Eternal Life

Chapter 1510

Chapter 151

“The door master Magic Force is boundless, an idea, can reach any place in the Myriad Heavenly Domain. With the blessing of the master, I will be able to complete the task and recruit the magic masters of the Yuanshi Mozong.”

He felt that the tyrannical power that Fang Han had entered into his body was no less than a god of the heavens, and suddenly he knew that this was a avatar of Fang Han.

With Fang Han’s avatar protection, what is he afraid of?

You must know that Fang Han went directly to the realm of the gods, almost completely extinct the entire Protoss, and plundered the peerless Expert of all the Protoss treasures. The district is a Yuanshi Mozong, naturally unable to compare with the Protoss.

Fang Han waved his hand: “When you finish the mission, I will reward myself, and I will let you finally ask, the most powerful artifact of Yuanshi Mozong, the whereabouts of Sanshengshi.”

“The whereabouts of Sanshengshi!” The monk Wang. Shocked a bit, then went down deeply. “I know, Sanshengshi is the strongest artifact of our Yuanshi Mozong. When the Lord of the Yuan Dynasty held the Sansheng Stone, even the Emperor Wang would avoid it. Its edge, unfortunately, was followed by numerous Powerhouse sieges, Demon Dao’s civilization was degraded, but this is the strongest artifact of the three stones, only the lord can be worthy. After the lord gets the Sansheng refining, he will be able to attack the fairy king and become a fairy. After the king disappeared, the first hegemon.”

“Very good, very good.” Fang Han closed his eyes.

The body of the monk blasted and turned into a group of magic fog, disappeared from the Yuan and went out. He was the reincarnation of the “Lord of the Devil”, and now he is a Heavenly Monarch. He is awakened by various Demon Dao. The Demonic art is at its peak, and the future is boundless. After being convinced by Fang Han, it has become a part of the era.

The current Jiyuan Gate already has Fang Han, Linglong, Yuhuang, Fengbaiyu, Mibao, Feng Yan Guang, Shun King, and Chaos Heavenly Monarch.

In the days to come, Xing Yun Baobao and others will also be promoted to reach the Heavenly Monarch realm, and the era gate will become stronger and stronger.

“Chaotic Heavenly Monarch goes to join hands with the treasure world, but also to get to the door of our era. Why haven’t you come back, what happened? I have to look at the universe with the eyes of the gods.”

Fang Han thought of this thing with a heart.

At this moment, suddenly, a space in the Yuan Dynasty cracked, and a fire-like Spirit Talisman fluttered in violently. It reached the front of Fang Han and was caught by him. It conveyed the chaos of Heavenly Monarch. The voice: “Fang Han, the speed of the treasure world, is being under siege.”

This tone is urgent, fast, and a thousand.

Fang Han slammed his eyes open, stood up, stepped out, disappeared, and appeared in the boundless Space turbulent fault of Heaven.

The void of the heavens, the planes are staggered, the layers of the gaps are stacked, and at first glance, there is no margin at all, and all kinds of chaos will be flooded with Heavenly Monarch. If it is rushing through the gap between the empty planes, one is not good. To be lost in eternity. Fortunately, Fang Han’s Cultural Base has reached the realm of ignoring any world law, with Great Dao as a slave. A little look, those layers of time and space have disappeared, and then he saw at infinity, a place. The secret moments of the time and space faults, the radiant treasure.

The treasure world is not a fixed world, but drifts freely in the turbulence of time and space. It is a plane that has no fixed place. It is because of this characteristic that this treasure has not been discovered and is very safe.

But now, Fang Han saw that in the gap between the huge time and space, thousands of planes were blocked by an odd force, and each plane was shrinking and fissing.

In the process of shrinking the plane, fission, the force of tyrannical force is released, and the sacrificial refining is carried out.

At this moment, the huge treasure world is like a magical treasure. It is thoroughly sacrificed. The solid crystal wall outside is exuding a strong treasure, and the juice is flowing down. This is a sign of refining.

But fortunately, Fang Han found a chaotic airflow in the treasure world, constantly spurting outward. Protecting the treasure world from refining, it is obvious that the chaotic Heavenly Monarch is struggling in the treasure world, apart from this, Fang Han also feels the power of the wing of freedom, the legendary stick of the two Saint Grade Immortal Artifact , a little move, earth-shaking, legend, freedom, two kinds of boundless giant force, bombarded outside.

“Who is this? Actually dare to attack the treasure world at this time? Is it heaven? Put all the planes in the void together, sacrifice and attack, this kind of big hand, I am afraid that even the heavens can not do it.” Han Shen’s thoughts were almost immediately provoked, overwhelming.

But at this moment, his thoughts just moved, and immediately caused the induction of the peerless Expert. A red-lined net broke out from the depths of the thousands of planes. This is not a magical treasure, but a Pure Magic Force, Astral Qi, is extremely powerful, and it is almost possible to bring the heavens directly into it.

