Emperor Merit to hide Aura, and it’s much easier to escape.

Now I don’t fight with the Ghost Emperor. When I find the Five Elements, I will complete the Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty and enter the Sixth Layer Divine Ability Returning Origin Realm, and then refine the “Stolen Thief” and “Star Steal.” Two Golden Cores, Magic Force doesn’t know where it will expand. In one fell swoop, all the Divine Ability is “Ten Thousand Laws Returns to Origin”, which is turned into a “Big Life Symbol”, which is much stronger for defending against the enemy. At that time, come back to deal with the ghost emperor.

Entering the wild jungle, Fang Han also felt very novel. He saw countless strange things, such as the length of a big cockroach crawling among the dead branches and leaves. There are also flying mouses with four wings, specializing in snakes.

There is also a one-size fire scorpion.

There is also a spider with a face, the most poisonous human face spider. The flying sword is killing and the fire can’t be burned. Even if the Expert of Divine Ability Mysteries Realm is bitten, it will die immediately.

There are also ant-sized ants, which are densely packed in the forest. Wherever they go, everything is eaten into a pile of white bones.

There is also a grasshopper that specializes in blood-sucking, curling up the body, squatting between the branches, and when it smells Aura, it falls to the animal, enters the blood vessels of the other body, and absorbs the blood.

The rest of the iron beast, cockscomb, peach bee, black turtle, jasper, and so on, and so on, are also endless. There are endless dangers in various swamps, water pools, rivers and mountains.

Divine Ability Mysteries Realm’s Expert goes deep into this, even if there is flying sword Robe body protection, I am afraid that it is difficult to escape the poisonous hands of the evil, but Fang Han is different, he and the wild jungle Aura are one, any monster Will not attack him. Along the way, Fang Han also saw hundreds of rare elixir, as well as many mineral lode Aura, faintly buried in the depths of the ground, but no one is mining.

This wild jungle is a huge treasure.

I don’t know why, Great Clouds Empire didn’t come.

About because the wild demon is hidden in the depths of the wild jungle, and the mysterious and wild temple, cursing from the ancient times.

Hey, hey, hey!

In the sky above the wild jungle, a strong yin wind hovered in the air, in the yin wind, from time to time stretched out a big black hand, the size of an acre, grabbed down. Under the grasp, no matter how strong the trees, the rocks, turned into a black smoke.

Fang Han has just passed over a swamp, silent, a few dark poisonous cockroaches squatting in the swamp mire, some poisonous insects lurking in it, the dark hand grabbed it. Oh! All the muddy water is steamed! The poisonous cockroaches, poisonous insects, and even the mud inside are also turned into black dust, rising with the wind.

This kind of magic catches Divine Ability, Jane until the point of seeing people destroying people, seeing the destruction of things, everything, all turned into fly ash.

Fang Han knows that the ghost Emperor has captured his own Aura. He is condescending and fishing with the magic hand, but the magic hand is so powerful, but it is also his imagination.

“This is a Supreme Divine Ability, called Demonic art. When the Great Emperor Yellow Springs taught him, he is now cultivation great, and he also cultivated a magical treasure for this Demonic art. With countless ghosts, seven kinds of magic gold, nine kinds of magic blood, eighteen kinds of magic spirits, thirty-six kinds of Devil Qi gathered into one palm, called the Heavenly Demon hand. It is a Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact, only a little bit You can change to Dao Artifact. Demonic art works with the magic hand, and the power is endless! My door of Ah Na is only afraid that I can’t swallow his magic hand. We are now working with him, Jiucheng will die, he is seriously injured. Or we are seriously injured. He is slightly hurt! You don’t have cultivation to Returning Origin Realm. All Divine Ability is fragmented and not very powerful. It does not pose a threat to him.”

I am not in favor of fighting with the ghost emperor now.

Fang Han also nodded: “Yes, I am now in more than 30 Divine Ability, but if I attack, the power of Divine Ability can’t be combined. It’s not good to deal with Experts like Ghost. Even if it is a black wind disaster. For the Golden Core Expert, you can deal with the ghost emperor. If you can enter the Divine Ability Sixth Layer Returning Origin Realm, all the Divine Ability condense will be a ghost of the gods! Let’s fly now, enter In the area of ​​the wild temple, I believe that there are legends of mysterious curses that can make the ghosts of the ghosts scruples, and we can escape. Peace of mind to find the five elements of the roots according to the map.”

“Xing Yun Baobao ?Xing Yun Baobao ?”

Fang Han talked between, but saw Sun Moon Five Stars Bracelet completely converge on the light, hanging on his wrist, and Xing Yun Baobao entered the bracelet, holding his head inside, screaming, like A small, suckling pig, kept snoring. At this critical time, he actually went to sleep!

Sun Moon Five Stars Bracelet is a Dao Artifact that can be used as a space or as a storage bracelet. People hide and sleep in it, the most comfortable and safe.

However, Xing Yun Baobao was still sleeping when he was chased by Expert. Even Fang Han could not help but admire the psychological quality of Baobao.

“This child actually became a Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty, especially Azure Supreme Wood Emperor Merit, and actually cultivated to a great perfection. Now Aura and the wild jungle combine, my ghost eyes can only see a little vague About Aura! Awesome!” The deepest part of the gale in the sky is indeed the Ghost Emperor and the Ghost Throne.

The ghost emperor was sitting on the throne of the ghost at this time, his face was blue, his eyebrows showed a vertical eye. From the pupil of the vertical eye, you can see the infinite forest below, occasionally a touch of green. Flashing past, it will disappear. It is not easy to capture.

Every time the faint green color appears, behind him there will be a big hand burning a black magic flame. This big hand is not five fingers, but nine fingers, and there is a meat between the finger and the finger. It seems like a frog’s claws, strange to the extreme.

This big hand is caught next to the next, the woods below, the rocks, are turned into black smoke. But every time I can’t catch the green brilliance.

This is his magical treasure “covering Heavenly Demon Hand”.

With the cultivation of the non-superior Divine Ability “Demonic art”, the power can be more Low Grade Dao Artifact! It can be said that if the king of blood night is caught, it will only be taken.

“How did he cultivate Azure Supreme Wood Emperor Merit to a great perfection! Even if you get a lot of wood relics, Qinglong Boyangmu is useless. Azure Supreme Wood Emperor Merit needs a lot of wood! In the end, what kind of fortuitous encounter did this kid get?” The ghostly emperor saw that Heavenly Demon’s hands were caught repeatedly, and his heart thundered.

As long as you catch Fang Han a little, you can break the opponent’s “wooden” and force him to show his body. Then he will display the peerless Divine Ability and completely trap Fang Han.

Now there are some ways to resist the door of A Nasal in the heart of the Ghost Emperor.

However, he naturally couldn’t think of it. Fang Han got the first “World Tree” fragment in ancient times, and then cultivated Azure Supreme Wood Emperor Merit to the Great Consummation, and there was no one before. Aura is combined with the wild jungle, and even if he catches it, he will be demolished by Fang Han.

Unless he destroyed this wild forest.

Because there is a place for wood, it is a big difficulty to kill Fang Han.

But destroying the wild forests is impossible, even if Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Expert can’t do it. The wild forest does not know how many billions of miles, in far-reaching places, there are many powerful monsters entrenched, and even the Longevity Mysteries Realm monsters, and did not open their own sects. Just a heart and soul.

Just as the ghostly dynasty thundered, gradually, the wild forest in front of it gradually became sparse, and the ancient temples, which are extremely magnificent, stood in the jungle.

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