Eternal Life

Chapter 226

Meng Shaobai slashed the white clouds with a sword and walked in. The sword refers to Fang Han Xing Yun Baobao. It can’t be alive. The whole person is full of vigor and enthusiasm. It is only because of the momentum that it will tear the sky and move the sun and the moon. With this arrogance, no one can stop it, no one wants to go down the wind, no one has his sharp Aura.

Fang Han has seen a lot of genius people, but none of them like Meng Shaobai.

When Meng Shaobai stood here, no matter what time, he gave life a kind of thing that he didn’t dare to do, there was nothing to do, and there was no lawless taste.

Unspeakable, unconstrained, daring, and convinced that he can overcome everything. This is the spirit and momentum that Meng Shaobai always exudes.

However, Fang Han was somewhat disgusted, and his brow wrinkled slightly: “We are all the same door, fighting each other, like what? To fight, we must abide by the sect rules, to the Heavenly Punishment Platform in the Temple of Heaven. As for you say Xing Yun Baobao Hu Zuofei is simply nonsense, selling treasure conferences, each with financial resources to buy treasure. Which money, treasure will be at hand. If you are not as good as people, you will say that people are misbehaving. What is the reason, then can I marry you? What about poor people?”

Although Fang Han speaks with joy and color, there is no sharp tone, but the words are like swords and swords, especially the last three words “poor eyes”, but also the lethality is huge, saying that Meng Shaobai’s face changed.

Hey, hey!

Xing Yun Baobao Desperate applause, pointing to Meng Shaobai said: “Poor light, you are poor. You can’t afford treasure, and come to stop the robbery.”

“Little boy!” Between Meng Shaobai and Mei Yu, the white light flashed. It seems that there are several extremely fine white lines flashing. Fang Han sees this scene, and there are several bloodshots in his eyes.


The subtle blood and white mans collided in front of Xing Yun Baobao, both of which turned into formless.

Fang Han’s body swayed slightly, stepping back, and Meng Shaobai just shook his eyebrows slightly. This time, it is divided, and Meng Shaobai’s Magic Force is much stronger than Fang Han.

However, this is a matter of course. Meng Shaobai’s Cultural Base is more than Golden Core. I am afraid that it is the Expert of the Divine Ability Eighth Layer “Great Windfire Tribulation”, and Fang Han is only the Divine Ability Fifth Layer “Celestial Realm”. There are three levels of difference, each level is an insurmountable distance, let alone three?

However, Fang Han just used the power of “King of Blood Night”, but did not let Meng Shaobai take advantage of it.

“The king of blood night! Powerful, it is Dao Artifact? But it is just a Low Grade Dao Artifact. I would like to see the legendary Peerless Grade Dao Artifact ‘Yellow Springs Diagram ‘ is amazing.” Meng Shaobai A fierce step, whole body White robed, the whole body suddenly swelled, and Fang Han immediately turned upside down, feeling left and right.

“Indiscriminate killing!”

Meng Shaobai was so arrogant that the sword was smashing, the sword was in the sky, the Yin and Yang were reversed, and the Han Kun and Xing Yun Baobao were shrouded in it. The Sword Qi was oscillating around, like a big turn, putting the parcel The people inside violently rotate, and in a flash, the people who spin millions of laps, and then the Great Divine Ability, also fainted, not knowing the southeast and northwest.

This sword is extremely powerful. Ascension Sect has never had this Divine Ability, because Ascension Sect is not a sword repair sect, and it does not pay much attention to swordsmanship. The only Great Unrestrained Profound Golden Sword Qi, which is “Insta Kill Tactics”, pays attention to the enemy and eliminates the enemy. Those fancy changes.

However, Meng Shaobai’s swordsmanship is absolutely different. It seems to be a stunt of inheriting an ancient sword. The subtlety is simple and subtle. The mysterious and simple, Yin and Yang are inclusive, Hard & Soft is good, Sword Qi is especially It’s amazing, it’s sharper than any Taoist Astral Qi, but it seems to be lingering around the fingers.

In the face of this trick, Fang Han was prepared for the moment when the opponent’s sword was moving and felt extremely dangerous. The Magic Force in his mind had already rushed out, and various Divine Ability was instantly displayed.

First, the “black day wind disaster”, a group of black storms, whirls outwards, followed by “big day fire”, followed by “air space seven real fists” “King Kong iron bones big handprint” and other Divine Ability, arrogant.


These Divine Ability only hit the Meng Shoubai’s Sword Qi hood, some were shattered by Sword Qi, and some shook the hood a little.

“I want to trap me too?”

Fang Han didn’t move, the two seas exchanged, Divine Ability worked fast, the king of blood nights wrapped himself in a bloody shadow and Xing Yun Baobao, and touched Sword Qi with blade light. After breaking a small mouth, he immediately showed the “snakes and sighs” and swam out from this tiny gap.

