Eternal Life

Chapter 1500

Chapter 1500

Fang Han has long had a strong killing of the “Lord of the Dragon” in the Dragon World and the “Lord of the Ancient Buddha” in the Buddha World.

He already knows that both the dragon world and the Buddha world are greedy, and they still want the wind white feathers and the eight floating sects. Apart from this, there is also a god of heaven, which is robbed by fire.

Whether it is the Dragon World or the Buddha World, he understands that he is absolutely an enemy. Even if he is likely to cooperate now, he will slap himself at the most critical time. It is better to tear the face and kill directly, devour the Buddha and the dragon. Lord, to enhance their own strength, in fact, this time in the realm of the gods, Fang Han is not talking about cooperation, but directly killing the Quartet, engulfing several Protoss Heavenly Monarch, taking the backbone of World Tree, and making himself promote the Culture Base , to the extent that the end of the king.

Fortunately, the Protoss actually displayed the strongest gods, “The Gate of the Immortals”, to suppress him, but he was shown the Heaven Origin Strike, which took nine days, directly blasted into the body, and reinforces the Culture Base. Arrived at the end of the realm of the Holy King.

Fang Han is now the real “ten epoch”, the peak of Heavenly Monarch, which is equivalent to the end of the holy king, and the equivalent of the legendary “Cleavation Base” of the “Daobao Heavenly Monarch”. Such a Culture Base is already half a step. The king, transcending the sentient beings, carries all hope and eternity, and has the supreme power to cross the other side.

However, in order to consolidate the Culture Base, the tens of thousands of gods in the body are still consuming more and more Heavenly Monarch.

To refine 33 Skies, I don’t know how many Heavenly Monarchs I want. Now, the Heavenly Monarch in Fang Han is not enough. I have to kill Heavenly Monarch to be successful. At that time, his Culture Base will be 100. The ruler head goes further and impacts the higher realm.

“The Lord of the Dragon, the Lord of the Ancient Buddha, do you want the wind white feathers and the eight floats? I will send you to Yellow Springs Road, I hope that you will not be so infatuated in the afterlife.” Fang Han came down, the atmosphere was shrouded In the ancient times, an egg-shell-shaped skylight slowly descended, in which the spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons were replaced, and the five elements of Yin and Yang were turned upside down. Only one time, the Buddha’s body Magic Force Aura was suppressed.

The Lord of the Ancient Heavenly Buddha, the Lord of the Dragon, and the two Experts, each of them is the Lord of the Spring and Autumn Period. The Cultivation Base of the Six or Seven Era, the endless years of the wind, the world is shattered, the sun and the moon are growing, and the sea and the sky The Magic Force is as full as the sea, but in front of Fang Han, it still falls to the bottom and is forced to retreat.

“Give me death!”

Fang Han is like a hook, the hand can pick the star, the long arm sticks out, and directly destroys the head of the Lord of the Ancient Buddha.

He wants to take off the head of the Buddha, and he is very fierce. He is the hand of the greedy wolf in the Supreme Beast. He swallowed the Lord of the Wolf, and has already moved the civilization of the beast to the limit. Martial art, deeply imprinted in his mind, all kinds of majestic, atmospheric, fierce, the law of the jungle, the jungle of the strong, the righteousness of the survival of the fittest, in this claw, appeared to the fullest.

“Bold and enchanting!”

The body of the ancient buddha has stabilized, screaming, making a lion, and under the body, a royal blue throne rises up, the dragon elephant gathers, the wind rises, his hand is like a bottle, his body is like a bow, and one is printed. Come on.


Among the voids, the Buddha and the Indians are connected again and again, and the Sanskrit Zen sings everywhere. A respected golden light condense has become a billion-dollar virgin Buddha. It has a shock to Fang Han, and it has a magnificent atmosphere.

The “treasure bottle” of Buddhism.

“I don’t care!” Fang Han smiled coldly, holding the momentum unchanged, his arms speeding up again, and the time passed, not going back. Even when the power of the ancient Buddha of the ancient Buddha reached the peak, a claw hit his strongest point, to break the strong! Fang Han’s tricks are not a bit of a trick, purely with absolute power, bombarding the enemy’s strongest killings, completely destroying all the enemy’s confidence, disintegrating the other party’s most tyrannical will.

No one is stronger than me in the universe of heaven and earth!

I am the strongest person! I am under the stars, the first warrior.

Bang! The Leo under the Lord of the Ancient Heavenly Buddha collapsed, and the treasure bottle was completely destroyed. Countless King Kong Buddhas turned into dust, and they died. He spurted out a blood and carried a strong scent of sandalwood. This is the Buddha’s fat condensation. The essence, Heavenly Monarch origin, Fang Han, this claw bombardment, he even spit out the source.

“I am fighting with you!” The body of the ancient Buddha of the ancient Buddha once again arched, arms crossed as an arrow, and crossed over. At the same time, a statue of the Supreme Lord appeared next to his body. This is his book. division.

The master is alone, like a bow, arms like an arrow. Formed a “Buddha” word!

