Eternal Life

Chapter 1538

The Lord of the Sun and the Moon, the Culture Base is unparalleled, and the failure of the impact of the King of the Kings is hidden. It is obviously because of the failure of the impact, and it is seriously injured. It hides and licks the wounds, but no one knows. Before many episodes, he was searched for by the “worldly omnipotent king Buddha”. When I arrived at the nest, I rushed straight to the door and died with the suppression of Buddha light, refining all the Culture Base and the fetish.

That way, the magic force of the world’s infinite king Buddha is that the horror has reached the extreme.

Deeply hidden, absolutely hidden.

The words of the sun and the moon come out and immediately shine through the ancient times. It seems that in the distant times of the ancient times, all of them were bright, and all of them were bright and rotating.

The words “day” and “month” can be born almost every moment to the sun and the moon. Especially when the world’s infinite king Buddha entered the eight floating sects, this pagoda was instantly radiant and radiant, and the clouds were all fine and solidified.

The eight bas-reliefs began to change completely. They were successively entered into the word “dragon” and the word “sun and moon”. The change of this treasure is incredible. Countless characters begin to distort, and the whole pagoda rises and begins. The body of the eight Heavenly Monarchs, the two huge Heavenly Monarch origins, also poured into the body of this pagoda.


Fang Han saw this situation and stepped out again. He punched through Taikoo, a huge fist, and covered the sky. He bombarded the world-famous Wang Fo and the Dragon Lord, Heavenly Monarch.

“Sun and moon bright, external body incarnation, the second body, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, come out!”


The world-famous Wang Fo saw Fang Han “desperate”, and suddenly his face showed a sly smile, and he showed his means of pressing the bottom of the box. Behind his head, the circle of Buddha light suddenly rose, and then from the Buddha’s light. A giant ancient god emerged.

On the body of this ancient sacred god, half is the flame, half is the ice, representing the sun, the two limits of the power of the yin, the faint glimpse can be seen, this ancient god is an old man, the eyebrows are all white, above Half of the flames of half of the flame are also condensed.

This is the Lord of the Sun and the Moon.

However, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon has been refined into an external body incarnation.

The strength of his body, Fang Han has no doubt, almost comparable to the Mother of God, and even more even, compared to the world’s infinite King Buddha itself is much more tyrannical.

The power of external body incarnation is even stronger than the deity.

However, this is not unusual, external body incarnation, no captain, the power of the second god is in accordance with the truth, is to be stronger than the deity, otherwise it does not make any sense.

The general Expert, got the magical treasure, is refining its own second-yuan external body incarnation, surpassing itself and resisting disaster.

The external body incarnation of the world’s infinite king Buddha actually refines the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. In this way, the power of the infinite King Buddha is almost able to compete with any Expert below the King.

However, it is obvious that the world’s infinite King Buddha is not able to directly refine the Lord of the Sun and Moon into the body and increase the Culture Base, which is far less than Fang Han.

Now that the world’s innumerable king Buddha’s Cultural Base, Fang Han has seen it, at the peak of the ten eras, if the true sun and moon Lord can be truly melted, I am afraid that the Culture Base will skyrocket one or two epochs and reach eleven twelve. The horror Culture Base of the era is truly comparable to the current Fang Han.

At that time, Fang Han would have difficulty trying to kill him.

It is a pity that the Lord of the Sun and the Moon is completely melted, and it is too difficult for the cultivator to be even Heavenly Monarch.

The true integration of the Lord of the Sun and the Moon becomes its own power, and the difference between the power of the external body incarnation is too great. One is that all forces are blessed on one’s body, and the other is two.

Two people, and one person have the power of two people, and the difference is different.

However, even the incarnation of the “Lord of the Sun and the Moon” is enough to counter any Expert under the King of Heaven and Earth. This time, it immediately resists Fang Han and makes him unable to move.

“Heavenly Monarch origin, infused into the eight floats, refining the floats, eliminating the soul brand.”

The Heavenly Monarch of the Eight Heavenly Monarch saw this situation, laughing and laughing, but in the eyes, he had a deep jealousy against the infinite king Buddha. The infinite Wang Buddha gave an external made by the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. Body incarnation is also a huge threat to him.

Although the relationship between the Buddha and the Dragon World is very good, if you encounter enough benefits, you will turn your face.

Therefore, under the circumstances of the Eight Heavenly Monarch, desperately refining the eight floating sects, and getting the mystery of the realm of heaven and earth.

He spurted out blood, and every drop of blood immediately differentiated. There were 840 million True Dragons, and True Dragon shook his head and plunged into the eight sacred sects, causing the buds to burst into the blood.

He himself is an eight-headed battalion, refining the same eight bas-reliefs. It is simply a complement to each other. No one can match him. In an instant, this floating squad has been cracked in successive ways, and its vitality is super-condensed.

