Eternal Life

Chapter 209

“Fang Han’s luck should be okay. But I am more optimistic about Meng Shaobai. He also entered the wild temple, safely out of it, and got the care of the five elements, now I am afraid to become Divine Ability Seventh Layer Golden Core. “The drug king Elder, who has been snoring, has spoken.”

The “medicine king Elder” is the Grand Elder in charge of Ascension Sect medicine pill. It is the lifeblood of food, and he holds the only Dao Artifact pill cauldron among the martial art. Among the sects, there are many Elders, and there are hundreds of thousands of medicine pills inside and outside the discipline.

“Meng Shaobai! It is indeed a genius, this time the Mountains and Rivers List contest, he will come back to watch. And he also heard that Fang Han is also a genius in the martial art. In a few months, he came back. Look Look at his Cultural Base, maybe it’s higher than we guessed. Like this one, we guessed that Wan Luo and Fang Han are a draw, and no one can help. Who is not guessing wrong.” Star Elder excitedly said: “Our Ascension Sect is a sign of prosperity, with a variant like Fang Han, Meng Shaobai, Fang Qingxue, Hua Tiandu.”

“But the strangest thing about me is that where Fang Han came from so many medicine herbs and refining a lot of Nascent Origin Pill? It’s better than me. If he can really provide Nascent Origin Pill for Peerless Grade Human Grade for us every day. Medicine pill, my drug king Elder let him count it.”

Medicine king Elder’s face is weird.

“Our Ascension Sect disciple, along with Elder, has 500,000 people who practice every day and consume at least one Nascent Origin Pill. His Fang Han refines 500,000 tablets a day, which is Divine Immortal. Don’t be kidding, but as long as he can refine hundreds of Nascent Origin Pills every day and spread them to the discipline, within a year, our martial art will have three or five true divine Ability Mysteries Realm true disciple. Too gratifying. If we can give us a thousand years! Our martial art does not know what it will look like.”

“Fang Han, Fang Han, this person is a lucky star. Isn’t he spreading a lot of Nascent Origin Pill now? This is the popularity of the discipline with Hua Tiandu, and the degree of advocacy is the benefit of competition.”

Many Elders are also excited to talk about it.

One by one discussion.

Hua Tiandu is profound and sophisticated, with a lot of problems and Sectmaster style.

Fang Qingxue killed the decisive, the electric mother reincarnation. With Dao Artifact, the means is hot, it is the first killing role in the martial art.

Fang Han is a scheming and very lucky. If you are not prepared, you will be brave, but you will not be alert. The mind is delicate, the oil is squeezed out of the stone, but the shot is taken when the shot is taken. Compared to the decisiveness of Fang Qingxue, there is a layer of 狠! And it is only when you look at it. This point can be called “枭雄”!

As for Meng Shaobai, youth genius, amazing, amazing, one person and one sword, wandering around, can be called Shenlong.

Any sect, there is such a discipline, any one of them is a sign of great prosperity, let alone four?

“Now I am worried about the guns! These four disciplines fight each other, and that is hard to do.” A Grand Elder said.

“This is a problem, but for the time being we can still suppress it. Besides, there will be competition for competition.” Elder, the sword, does not think so.

“Okay, now, things score two steps! The first step is that all of us must concentrate on cultivation, full force Insight Heaven Ascension Scripture! This time too many Elder and Headmaster have been set, put Heaven Ascension Scripture All kinds of Supreme Divine Ability are open to us all! The understanding of Heaven in the scriptures is also taught one by one, and the Spirit Pill in the storeroom is taken out. Do everything possible to improve the strength to cope with the upcoming big The second step is to let Fang Han and Fang Qingxue greatly enhance their strength, go overseas to operate Lei Di Dong, draw overseas Rogue Cultivator, kill 40 great thieves. Monitor the movement of the Protoss. Protoss want to enter the Xuanhuang big world in large numbers. It is necessary to pass the Returning Void. We have established a bridgehead overseas, and there is room for buffering. When the Protoss appeared, my Ascension Sect was not determined, and it would be devastated!”

Heavenly Punishment Elder made a decision.

Many Elder nodded: “Not bad.”

Heavenly Punishment Elder is among the many Elders, cultivation to Longevity Mysteries Realm, the Witch, the Van Gogh giant, and many of Elder naturally centered on him.

Just then, suddenly, a fairy voice came from a distance, and then a golden element, rising from the sky, condensed into a golden rainbow in the sky, a total of twenty-four, traversing east and west.

Above the golden rainbow, there are countless human figures, gods, flames, exotic flowers, and Spirit Beast flying, and the ray of sunshine is surging.

In the end, these golden rainbows are all gathered together and turned into a bead. In the sky, they compete with the sun for glory and cover up the sun’s rays.

“Golden Core Dacheng! This is on the Purple Lightning Peak! Fang Qingxue has actually become a Golden Core!”

The golden light was uploaded by Purple Lightning Peak. It is obvious that Fang Qingxue finally broke through the realm and became a Divine Ability Seventh Layer Golden Core Divine Ability seed. It was once again transformed, and the degree of practice was fast, and it was rare in the world.

