Eternal Life

Chapter 1453

Fang Han, one person, to kill the five Heavenly Monarch, the floating Heavenly Monarch has already died in his hands. If the fierceness is passed out, I am afraid that overnight, the prestige will pass through the Myriad Heavenly Domain, and even pass to the next one. Go in the era.

The five big Heavenly Monarch battles were torn apart by Fang Han.

The six Heavenly Monarch teamed up to display the “great array”, which was defeated by Fang Han. Now the floating Heavenly Monarch is dead and absorbed by Fang Han, making the eight floats pass through the Heavenly Monarch and change to Saint. Grade Immortal Artifact. The power has skyrocketed, and in the Heavenly Monarch of the originating dynasty, the power has plummeted, and there has been no ability to counter Fang Han.

“Heavenly Heavenly Monarch, the next one, you are dead!”

Fang Han defeated the team of the five Heavenly Monarch. His eyes locked the Riverly Monarch, directly bombarded, and the big hands took pictures one after another. True Qi rolled, swept the world, and the flames of the sky, running through the body of Heavenly Monarch.

River Figure Heavenly Monarch’s body changes in a row, thousands of rivers, the elimination of True fire, the ability to regenerate, is much stronger than the life-saving Heavenly Monarch.

“Fang Han, you want to kill me, the rainy Heavenly Monarch, it will appear, you will wait to die!” River map Heavenly Monarch shouted, such as a lion, such as a giant elephant, such as a greedy wolf, such as the owner of the beast, to the soul, to Life, the final cry of your own future.

“Whoever kills!” Fang Han sent out four words, and the voice overwhelmed everything, directly making the River Picture of Heavenly Monarch hoarse, and spewing a blood in his mouth.

Stepping into the ground, Fang Han is like the only god, no one can stop his behavior, the fist is like a mountain, facing the river map Heavenly Monarch.


The long river of destiny, appearing in the air, turned into a blade glow, cutting the ancient times.

The Riverly Heavenly Monarch was caught off guard, and the knife in his body was cut into two halves. The two sides of the body, constantly struggling in the air, approaching the edge of destruction.

In Fang Han’s eyes, there was no bit of pity, chasing out, grabbing the big hand and directly grabbing the sides of the river’s Heavenly Monarch.

Wū wū wū ,wū wū wū 呜……. Without any suspense, the body of Heavenly Monarch was captured by Fang Han and held high in the air. The nightmare scene appeared in the eyes of the surviving Four Heavenly Monarch. Among them.

The floating Heavenly Monarch, also lifted up by Fang Han, was inflated, exploded, and died. Now, the river map Heavenly Monarch, stepped back to the footsteps of the floating Heavenly Monarch.

If you lose another Heavenly Monarch, the origin of the dynasty, I am afraid that the strength will be greatly reduced. The strength of Fang Han will grow again.

At that time, the six Heavenly Monarchs here, one of them can’t escape! To be completely killed by Fang Han and integrated into the body, Fang Han is only afraid that he can truly compete with the “Lord of the Fa”, “The Lord of the Martial Arts” and “Lord of the Lord”… under.

At this moment, suddenly, the whole place of origin trembled, and a wild, old idea came. Bang! At the edge of the place of origin, the gateway to the origins is wide open, and a giant hand has directly crossed the distant land of the wilderness. This giant palm has almost transformed the entire universe into a wild world. The law in the land of origin, the collapse of the road, and finally the real evolution for the ancient world.

The wilderness handed down directly to Fang Han and directly caught the body of Heavenly Monarch, which was held by Fang Han.

It is actually to snatch the Riverly Heavenly Monarch, so as not to be killed by Fang Han.

“Amazing Heavenly Monarch, you finally appeared.”

Fang Han opened his eyes, and numerous pupils appeared in the dense eyes. In each compound eye, it was a gateway. “The door of all the wonderful things”, “the door of the law”, “the heaven and earth Xuanmen”, “the door of the fairy”… The portals in the compound eyes, one after another, stunned and shot out, resisting the “big hands”.

“Heavenly Monarch, you think, if you don’t come, you can deal with me with one hand?”

“Evenly Monarch, Fang Han!” The sound of Heavenly Monarch was almost angry. The anger burned in the air: “You put down the river, Heavenly Monarch, we still have room for negotiation, the origin of the dynasty and the era gate, there is an alliance. Maybe, in the past, all kinds of things have not been sinful, otherwise they will die immediately!”

Under the angry voice of Heavenly Monarch, the floods were shaken and blocked, but then the power climbed and reached the end, and the portals of the blocks shattered into nothingness.

However, by this time, Fang Han slammed and blew his Magic Force directly into the body of Heavenly Monarch. The Heavenly Monarch screamed and turned into pieces, countless forces, and once again entered Fang. Han’s body.

Under this circumstance, the catastrophe caused by the eight floating sects, the real dissipating, and countless forces, made the eight sacred sects push to the peak of the peak. The floating squad slowly moved, surpassing the Aura of Heavenly Monarch and oscillating. The first Saint Grade Immortal Artifact on Fang Han was finally made.

This makes the strength of Fang Han rise to a peak again. The eight floats are not the general magical treasure. Think about it, the Dragon Lord, the Eight Heavenly Monarch, is a Heavenly Monarch of eight battalions. Just know the difference between this treasure.

