Eternal Life

Chapter 1479

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-nine chapters

The “Ancient Templar” is indeed able to increase the Culture Base by assist Fang Han, in which the strong ancient light, washing all evils, all distracting thoughts, with this integration into the body, can make the crystal gods of the era of the gods arrive Unbelievable realm

Every crystal god country, the sacred Aura

Those crystal gods, after being tempered by the Holy Light, are closely arranged and present the perfect prismatic essence, such as snowflake ice crystals, beautiful and beautiful, which is simply the integration of nature.

Fang Han’s body also showed the perfect Aura. His power was free to run, and the Heavenly Monarch swallowed up. Many characters appeared in the light, and turned into a sacred dragon for a while. For the angels with white wings behind them

In his present body, he combines the “Fan Zen altar”, “The Heavenly Funeral”, “The Brave King’s Robe”, the “Sinful Ship”, the “Blood Axe”……… These gods, the original Aura of the gods, the chaos, by his era In the sacred light, the chaotic Aura, which has been transformed by the light of the Holy Light, is condensed and indestructible. Now it is the true of the Lord of the Fa. Facing Fang Han鈥檚 full bombardment, any force can be resolved by the working gods.

Especially in the ancient sanctuary, there are ten heavens.

These are also integrated into the body of Fang Han. Each of them is a vein that is ejected from Gate to Eternity. It contains a strong eternal atmosphere and greatly tempered Fang Han.

In the rumor, when you become a fairy king, you must have the eternal temperament, transform all the vitality of the whole body into eternal life, and life will once again reach another form.

One of the greatest benefits of the gods is that because of the material that is ejected from Gate to Eternity, the material structure carries the power of eternal life and eternal life, which is of great benefit to Heavenly Monarch’s Culture Base.

The ancient sanctuary is also built entirely by the gods of the heavens, and even the emperor鈥檚 corpse is doped in it.

Fang Han smelt and turn into the eyes of the ecstasy, waiting for the digestive digestion of the gods, and the sediment enters the crystal god country. His eyes open and he only feels any adverse effects that he has swallowed all Heavenly Monarch. Completely eliminated, Culture Base has almost skyrocketed an era

His current Culture Base has reached the peak of eight horrors of horror. Near the life of the nine eras of Heavenly Monarch, there are only a maximum of ten epochs. He has no experience in an era, and he has nearly nine chaotic epochs. Cultivation Base is equal to nine times when the world was shattered.

This means that if he lives another ten chaotic eras, Culture Base can be a beautiful king.

In the life of the first era, there is a culture base of nearly nine epochs. This horrible thing has never been like the Spring and Autumn Lord since ancient times. The people of Heavenly Monarch, the Culture Base are all An era of accumulation of an era, they are the strength of life at the expense of life.

And Fang Han is in a very fast time, the Culture Base has reached the peak. This is very good, saving ten years of life, the best impact of the king.

“Unfortunately, I have not been able to refine the Lord of Spring and Autumn. Otherwise, my Cultural Base will be improved, but it will rob him of his Spring and Autumn History pen. This fetish is not the same. But if it is here, I put this spring and autumn history pen into his body, but it is a huge benefit.”

Fang Han

I saw my own crystal god country, a huge “spring and autumn history pen” in it up and down, as if there is a formless giant hand, grabbed the history pen, wrote a piece of the Spring and Autumn Period, making Fang Han’s Aura and Haoran, filled the world, such as the full moon, shining through the sky, such as mercury, the land is round

The Spring and Autumn History pen is a kind of god that is slightly inferior to the instant robe. It contains many wonderful materials ejected from Gate to Eternity, and the benefits to Fang Han are also very great.

This harvest is a qualitative leap for Fang Han, marking his true stepping into the juxtaposition of some old antiques in Heaven’s Heavenly Monarch circle.

Even the Lord of the French world can鈥檛 help him.

The head of the legal world, among the Myriad Heavenly Domain Heavenly Monarch, can be ranked in the top five roles.

Moreover, the strength of Fang Han’s era gate is becoming more and more tyrannical, Feng Baiyu, Yuhuang, and Linglong have all become Heavenly Monarch, Mi Bao, Feng Yan Guang is about to be completed as Heavenly Monarch, and later the owner of the Red Dragon, the Emperor’s pen, The heart of Heart Demon will come back one after another, and the mother-in-law Heavenly Monarch Fang Qingxue will definitely be built into the Great Dao.

It is impossible for Ji Yuanmen to fight against the heavens and even unify the world.

