Eternal Life

Chapter 1527

The first thousand five hundred and twenty-seven chapters

According to the Culture Base, Fang Han is the Heavenly Monarch born in this era, and the Heavenly Mother is the cultivator born before the ten epochs, and the two are simply different.

However, in this era, Fang Han has sprung up, swallowing up countless Heavenly Monarchs, melting in a furnace, and many gods, all in the era of the gods, Cultural Base reached the peak of eleven eras, Kankan To break through the twelve eras.

Originally, he was the Culture Base of eleven epochs, but after swallowing the master sword, after the mother word, it increased again, almost completely beyond the Summit Base of Heavenly Monarch, infinitely close to the king.

However, this Culture Base, to break through the fairy king, does not know how long it will take. At the very least, Fang Han has not yet felt the realm of the fairy king. It may still have to undergo a great destruction of the world and feel the decay of the universe. Really, you can finally get rid of everything and reach the peak of the Culture Base.

However, it is precisely because of this, with his Culture Base, there is no need to risk the war, no need to risk and Tianmu to compete with the source.

The most dangerous thing is not that you are dead or that I am dead.

And it is in the opponent’s nest to compete.

Everyone thinks that Fang Han is crazy.

And Heavenly Mother Competition Heavenly Monarch Origin? In the rumor, the mythical old man once transferred some of his own skills to the Mother of God, which made her have a longer life than the Heavenly Monarch. In many of the savings, her origins are incredible.

Competing with this kind of person? No one can compete with the king, or the same old antiques.

But Fang Han came up to contend with great will, invincible confidence, and the unique Culture Base in heaven and earth to defeat each other.

Fang Han’s hair fluttered, and the single-handed collision of jade fingers, the power of the two people stirred up and caused a violent explosion in the place where the fists were handed over. In a sound explosion, the heavens and the earth collapsed.

And the Lord of Dreams, who was put on his hand, seems to have been unable to move.

The mother of the heavens stood tall and collapsed. It seemed that all the peerless forces had to be directly poured into the body of Fang Han, and he was directly blasted and crushed.

All the time and space, all condense live, and even the two people to fight the Heavenly Monarch origin of the Aura, making the Lord of the glory, the Lord of the Lord … these generations of Heavenly Monarch have repeatedly retreated, this is afraid of the fish.

Their Dao technique, at this moment, could not attack the circle that reached the two.

The strength of the two men fights to form an absolute force field. Anyone who enters them has to be seriously injured. Any Dao technique is collided by this force field and will be wiped out.

“good chance!”

The dreamer suddenly blinked in a blink of an eye. In her eyebrows, a little red light flashed, and the body began to twist and swell. Between the shocks, she was out of the control of Fang Han, came to the back of Fang Han, waving her hands in the air. A great curse was carved out, and it was violently bombarded.

On her palm, many of the gods of Aura rolled over, uniting her Heavenly Monarch source, screaming and burning, and the sly was printed on Fang Han’s back.


“Fang Han ,你死定了,梦幻一击,所有Cultivation Base ,毕生精华,condense 一点,毁灭Great Dao ,斩破天穹。”梦幻之主的意念之中,有深刻的仇恨,她的毕生功力都condense 在一起,对Fang Han 产生毁灭性的破坏。

她的狞笑,恶毒的诅咒,也加持在了Fang Han 的身躯上。

“好,junior sister ,干得好。”

“这下Fang Han 死定了,居然还和师尊对拼Heavenly Monarch 本源,他以为他是谁?仙王么?”

“对拼Heavenly Monarch 本源,受不得一点干扰,junior sister 就乘机脱身了,可谓是自作孽不可活。”………蒹葭之主等人看见这一幕,都高兴了起来,可惜的是她们笑容刚刚还在脸上就停止住了。

因为梦幻之主双掌打在了Fang Han 的背后,居然一点效果都没有,反而好像是灌输功力一般,使得Fang Han 的身躯节节膨胀,Heavenly Monarch 本源再次增加。

“怎么回事?我的Heavenly Monarch 本源,大量流失,都进入了他的体内。”梦幻之主大惊失色,连忙抽身而退,但是她的手掌,好像是被吸住了一般,怎么都无法脱身。

Fang Han 的身躯,纪元神阵猛烈运转着,顷刻之间,她的身躯之上,也凝结成了一层厚厚的晶体,好像被冰封一般,这些晶体,都是神物和法则condense 在一起的强横封印,使得她根本无法动弹。


梦幻之主连连尖叫,歇斯底里,疯狂的咆哮,可惜的是,Heavenly Monarch 本源流失得越来越多,Aura 也越来越虚弱,人也看着干瘪下去。

到达最后,她的whole body 化为了一具干尸,砰的一声,在那晶体神国之中炸成粉末,彻彻底底的消失,连同她身上的一些神物,magical treasure ,全部都进入了Fang Han 的躯体之中。

