Eternal Life

Chapter 1546

The first five hundred and forty-six chapter

Fang Han is in the mastery of everything, and all the devils of the demon world are all sacrificial, and all the enormous powers are swept over the altar of the altar.

The altar of the altar is the more people who sacrifice, the more powerful, the things of the king.

When the origin of the king of the kings created the altar of the meditation, anyone in the heavens could gain strength by offering sacrifices to the altar by cultivation Great Sacrifice Technique. What a stalwart, let alone destroy the three-tiered Expert, even if the Wanjie Expert is to be Kill.

Fang Han is not strong enough, the realm is not enough, and it is not as good as the king of the fairy. Otherwise, the Lord of the Buddha and the Lord of the Dragons can be killed and sacrificed.

The dragons of the strips are the power of the sacrificial offerings, which surround the altar of the altar. Block all the voids, fix them, twist the rules, change the years, reverse the time, no one can resist under such powerful forces. The altar of the altar is not gentle when there is no power of the sacrificial offering, but once all the Experts of the Devil are sacrificed, it shows the true power.

Moreover, Fang Han, Feng Baiyu, have been greatly supplemented.

Fang Han is back, the capital of the twelve eras of the Cultural Base, no one can get him, the Culture Base wants to grow is also very difficult, Feng Baiyu is just the promotion to the ten eras of the Culture Base, has not been consolidated, Now with the power of the holy sacrifice of Fang Han, the power of the vain body in the body will solidify and will not move.

But just as he was in control, a voice that broke through the devil world and passed in, accompanied by the sound, was a stalwart Divine Strength.

Rumble…. 鍣?鍟?

It seems that the Thunder is furious, the waterfall is flooding, the volcanic eruption, the planet explodes, the plane collapses, and the sound of avalanche breaks down from the sky, tearing Fang Han鈥檚 blockade.

Then, Fang Han saw a huge stone, smashed the crystal wall system, and bombarded it. The stone fell like a meteor. It has not completely fallen into the devil world. The immeasurable shock wave has completely shaken the devil world. Cracked, the altar of the Zen meditation is shaking, it seems unable to counter the power of huge stones.

This boulder, shaped like a mountain, has a strange color on it. There are three colors, each of which is neither green nor blue, nor is it red… it is a color that has never appeared in the world.

When people see this rock, they will see their predecessors, this life, and the future life. All three are in it. In the past, now, and in the future, everything is in control. Countless fate, long rivers, and long history of Aura, all violently rotate around this stone. Among the heavens, the first artifact, Sanshengshi finally appeared. Your own power can come.

The altar of the meditation, the burial of the celestial burial, the sword of all things, the ancient sacred church, the door of the celestial celestial being… Any god created by the celestial king is not an opponent.

Because, the first god in history, Sanshengshi has already revealed his own divine power, and the gods retreat.

“Sanshengshi! How could it appear here? Suddenly appeared?” Fang Han鈥檚 heart was also suddenly shocked. The big hand slammed up and suddenly rose hundreds of teraflops. The palm covered the entire plane and grabbed the three stones, to him now. The Culture Base, a bite of a breath will be wiped out.

He actually used his own body to hardly grasp the first miracle.

At the same time, his mind has reached the limit: “Why did Sanshengshi appear here? I took the map from Hua Tiandu and arrived at the map. It was left by the Lord of the Yuan Dynasty. I originally surrendered to the Devil and went to find the Yuanshi. The skeleton of the Lord also has the whereabouts of the Three Stones. Now this stone actually falls into the hands of others. Is it horrible? Is it that Hua Tiandu first found this first god? Should it be impossible, or is there another person?”

At the moment when his palm covers a plane and wraps the three stones, Fang Han’s soul is flowing with the sound of spring water. 33 Skies is the treasure, and the epoch is estimated to reach the limit.

33 Skies has now truly built the Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, which is stronger than the one in the heavens. Even if the heavens are attacking now, they still have to be beaten to death. The promotion of 33 Skies after the promotion is fully revealed, above the heavens.

In Fang Han’s calculation, behind a huge three-stone, a shadow is faintly present. This shadow is vague and cannot be extrapolated. It seems that it was killed by the three sacred ancestors, this life, all the Aura of the afterlife. .

Killing the predecessors, this life, the realm of the afterlife, is the realm of the immortal king, Heavenly Monarch is impossible, and it is the kind of culture base, the deep king of the immortal king, the general immortal king, it is impossible to kill the three students.

However, the strongest artifact Sanshengshi has this function. If you get the Sanshengshi in the rumor, in the realm of Heavenly Monarch, you can kill three lives, eliminate all weaknesses, and raise your own realm to an incredible broken state. The mystery of the fairy king is very good for the promotion of the king, and no one in the heavens can estimate the whereabouts of your arrival.

This is still part of the power of Sanshengshi.