“One eight, two eight, three eight three eight twenty four! Actually, there is twenty-four Divine Ability!” Many Elder counts Divine Ability in Fang Qingxue Golden Core, which is every eight Divine Ability is a group of three and eight hundred and four great Divine Ability.

The general Golden Core Expert is better than more than ten Divine Ability. The Golden Core disciple of the feathered door, except for Hua Tiandu, Jia Lan’s fifteen Divine Ability, Wan Luo’s seventeen Divine Ability, Ling Xiao’s fourteen Divine Ability, Yan Guang is the most mysterious, but definitely not more than twenty .

As for the freak of Fang Han, no one will say it.

But the more Divine Ability, the harder it is to become a Golden Core. In general, the Expert is only refining five lines, first refining to peak, then returning to one, turning into a five-line rune, and finally transforming into the realm of Golden Core Seed. After completing the Golden Core, refine the Divine Ability.

However, such people generally do not step into Longevity Mysteries Realm, and at most stop at Divine Ability.

Because the more Divine Ability, the more versatile the various elements, when entering the Golden Core realm, all Divine Ability will be a big change with **. The benefits of Mortal Body are more.

In other words, before Golden Core, the more Divine Ability of cultivation, the more life expectancy will increase when you step into Golden Core, and the stronger it will be. The Divine Ability of Golden Core’s subsequent cultivation, the vitality can not be transformed into the body, and will not increase the life.

Divine Ability Fifth Layer “Celestial Realm” Expert, which lasts for 800 years.

Sixth Layer “Returning Origin Realm” does not increase life expectancy.

The Seventh Layer “Divine Ability seed” can last for more than a thousand years, usually 1,500 years.

However, if Divine Ability is much more cultivated, when it comes to Golden Core, life expectancy will break through this limit, even reaching 5,000 years. For example, Fang Qingxue, with twenty-four Divine Ability, achievements Golden Core, life expectancy can be three thousand years!

After Fang Han, if you can achieve Golden Core, I am afraid that there will be 5,000 years! However, there are so many Divine Abilitys in Fang Han. It is particularly difficult to integrate them. Even if you enter Divine Ability Sixth Layer Returning Origin Realm, it is difficult.

But the longer you live, the more time you have to practice, and the chances of stepping into Longevity Mysteries Realm are great.

Ascension Sect Many Elders are negotiating, Fang Qingxue breaks through, and becomes a Golden Core, becoming a small giant. These Fang Han naturally do not know that he is trying to “sense the heavens and humans”, so that one hundred and eight “war soul relics” in the mind and the thirty-six-day comet in the sky, the seventy-two comet induction.

For three days and three nights, his huge Spirit dissipated and rose into the sky, and gradually the whole person was swimming in the sky. In the sky, countless stars became huge and changed in the mind of Fang Han. It has become an incomparable and incomparable sphere!

Inside each of the stars, there is an incredible power. Some small stars are still weak, but some huge stars that existed since ancient times, with endless light and heat, and a little closer, Fang Han feels To the suffocation, the power of this kind of stars can destroy 10,000 of them, and the Expert of Longevity Mysteries Realm is also smothered!

Perhaps, only the legendary Immortal has the possibility of inciting such stars.

For the first time, Fang Han felt the vastness of the heavens and the earth, the infinity of the universe, the change of time and space, the smallness of life, and the unpredictability of stars.

“The life of a person is too short or too short, even if it is the Expert of Longevity Mysteries Realm. It is not possible to stand shoulder to shoulder with the universe. Life as Heaven and Earth is not enough! I want the world to be destroyed and I will not die, the sun and the moon And I am immortal! I want to live forever!” Fang Han suddenly had a passion in his heart.

In the face of not knowing how many billion years existed, the billions of stars of the universe, with silent thoughts, made such a cry.


Just as Fang Han Spirit Bo, with his own thoughts screaming at the stars, the whole body was put into the heart, so that he could feel the depths of the stars, one hundred and eight strange stars, and his thoughts and stars were connected. .

In the sky, one hundred and eight strands of star-shaped stars suddenly fell and fell into his mind. And one hundred and eight war soul relics in his mind are combined into one.

If it is the Expert of the cultivation star method, then the sensor star, when you absorb Star Power. The power of stars shines like a big pillar, or it is practiced, and it can be seen thousands of miles away. It is an unprecedented spectacle.

However, Fang Han cultivation is still short, only a small gathering of Star Power, so the power of stars is only fine, but Rao is still getting strength.

In general, Stars Sect’s true disciple, to sense the stars, has to work hard for decades.

As soon as I absorbed Star Power, suddenly, in his mind, a strange Spirit Space was gradually opened.

“No, Fang Han is murderous! Awesome!” At this moment, “阎” came the most serious warning.

Three black shadows appeared in the sky clouds. It seems that Fang Han is now, and all the murderousness is concentrated. Like the beast that stares at the prey, it is brewing the most fierce blow.

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