Even the gods of Fang Han met this net, and they all felt that they were to be eliminated.

Fang Han cold snort, oh! His Spirit condense has become a lot of snowfall, which makes the whole time and space turbulent. All of the thousands of faces are full of goose feathers. Every big snowflake is completely destroyed at once, and thousands of planes are blown up at the same time. The mushroom cloud that has erupted hundreds of millions of miles is a broken dust.

When the plane exploded, Fang Han stepped into the treasure world. No forbidden art could stop him. He ignored any laws and all magical treasures, and carried the gospel of all beings to any place.

Wings of Liberty, Chaos Heavenly Monarch, the legendary stick stands in the middle of the treasure world, and puts a lot of magical treasure condense together. The mountains, the earth and the rivers of the treasure world are all black lacquered, discolored magical Treasure fell to the ground, and many of the powerful magical treasures were left with corpses, seemingly encountering an unprecedented catastrophe.

“Fang Han! You are finally here.” Chaos Heavenly Monarch saw Fang Han coming, and suddenly his heart was relaxed, and he took a long sigh of relief, and his eyes flashed brightly. “Your Culture Base!”

He really shocked. Before he left, Fang Han’s Cultural Base was tyrannical, but it was the taste of the nine eras, but now it has surpassed the level of the ten eras of the end of the king, and the body The Aura is almost beyond the Great Dao and can enslave the Great Dao.

“Now is not the time to talk about this, what is the enemy?” Fang Han waved his hand and spurt out. In the meantime, the mountains and rivers in the entire treasure world, the plains, and countless areas of Space landed again. The difference between goose and snow is that this goose snow is no longer a “kill” word, but a “sheng” word.

The boundless life carries the eternal life, and the air of the gods of the heavens falls into the treasure world.

Immediately, the entire treasure world has undergone earth-shaking changes. All the dead magical treasure wrecks have been repaired, resurrected, and more powerful. Some of the treasures are even more important because of the rebirth after the robbery.

The mountains and rivers are beautiful, the treasures are rich, and the aura of the gods Aura is filled in the treasure world. Even if it is the wing of freedom, the legendary stick breathes a little, and the whole body is screaming and screaming, and it has great benefits.

“Fang Han, your Culture Base! This is the Culture Base, reversing the Great Dao, changing the rules at will, enslaving Great Dao, you are alive and dead. This is a part of the King of the Kings, above the many treasures of Heavenly Monarch. “The legendary stick is fierce.”

“This means….how can it be so powerful. God, actually got rid of the previous life, there is no trace of weakness, why is this? This is Fang Han your Culture Base? Chaos Heavenly Monarch, no wonder you want Doing his care Daoist, there is nothing wrong with it.” The wing of freedom also shook with the whole body.

They were completely shaken by Fang Han’s tyrannical Magic Force, and the power of Fang Han has reached the point where they can only look up, even if their most respected Toon Heavenly Monarch is inferior to Fang Han’s power.

“The door of Xuanzang, you are in the world, help me, I will pay you back now.” Fang Han saw it at a glance, in the door of Xuanzang among many magical treasures, he pointed a finger, suddenly A torrent of torrents emerged. This torrent contains the rolling gods, even the wings of freedom. After seeing the eyes of the legend, they are almost envious.

“The Crystal of Taishi! The innate water source! The airspace…” Many rare gods screamed out from the mouths of many magical treasures.

The Xuanzang Gate did not think that he had such a big fortuitous encounter suddenly, and he had not recovered, and Magic Force climbed up.

Subsequently, Fang Han grabbed a big hand and there was a tyrannical skeleton in the air. The skeleton exudes the rule of Aura of the gods, and descends fiercely, and the door of Xuanzang merges into one.

Immediately, the door of Xuanzang caused a robbery! Heavenly Monarch! The thick condense of the mysterious yellow became a Blood Mine, and it was on the door of Xuanzang.

The door of Xuanzang is almost instantaneous, and there is a savings for the promotion of Heavenly Monarch.

“That is the corpse of the Protoss ancient Heavenly Monarch! How could it be in the cemetery of the gods? In the hands of Fang Han?” The wing of freedom was shocked again.

“Fang Han, have you plundered the Protoss?” The chaotic Heavenly Monarch seems to know a lot of things, and it is abrupt.

“Yes, the Protoss is now disabled, but it is useful. It can be used for my eclipse in the future. Now I don’t want to talk about these things for the time being. Let me see, in the end, who are some people who dare to play the idea of ​​the treasure world.” Fang Han bears With both hands, standing in the middle of the treasure world, seeing through the outside of the Baojie crystal wall system.

At this time, outside the Baojie crystal wall system, the clouds and the bursts of clouds, all the voids enveloped all the voids, and then a tall and distinguished throne of the statue appeared.

Above the throne, there were some women. g! ~!

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