Eternal Life

Chapter 1495

Chapter 1, 495

Scorpio Umo, white hair three thousand feet, floating in the air, beautiful face, eyes, flashing wisdom of wisdom, this is a kind of master of the eternal sage of the sacred ***

She was dressed in a white robe, empty hands, and the empty space of the gods, facing Fang Han, each step has a unique temperament, can shake the heavens so violent Magic Force, is the true of the scorpio Umo Body, definitely not the former avatar

Fang Han has seen many avatars of Scorpio Umo

Every incarnation contains many mysteries, but it has never been this moment. There is such a strong and wise. This is the sacred Umo, the real sacred king.

“Umno girl, don’t come innocent, genius finally saw your true body.” Fang Han saw the scorpio Umo appear in front of himself, his heart moved, and he stayed in the footsteps. He knew that he would hide as long as he entered the realm of God. But this holy king

The three great saints of the Protoss, the “Sacred King of the First Father”, “The End of the Holy King”, and the “King of the Holy King” of the Umno Umh. The ancestor of the ancestor is the king of the king. Needless to say, the end of the sacred king has also spread. Myriad Heavenly Domain, the strength of Scorpio Umo is also extremely tyrannical, even if it is now Fang Han, I am afraid that there is no 100% confidence to clean up her.

Of course, although the scorpio Umo is tyrannical, it is impossible to be stronger than the current Fang Han.

Now Fang Han, Culture Base has reached the peak of nine eras. With the “Tian burial plaque”, “Fang Chan Altar”, “Ancient Temple” and other treasures, even the end of the sacred king can be evenly divided.

“Fang Han, I know your achievements, the Heavenly Monarch, the name has spread to the Myriad Heavenly Domain, a star rises up, you are alone, put the Demon Sect’s four masters It’s all gone, and it’s also against Heaven’s Five Heavenly Monarch, and even 33 Skies is not awesome.”

Scorpio Umo looks at Fang Han, the slow way

“You know even what happened recently? Is it well-informed?” Fang Han smiled faintly. He had a deep battle in the abyss, but it didn’t take long for him to know immediately. This shows the horror of this woman. Up

“Where, where the many Experts return to heaven, they also brought the Lord of the Ghosts, the Lord of the Faith, the Holy Land of Truth, the many Experts of the Origin Dynasty, together in the heavenly court, now we are protoss, sea, barbarian, orc…. The offensives were all disintegrated, and each of them returned. Especially the barbarians suffered heavy losses. Two Powerful Monarch-class Powerhouses were killed. In the end, the barbaric ideas in the wilderness of the day appeared, which made the barbarian army retreat at the same time. In this fight, the rumors about heaven in you have really spread out.”

Scorpio Umo smiled: “This time my protoss army also suffered heavy losses. The heavens did not attack, but lost countless gods, the emperor Supreme Immortal.”

“It doesn’t matter. Anyway, the chaos of this chaotic era will come to the Protoss. All the people will die. Except for Heavenly Monarch, they will all be wiped out. In the next era, you have to re-create the “Fang.” Han swings his hand

“This is the case, but your situation is the same. It is not the character of Heavenly Monarch. It is also going to die when the heavens and the earth are shattered. Do you want to protect them one by one? Even if the king is not This ability”

“It’s no problem. I have already used the Dao technique to store all their soul memories in my country of God. Even if this world is shattered and they die, I can be in the next era. I re-cloned them and created them. I swallowed the Lord of Time and mastered the path of supreme cloning.” Fang Han didn’t move at all.

“The cloning technique in the scientific civilization? But the cloned person is another soul.” Tianmu Umo smiled and said: “Okay, this is a big thing in the world, or it is better to solve first. I I know that you are facing a real destruction this time, you are coming to the world of God, is it allied with me? Or is it to find the end of the Holy King?”

“Of course, it is to form an alliance, but also to see the end of the holy king.” Fang Han nodded and said: “Scorpio Umo, do you talk to me like this? Not ready to take me to the true core of your Protoss, the birth of the first ancestor Go to the land?”

“哼Fang Han Era Heavenly Monarch Since you were born, you have been killing the Cultivation Base by killing my Protoss. Now it’s coming to the end. It’s about to be attacked by heaven, the holy place of truth, the siege of the origin dynasty, but it reminds me of the Protoss and wants to join me. Where are these cheap things?”

Suddenly, a thunder-like voice was transmitted from the rolling void.

