Eternal Life

Chapter 207

“What is the background? I am not afraid of Demon God, Hua Tiandu is not afraid, is it afraid of this person’s background? Is his backstage Immortal not?” Fang Han stunned, but did not continue to kill and win the treasure, he knows 阎Absolutely not aimless, although the blood-killing sword is very attractive, but the important task at this time is to find the five elements of the roots, if it really gets into trouble, it will not be worth the candle.

Where did he know, just in his hesitation, the young man in the green robes slammed his teeth and took out a big Yin Mine like a green peach in his arms.


The big Yin Mine was a muffled sound out of the air. It seemed to explode a million pounds of gunpowder at the bottom of the water. All the air boiled together. The huge fluctuations blew up the black storm of Fang Han’s “Black Windstorm”. The spirit-killing sword was drilled like a green dragon, evading the big palm of the king of the bloody night, wrapping the young man to escape far away, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

“You wait! There will be no good fruit for you to eat.” The young man in the green robes left this sentence: “You took away all the hard-hitting wars that I had painstakingly collected. You are dead, you are dead!”


Fang Han cold snort, it is necessary to catch up. Kill this young man.

However, “阎” said: “The poor and the chasing, the blood-killing sword is the magical treasure that was rectified thousands of years ago. This person is the Elder of the Shadow of the Shadows, very powerful! And that bloody grotesque, you must report. Whoever sinned him, he wants to set up hundreds of people to kill that person, even the junior is no exception. Like you offended Demon God, but Demon God is looking for Look for the wind white feathers revenge, and will not stare at you to chase. Wan Gu giant, this style is still there. But the blood is a different kind of strange. If you kill this person, he will stare at you every day, unless you Without Ascension Mountain, when he comes out of Ascension Mountain, he will kill you. And this old monster, scheming, proficient in countless kinds of Divine Ability, such as Miles Insight, Jing Yuan Sen. As long as you smell your smell, Know where you are. Miles, the moment is coming. When Great Emperor Yellow Springs tried to get rid of him several times, he didn’t get rid of it. He ran, this person is among the Longevity Mysteries Realm giants, the only one. No high-profile.”

“This is a great role!”

Fang Han listened, and took a sip of cool air. If you are always stared at by a long-legged giant of Longevity Mysteries Realm, the other party will kill himself as soon as he or she leaves the mountain. That still cultivation what Immortal Dao?

Although he offended Demon God, Demon God is not so unpretentious, and will not stare at his juniors all year round. You must kill first, but also kill the wind white feathers.

“In this case, fortunately, I have morphed in advance, who knows who I am? Now leave here. Look again, among the seven people who were swallowed by Heavenly Lion, how many wars are there.” Fang Han talked and received Heavenly Lion. Flying fiercely, flew for more than an hour, staying in a place on the prairie, this will restore the original face.

His current strength is extremely powerful, and he can defeat Wan Luo at the Divine Ability Seventh Layer Golden Core level.

But for Longevity Mysteries Realm Expert, it’s just a child, it can’t be compared at all.

Not to mention Longevity Mysteries Realm, Divine Ability Eighth Layer “Great Windfire Tribulation”, Divine Ability Ninth Layer “Heaven and Earth Law Manifestation” Expert. He is also afraid that he will not be able to win, although he has, the blood night king, this Dao Artifact, But the realm is too different.

He is now only the Expert of the Divine Ability Fifth Layer “Celestial Realm”, and it is not the peak, and the five elements are not refined. If he is a Golden Core, it is different. But now it’s still a long way from Golden Core.

The seven people who had just swallowed the Heavenly Lion and took them in the “Robe”, Fang Han already knew that they were the “Blood Shadow”, a large sect among the Seven Lineage of Demon Schools. Not under the fairy Ascension Sect. However, Fang Han didn’t catch the Expert for Divine Ability Mysteries Realm. He erased the memory of these seven people with Forgetting Emotion Potion, and then took the “骷髅 robes” and the seven gours on them.

The seven pieces of “骷髅 robes” are all Low Grade Treasured Artifacts.

Fang Han naturally smiled. Although he didn’t need these clothes, he could get it in the various markets of the Great Clouds Empire. The people who bought it didn’t know much. In the market, three things are best sold, the first is medicine pill, the second is flying sword, and the third is Robe. Because this is what all martial arts need to cultivate a discipline.

However, Fang Han put his attention on the seven gord.

These seven gourd, a bit like “Seven Fiends Gourd”, are of excellent quality, but they don’t have the ability to defend themselves and kill the enemy. The only function is to capture. There is only one extremely strong array inside, which is similar to the giant array of Fifth Hell King Cauldron.