Unless it is a return to many kings

“Fang Han, you caught Meng Shaobai, you should be congenital, Su Xiuyi, don’t know how? These three people are born with invincible air transport, they must be killed as soon as possible, otherwise the night long dreams will produce All kinds of variables” Yu Huang saw that Fang Han melted the ancient temple and immediately reminded

“You don’t have to say it, I will deal with them. It’s like fighting the undead. I am against us again and again. I have escaped again and again. Unfortunately, this time I finally fell into my hands. Without the opportunity to escape, I naturally would not allow other accidents to happen and completely kill them. At this moment, refining the three men, I immediately went to the desperate plain plane of the invincible abyss, destroying the five heavens Heavenly Monarch sacrificial refining 33 Skies, and by the way, see the chaotic Heavenly Monarch 鈥?/p>

Fang Han’s voice is cold and his tone is determined. He is indeed determined. This time, he can’t let the innate, Su Xiuyi and Meng Shaobai live on the world again.

These three people, before they were built into Heavenly Monarch, were innocuous and ant-like things, but now they have become Heavenly Monarch, and they have grown from ants to dragons, and they will not be destroyed.

“Eight Buddhism, appeared”

Fang Han Zhangkou a spray

A huge pagoda flew out of the body, eight pieces of magical treasure, rotating each other, sending out extremely powerful forces, suppressing three powerful beings

The eight bas-reliefs are splendid. In the tower, a rule of law crystal condense into a thick dragon-scale chain. The dead and the dead should be congenital, Meng Shaobai, Su Xiuyi three people, let the three people struggle, Can’t get out

Although the three men became the Heavenly Monarch, the eight bas-reliefs were tempered by Fang Han for many years. They merged with many gods and made them into Saint Grade Immortal Artifact. The dragon force was incredible, and the ecstasy The combination of the array, the suppression of the three people who have not achieved great weather, is not difficult

The power of the Eight Buddhism can now be equivalent to a very powerful Heavenly Monarch, far more than the death of Heavenly Monarch.

“Fang Han, you can’t kill me, I am born with the atmosphere, eternal immortal.” Su Xiuyi was tied up by eight dragon scale chains, struggling again and again, roaring, hateful eyes directly into the eyes of Fang Han It seems that I want to kill Fang Han with a cursing gaze.

The white bones on his body shook the dragon scale chains with some subtle splits. This is the power on the collarbone that he charged the “Yuanshi Mou Lord”. Otherwise, with his own power, he could not make eight. The buoys are split

Yuan Shi Mou, the king of the year

His collarbone is the bone of the fairy king, and he doesn鈥檛 know how much better than Heavenly Monarch.

“Fang Han, I won’t be killed by you. I always want to escape from birth. You won’t be my opponent. I want to kill you.” Meng Shaobai’s teeth bite and never give in.

“Fang Han, between us, there is no deep hatred. If you kill me, I will still reincarnate in the future, bringing you an unmeasurable danger. If you are doing it with me, I can do something for you.” It鈥檚 very calm, and there is a smile on his face. He is secretly preparing something.

“It鈥檚 all nonsense, the fate of your death is already doomed.” Fang Han鈥檚 voice has no feelings, like a judge who judges everything. The final conclusion is declared: 鈥淪u Xiuyi, you are in the world, you have several times. Come kill me, I am almost degraded, I am today, for the first time let you know the fallen sustainability, no one can save you from coming over”

Fang Han grabbed the big hand and opened his fingers. It seemed that the eagle caught the chicken. From the eight floats, Su Xiuyi was directly mentioned. The five fingers grabbed his neck and looked at the newly prepared Heavenly Monarch. Su Xiuyi, who is breathing and raising her eyebrows, is struggling in her own hands.

“Fang Han, I am fighting with you, I am the master of Ayurveda. In this world, no one is my opponent. You are just a despicable existence in the world, actually dare to kill me.” Su Xiuyi bodyized into one Devil Qi, who wanted to get out, but Fang Han poured a force into his body, which made him recover again and could not change.


Fang Han, a slap in the face, smashed the past, hit Su Xiuyi stunned, and in the corner of his mouth, blood flowed out.

Su Xiuyi is almost angry to explode, and anger burns the heavens: “You dare to hit me”

He was a slap in the face, and on the other side of his face, Su Xiuyi鈥檚 face was so beautiful that he became red and swollen and became a pig’s head. Fang Han imprisoned all his Culture Base and made his Mortal Body. Start fragile

“Fang Han, let us, we reconcile, I promise that after that, no longer have trouble finding you? We don’t make water in the well…” Two slaps, Shu Xiaiyi was awake, his eyes hatred The light flashed past, and the tone gradually eased.

“Let you let me go?” Fang Han smiled: “Yes”

“What?” Su Xiuyi’s face changed, then calmed down: “What conditions do you want, I can tell you the secret of a treasure, and I just got the Yuancun Lord Clavicle can also give you the conditions to say”

鈥淚s it?鈥?Fang Han bounced his fingers. 鈥淭hese things are naturally mine, but you are kneeling at my feet, learning two dogs, making my dog, I will consider letting you go once鈥?

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