“Who is disturbing this seat? I am impatient to live. This person is dead. Who can say this, why does this seat let him die first? They want to kill me, I can leave at any time, when Everyone broke “Fang Han heard this sound, his eyes suddenly a cold, the big hand grabbed


The five fingers are in the same earthquake, tearing the sky, and the whole gods have encountered the general fluctuations of the sky. They are almost destroyed. Many planets are shaken. The Aura of Fang Han spreads the number of the Ganges. The protoss, all the protoss living on the planet of tens of billions of dollars, have been smashed at the same time, almost instantly unable to move

Fang Han, one hand, really covers the sky

A large piece of void was directly torn, and one of the tall figures shook a little. It was an ancient god, Heavenly Monarch. This Heavenly Monarch was tall and burly, mastered the heavenly emperor, but faced Fang Han’s big hand, eyes There was a shock in the middle, and both hands flicked and killed.

The two palms collided in the air, and the gods’ whole body clothes exploded, and there was a shocking crack in the body. A blood spurted out and the stars were red.

“The Emperor Shih-Tian sees the face of Umno in the sky, and spares you a life. Otherwise, I will swallow you alive. I can swallow the many demon Lords of the Devil World. I can also eat you and tell the truth. I came to the realm of the gods this time and have an alliance with you. I have enough patience. If I am in peacetime, I will go directly into the realm of the gods. I will eat you all and take away the World Tree. I also need to form an alliance with you here. ?”

On the body of Fang Han, Aura is stronger than a wave. It seems that it is necessary to kill people.

The talking emperor is the “Emperor of the Emperor” among the seven great emperors of the Protoss, and the husband of the Scorpio Umo, but this husband does not dominate. In the Protoss, the status is better than that of the Scorpio. Moore is going to be a level

Emperor Shitian immediately ate a big loss in Fang Han’s hand. His Culture Base is indeed tyrannical, comparable to the Spring and Autumn Lord, but in front of Fang Han, he can’t take a trick.

“Demo Shi Tian” face blood red, issued a long shout: “Fang Han, you are dying soon, still want to make hatred with my Protoss? You are really looking for death, 仞利天天化化天………… You all come out, besieged together Killing this person and taking away the gods of his body. He has the celestial burial of the heavens, the altar of the meditation, the ancient sacred temple.”

“Yes, Heavenly Monarch, you are too arrogant, you came to the realm of the gods, it is to form an alliance, and so arrogant, do you really want to be destroyed?”

“Since he wants to be destroyed, we will fulfill him.”

“Into the realm of the gods, actually still such a mess, thinking that he is invincible in the world, is it really impossible to become a fairy king? It is a simple joke, in the realm of the gods, you can not allow you to wild.”

“Fang Han, since you are coming to an alliance, you are in a weak position, you should lower your posture, please plead with us, take the gods of your own body, in exchange for our alliance, we are good, maybe assist, you defeat heaven, and let You are a vassal of the Protoss,”

The aura of the road, the strong voice appeared in the air, behind the Scorpio Umo, there are six incomparably tyrannical emperors

In addition to the “Emperor’s Day”, the ancient gods of the Protoss, the Heavenly Monarch level, all descended.

“仞利天” “化育天” “夜摩天” “自自由天” “扶摇天” “幽游天”

The power of the seven great emperors, earth-shaking and united, can almost destroy any force, and the general trend is to force the past to Fang Han. Unfortunately, even Fang Han can’t shake the corner.

“How? Scorpio Umo, do you really want me to kill one?” Fang Han did not look at the power of the seven great emperors, but looked straight at the scorpio Umo: “I shot, This god world will all collapse. Your seven great emperors will die at least half and my strength will become stronger and stronger. Do you think that this time I really want to form an alliance? If it is not to see the face of the holy king On, I will sneak one by one, kill all your gods, and after swallowing, you can enhance Magic Force and push my power to a realm where no one can compete.”

“Fang Han, you are too arrogant….”

“Don’t kill him, what is the dignity of our Protoss?”

“Our Protoss, among the Myriad Heavenly Domains, the most noble race, must kill him. He actually dares to threaten us. The Protoss simply go to attack the era gate and destroy him.”

“Yes, first of all, with the power of the gods, seal him, and then destroy the era gate, in front of his face, cut his head one by one, in the nine quiet hell, accept the most suffering of forever forever Torture them”…

The seven great gods are murderous and ready to do so. They all use their minds to communicate with the Umbrella. As long as the “teaching holy king” starts, they join hands and fight with Fang Han to kill you.

“Scorpio Umo, life and death is between your thoughts. Once you start to end the sacred king’s sentiment, there will be no more. I will stop holding hands and completely peak the whole world. I hope you will not regret it when you arrive.” Fang Han The body is motionless, the tone is cold, the words are like a stone, looking at the attitude of the Umbrella

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