At the same time, the Eight Heavenly Monarch did not cost money to turn into the eight floats between the many gods in the body, so that the ball of the bubbling air is generally inflated.

Among them, Fang Han’s soul brand is suddenly broken.

Fang Han was blocked by the powerful external body incarnation of the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. He always rushed in and couldn’t come in. He could only watch his eight floats refining.

“Ha ha ha, haha… Era Heavenly Monarch, Fang Han, you have today, the Eight Floats were refining by me, and your last days have come. Many of the devils, when they hit the dog, they will come!”

Heavenly Monarch, the Lord of the Dragons, is almost arrogant and elated. He slowly swallowed the eight floaters into the body and began to increase the limits of power.

The two sides of the fight, actually presented a one-sided, Fang Han is a retreat, and the world’s infinite king Buddha, the Dragon Lord’s eight Heavenly Monarch is a victory, it is like a broken bamboo.

Many of the devils in the devil world are stunned.

“The Lord of the Sun and the Moon… This is the world’s infinite king Buddha. Actually, before a few epochs, he killed the Lord of the Sun and the Moon and refined it into an external body incarnation. I am afraid that it is the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. Wang Fo can also cross three thousand worlds, and he is invincible. Only a few old antiques can deal with him.”

“The threat of this Buddha is bigger than that of Fang Han.”

Although this is an alliance, it is essentially an enemy. If the Buddha world is strong, I am afraid that the first one will destroy our demon world. This is extremely dangerous. We still have to be careful. ”

“What do you do now? Assist Fang Han?”

“Impossible, Fang Han is also the object of our murder. Besides, this Fang Han has not yet applied the last resort. Have you noticed it? He has not used any of the gods.”

“Yeah, this Fang Han has not shown all the power, strange? What is he paying attention to? The eight floating battalions have to be refining, he is still so slow, although seemingly desperate, but the power It’s not enough to be earth-shattering.”

“It’s not bad. In the rumor, this Fang Han’s body is a fusion of the ancient sanctuary, the celestial burial, the altar of the Zen……… these gods, but now one has not been shown, don’t know why? Is it him? It is deliberate to give up eight Buddhism, impossible, there is no such stupid person in the world?”

“Don’t be, is Fang Han suffering some kind of harm? The gods can’t display anything. Or is there any conspiracy?”…………….

Many of the Lords once again talked about it. In their impression, Fang Han was not so weak at the moment.


at this time.

In the fight between Fang Han and the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, there was a loud bang in the turbulent world. The Lord of the Sun and the Moon suddenly displayed the rumor, the most fierce “Divine Fist”, punched out Hundreds of millions of miles of sun and moon appear out of thin air, as is the case with quicksand.

Under the cover of this boxing, Fang Han’s body was completely disintegrated, and all disappeared. It turned into a emptiness, disappeared into the air, turned into flying ash, and disappeared from the ages. Since then, there has been no more. The existence of traces.

Everyone has a sigh of relief.

“Don’t Fang Han be killed by the Lord of the Sun and the Moon?”

Not to mention that there are many devils, even if the world’s infinite king Buddha is shocked, although he knows that Fang Han is not allowed, but is not weak enough to this extent? It was so simple to be killed, even the dust did not stay one, it is too weird.

“In any case, it’s better to die. I feel that the last remaining resistance in the eight floating buds has disappeared. Hahaha…” The eight Heavenly Monarch shocked and began to melt the eight basques and entered his Deep in the body, his strength, almost every breath, has to rise a step.

“It is impossible to die like this. Even if it is really dead, it will be turned into dust. The gods of heaven, the burial of heaven, the altar of meditation, the ancient sacred temple will be left behind. How could it be killed?”

The world-famous Wang Buddha suddenly felt something wrong.

Suddenly, he was in a spirit, and his hair was erected: “Fast, fast…. Eight Heavenly Monarch, speeding up the refining and refining of the eight floats. These eight floats have problems and big problems….” His voice was almost stuttering, and he couldn’t speak. He was so anxious: “My word for the sun and the moon, come back quickly.”


He actually has to recover the words of the sun and the moon among the eight floating budes.

The words of the sun and the moon, the eight heavenly Monarch refining floats, but now that they are not waiting for complete refining, he feels dangerous.

“At this time, think of it, is it late?”

At this time, a reminder of the sound of the sound was heard in the deepest part of the Eight Buddhism, a small void, not yet part of the refining.

It was the voice of Fang Han, which almost shattered all the will of the worldly King Buddha and the eight Heavenly Monarch.

“How is it possible? Fang Han, how could you be there?”

The Eight Heavenly Monarch is almost crazy, and his face suddenly appears awkward: “If you do, you will die. It turned out to be a avatar of yours. Your true body has long been hidden.” Among the eight floats, is the calculation??h

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