Eternal Life

Chapter 1544

The first five hundred and forty-four chapters

Many devils, dragons, and Buddhas are quiet, and the momentum is not the same as before -_)

If you say that these demons, Buddhas, and Dragons are experts, it’s a bloody Taige Somon Soul. Now, they are a group of chicks that are timid and seem to be scared.

They looked at Fang Han and seemed to have lost their ability to resist.

In particular, many devils, one by one, shouted loudly, indicating their position, saying that they are willing to rely on the era gate, against the heavens, actually expressed their loyalty, and even talked with Fang Han to discuss the “metasphere” and “devil world” Cooperation

“Fang Han, the lord of the empire, this time we are planted in the devil world, so that I am relying on your Yuan and become a law enforcement Elder of the epoch gate. How about the guest, I will do things for you, kill everything that does not obey the era gate The existence of a demon Lord Elder hurriedly said: “As long as you provide me with cultivation materials, I am the person of the epoch.”

“Yeah yeah, we are now Demon Sect, how about joining the epoch?” Another lord quickly said: “Since then, with us, these lords as guest Elder, which sects are unfavorable to the epoch, I will Enchanting them”

“I heard that Jiyuanmen opened a lot of halls, and even accommodated the treasure world. There is a multi-treasure hall. It is not as good as the Heavenly Monarch of our demon world. How about the Wanmotang? How do we get the best of both worlds? The door also got a lot of powerful ass ”

The greedy Lord is also talking again and again, and I can’t wait to call it directly to Fang Han.

Demon Sect is bullying and hard, and at this moment it is vivid.

Because they have all seen it now, Fang Han’s strength is too strong, and he has reached the terror of the twelve eras of Culture Base, almost no pressure to compete, no one can compete, the strength of the three worlds in front of him, Fully can be killed seven in seven out

Such a strong tyrannical strength, many magical devils in the devil world can not start the idea of ​​resistance

However, even if they are relying on the era gate, they will not be sincere. One day, one day they will fight against the water. Everyone knows that Fang Han’s heart is like a natural mirror. He can let go of all the enemies, but he can’t let go of the devil. Many magic masters

But now, he is so faintly watching the demon world, many of the devils are eager to succumb to the epoch, not moving, waiting for them to be almost noisy, he only slowly said: “Many devils, to rely on my era door? It’s not impossible. Elder, the guest of our era, must first vote for the name. Every demon who is relying on my epoch must come with the head of a dragon and the Buddha, so that I I will believe that your sincerity, if not, is the object of my obliteration.”

Between the talks, his gaze is directed at the greedy Lord. “The Lord of greed, you come first, kill the Buddha or the Lord, kill one, raise his head to join my era, I give you the most generous. Treatment

The greedy Lord’s face changed, his body moved, let him kill the Buddha and the Dragon Lord, he was absolutely impossible, his pair of strange eyes looked at Fang Han, coldly said: “Fang Han, you don’t deceive too much… ….”

“Deceive too much? This seat is to bully you.”

Fang Han came directly to the greedy Lord, grabbing it with a big hand, just like the eagle catching the chicken, grabbing the demon master

All the demons did not react

In the past, when Fang Han stifled the “Druid Master”, “The Lord of the Magic” and “The Lord of the Destruction”, these devils were able to find some shadows and fought their own strength to resist, but now they are unable to resist, powerful Like the lord of greed, they can only be caught directly. They are killed by a strong and powerful hand, and they are struggling and unable to move.

“Fang Han, you…”

The greedy Lord displayed several Demonic art in a row, but the body that poured into Fang Han disappeared, and his face was finally scared, showing despair: “Fang Han, spare me, as long as I don’t kill me, I am willing to be your slave and do anything for your epoch disciple…”

“I just want to be my slave at this moment? It is too late for the white feathers. I will pass on your epoch, and you will swallow this greedy master, so that you can restore your entire Cultivation Base of Heavenly Monarch.”

Fang Han took another hand, and Feng Baiyu flew out of the ecstasy of his body. He nodded and suddenly operated Divine Ability. Immediately, his body flashed, and it changed into a lot of crystals. It is composed of the gods, but the crystal god of the wind white feathers is golden with Buddha light, without the purity and mellowness of Fang Han.

When he grabbed his hand, his nails pierced into the head of the greedy Lord. The greedy Lord screamed and almost fainted, his face pale, and the layers of flesh and blood were thin and thin, and only the last Skinny

The wind white feathers are absolutely unrelenting, strong suction, completely plunder the greedy master, any Heavenly Monarch origin, Divine Ability, Magic Force flesh and blood, and even the experience of enlightenment are absorbed one by one.

In the end, the greedy Lord screamed and died, and even the human skin was not preserved. The cultivation reached his realm, and the body had all been transformed into gods, without any Impurities.

