Eternal Life

Chapter 214

“Baiyang Dan” is the most suitable medicine pill for all practicing martial arts. Divine Ability Mysteries Realm’s Expert is also happy to be a food. Also among all the sects, the leader in Human Grade High Grade medicine pill. And Underworld Sect’s “Grand Jade Dew Pill” is a level of existence, the effect is similar, very precious.

Of course, if you can take “Nascent Origin Pill”, the chances of entering Divine Ability Mysteries Realm are much larger, but “Nascent Origin Pill” is too rare. In the normal transaction, one hundred “Baiyang Dan” is only Can be exchanged for a “Nascent Origin Pill”.

Listening to the green eyebrow interpretation, Fang Han gradually understood the specifics of some transactions.

For example, a High Grade “artifact”, “Divine Traveling Talisman”, “Storm Talisman”, “Iron Armor”, etc., if you buy, you need dozens of tablets, to hundreds of “Baiyang Dan”. And a Spirit Artifact, such as flying sword, Robe, needs thousands or even tens of thousands of “White Sun Dan”. As for the Treasured Artifact, even the general Treasured Artifact, that is hundreds of thousands of grains, millions of tablets. The price is gone.

In a short while, Fang Han was taken upstairs, in a separate room.

This room, below the window, is a giant plaza that is not inferior to the square of the Ascension Sect party. There are countless seats in the square filled with people. It seems that the people waiting for the “Heavenly Pavilion” show the treasures to be sold one by one. Look for the right opportunity to buy.

Fang Han is the Expert of Celestial Realm, but has a separate VIP seat.

“Now there are some times when we are away from our sales conference. At this conference, there are tens of thousands of magical treasures. There are many genius treasures with five lines of Essence Qi, but the value is It’s not cheap. I saw that my predecessors came to the Great Clouds Empire for the first time. I definitely didn’t have Baiyang Dan to buy them. But the seniors were Celestial Realm’s Powerhouse, and they were able to refine Spirit Artifact and a Spirit Artifact refining. Hundreds of medicine pills are coming in. I don’t know if I can make a little money to buy the five-line Essence Qi’s treat?” Green Eyebrow looks at Fang Han’s face.

“That doesn’t need it, but I’m going to sell something. How do you look at the price?” When talking, Fang Han’s hand swayed, and there was a dark robes with a sturdy skull on it. This is a piece of clothing that he has taken from the seven followers of the “Lingongzi”, which is a Low Grade Treasured Artifact.

“Ah? The reconstructed Artifact level of Robe?” Green Eyebrow was taken aback and quickly took over and stroked it: “This is the black jade silkworm king who has been woven for more than a thousand years, and then used the white bone essence to become a great array. Incorporating into the clothes, the Magic Force contains about a hundred horsepower. An ordinary person blood drop sacrificial refining, when put on, is equivalent to Divine Ability Mysteries Realm First Layer Magic Force Realm’s Powerhouse. This Low Grade Treasured Artifact, which can be worth about 300,000 tablets of Baiyang Dan.”

“Three hundred thousand? It’s not bad. But 300,000 medicine pill, hundreds of big gourd can be loaded, how can I get it?” Fang Han heard that he was satisfied with the price.

“This predecessor doesn’t have to worry, our Tiandao Pavilion has countless semicolons in the Great Clouds Empire. Give you a crystal card, you can always pick up the medicine pill from our semicolon, this and the silver ticket in the secular same.”

Between the words, the green eyebrows took out a card of amethyst color from the sleeve, and the text on it kept flowing, showing a figure of 300,000.

“Very good!” Fang Han knows that the credit of “Tiandaoge” is very strong. The Vanguard giants of Longevity Mysteries Realm have come to buy medicine pill. “World” records such a thing hundreds of years ago, that is, the wild demon The “Great Emperor” came to buy medicine pill for hundreds of thousands of disciplines and buy one billion. A few pieces of Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact like “Fifth Hell King Cauldron” were used for the change. As a result, “Tiandaoge” mobilized a billion pieces of Baiyang Dan to give the Great Emperor.

