Eternal Life

Chapter 1462

The “Lord of the Fire” is on the thief ship.

Originally, he also had his own plan to move the “fire world” he created to reach the vicinity of the era gate. Once he encountered the attack of the enemy, it was equal to the support of the era. Under the protection of Jiyuanmen, he relied on the enormous resources of Jiyuanmen to develop with peace of mind. His apprentice, “Seven of the Gods of Fire”, were all in the realm of the Heavenly Lord, and the congenital fire was destroyed. Now it is suffering from congenital deficiency and cannot Step into the sky and advance to Heavenly Monarch.

Now, the “Lord of the Fire” has its own intentions.

“Even if the fragments of World Tree are given to the era of Heavenly Monarch Fang Han, he will plant in the Dan world…. No, now in the realm, rooted and sprouted, exudes innumerable wood, our Shenhuo can also go Among them, cultivation, compared with its own sacrificial refining, does not know how many times powerful, but also can peek into the secret of reaching the Hongmeng Hall. The Heavenly Monarch can personally tell the story, as long as there can be one, and become the Heavenly Monarch, our fire industry is in the next era. It can also be grand again.”

The Lord of Fire has thought very well.

But where does Fang Han know his wishful thinking?

I am sure that I have encountered the siege of “Tian Ting”, “Truth of the Truth” and “The Origin of the Dynasty”. It is natural to draw on the Experts from all walks of life, to form alliances and resist together.

Moreover, the owner of this fire industry, there are also friends, together with the vines, can involve a large number of Heavenly Monarch, draw a good relationship, and use the necessary things.

What’s more, the Lord of Fire has lived in the bottomless abyss for a long time. Knowing a lot of hidden situations, Fang Han wants to find the ancient sanctuary in the bottomless abyss, enter it and find the original body of the plume. The Lord of Arbitration, after absorption, shocked Heavenly Monarch, the leader of the fire industry is a good lead.

“I came to the bottomless abyss this time, first to find a treasure.” After Fan Han officially formed an alliance with the Lord of Fire, he did not hide it, but the truth was to say that he was real. Now the Culture Base has arrived in a thought, the realm of all knowing, nothing has concealed his eyes and ears, the Lord of the fire, in front of him is a Heavenly Monarch, and Aura is not weaker than death Heavenly Monarch It is a pity that there is no secret in his eyes.

Simply tell the story of the ancient church, the first is to strengthen the friendship between the two sides, the second is to see what the Lord of Fire can know some clues?

After he entered this bottomless abyss, he secretly calculated the whereabouts of the “Ancient Church”, but also calculated a rough position. He is not very familiar with this bottomless abyss, although he has a huge memory. But in the end, it is better than the people who have practiced in the bottomless abyss for many years, because the bottomless abyss will change at any time. One plane, maybe it will be destroyed, and the new plane will be born again, maybe one hundred years. If you don’t come to the bottomless abyss, you won’t know the way.

“Ancient sanctuary? Is this the reincarnation of the president?”

The Lord of Fire looked at the Emperor and widened his eyes. Then he calculated it and seemed to understand something: “No wonder, Heavenly Monarch, who recently practiced in the bottomless abyss, has some commotion. It turned out to be some gods. The object is about to be born. In ancient times, the heavens opened up, and the bottomless abyss condense formed. When Gate to Eternity ejected a large number of artifacts, this bottomless abyss is the eye of heaven and earth, with strong swells and sucking countless gods. Entering, resulting in many of the Experts now entering this cultivation, looking for artifacts forged artifacts, I saw with my own eyes the ancient church of the past…”

“In this case, it is better to look for the ancient sanctuary together, the Lord of the Fire, what other friends do you have? Are you practicing in the bottomless abyss? How about gathering together?” Fang Han said casually.

He wants to bring together a large number of Heavenly Monarchs, creating a momentum.

“There are several, such as the Lord of the Tang Dynasty, the Lord of the Earth, the Lord of the Scenery, the Lord of the Poisons…” The main road of the fire: “There are only a few, it is this one, the new promotion. Heavenly Monarch, who created his own independent plane, but could not get to the bottom of the abyss.”

“No problem, people are more powerful, I have to hunt for treasure, and naturally will shelter everyone.” Fang Han blinked, and heard that there were so many friends in the world of fire, nodded suddenly, he said “the ancient holy The secret of the church is also to use this secret, to impress people, to summon a group of Heavenly Monarch, and to look for treasure together with him, as long as they enter the Danger Zone…. Some treasure hunt, with his means, not afraid that these Heavenly Monarch will not be attached to he.

“Well, I will summon the people who practiced in the abyss!”

The face of the Lord of Fire has shown a happy color, and I don’t know what I am thinking. Suddenly, he sat down and the flutes of the road flew out, apparently in this bottomless abyss, with special hands. , passed to friends.

