Eternal Life

Chapter 1459

First thousand four hundred and fifty-nine chapters

“Fang Han, I want to live you, I want to take revenge! My celestial burial, my nine-character secret! All are taken away by you, the celestial burial, is the infinite god, the nine-word secret is The words ejected from Gate to Eternity, these things are my cuddling. After I was promoted to Heavenly Monarch, I attacked the Foundation of Xian Wang, but now I have been taken away by you, I hate…”

The hatred of Haotian was passed from the body of Hua Tiandu.

Hua Tiandu’s body, one accepts the baptism of the robbery, the countless days of Aura became his tonic, this time he really broke through the Heavenly Monarch realm with his own Culture Base and will, reaching the big position, Turned into an immortal legend.

Deathly Heavenly Monarch stands on the side of Hua Tiandu. With a big hand and a wave of force, Passian Hua Tiandu condenses his body, transforms Mortal Body, and passes Supreme Divine Ability, putting his body in the sky. Shaped more perfect.

“Do not destroy the sky!”

Hua Tiandu’s body was shocked, and the ripples of a stock were released.

Then he stood up, his endless vitality and hatred, rushing into the sky, shaking the heavens and the earth. The body of Heavenly Monarch, once again cast, completely restored the endless Divine Ability and memory of the year, and Yuan Ling also completely awakened.

“Hua Heavenly Monarch, you finally boarded Heavenly Monarch again, don’t forget your promise.” Death Heaven Monarch saw this scene, took his own power and stood up.

“I will not forget, hey! I am not Hua Heavenly Monarch, but Hua Tiandu, I have come back again, all the previous ones are all killed! Heaven, I will dominate the heavens sooner or later, and I will be in heaven and earth.” Hua Tiandu Looked at the death of Heavenly Monarch, “You helped me once again hit the big place of Heavenly Monarch, my commitment to you, the promise of the Holy Land, will not forget, I will tell you everything about the creation of the king, and The mystery of the gates of heaven’s creation. The whole heavenly court is a change of the gates of creation. The gate of creation is a god of the heavens, not under the burial of heaven. In the same year, the three kings of rejuvenation were rebuilt. The first is the 33 Skies artifact, the second is the gate of creation, and finally the best efforts to create the celestial burial. These three treasures, mutual restraint, become a big cycle. Once you have concentrated three treasures, integration, you can Find out where he is, and even find the legendary Gate to Eternity.”

“Gate to Eternity!” Death Heaven Monarch Eyes, Aura also has some excitement.

“Yes, it’s Gate to Eternity.” Hua Tiandu looked calm and screamed, and he woke up the memory of Heavenly Monarch, who has reached an omniscient state.

At that time, China Heavenly Monarch was the master of heaven, the loyal running dog of the sacred king, the most trusted person, and even more than chaos, Lei Di, disaster, eternal…etc. Because of this, he knows a lot of things, and now he has a lot of plans in mind.

“The reason why the king of the sacred king disappeared is that it is likely to enter the Gate to Eternity.” Hua Tiandu said again: “Between the heavens and the earth, there is no existence of the fairy king. Those fairy kings may also feel what they feel. , looking for Gate to Eternity, entering it, or attempting to enter it… The creation of the king can be determined, find the Gate to Eternity, leave the gods, and guide the clues.”

“So to say…we are the same as the king of truth?” Death Heaven Monarch thought: “Now Hua Tiandu, what are you going to do? How to retaliate against Fang Han? His strength, growing day and night, and getting the artifacts of the heavens Even if you regain the strength of the heyday, I am afraid I will not be able to deal with him.”

“Kill! I want to marry him!” Hua Tiandu held his hands in the sky and yelled at him: “He has nothing to be said. He will never play the real mystery of the burial. As long as I am prepared, I can take it from him. I took back the burial of the heavens. I still have a lot of secrets to make the king.”


Just in the scream of Hua Tiandu’s fury, a letter fell into the hands of the “Heavenly Monarch.”

After the death of Heavenly Monarch, after a letter, a little scan, his face changed dramatically.

“What happened?” Hua Tiandu felt it was not good.

“Related to Fang Han, you see, the second Heavenly Monarch Expert of the origin dynasty, the horror Heavenly Monarch, came to my holy place of truth today to discuss the major events of the commemoration of the epoch. Fang Han was just a short time ago. The dynasty, killing the lifely Heavenly Monarch, the river map Heavenly Monarch, took the most mysterious altar of origin, and sealed the altar of the Zen, the origin of the gods left by the king.”

Death Heavenly Monarch’s face: “His Civilization Base is not the same as when I first built Heavenly Monarch. It is the fastest growing person I have ever seen.”

“What?” Hua Tiandu’s face was extremely distorted and incomparably ugly: “How is it possible? How did he become so powerful? What kind of fortuitous encounter? In the end, he got a god, killing Heavenly Monarch. Then he The current Culture Base is not far beyond me.”