This matter, I was shocked by all the Immortal Dao Ten Sects. Even the Extreme Unity Sect was amazed, and for the first time realized the energy of the “Tiandao Pavilion”.

Even Elder, the drug king of Ascension Sect, often comes here to buy medicine pill.

You know, the bigger the Immortal Dao sect, the more the discipline, the more expensive the medicine pill will be. Ascension Sect consumes 500,000 medicine pills a day, and Extreme Unity Sect has 5 million pieces.

After receiving this crystal card, but gave the treasure to the green eyebrows, and swayed, the table was actually completely elegantly arranged with the same treasure, a total of six.

“I still have six such clothes, and I will work together.”

“Ah!” Green eyebrows stared at the six pieces of clothes, could not help but gently call, set the god: “This involves a large number of millions of medicine pill, I can not do the Lord, seniors please wait.”

After that, she hurriedly walked out.

Fang Han is not in a hurry, just a leisurely tea. This VIP room is very pleasant. The jade table is lit with ambergris. The tea on the table is not ordinary tea, but the medicine pill is soaked. Fang Han smells it, it is the Nascent Origin Pill of Extreme Unity Sect. Made of water. Obviously his treatment is indeed good.

Looking out from under the window, there are many people talking on the square below, and there is a sense of superiority.

Fang Han was the first time to feel the benefits of his cultivation to “Celestial Realm”. If he is still in the Divine Ability Fourth Layer “Yin-Yang Realm”, I am afraid to sit down with a bunch of people below.

I was thinking about it, and suddenly a curtain moved, a middle-aged woman came in with a green eyebrow.

This middle-aged woman wears a gleaming dress, and Fang Han knows it is a High Grade Treasured Artifact at a glance, no less than a black iron warrior.

And this middle-aged woman, like herself, is the Expert of the Divine Ability Fifth Layer “Celestial Realm”, which can be called the role of Daoist!

Fang Han was shocked first, but did not expect to be able to encounter such an Expert, but think about this “Tiandaoge” even the requirements of the Great Emperor billions of medicine pill can be satisfied, there is no “Celestial Realm” Expert It’s rare, maybe even Golden Core Expert.

“Daoist is reasonable. I don’t know how Daoist called it?” The middle-aged beautiful woman came in and stared at Fang Han, then introduced herself: “I am one of the main things in this day, Daoist called me Thirteen Just fine.”

“My name is Fang Fang cold.” Fang Han hesitated: “I don’t know if Tiandaoge can eat my other six robes?”

Thirteen looked at the six robes on the table and smiled lightly: “Don’t say six Low Grade Treasured Artifacts, which are six pieces of the best-made Treasured Artifact. I don’t have to eat it, I don’t have to eat it, Fang Daoist, you The robes are the fragments of the sorcerer’s sect, and they are captured. Because the black jade silkworms of more than a thousand years have only a large number of blood and shadow sects, it is very easy to make Robe.”

“Hmm?” Fang Han’s face was cold.

“This is no big deal. Our Tiandaoge collects treasure, it doesn’t care about the origins. Even if the Great Emperor knows it, it may not dare to come to the Great Clouds Empire. After all, there is Extreme Unity Sect.” Seeing that Fang Han was not good at his face, he quickly explained: “A piece of clothing, 300,000 tablets of Baiyang Dan, here is a crystal card of 1.8 million tablets of Baiyang Dan, which can be extracted at any time if needed.”

Between the talks, Thirteen Niang once again handed a crystal card.

Fang Han was in the sleeve of the income, and Thirteen also received clothes.