The symbol is a kind of fire, Fang Han saw it, these fires are constantly moving in the void, the darkness of the bottomless abyss is cut, into the depths of infinity, issued to many mysterious Aura call.

In a short while, the depths of the disappearing fire, a sturdy Aura pass, come in, bang! The first to break through this lava plane is a dark cultivator, which exudes an unparalleled poisonous gas. In the transpiration of the flame lava, these poisonous gases are more and more refined, and evolved the Taikoo poisonous dragon, poisoned Qilin. Poisonous Phoenix, poisonous Demon King……. countless highly toxic world.

There is no doubt that this is the Myriad Heavenly Domain, a horrible, talkative, Heavenly Monarch “Lord of the Poison”.

Although the poison world is not as good as the dragon, the god, the martial arts, the book, the Dan, the treasure, the forbearance… these circles, but among the Myriad Heavenly Domain, it is still ranked in the middle, the Lord of the poisonous world, the fierceness of the world, it is simply the world. famous.

“Hey, hey…hey…….” A cruel and sinister laughter came out. This dark cultivator, the Lord of the poisonous world, came down and shot his eyes at Fang Han, the Lord of Fire. Especially the feather emperor standing next to Fang Han, his eyes are very bad.

“The Lord of Fire, you are so urgent to call me, what is the matter? I am in the abyss of the abyss, collecting a kind of congenital detox, concise my poison arrows, if you heard that you found ancient The secret of the church, I will not come, say! The ancient temple is in the plane of the abyss. The bottom of the abyss is full of danger and poison, only I can resolve all kinds of poisonous gas, close to some ancient And the dangerous plane, you find me to search for treasure, it is right.”

The Lord of the poisonous world made a sound, very impatient, and urged the Lord of Fire to tell the secret.

“This is the brother, the cultivator around him, called the Emperor, is the ancient sacred church, the reincarnation of the Lord of the Arbitration, this time came to the abyss, is seeking our assistance, accepting the ancient sacred church, impact no On Heavenly Monarch.”

The Lord of Fire immediately explained that he knew that the Lord of the poison world was a sinister character. If he was slightly dissatisfied, he would be hostile to you, letting you die under his endless poison, some of his poison. It can directly kill Heavenly Monarch, the god of the gods, and the name of Taikoo, one of the three eras of the invincible Heavenly Monarch.

However, he deliberately did not say the name of Fang Han, he said a brother. Highlighting the point that Yuhuang is the reincarnation of the arbitrator, obviously has some meaning in it.

“The reincarnation of the Lord of Arbitration….”

Sure enough, I heard the explanation of the Lord of Fire, the Lord of the poison world immediately turned his eyes, it seems to be immediately hand-picked, the feathers of the Emperor seized: “haha… haha… this is really a break from the iron shoes.” Work, my cultivation will be practiced as an ancient treasure, and I got this air transport. I have heard before that the Expert of Yuanshi Mozong has already collected the reincarnation of the Lord of the Church. It is called innate. I have encountered the reincarnation of the arbitrator of the arbitrator here. It seems that the ancient sacred church is a big cup, and I am destined to separate some of it. In this way, the plan for treasure hunt is led by me. The reincarnation of the Lord is not Heavenly Monarch. It is like an ant in the bottomless abyss. To get better protection, let me protect him.”

Between the talks, the Lord of the poisoned world waved at the Emperor. “Come on, kid, I see your Cultural Base is also good, arrived at the realm of Heavenly Lord, and some can be promoted to Heavenly Monarch, step into the sky, You have such a Culture Base, and you have a lot of knowledge. You must know the name of the Lord of the poison world. If I shelter you, no one will hurt you.”

The Emperor of the Emperor did not move, and he was free.

Fang Han next to him did not move, it seems to be thinking about something.

Because he just heard a very familiar name, it should be innate. Nothing wrong, the name that was spoken from the main mouth of the poison world was originally in the secular, Innate Devil Sect, the famous “Innate Great Emperor”, and later got the inheritance of Demon Dao’s Seven Saints. Entering the heavens, disappearing without a trace, there has been no news, I can’t think of him as the reincarnation of the “Lord of the Church”!

The ruler of the ancient church, the owner of the first church, the second arbitrator, one yin and one yang. All are qualified to take charge of the ancient church.

This time he came to the emperor with the reincarnation of the Lord of Arbitration. The people of the ancient Yuanshi Mozong, who took the reign of the Holy Church, should come to the world innately, and also look for the ancient sanctuary to inherit the great treasures of these gods. .

He is trying to figure out, banging, everything is going on. “No wonder, no wonder I think the Lord of the Church has to appear, and there are some familiarities. Actually it should be innate……….Su Xiuyi said, Appeared, he is the inheritor of Ayu Mozong. It is also a branch of Yuanshi Mozong…”

“Kid, have you heard it? Come to my side!”

The Lord of the Poisons saw Fang Han, and the Emperor Yu was indifferent to his language, and suddenly his eyes were cold!

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