Eternal Life

Chapter 1481

Chapter 1 481

“Oh? Who is better than me? Your son should be a talented person, but in the realm of heaven, such a genius catches a lot, not unusual, the old antique behind your son, in the end Who is it, can you overcome me? This world can completely defeat me, and there are not many people who kill me.”

Fang Han is interested in watching should be congenital

“How can I tell you?” Should be congenitally coldly said: “You are a man, scheming, my son has not yet completed the Supreme Divine Ability means, you are calculating, I am afraid you will also be poisoned by you, but you have to deal with me. Son, the existence behind him, I will know that you can’t walk a trick under his hand, it is as simple as killing me.”

“I can’t walk a trick in his hand?” Fang Han laughed. “In this world, unless it is a fairy king, it would be the end of the holy king. It is impossible to beat me with a simple trick.” You said that your son, Master, is even worse than the end of the Holy King?”

“Yes, it is even worse than the end of the Holy King.” It should be laughed in advance: “You can never think of it, my son has such a powerful person to look at”

“More than the end of the Holy King? In the heavens, it is not the existence of the King of the Immortals. Among the heavens, the mythical figure that seems to have died in the legend, but there is no death,” Fang Han suddenly, one The palm of the hand should be innate. “It doesn’t matter. I take your memory, don’t you know everything?”

“Fang Han, you dare to take my memory” should see Pan Han moving the real thing, and immediately panic, life and death, he screamed: “Fang Han, my son’s Master, is the Lord of war. If you want to move me, you have to measure it.”

“What? The Lord of War is still alive.”

Fang Han was not surprised. The feather emperor around him was shocked: “How is it possible? The Lord of War, isn’t the rumor that many of the epochs have fallen before, and before many epochs, he was great war a fairy king”

Yuhuang has awakened the memory of the Lord of Arbitration and knows a lot of ancient things: “The Lord of War, comprehending the original motive force of war, as early as five or six years ago, it was already the first person under the King of the Kings, but one The fairy king was great war for a long time. It was rumored to have fallen. I have never seen this person in several eras. It is rumored that he has died. How is it still in the world?”

“Haha, haha ​​is the master of war, Fang Han, you are afraid of right, the lord of the demon of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sorcerer, he once also got the guidance of the Lord of War” : “As long as you let me go, we can turn it into a jade, and you will have a good relationship with the Lord of War. From then on, you will have a high level of peace of mind.”

“Sit back and relax?” Fang Han was silent for a while, seemingly searching for a huge memory, the memory of the Lord of the Devil

It’s true that the Lord of the Devils, when fighting with himself, sacrificed the Supreme Divine Ability of the Lord of War. Unfortunately, it was a stunned and killed by Fang Han. Fang Han only thought that he had been left behind by the Lord of Ancient Wars. Some of the Dao Lineage that came down, but did not expect that he directly received the teaching of the Lord of War.

“How, Fang Han? This good relationship, the endless benefits to you, can give you the opportunity to strategically buffer.” It should be ingenious: “Your situation, now very dangerous, at least the Heavenly Five Great Heavenly Monarch Refining 33 Skies into power, power is not something you can contend with, and the origin of the dynasty, the holy place of truth, will unite to kill you, the beginning of the demon, the Lord of the Fa has now and you really do not stand, these people add up, not Sweeping your era gates? Also, the enemy of your annihilation of the epoch is far more than that. I already know that the reincarnation of the Lord of the Danes has returned, hidden in a secret place, cultivation Supreme Divine Ability, they It is the reincarnation of the whole body with the essence of life. Now that you have recovered all the Culture Base, you are ready to attack your Dan. In such a crisis, you have offended the Lord of War. What did you end up with? No?”

“Fang Han, what do you do now?”

Yuhuang also knows the seriousness of the problem.

“If you don’t do it, the soldiers will block the water and cover the land. I am determined to kill all the enemies, the road to cultivate Dao, the process of pursuing eternal life, and the scruples and the scruples. What are you doing? I am trying to challenge the strongest enemy. If the Lord of War comes well, even if he doesn’t look for me, sooner or later, I will go to him. I have to be a king. I have to challenge the most Powerhouse.” Fang Han closes his eyes, and the palms are squeezed into the heavenly law. Bombing the past

Kā chā

In the intimidating horror, he saw that his body was broken into pieces, and the soul will be cut by annihilation by Fang Han with a vicious means.

