Eternal Life

Chapter 1487

The first thousand four hundred and seventy seven chapters

The five-line font carries the brilliance of the source, such as the meteor hitting the moon, killing Fang Han.

Astral Qi around Fang Han, under this power, has broken.

The power of the five elements of the original font is too big. Beyond the six-word mantra, the nine-character secret, bursting down, Fang Han’s face is also dignified.

His fingers were erected and he wrote a rune in the air. It turned out to be a five-line font, simulating the font that the Lei Di Heavenly Monarch played, actually it was a counterfeit to the real thing!


The five-line fonts were crushed, and the fonts written by Fang Han smashed. The face of Lei Di’s Heavenly Monarch appeared ridiculously: “Fang Han, who do you think you are? You dare to simulate the words that come out of Gate to Eternity. Do you think that you are a Gate to Eternity, with a few random strokes, you can fight against the power of the innate five elements? Wrong and wrong! I will let you know, what is the real innate five elements!”

“Great Five Elements Technique !”

The Radian Heavenly Monarch screamed, and there were five screen-like lights behind it. It was one of the Great Five Elements Technique, Three Thousand Great Daos, and the top ten Divine Ability, which was displayed in the hands of Heavenly Monarch, can be shaped. The world’s five elements, evolved one after another, the five elements of the world.

This strong five-line True Qi, directly into the five fonts, suddenly, each font has evolved in the air a mountain, five elements of mountains.

The five elements of the mountain violently hit, bursting out of the burst of Divine Thunder, derived from the five elements of robbery.


Fang Han is a godless, standing on the spot, the five-line font evolved on the palm of his hand, and the Dao technique of the Great Five Elements Technique is also displayed. It is transformed into a five-line mountain, hitting the five elements of the mountain, every impact, Fang Han’s five elements. There were many cracks in the mountains, which was obviously not the opponent of the Heavenly Monarch.

This is a matter of course. If the ancient characters that Fang Han evolved from the Five Elements Mountain and the Gate to Eternity are even more powerful, then Fang Han is the real Gate to Eternity.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! 砰………

Five consecutive explosions, Fang Han’s Great Five Elements Technique was crushed and shattered.

Yuhuang repeatedly retreats, wondering: “Leidi Heavenly Monarch has mastered the five-line font source, the power of five ancient characters, even if Xian Wang came here and displayed the Great Five Elements Technique, I am afraid it is impossible for him. Why Fang Han will go to the end, obviously using Dao technique that is not his opponent to deal with him?”

“Give me the broken, absorb the five lines True Qi!”

Suddenly, Lei Di Heavenly Monarch screamed and spurred Divine Ability, and immediately the five elements of the mountain, turned into a single plane, five elements of the plane! Every plane is tyrannical, facing Fang Han.

Fang Han in this bottomless abyss, swallowed the lava plane, which is also a fire plane. It is a pity that the fire face of the Heavenly Monarch of Lei Di is turned into a fire level, which is many times larger than the lava plane. This plane is even stronger than the entire fire world mastered by the Lord of Fire. many.

The five planes, which circulate and cross each other, form a huge wonder and miracle.

Fang Han’s Great Five Elements Technique, completely collapsed, couldn’t compete against the five ancient characters, and all the strengths of his Great Five Elements Technique were sucked away by five ancient characters, which made the Radian Heavenly Monarch arrive. An unprecedented realm, the Great Five Elements Technique is even further, almost earth-shaking, breaking through the universe.

“Fang Han, give me death! Your Great Five Elements Technique has been completely broken by me. I heard that since you debuted, you have to enrich yourself by digesting the enemy’s Divine Ability, but I don’t know, one day, I can Devouring your Divine Ability, you have met the nemesis, now let me really kill you.”

The Heavenly Monarch is proud and powerful. Every step is taken out, with a series of explosive thunder. On the five elements, there is a huge “Ray” word, and there is a dragon-snake “electric” word. .

At the same time, the most powerful “robbery” word appeared in the eyebrows of the Radian Heavenly Monarch.

The Heavenly Monarch is the hidden and invincible Heavenly Monarch. This shows the masterpieces of the eight Gate to Eternity, which are the “five lines of ancient characters”, “True fire” and “robbery”.

Moreover, the strength of his body is endless, and every breath can bring tyrannical power. Obviously there are other mysterious ancient characters accumulated in the body.

Perhaps, the ancient characters hidden in his body are no less than those of Fang Han.

The simple five-line ancient characters, the power is equal to the “six-word mantra” and “nine-word secret” add up so much.

Not to mention the word “robbery”.

The power of the word “robbery” is greater than any single word in the five-line font.

Of course, the power of True Fire is not small.

“I want to break the five elements in five elements? What is the innate source of the five-line font that is passed down to Gate to Eternity? Here’s Heavenly Monarch, I want to completely defeat your confidence. Even if you master the mystery of Gate to Eternity, I can use myself. The five elements of comprehension defeat you, I want you to know that you are in front of me, but a humble little servant!”