However, in every gourd, a little shaking, it conveyed the sound of thousands of horses and horses, the roar of the drums, and the blood of the people, seems to have come to the ancient battlefield.

“How much war is going to kill, can you condense it.” Fang Han put Magic Force condense on his eyes, faintly seeing gourd, I saw that it completely formed an illusory world, I don’t know how much. People are killing, and each of the gourd’s wars of killing the war is ten times stronger than the warrior relics that they have just condense! hundred times!

I don’t know how many wars I have experienced before I collected them.

“It’s really asleep. Someone is sending a pillow. I’m about to open up my second mind. I want to consolidate the war and kill the gas. I need a hundred and eight war relics. It takes a lot of effort, now save me. How much trouble!” Fang Han said with joy.

In the secular, although there are many countries, there are wars everywhere. However, it is absolutely not easy to collect the war of killing and killing one hundred and eight soul relics. At least for a few years or even ten years.

And the war of the seven gourd wars is enough for one hundred and eight soul relics.

Can let Fang Han smoothly open up a second mind.

Is this not luck?

“It’s time for my luck to come. Everything will go well.” Fang Han cross-legged sat and displayed “Haicang Qigong” to change the surrounding environment, except for Divine Ability Seventh Layer Golden. Nobody can see anything other than Core Expert.

At this time on the grassland, autumn grass is even the sky. He sits in the grass and hides, the safest. Not to mention the law of protection.

Putting the seven gours down, Fang Han picks up the war inside the war.

“Damn, hateful! It is so abominable! I worked so hard that the seven slaves collected for nine years, secretly collected the war of seven gord’s war, did not know how many wars they experienced, but also picked There have been many wars! Now it’s going to be successful. Go back and let Father give me the sword to kill Dao Artifact. Now it’s a failure, it’s awful! Who is that person? Let me work hard for so many years. Once! Dare to grab my spirits, I am impatient!”

At this time, the cold young man wearing a turquoise robes was also violently exploding in the depths of the grasslands. The deep Sword Qi cut all the land within ten miles and found cracks everywhere.

“It seems that only Asksassin!” This “Lingzi” thought about it, suddenly grabbed a black symbol and burned it. Suddenly countless black smoke broke into the void.

After two or three hours, a sudden sound of emptiness came from the horizon, and then numerous air distortions occurred. Three figures appeared in front of this “Lingongzi”.

These three figures, all of them are slender and masked. People can’t see what it looks like, and get rid of a sesassin in the world! But the Aura on them is so powerful that it is suffocating! No less than Zhao Xuanyi, the only small giant in Song! Golden Core Expert.

These three masked people are actually Divine Ability Seventh Layer, Golden Core Expert!

“It turned out to be the son of Ling, you are out of the way. Let us three people come together, who is going to deal with?” One of the masked humanities: “We three are not bad please. Every time you kill, you need one. High Grade Treasured Artifact.”

“I know that the three of you are the second, third and fourth person in 40 great thieves overseas. Myriad Resurgence Immortal Island has encircled you many times. It has not succeeded, but has lost money. Many people in Extreme Unity Sect also have discrimination. Go killing you. But you still live well, this time I ask you, of course, will give you a reward, you will not think that I can’t even pay the reward.” Ling Gongzi cold road.

It turned out that these three people, actually overseas, 40 great thieves, ranked second, third, fourth fierce overlord!

On the same day, Fang Han was at sea, killing Island Master Jue Ming, ranked 38th among 40 great thieves, and got Fifth Hell King Cauldron. The Island Master Jue Ming is the Divine Ability Third layer, the expert of Primal Astral Realm, and became Astral Qi. Very powerful.

However, one is ranked thirty-eight, one is the top five! How big the gap is, I want to use my toes.

The vastest seas, the most ferocious forces are 40 great thieves, and even the Myriad Resurgence Immortal Island of Immortal Dao is hard to annihilate. Now this “Lingongzi” shouted the second, third, and fourth of the three overlords, the hard of the background, but also fierce.

“Father of the spirit son is a bloody ancestor, and we naturally don’t doubt that you won’t pay.” One of the masked people said in detail: “Who are you going to kill? Tell me about the person’s appearance and identity?”

“The appearance of that person is like this!” The spirit son’s hand waved, Fang Han’s appearance appeared, of course, the appearance of the sea qi qigong changed.

“This person, haven’t seen it? I’m afraid it’s not true!” Another masked person saw it at a glance and showed strong insight.

“I caught his Aura! This jade bottle is his Aura.” The spirit son smiled and said: “You use this Aura to kill people, there is no mistake! After killing him, bring back seven gourd to me. !”

“This is no problem!”

The three masked people, agreed in unison, took the jade bottle, and shook it, disappeared.

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