Then, the light of his body, the rune, the Divine Ability, the body strength of the Lord’s Church, all passed away to the ancient church of Fang Han, Fang Han, and flashed again. In the middle, the three thousand maps have some spurs

Although the ancient sanctuary is worse than the Hongmeng Temple, the altar of the Zen Buddhism, and the celestial burial, it is farther away from the robes of the king, and there are also three thousand sitting figures in it. The Lord of the Church was once the founder of this ancient church. It is a pity that it has fallen. Now that the innate body is being refining and being transformed by Fang Han, all the power of the Lord of the Church has also entered the body of Fang Han, making him a founder of the ancient sanctuary and controlling the church. Strength, nature is greatly enhanced, water and milk.

And the Lord of the Church, the enormous power, gave Fang Han another benefit.

Fang Han, who is already at the peak, is almost a hundred feet further.

Ah ah ah ah…. should be screaming and screaming, but unfortunately, Fang Han is absolutely not ruthless, to kill the Innate Great Emperor that he looks up to in this secular world.

Countless and honest Heavenly Monarch origin came in, and Fang Han was almost comfortable, but his face had no expression at all, mobilizing the era of True fire, thoroughly refining

“The clavicle of the Yuanshi Mou Lord, and eventually refining, became a glimpse of my epoch.” His hand, the white bones of the forest, and the body, did not enter the body, Fang Han mixed his thoughts with Demon Dao The civilization, inscribed on the bone circle, was inscribed for a while, the bone circle under his sacrificial refining, suddenly shocked, all whistling, and finally became a glimpse of the ecstasy

Fang Han opened his eyes and lifted his hands to the sky. He took a deep breath and took him as the center. The planes of the entire abyss were shaken. He refining the skeleton of the Yuanshi Devil into a dynasty. At one eye, I finally broke through the eight eras of Culture Base and reached the horrific nine eras of the Culture Base. Just now, he was close to nine epochs, and he has not really reached nine epochs. Now, Steady and steady into the Cultivation Base of the nine chaotic eras

His current Culture Base has been truly comparable to some of the heavenly antiques, such as the Lord of the Faith, the Lord of the Lord, the Lord of the Buddha…

Now, even the true body of the Lord of the Faith and his opponents are equally divided, and he can’t help him.

Moreover, Fang Han’s strength is still growing, and there is a lot of room for improvement, especially the Lesser Karma Technique, which has a feeling of final change, and it is time to move closer to the fate. Even if it is a one-on-one, Fang Han even Can beat the king of the legal world

Moreover, the leader of the legal world is far from the strength of Fang Han, and some weapons that can harm Heavenly Monarch, but why can’t he because of the body of Fang Han, there are too many gods, each one All the gods of the heavens can absorb the strong damage. Some giants and antiques are far from comparable to Fang Han.

It can be said that when it comes to the ability to fight, the end of the Holy King is not as good as Fang Han.

Fang Han, which combines many gods, can be described as a true immortal body.

“Fang Han, your current Culture Base…….” The Emperor came up and sighed again and again: “The true pillar of our era is that you should be the Lord of the Church, you are stubborn, and you must be against you. It’s a matter of course that it’s completely degraded by self-acquisition now. What should we do now?”

“Nothing, go to the depths of the abyss to find the chaotic Heavenly Monarch. I feel that he is in danger. The Lord of the Faith has been eyeing him. Although the Lord of the Faith can’t kill him, but with Heavenly Monarch, it is still very much. Dangerous, and I feel that 33 Skies will eventually be born, and now if I can grab it before I am born, I will grab it, integrate it into my 33 Skies, and finally refine it, bring the Emperor, Eternal, Disaster , chaos, killing, and the Saint Grade Immortal Artifact on them, all in one place, so that the Lord of War can do nothing.”

Fang Han has already had a heart-warming mind in his heart, to kill Heavenly Monarch

Heavenly Five Great Heavenly Monarch, all unfathomable, even the weakest Lei Di, Fang Han also feels that although this is the birth of this era, but the Culture Base is probably a few eras, because they can integrate The Athena adds Cultivation Base, and the Heavenly Monarch also blends the gods to increase Magic Force.

At that time, the mother-in-law Heavenly Monarch was also born in this era. It swept the world and shattered the artifacts, making the kings almost fall.

Especially the Heavenly Monarch of the Five Great Heavens, all of them have Saint Grade Immortal Artifact. In the rumor of the Heavenly Monarch, there is no Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, but Fang Han does not believe it now. This person is hidden and likely to Not lost to the other four Heavenly Monarch

As for disasters, killing people, etc., it is amazing.

Five Heavenly Monarchs, five pieces of Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, add up to the top ten Heavenly Monarch

Fang Han’s mind is going to kill them all. I didn’t even think about it before, but now his Culture Base is more than a hundred times stronger than when he was promoted to Heavenly Monarch. Naturally, he is evil.

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