Eternal Life

Chapter 204


“Tai Bai Jin Xing Shi” was pointed by Fang Han. The powerful Magic Force disintegrated this piece of stone containing a lot of gold, and the infinite platinum glory flowed out, but it was sucked by Fang Han. All were inhaled into the mouth.

These platinum radiances are so sharp that they will be smashed when they reach people, and the sword will also be cut off, but they will enter the mouth of Fang Han, but become tamed, gradually formed under the smelting of powerful Magic Force. A pair of platinum snakes, ending up and connecting, formed a great array, and two figures were gradually emerged in the great array. One male and one female, also two Emperors, White Emperor and Golden Emperor.

Once the two Emperors succeeded in condense, the empty gas was immediately tamed, and the tide flooded into his mouth, gradually being condensed and re-formed into a great array. Fang Han follows the “Cultivation Method” of “White Emperor’s Golden Emperor Chop” and absorbs the golden gas step by step to give spirituality to the white gold star.

He wants to cultivate this White Emperor’s Golden Emperor Chop, to draw endless Gengjin. If you follow the usual level, you have to go to the place where the metal deposits contain much more. It takes a few years to collect. You can even suck a few mineral lodes and look around. This is a very wasteful thing.

But now, this “Tai Bai Jin Xing Shi” contains a few pieces of hardware that are not found in the mineral lode. It is so incredible that Fang Han can make the “White Emperor’s Golden Emperor Chop”.

If this “Tai Bai Jin Xing Shi” is sold in the “Myriad Resurgence Sea Market”, I don’t know what price to sell, such as “Connecting Heaven Sword School” “Sun and Moon Sword Sect” “Pill Cauldron” Sword School “These sects of the main body of the Cultivation Base, this kind of treasure is needed.

A sword repaired Elder, got this stone, you can go back to the hard sacrificial refining, and make a High Grade Treasured Artifact, even Peerless Grade Treasured Artifact’s flying sword! With a sword, you can walk around and don’t know how much power you add.

“White Emperor, Emperor, hardware, spirituality, immortality” Fang Han recited the spell, all the hardware of the moment, into the great array, the great array, in addition to White Emperor and the Golden Emperor There are many white tigers, golden dragons, steel giants, swords and swords, all the items that have the symbol of killing, all appear in the great array.

In the end, a lot of gold gas was collected, and the great array was condensed and formed. In a moment, the virtual air conveyed countless Jin Ge iron horses. The sound of the rushing whistling seems to be a thousand troops, rushing together, and the murderous murderousness is looming. This is the exclusive killing idea of ​​the White Emperor Golden Emperor.

Among the five elements, the gold is sharpest and the main kills.

Therefore, the Divine Ability is the most sharp, murderous and most convenient. Ascension Sect Headmaster The big Divine Ability is a murderous method of killing people with the Divine Ability.

“Golden gas belongs to the lungs”

The great array was condensed, and Fang Han absorbed all the gold gas into his lungs.

Suddenly, the pieces of the lungs have turned into the color of platinum, which is extremely strong. The gas that he breathes between and breathes with a touch of gold, which contains extremely strong killing gas, at the same time he Among the eyes, white light is shining from time to time, making people glare.

threw up!

In one breath, the bluestone on the ground seems to have been cut. It is all traces of the strips. It is a few feet deeper and deeper, like the most aggressive flying sword.

At this time, Fang Han knew the power of his “White Emperor’s Golden Emperor Chop”, and he didn’t need any flying sword since then. This is the best flying sword! When the mouth is vomiting, the golden gas is much more powerful than the flying sword.

“Unfortunately, the Demonic blade turned into a Dao Artifact, otherwise I took the knife. How much does the White Emperor’s Golden Emperor Chop cultivation?” Fang Han shook his head and abandoned the idea.

The refining of the “Taibai Golden Star Stone”, followed by the “Millions of Soft Crystals”, is also a magical treasure of the water system. The above contains thousands of water vapors, each of which is extremely heavy, is the essence of the treasure that condenses between heaven and earth, and the rare degree is not under the “Taibai Golden Star Stone”.

Fang Han didn’t take any effort this time. He broke the “Millions of Soft Crystals”, moved his palms, sucked his breath, took the water and gas into it, quickly refined it into a great array, and then precipitated between the two kidneys. Come down.

The lungs are gold and the kidneys are water.

So Fang Han keeps the gold in the lungs, and the water is hidden in the kidneys.

Jinshuiqiqi, after a little refining, suddenly Han Han’s body changed again, and grew taller. The whole person became a nine-foot man, and his body was extremely well-proportioned. His head showed a lacquer black, but with silk. Silk white gold. At first glance, Immortal Qi is full of energy.

At this point, he ran a little bit of the body’s five lines, and the flesh and blood were close to each other. In the midst of it, a huge Essence Qi poured down and washed the body again. In the past, because of the body of Tyrant Demon Diminishing Life Pill, all the dark wounds healed. Life essence has increased again.