Fang Han’s body was shocked, and the five fingers waved. Suddenly, more five elements of force rushed out of the body and turned into the same five-row plane.

“Fire world, Mu Qiankun, Jintiandi, water level, earth universe!” Fang Han put the world hole to the top, continuously displayed, every plane, or world, showed the most profound understanding, his The Great Five Elements Technique, once again resisted the five elements of the Radian Heavenly Monarch.

“You are looking for dead end.”

The Gardener Monarch’s body moved and his eyes flickered. Suddenly, from his eyes, the left eye showed a “virtual” word, and the right eye showed an “empty” word.

The word “empty” and another tyrannical text appeared in his Magic Force. The emptiness of the word “empty” is unquestionable. It is passed down from Gate to Eternity and represents one of the two strongest ancient characters of Great Dao.


The word “empty”, turning around, and wearing nine days, directly put Fang Han up and down, eight wild ** all blocked. The body of Fang Han could not be moved at all, and then Lei Di Heavenly Monarch ran his body and turned it into a Thunder Rune in the Ganges River. It disappeared and was completely hidden in the void. No one could see where his position was. Because he and the void merge into one, the void is him, he is the void.

The Heavenly Monarch of Lei Di disappeared. Everyone knows that he is brewing a Thunder strike. This shot is definitely a different matter. It is a means of killing Fang Han.

While the Lei Di Heavenly Monarch disappeared, the power of the five elements was getting bigger and bigger, and it was getting more and more fascinating. It absorbed the Great Five Elements Technique of Fang Han, and every attack of Fang Han, not only for these five ancient The word does not cause any harm, but it will increase the power of the five elements.

However, Fang Han’s face is getting calmer and calmer. Even if he is at a disadvantage, he seems to be well-informed and feels a little decadent.

Just in the moment when the Lei Di Heavenly Monarch disappeared, Fang Han suddenly looked really bright, and seemed to have seized some kind of opportunity, a strong murderous, suddenly broke out!

“Leidi Heavenly Monarch? Do you really think that I am so stupid, using the Great Five Elements Technique against the five ancient words that have been passed down from Gate to Eternity? You are wrong and wrong! I am the five old words that make you Absorb my five elements of power! Infiltrate my epoch and thoroughly absorb your five elements of civilization!”

Fang Han shouted, and his body rose like a dragon. “Five lines of great skills, turned into civilization! Fire civilization, water civilization, wood civilization, earth civilization, gold civilization!”

嗡……. Countless voices, from the Great Five Elements Technique, the Great Five Elements Technique, which turned into five great civilizations, all invested in five ancient characters.

Suddenly, five ancient characters, repeated explosions, the power has once again increased, almost in this desperate plain plane, have evolved a five-row plane. In an instant, like Fang Han’s five elements in the secular world, countless Suzaku, Xuanwu, Qinglong, White Tiger, and Viper have evolved.

These five ancient characters accepted the history of Fang Han’s five elements of civilization, and they have undergone a transformation, and the entire desperate plains have to be turned into five elements.

In the world of the five elements of the world, Fang Han has a deep insight into the mystery, which is the Essence Qi of the world’s free king Buddha. Because of this, he is deeply aware of the power of the five ancient characters.

The five ancient characters changed drastically and turned into the land of the Five Elements. The power was strengthened again, but the Aura, which was branded by the soul, was actually confused. In the moment when the power of the five ancient characters was enhanced, many of the Thunder Runes were rebounded. Out, this is obviously the soul brand left by the Heavenly Monarch in the ancient words, but was expelled by Fang Han in the process of forcing the evolution of the five ancient characters.

“Five-line gods, there are Germans.” Fang Han’s body is also integrated into the void, the next moment, there are five ancient characters, the big hand grabs, the endless crystal god country, wrapped in five Ancient characters, rogues enter.

Later, the Emperor Huang saw it outside. Fang Han’s body was once again condensed into a molded body, crystal clear, all in the body of the crystal god country, the five elements of ancient characters sparkling, swallowed by Fang Han, thoroughly Become the food in his belly, the things in his mouth.

The five elements of the ancient characters were actually plundered by Fang Han!

Fang Han plundered the five elements of ancient characters at a very fast speed. Almost at the time when Lei Di launched the word “empty”, he began to act. In an instant, he succeeded immediately, and with the help of the ancient words, the ruin was destroyed. The soul of the Heavenly Monarch is branded. Successfully plundered the ancient characters.

The five elements of the ancient characters doubled and plundered into the body of Fang Han, making him once again add an extremely sturdy school, the ancient words that are passed down from Gate to Eternity are no small feat!

“Five elements of civilization! Finally deductive!” Fang Han once again screamed, and the land of the Five Elements expanded outward. Wherever he went, the void began to change. The body of the Lady of Heavenly Monarch was shaken out of it, giving a hysterical bark. : “Fang Han, you actually plundered my five ancient characters, how is this possible, impossible!” g! ~!

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