“Buddha, I am one, no more.” The ancient Buddha attacked Fang Han. The sky was shining in the blink of an eye. All of them were eclipsed. The strongest Buddha power burned out the raging fire. To Fang Han, this is the strongest blow, the note of life, which is made by the self-Cultivation Base, and the wisdom of life. Even if it is anyone who wants to shun the house, the tyrannical figure of the Lord of the Legal Circle cannot be hard-blocked.

However, Fang Han screamed like a wild god. “A good Buddha! The teacher is by his side, and the two arrows are wearing a bow. This is the roar of Buddhism, the highest mystery, killing me!”

He covered the sky with his hands, his palms changed again and again, the six-character mantra of Buddhism, the five elements of ancient characters, the twelve witches, the void, the True fire… many ancient characters, all appearing in the palm of your hand, under the palm of your hand, the universe changed, it was turned into a Portal, Gate to Eternity, many ancient characters ejected, changing the civilization among the heavens.

Fang Han’s palm is a debut. Every time the world is shattered, the spectacular to the gods in the Gate to Eternity, the spectacular scenery between the heavens and the earth, the vast scenes.


Under the impact of Fang Han’s palm, the master of the Qingtian ancient Buddha first collapsed, and then his whole body split, and the Heavenly Monarch source did not spur the cost, blood stained the realm.

Hey! Fang Han slashed his hand, a long river of fate, swept past his neck, his head flew up and was caught in the hands of Fang Han.

“The era of the gods, to accommodate the ancient Buddha.” Fang Han’s body is turned into a god, so swept the past, the powerful lord of the ancient Buddha who was smashed his head, so he was accommodated into the body, all Heavenly Monarch origins Sweeping away, an invincible ancient Buddha, who lived for six or seven years, the old antiques were directly swallowed up by Fang Han and integrated into the body, becoming part of the epoch.

The vast Buddha power, the powerful Heavenly Monarch source, rushed into the 33 Skies.

Apart from this, among the bodies of the Lord of the Ancient Buddha, there are many myths, which are all passed down from Gate to Eternity. Even the body of his Buddha is forged with a mixture of gods. Many Heavenly Monarchs, in order to enhance the Culture Base, will mix their Mortal Body and make themselves closer to the Aura of Gate to Eternity, thus better Insight’s eternal life.

The owner of the ancient heavenly Buddha is an old monster that has lived for many eras. The chances of the gods that have been passed out of this Gate to Eternity are more, and the forged Buddha body is almost indestructible.

Now, it has become the best tonic for Fang Han forging 33 Skies.

Fang Han’s Cultural Base swept, and found the body of the Lord of the Ancient Buddha. I don’t know how many miracles melted and flowed, which is much stronger than the royal robe and the clothes of the robbery. Many of the fetish materials have a powerful assist for forging 33 Skies.

Bang! The powerful Heavenly Monarch origin, as well as the material of the gods in the Buddha’s body, rushed into the 33 Skies, and one of them was violently shocked and turned into Saint Grade Immortal Artifact. This piece of treasure, master Zhou Tian, ​​running week, is the most mysterious Zhou Tianyi!

When Zhou Tianyi was promoted to Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, Fang Han’s calculation ability suddenly rose to a realm. Before watching all kinds of Sundays, the number of days of operation reached the deepest point, there was a feeling of seeing flowers in the fog, but now Fang Han, it is almost possible to see some of the world’s living beings.

“Ah! The Lord of the Ancient Buddha is so dead!”

The owner of the dragon has retreated.

He and the Lord of the Ancient Heavenly Buddha are besieging Fang Han. They have not yet taken the shot. The Lord of the Ancient Buddha is killed by Fang Han, swallowed and integrated into the body. He is also an elite Expert, the Heavenly Monarch king of Dacheng, naturally can see It is said that Fang Han, who has swallowed the Lord of the Ancient Buddha, seems to have a mysterious thing that suddenly condenses and Aura transforms again.

If the former Fang Han is just an invincible god of war, then at this moment, he will become an unrivalled heaven, complete everything, and master everything.

Fang Han looked at him fiercely, and the owner of Xiaolong felt that all his secrets were exposed to the other’s eyes. From birth, to the present, to the experience of growing up, all kinds of things were hidden. other side.

With the eyes of the eyes alone, the Lord of the Dragon has a feeling of collapse.

He finally understood that he was not the opponent of Fang Han, and he was still stupid. Just now he was so aggressive that he wanted Fang Han to surrender the eight floats, as much as dancing on the tip of the knife.

There is only one word in his mind, that is, “escape” and want to escape.

However, now Fang Han, where can he accommodate him to escape? There is no thought in his mind, and Fang Han has already calculated all the back roads and all his flaws to the extreme.


The Lord of the Dragon, flying fiercely, the dragon will not see the end. But among the eyes of Fang Han, the most intense sacred light was spurred, transforming the entire world of gods into a sacred kingdom.

When the crowd saw the Dragon Lord in the air, it was fixed in the air and was completely sealed. Then, in the palm of Fang Han, a lance was thrown out and thrown out.

Hey! The pike directly penetrated the body of the Dragon Lord and explodes him. The miserable dragons made everyone almost scared to death.

The long dragon body of the dragon dragon’s main body fell, and Fang Han was caught in the hand with a big hand, then merged into the body and gradually digested. h




[… The first thousand and five hundred chapters kill the dragon Buddha – the fastest text update…] @! !

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