The Culture Base of the greedy Lord is a little worse than the fierce Lord, but it is also the supreme Powerhouse of the nine eras of Culture Base, which is more tyrannical than the Spring and Autumn Lord. Unfortunately, it meets Fang Han and cuts the melon and vegetables. The simplicity is taken, and the wind white feathers are swallowed.

Fang Han’s current Culture Base, swallowing Heavenly Monarch, can nourish, but it doesn’t make much sense. With his current 12-year Cultivation Base, even if he devours more Heavenly Monarch, he may not be able to advance to the 13th era. Cultivation Base goes

The gap between the nine epochs and the ten epochs, the difference between the heavens and the ten epochs and the eleven epochs is the sky and the mud, the eleven epochs and the twelve epochs, which cannot be said in the same day.

Twelve eras and thirteen eras, then I don’t know. Since ancient times, there is no experience. Only Xian Wang can know everything.

Therefore, the greed of the nine eras was in front of Fang Han in the twelve eras of Cultural Base, and the children were generally played to kill.

The wind white feather swallowed the greedy Lord, and the Cultural Base suddenly climbed up. At the end, his chest was flashing golden, and it seemed that the seal was opened. A golden glittering “卍” appeared, the Aura of the fairy king. I took it out, obviously it was the world’s own hand-painted by Wang Fo.

This “卍” word is not circulated in Gate to Eternity, but is the world’s self-improvement of Wang Fo’s personal handwriting to Feng Baiyu, which represents authentic inheritance, the Lord of the Buddha.

And the world’s infinite king Buddha is the “chaotic thief” who seeks the ruling position.

“He is the Shakyamuni Heavenly Monarch…”

“This is really the mark of the Heavenly Monarch of Shakya. He returned from the robbery. Originally thought that the Heavenly Monarch is just a rumor. Now he really shows the inheritance of the Supreme Buddha. The words on his chest have Aura, the world’s free king Buddha, is the leader of our Buddhist temple.”

“Nothing wrong, this was the time when the world was personally carved by Wang Fo. When Wang Buddha predicted that the Heavenly Monarch would experience a big robbery, returning from the world and re-directing the Buddha.”

“If there is no doubt about the fake Canadian Heavenly Monarch, this slogan will come out, and my Buddha power is inductive. It is definitely the reincarnation of the Heavenly Monarch of Shakya.”

“What about the Buddha in the world?”

The change of Feng Baiyu immediately caught the attention of many Buddhist masters. All the Buddhas and the Lords turned their heads together. It seems that the appearance of the Heavenly Monarch of Shakya has great shock to them.

Fang Han heard it all at once, nodded, and took a palm on the body of the wind white feather. Assist he refines the magical force of the greedy Lord.

The wind white feather took a long breath, and the wind and the cloud were all in the air. It seemed that the whole universe was inhaled into the body, and immediately the body began to swell. Finally, the Buddha light condensed into a zen garment wrapped around the body.

“The world is not worthy of the king Buddha, you are not coming to see the Lord of the Buddha! Sakyamuni Heavenly Monarch? You have been stealing the Buddha’s door for a long time, as long as you kneel down, use your future to redeem, I can spare you a life” Fang Han clap your hands

“Sakyamia Heavenly Monarch…….” The world’s infinite King Buddha spurts on his eyes, but when he looks at Fang Han, he is covered in a shackle and suddenly raises his hand. “All the Buddhas, listen to me, all retreat to the Buddha. Among them, this is the biggest disaster in the history of the Buddha world, but we are united and sincere, the stone is open, and he cannot destroy the Buddha.”

All the Lord Buddhas again condense up with the world’s infinite king Buddha.

“All the dragon kings also listened together to unite and retreat into the dragon world, completely enclosing the entire dragon world. When necessary, the blood sacrifices the dragon in the whole dragon world. It will not be able to be derived from the next era. It is impossible to do this Fang. Han’s slave”

Eight Heavenly Monarch also issued an order

“Go? Are you going?”

Fang Han saw one after another time and space wormholes open, could not help but smile coldly, holding one hand to the sky, immediately the entire Devil world is full of dense thunder lightning, all kinds of water and fire, huge weapons……. These visions are direct A shock, it seems that the devil world has to be pulled into the bottomless abyss

“Epoch Seal Seals Detachment”

Among the voices of Fang Han, one after another, the space-time tunnel was destroyed, so that the Expert of the Buddha World of Dragons returned to his own world.

“Fan Zen altar sacrifices the whole devil world, and you have all the nets to play today’s Buddha, the devil, the dragon’s three expeditions have come here, just let me go all out, you tremble, in front of the destruction, I give you the qualification of shudder” Fang Han put the altar of the altar Fly out and take a long breath


Even the wind white feathers were shocked at this moment. He knew what Fang Han’s series of actions meant. It was to block the entire demon world, and then the sacrificial whole world, together with the Sanjie Expert inside, the holy sacrifice.

This is a big deal that is almost completely crazy. No one can compare

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