“Fang Han! You killed the river map Heavenly Monarch……. You have killed our origin dynasty, the two Heavenly Monarchs, and I swear by Heavenly Monarch, swearing here, once the gods are trained, they will go underground and kill. You have no way to go, let your era gate, really destroy, even if it is the next era, you will die.”

The Heavenly Monarch felt the Aura of the death of the Riverly Heavenly Monarch. It was completely angry. The flame burned the entire place of origin, and even the altar of origin was shaking.

At this moment, suddenly, the origin altar of Fang Han, who had been guarded by death, stopped working. The scent of white feathers, Mi Bao, Yan Guang, and Xiao Huang’s body disappeared. , has reached the peak and stopped inheriting.

At this time, the four people were completely immersed in the ascension of power. Everyone’s face was solemn, especially in the white feathers, and in the eyebrows, the voice of the Wanfo Chaozong appeared, even the Buddha’s world. The Sanskrit has arrived around his body.

The robbery of the road once again appeared in the air.

It was the Heavenly Monarch robbery that came again.

“I am compassionate, and I will not grind, the door of Sakyamuni, the door of convenience….” The wind white feathers are in ten hands, and suddenly, the door of Sakyamuni rises out from behind, facing Heavenly in the sky. The Monarch robbery is a sweeping, rumble… The countless Heavenly Monarch catastrophe is housed in this portal, like a sea, accommodating a hundred rivers.

The Heavenly Monarch robbery, at this moment, became a robbery dragon, the dragon of robbery, was demolished, and entered the door of Sakyamuni, and released it.

“The door of Sakyamuni is the door of convenience…” The wind white feathers muttered, his voice, the sound of the universe, the sound of Great Dao. Originally, the Heavenly Monarch catastrophe that countless people were afraid of was actually turned over by him, becoming the dragon of the law-protection and entering the door of the Sakyamuni. This is an incredible performance!


“How could this be?”

“Heavenly Monarch robbery, this is the Heavenly Monarch robbery, actually he was tempered by him? The Heavenly Monarch robbery, this is nothing in the universe? How can he do it, how can it be? The day.”

The sacrifice of Heavenly Monarch, the proudly Heavenly Monarch, the butterfly love Heavenly Monarch, and the Luochuan Heavenly Monarch eyes are straight. They wanted to ride the Fang Han against the flooded Heavenly Monarch, and the white feathers were killed when the Heavenly Monarch was robbed, but Absolutely did not expect! The wind white plume has actually reached such a level, directly smashing the sky into a dragon, and plunging into itself, becoming a dragon guardian? What is this Culture Base? What Dharma? Even if the king of the year, the world of the self-property of the Buddha, have not heard of the direct degree of robbery?

The day of the robbery was directly transformed into the body, and the eyes of the wind white feathers opened, and the Aura transformation on the body became another state. His life form began to change, and the power regrouped, ten times more than just.

He really became Heavenly Monarch.

Buddhism in the world, the first brother, known as Dazhi, Great Sorrow, Dayong, Daren, Daci, vigorously… The world is known as the Buddha, the Buddha Gate inherits the Dao Lineage of the Buddha, the Buddha of the Lord of Buddha, Heavenly Monarch, again Re-emerged on earth. He is the Buddha in the world of Buddhism, the first wisdom, the first brave, the first vigorous, the first compassion….

Start to wake up.

The memory and strength of Feng Baiyu’s predecessors are all awakened.

He is not the general Heavenly Monarch reincarnation, like the Heavenly Monarch reincarnation of Jun Cangsheng, not as good as a finger of the Buddhaly Monarch. At that time, he voluntarily took the form of his body and fell down with the end of the Holy King, forming a good relationship, resolving the number of robbers that ended the Holy King, and also resolved his own robbery.

Now, the Buddha of Heavenly Monarch, returning again, the invincible road, unstoppable.

“Fo Guangguang shines, the origin is clear, my body, inside and outside Mingjie….” Feng Bai Yu hands together, with himself as the center, the Buddha light of the road is distributed, the origin of the land began to be transformed into a colorful glass of pure earth. A true linden tree grows up, and a plant’s ape tree is also swaying. This wind white feather is not promoted to Heavenly Monarch. When it is promoted to Heavenly Monarch, it is necessary to turn the origin of the land into a Buddhist temple. Pure land, bliss world.

Moreover, this bliss world, the Mi Bao, Feng Yan Guang, Xiao Huang are all guarded in it, and even forced to sacrifice, proud, butterfly love, Luochuan four Heavenly Monarch retreat.

Originally, the four Heavenly Monarch came up to kill, but Feng Baiyu was promoted to Heavenly Monarch, and they completely surpassed them, and they could not break the defense of Feng Baiyu.

Fortunately, the wind white feathers only restored part of the power of the Buddha’s Heavenly Monarch. If all recovered, it would directly end the sacred king, killing the four Heavenly Monarchs, and destroying the simple simplicity. The sacred Heavenly Monarch, but the horror of the Myriad Heavenly Domain.

However, Feng Baiyu, to restore the real Culture Base of the Shakya Heavenly Monarch, still has to be painstakingly… He is not as powerful as Fang Han, which is the Cultural Base that broke the era three or four times.

And Mi Bao, Feng Yan Guang, Xiao Huang are in Insight, and have not yet promoted the signs of Heavenly Monarch. Although they have been passed down, the Heavenly Monarch is not so easy.

“Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha….” Fang Han also felt the strangeness of the wind white feathers, and suddenly smiled: “Wind white feathers, you are promoted well, help me, I will collect this altar of altar, come once big.”

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