以她的Cultivation Base ,不在洪荒Heavenly Monarch 之下,八个纪元的强横本源,冲入Fang Han 的身躯,立刻在Fang Han 的体内,一个个嗒,嗒的声音响彻起来。


是这强大的Heavenly Monarch 本源冲入了Fang Han 的躯体,使得33 Skies 至宝再次蜕变从King Grade Immortal Artifact 化为了Saint Grade Immortal Artifact ,这次,足足有七件,七件至宝化为Saint Grade Immortal Artifact Heavenly Monarch 级别的存在。

偷袭Fang Han 的梦幻之主,彻底消失了,取而代之的是Fang Han 体内的至宝晋升,力量再次提升。

Fang Han 是何等人物,运算天机,Cultivation Base 莫测,梦幻之主的动作哪里能够逃脱得过他的耳目,早在先前,就在梦幻之主的体内布置下了forbidden art ,这forbidden art 十分厉害,只要一催动Essence Qi ,就会被身体神国吸走。


况且,现在Fang Han 和天母对拼Heavenly Monarch 本源,余波都不是梦幻之主能够承受得了的。

“Fang Han ,你杀我第子,就拿命来偿还。”看见梦幻之主死亡,天母身躯上的杀机再次沸腾,“你这是自找的,就别怪本宫手下无情了。”


突然之间,天母的身躯上,飞出来了三十三团无比强烈的光芒,每一个光芒之中都是一个大字,古字。散发出了诸天永恒,在每一个纪元之中,都称王称霸,纵横无敌的字体。这三十三个字组合起来,成为了一段口诀,悟通了这段口诀,就可以掌握上苍造化之道,真正的媲美造化仙王,甚至能够知道Gate to Eternity 的秘密。

这是真正的33 Skies 古字。

Gate to Eternity 中流传出来的古字,个个都有无敌的威力,这一套三十三个古字,更是传奇之中的传奇,神话之中的神话。

被天母夺得到之后,经过了sacrificial refining ,现在已经神妙无比。

这古字一出来,在空中组成了一片浩瀚的宫殿,sea market 蜃楼,Fang Han 立刻就感觉到体内的33 Skies 至宝疯狂的震荡,立刻就要脱离身躯,飞了出去,纪元之道几乎是都镇压不住。

真正的33 Skies 古字可比荣华之主那种自己写出来了不知道要强横了多少倍,尤其是从天母这人的手中施展出来,更是恐怖,专门克制33 Skies 至宝。

如果不是Fang Han ,换了任何一个人,只怕是一个照面,体内的33 Skies 至宝就要被夺走,一生的Cultivation Base 付与流水,辛辛苦苦为别人做了嫁衣。

“纪元之道,镇压至宝,天地一体,造化Divine Strength !”Fang Han 的Cultivation Base 几乎是到达了一种炉火纯青的境界,而且他对于三十三个古字的威力早就有一种提防,天母一动作,他就知道了,立刻催动纪元之道,身躯之中的诸多神器,连续天地一体的境界施展了出来,仿佛铸铁一般,牢牢的把33 Skies 至宝焊在体内,不能有丝毫的动弹。

随后,他一声大吼,冲天而起,体内神物运转,脱离了天母的掌握,双手一撕,整片天仪母教的位面被他直接撕裂,身躯扭曲,就穿梭过了无穷无尽的Space ,消失得无影无踪,现场之中,就剩下来了他的话语还在飘荡:“天母,你的33 Skies 古字果然厉害,对于33 Skies 至宝是一个大的克星,不过我迟早有一天,会把33 Skies 至宝修成天地一体的境界,到时候,自然会来收取你的古字,天母你等着就是了。”

Fang Han 居然在这一下走了。


天母也是骤不及防,玉手当空一抓,衍生了出去,不知道多少位面笼罩在她的魔掌之下,隐隐约约可以看到天界上千个位面受不了她的Magic Force 波动直接崩溃,化为虚无,在位面之中存在的生灵全部死亡陨落。

但是,那大手抓到了尽头,还是空空荡荡,什么都没有,Fang Han 已经彻底的消失得无影无踪。


天母都知道,现在追击Fang Han 已经失去了最好的机会,Fang Han 这种Expert 只要抽身而走,谁都奈何不得。


“母亲,我们干脆一起去,直接围攻纪元门,斩杀Fang Han ,不然等他再度成长,我们恐怕就斩杀不了他了。”荣华之主上前一步,恶狠狠的道,要斩草除根。

天母沉默不说话,良久之后,才道:“不妥,我的33 Skies 古字虽然对他有巨大克制,但是他居然修成了天地一体的境界,能够压制至宝。而且我们天仪母教上去攻打,就算能够灭了纪元门,也是两败俱伤,如果被战争之主,还有另外一些老古董乘机,那也有灭门之祸。”

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