Now, in his body, Scarlet Emperor’s Flame Emperor Qi has been small, and Black Emperor’s Water Emperor Fist has just succeeded in sacrificial refining. White Emperor’s Golden Emperor Chop also cultivated to a certain extent. Azure Supreme Wood Emperor Merit is even bigger. The only thing that has not yet achieved is the Yellow Emperor’s Yellow Road. You have to find the magical treasure of the earth system, or the five elements of the roots.

“Celestial Realm cultivation to Returning Origin Realm, you must have five elements! It seems that it is imperative to find the five elements of the roots.” Fang Han launched a map of the Five Elements.

Suddenly, the map shows a lot of mountains, countries, territories, such as Great Desolate Dynasty, Great Dawn Dynasty, and so on. However, these are not the places where the five elements are hidden. There is an arrow on them that directly guides people’s eyes. One country after another searched for the past, and finally at the end of the Great Empire, the largest empire in the world, there was an endless jungle of wasteland.

In the depths of the jungle, one ancient temple after another was marked.

“Ah? This is a wild temple! I can’t think of the five elements of the roots, actually hidden inside?” He was surprised.

“The Wild Temple? Isn’t that a long-lost ancient civilization? In the wild jungle, I don’t know how many temples there are, there are strange beasts in every temple. There are even some strengths. Strong indigenous. Even the wild sects are among them. It is very dangerous.”

Fang Han read World and knows something about it.

The world in which I live is called “Xuanhuangda World”. I don’t know how many billions of miles is the center of heaven and earth. It is also called “the main world” by the Outer territory Heavenly Demons. There are many mysteries, and the rumors are the closest to the fairyland. World Tree is growing in this mysterious world.

And apart from this, outside of this “Xuanhuang big world”, there are many voids, there are endless stars in the void, there are hundreds of millions of species growing, and there are endless storms of time and space.

In the storm of time and space, there are also many folded Space and world, so I don’t know what is weird inside.

In short, even the most powerful Longevity Mysteries Realm Expert can’t explore the billions of the universe.

I can’t even explore everything in the world of Xuanhuang.

The Wild Temple is a lot of abandoned temples in the wild jungle outside the Great Clouds Empire. It is rumored that a long time ago, in this jungle, someone built a huge empire, even more than the current Great Clouds Empire. Still bigger. Many magnificent temples have been established.

But I don’t know why, this huge empire, overnight, suffered a huge disaster, tens of billions, hundreds of billions of people, all died. After many years, in those cities, temples were drowned in the historical sands.

In the wild jungle, hundreds of thousands of miles, hundreds of thousands of miles of land, hundreds of thousands of magnificent temples, can be derived from the glory of that mysterious empire.

There used to be a lot of Immortal Dao disciple, and I went to the temple in the wild jungle to explore what kind of treasure, but no matter how high the diversity of Divine Ability, the temple that entered it was looking for treasure, and some were trapped in it. After that, he will also suffer from inexplicable misfortunes and die for no reason.

Therefore, most sects regard the wild temple as a forbidden place.

Now the five elements of Linggen are actually in the wild temple, one of the temples. This makes Fang Han a little embarrassed.

“Hey, you know, don’t know. What secrets are there in the wild temple?”

“I don’t know, the wild empire was after the ancient three emperors great war protoss, after the destruction of the Xuanhuang big world, a strong Great Emperor country prospered, and then disappeared, no one knows what happened.” Shudao, “anyway Some practitioners who enter the wild temple will suffer inexplicably. If there is any misfortune, they will become a hegemon in the future. You must be careful when you go there. The Great Emperor Yellow Springs did not explore the wild temple. Because he calculated it, he felt the danger of being inexplicable.”

“So so mysterious?” Fang Han took a sigh of relief.

After thinking about it, Fang Han decided to come down: “If you don’t find the Five Elements, my Five Emperors Great Demon Divine Abilty is going to be a big success, I am afraid that ten years is not enough. Going still, go, say, what Meng Shaobai went. The temple has got the five elements of the roots, not so good. Not to mention the temple, but also through the Great Clouds Empire. I can go to some markets of the Great Clouds Empire and buy some treasures.”

It turns out that the Great Clouds Empire is the world’s first Great Emperor country, with a population of tens of billions, and the country is big, and it doesn’t know how many miles. It is extremely prosperous, and the most famous is the market for all kinds of trading, the business, many Divine Ability Mysteries Realm, and even the giants of Longevity Mysteries Realm, where they go to change things.

“Myriad Resurgence Sea Market” was actually created by copying the genius land market of the Great Clouds Empire.

Great Clouds Empire, behind the world’s first Immortal Dao Extreme Unity Sect, no one dares to come in. The scope of the transaction is good.

Fang Han is now able to refine 336 Nascent Origin Pill, which is a tight item no matter where it is, and can be exchanged for a lot of good things. It is imperative to go to the Great Clouds Empire.

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