“Divine Ability is moving fast!” Meng Shaobai was shocked. He didn’t expect Fang Han’s Divine Ability to move so fast, and it’s so fast. He did not know that Fang Han had become the “second knowledge of the sea” in the “coiling martial Divine Ability”. The degree of Divine Ability and the degree of response were twice as high. And he realized that although the fairy world was not successful, Spirit was baptized and had already condensed the fire of Spirit. This is the ability of Sixth Layer Returning Origin Realm.

With this, as long as he has enough five elements to complete the Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty, you can enter Returning Origin Realm without any power. Because the realm has realized, what is lacking now is only the vitality.

If Fang Han is now playing against Wan Luo, he can split the autumn without the king of blood nights.

Coiling martial The force in Divine Ability is not simply interpreted as “power”, “Magic Force” but includes “intelligence”, “power”, “sexual power”, “energy” and so on.

Fang Han came out of this way, the king of blood night was slightly moved, and it was a knife-bombing attack, killing Meng Baibai’s brain.

At the same time, Fang Han’s body swayed for a while, and he changed the shadow of thousands of blood. He couldn’t tell which one is true or not. This is the “real shape illusion”, which is especially powerful in the battle. Wan Luo is almost the same as Divine Ability.

“Between the heavens and the earth, there is always a line of life. It can be said that it is the number of Da Yan, lacking in one. Only I have no life to kill the road, forcing against the sky, destroying all vitality, breaking the line, is the sword for loneliness! Kill people, do the lore. There is no match between heaven and earth!”

At this moment, Meng Shaobai suddenly turned around, his body shape disappeared without a trace, and he did not know where to hide. He used the hidden way to deal with the boundless illusion. It was just right. When he disappeared, he communicated in the void. Thousands of Sword Qi came out and arbitrarily swayed. Every Sword Qi was directed at a phantom of Fang Han, and these phantoms were annihilated and vanished.

The Divine Ability of True Vision is broken.

“Fang Han, this person is practicing the ancient swords, no swordsmanship of the swordsmanship! Anyone who is cultivate Dao is paying attention to the world, there is always a line of life, but no swordsman is doing the opposite. Never leave any vitality. It is also true to do things. This is a sect that seems to be right and wrong, like evil and evil. It was a single pass in ancient times, but the generations passed down from generation to generation. One person and one sword, messed up Heavenly machine, people killing the plane, the earth is overturned! Later, because this swordsmanship is too much against the sky, the inheritance will be cut off, and it is impossible to think that Meng Shaobai has inherited the clothes of the non-born swordsman!”

“阎” seems to have recognized that Meng Shaobai’s display is the ancient swordsmanship, the powerful Spirit, passed into Fang Han’s mind, so that he must be careful.

No birth swords.

There is no trace of life.

The way to lore.

To others, the same is true for yourself.

Just between this one, “True Shape Phantom” was broken, leaving a real form of Fang Han in the air, and Meng Shaobai suddenly appeared secretly, a sword stabbed.


Sword light hit like a spring rain, Fang Han suddenly felt that the world is full of spring rain, fresh and pleasant, he seems to be in a quiet small building, listening to the spring rain at night, everywhere is full of vitality, suddenly there is A feeling of intoxication.

“Not good!” Fortunately, his cultivation is profound, and after this intoxication, the deepest crisis in the heart feels rising, and he sees a Sword light, like a rising sun, constantly expanding in front of his eyes, the endless Sword Qi ocean, It seems to be drowning. Crush completely.

Fang Han between the loss of God, Meng Shaobai’s sword broke the blood of the king of blood night, killing the body.

Such swordsmanship is simply a shocking ghost!

Fang Han was also the first time to see such an unstoppable, upside down sacred martial art, but he was a battle after all, and he was still trapped in the “Tempordial Immortal House” for 18 years, chatting with mysterious people. People who know all kinds of secret methods. In the midst of the crisis, Spirit is highly concentrated, and the sword in front of it is slowly rising in the eyes, hehe! A glimpse of the fire of Spirit suddenly burst into the mind.

Suddenly, all the Magic Force in my mind burned fiercely.

“Give me broken!”

In an instant, his body shape changed constantly, like a big tree, the wind blew, and the hundred branches swayed, so that Meng Shaobai swords and swords were stabbed into the empty space. Then his palms were lifted up, and the king of blood nights was completely turned into a big handprint, bloody, and the innocent evil spirits cried, and the sound of cuckoos whistled, and the sound of the blood blew, hit The body of Meng Shaobai.

A big handprint of the weeping blood, an attacking means that the king of blood nights changed.

Meng Shaobai’s body flashed outwards, and suddenly changed into a faint shadow. The sword in his hand was completely integrated into the body. The sword was united and indestructible, and the big handprint of the weeping blood was killed. And his body, ghosts appear in the face of Fang Han, Sword Qi Sensen, pointing to the jade pillow. It seems that a sword is going to pierce Fang Han’s mind.

This sword, just hit, the sword conveyed a vast and seductive suction, surrounded by the void, resulting in a variety of formless vortex, with the tip of the sword as the origin, all Space time, light, vitality, all inward Collapsed, it seems that he sucked this piece of void in a sword.

So swordsmanship!

Sufficient to call “no life.”

Nothing is alive. Do not give people a little life.

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