You know, in this world, it is very difficult to promote Heavenly Monarch. It is difficult to step by step. It is more difficult to advance to Xianxian. It is even more difficult than the cultivation of Heavenly Monarch. There are a lot of airmen in the era, and there are many in the Heavenly Monarch. However, the cultivation of the king of the fairy can be described as rare, second to none.

Among the 20 eras, the kings of the kings all came up with names, and Heavenly Monarch, not to mention the top of the river, is also a big one.

In short, after getting the Sansheng Stone, you can assault Heavenly Monarch and quickly become a fairy king.

“Fang Han! You dare to use your body to smash the three stones, this is to find death!”

The mysterious figure behind Sanshengshi suddenly spoke up, and the voice was erratic, making Fang Han feel very familiar, but he couldn鈥檛 remember it. Who was it? This is obviously filtered by the power of Sanshengshi, making it impossible for people to calculate.


Hong Zhong Da Lu, pneumatic mountain river.

Fang Han’s big hand slap on the top of the Sansheng stone, the three raw stones burst out of the essence of the Tao, the ghosts and gods cry, the gods inscriptions, Wanfo Qi sing… many voices.

Fang Han felt a force shocked.

His own big hand, k膩 ch膩 broken, the law was severely distorted by the power of the earthquake, the body’s vitality is very chaotic.

Moreover, the three living stones are still in decline, and the smashing impact is on the altar of Fengchan.

The entire altar was actually knocked out and flew out. The power of the sacrificial offering above was broken.

The blockade of the whole devil world began to collapse. The Lord of the Buddha, the Lord of the Dragons, and the many devils of the Devil World were able to move. Everyone was as big as a slap, and the feeling of the rest of the robbery came to life.

“Fang Zen altar! Receive!” Fang Han suffered a sneak attack of Sanshengshi, but there was no such thing as a surprise, his face was as usual, his sleeves were wrapped up, and the altar was enshrined in his body. The things continue to work, the wind white feathers, the Lord of the Devil have entered their own body, with the era of the gods, become a line of sight.

He flew fiercely, and the big hand of the collapse was again condense. The essence of Martial Dao exudes from the body, a boxing kill, thirty-three strokes in a row, the Divine Fist, and again bombarded, and smashed on the Sansheng Stone.

“A good three-stone! It is the first god, friends, don’t hide your head and show up, let me see, what is the point of the three sacred stones?” Fang Han double-catch continuous bombardment, mighty, every punch, They all played with the three stones and trembled. For thirty-three punches in a row, they actually set the huge three-stones in the air and rotated slightly.

“Really is a three-stone!”

“The first god in history, Sanshengshi finally appeared. This sacred object, in the rumor, disappeared with the fall of the Lord of the Yuan Dynasty.”

“My God, Sanshengshi appeared, there is nothing wrong with it, it is Sanshengshi, but Fang Han is actually hard! This is the god that even the king of the king can kill.”

Many of the devils have also come out. It is the strongest relic left by the Lord of the Yuan Dynasty. They don鈥檛 know who they are in, but they are even more shocked that Fang Han actually stopped the Sanshengshi in the air.

“Ha ha ha, Fang Han, I got three raw stones, but I haven’t gotten familiar with it all Divine Strength. Today I arrived here to understand the dangers of saving the Buddha, the dragon, the magic of the three worlds, and so on. I really refine the Lord of the Yuan Dynasty. Skeleton, completely mastered the three stone, is your death, now the three worlds Expert, all into my three stone, we go first.”

In the powerful shadow behind Sanshengshi, the sound suddenly broke out. These three stones were shocked, and countless rays swept across the world. They landed on the body of the Buddha, the dragon world, and many of the Experts in the Devil world. All the Experts suddenly disappeared. Without a trace, all of them have entered the Sansheng Stone.

Then, the three stones shook and flew out to the outer space.

The Sansei Stone is like a huge planet. After inhaling the Three Realms, it begins to leave the Devil.

“Fang Han, the road of nowhere, hahaha…. I can’t think of it. Sansei Stone actually appeared at this time. What good is it if you have more gods? A three-stone can destroy all your gods. “The world’s infinite king Buddha stood on the Sansheng stone, laughed happily, looked at Fang Han in the distance, all the eyes were full of grievances!”

“Yes, Fang Han, I will never die in the Dragon World! You can’t avenge this era. The next era will make you feel better than death!” Heavenly Monarch, the Lord of the Dragons, also hated Fang Han.

“Fang Han, you have killed so many demon Lords in our devil world, we will not let you go, the return of the Three Stones, the Expert of our Devils, and then the glory, you will wait to destroy the door.” They all roared in disgust, and they sent the most resentful curse to Fang Han.

“Fang Han, you still go back to the era gate, run the Yuanjie, wait for me to go out and destroy you…. wash your neck well……….”

Sanshengshi broke through the sky, and the sound behind it was still erratic, very proud and arrogant.

“Hey! Is that just going?” Fang Han looked hollow and shot again. g

[…the first five hundred and forty-six chapters of the three students – the lovers’s house – …] @! !

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