In a transaction, both have benefited. Fang Han got her own 2.1 million tablets of Baiyang Dan, and she was secretly shocked. He didn’t get so many medicine pill in his life. The only time he was in the house of too Primordial Immortal, he put 200,000 Heavenly Demon. It was refined and turned into 200,000 “Grand Jade Dew Pill”.

Now, with more than two million medicine pills, it’s amazing. It can be used for the entire Ascension Sect disciple for three or four days.

This “Tiandao Pavilion” is really rich and powerful.

“I don’t know if there is anything to sell in Daoist? Waiting for the next sale conference, there will be a lot of magical treasures, and even Earth Grade medicine pill with Life essence. The more abundant the funds, the more The more chances of getting a treasure, the more thirteen.

“There are still some.” Fang Han thought about it. He killed Island Master Jue Ming last time and got some flying sword. Robe took it all out.

Last time I killed Island Master Jue Ming, I got 36 flying swords and dozens of Robes. I used a lot of exchanges at the Myriad Resurgence Sea Market. After returning to the mountain, I gave some to the discipline, but there are still a lot left.

“These Spirit Artifacts are all plain goods, but it seems that it is also the result of the cold Daoist, just a little money. I will not worry, all received, 200,000 medicine pill how?” Thirteen.

“It seems that I am taking advantage of it.” Fang Han did not bargain, and took it directly.

After this sale, Fang Han was clean and tidy, and he checked his body. In addition to two pieces of Dao Artifact, Yellow Springs Diagram, and bloody, there are three “Hundred Treasure Bags” left, which are Extreme Unity Sect. True disciple, Yao Dian, Xia You, Yu Fen. This “Hundred Treasure Bag” is also a good thing, and many people can’t get it. At least hundreds of thousands of medicine pill, but Fang Han can not be taken out, otherwise it will cause some clues to make it difficult for people to find it.

Apart from this , Fang Han has a strange egg and more than 10,000 “Nascent Origin Pill”.

It was still found in the throne of his palace after killing the Seven Leafs. He still doesn’t know what the egg is, and he doesn’t sell it. When to hatch and say it. Anyway, there is a strong essence of life in the giant egg, certainly not a thing.

With such an inspection, Fang Han immediately knew that he was not wealthy.

When I saw that Fang Han had nothing to sell, Thirteen Niang nodded to the green brow: “Green eyebrows, you stay here to accompany Daoist to see the treasure conference. What Daoist is suitable, directly call the point. I will go to host the sale conference. It is.”

“Yes.” After seeing Thirteen, Green Eyebrows went to Fang Han and said: “The sale of the treasure meeting is about to begin, and the seniors look at the front!”

Fang Han quickly looked at it. Sure enough, in the middle of the square in front, it was a large altar. On the altar, dozens of guards wearing yellow vests carried a jade, a jade, a god eight feet long. Iron, sparkling, infinite Gengjin’s gas is conveyed from the god iron.

“This is a Western Taiyi real gold, it is the five elements Essence Qi contains rich things, Daoist cultivation gold Divine Ability is in use.” Green eyebrows said: “This real gold, but also refining Treasured Artifact flying sword Excellent material. The starting price is 500,000 Baiyang Dan. Each time the price is increased by 10,000 Baiyang Dan.”

“Good things, good things, although not as good as the white gold star stone, but you got this Western Taiyi real gold, after refining, White Emperor’s Golden Emperor Chop can enhance a lot of power.” “阎” and Fang Han Spirit exchange “It’s too expensive! 500,000 Spirit Pill, this day the pavilion is really making money!”

Sure enough, on the central altar, Thirteen Niang appeared, a mouth, and suddenly pressed many people who were eager to move. 500,000 medicine pills can scare away ninety-nine people.

“I want it!” Fang Han did not hesitate to think about it. Signal green eyebrows.

Green eyebrows quickly shouted out.

Suddenly, many people below looked at the VIP room where Fang Han was located.

“Six hundred thousand!”

Just then, suddenly another VIP room conveyed the sound.

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