“Not only that…” Death Heaven Monarch looked at the roaring and distorted Hua Tiandu with a playful look: “The information in this letter, a character of Fang Han, the wind white feather has also awakened, he is the first wisdom of ancient Buddhism The first force […] The reincarnation of the Heavenly Monarch of the Shakya, is now nearly completed as Heavenly Monarch, the Culture Base.”

“Wind White Feather is a sacred Heavenly Monarch!” Hua Tiandu heard the news, his heart was cold, his fists were tight, his eyes were red and bloody. “In this case, Fang Han’s beast is not getting stronger and stronger?”

“So, it is impossible to let him be promoted. It is a major threat to grow up. Especially this child is still like our sea. This time the Holy Land has promised, and the origin of the dynasty, and then the heavenly court, sweeping the era gate Besides, you should practice well here and consolidate the Culture Base. After we have discussed it, let you shoot.”

Between talking, Death Heavenly Monarch has disappeared.

Only left in the clouds, Hua Tiandu stood alone.

Death Heavenly Monarch left, suddenly Hua Tiandu changed a vicious smile: “The Holy Land wants to use me? Where is such a cheap thing, death Heavenly Monarch, although you helped me to become Heavenly Monarch, but I will not let you go. I will put you in the holy place of truth, all Heavenly Monarch, all refining….”

Between the words, Hua Tiandu disappeared, and the whole person did not know where to go.

His vicious thoughts lingered in all the voids and penetrated into the depths of illusion…

In the unknown time and space of the heavens, Fang Han and Yuhuang are walking. The mouth of the sacred sacred sacred sword of the sacred sacred sacred sacred, around the feathers of the dragon, the excitement sounded: “We are finally going to find the ancient sacred temple? Yuhuang, you have to expose you really Life, what is your life experience? I am very curious…”

“Fang Han, you must know a lot of secrets. On the way to the ancient church, how do you tell me?” Fan Han looked at the well-behaved Fang Han: “The ancient church, I have a touch of induction, but I don’t know What place. Your current Dao technique, the road, hundreds of millions of times, I don’t know what kind of movements have been calculated?”

Fang Han closed his eyes and pondered for a while, seemingly mobilizing his huge memory.

He swallowed up countless powerful beings, the Lord of the Wolf, the Lord of Time, the Lord of Shadows, the Floating, the River, the Miao Li, the wing of Heavenly Monarch …. Their memories are integrated into Fang Han’s memory, among them Any clues can be calculated and perfected, and naturally can penetrate all the mysteries of the heavens.

After a long time, he began to say: “The ancient sacred church, there are two masters, the sacred church, the ancient heaven, the first is the Lord of the Church, the second is the Lord of arbitration. If I have not calculated the mistake, you are The reincarnation of the Lord of Arbitration.”

“The Lord of Arbitration?” Yuhuang was silent. It seemed to wake up some memories, but there was still a trace of confusion in his eyes: “Then you have calculated it now? Where is the church? I believe in the Bible every time.” I feel that the church seems to have fallen into the boundless darkness and cannot see the light.”

“Yes, the ancient sanctuary fell into the bottomless abyss.” Fang Han said.

“Bottomless abyss!” Yu Huang’s whole body shocked: “It turns out that how can it be achieved? The bottomless abyss is the legendary dark eye, one layer, no bottom, every layer is very Dangerous, evil, where is the source of evil, the heavens are all filthy, dark, and the land of evil and evil, Heavenly Monarch has entered it, and it has to fall, and the evil and the devil are out of reach.”

The bottomless abyss is the most dangerous place in the heavens.

Heavenly Monarch can’t swim, even with Fang Han’s current Culture Base, the Culture Base is equivalent to the enemy of the seven chaotic eras, and can’t figure out how big the heavens are. There are so many Danger Zones in such a large heaven.

The bottomless abyss is one of them. Heavenly Monarch enters it, and it has to fall. The abyss of layers has concentrated on the evils of the heavens. There are countless powerful evil thoughts. The demon creatures grow in it. Of course, there are endless treasures, even Gate. To Eternity The squirting artifacts fall into it.

In the rumor, the chaos, killing, Lei Di, disaster, the eternal five Heavenly Monarch, has entered the bottomless abyss, concise 33 Skies to the treasure, will soon be completed, refined into Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, equivalent to thirty Three of Heavenly Monarch were born and raided all enemies.

Yu Huang did not think that the ancient sanctuary actually fell into the bottomless abyss, and then it is difficult to find.

“I know it’s hard to find, but things are imminent. I don’t look for another World Tree shard, nor the Red Devil, Heart Demon, or even Fang Qingxue, because I already feel it. In addition to your awakening, the true Lord of the Church is also afraid to return to the world and take over the ancient church.”

Fang Han was silent for a while and figured out some secrets.

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