Eternal Life

Chapter 1398

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-eight chapters

Heavenly Monarch is the loyal running dog of the ancient king of creation. When the ancient king of the king and the king of the world fought, it is likely that he started from the middle and witnessed this earth-shattering battle.

Fang Han’s calculations were accurate and profound, and he immediately guessed what the reason for Hua Tiandu’s presence in this area was. It must be the key to finding the ancient Dan.

The battle between the ancient kings of the king and the king of the world is here, Magic Force affects the infinite plane, the infinite crystal wall system.

The key to the ancient Danjie may be lost here.

This camel god, the Heavenly Monarch, is also very likely, just want to compete for the key to the Dan, and was directly killed. Otherwise, a Heavenly Monarch, it is impossible to vanish like this.

This camel god plane is very secretive and hidden in layers of emptiness. If it is not Fang Han’s calculation, I am afraid I can’t find it here.

“Go, we enter the Camel Crystal Wall, you are all ready to fight.” Fang Han is facing the Wanyang Heavenly Lord and others: “Hua Tiandu This person is fierce, killing people without blinking, is completely demonized. The devil, in case you have a damage, I can’t afford it.”


Wanyang Heavenly Lord bit his teeth: “Even if it is the real Chinese Heavenly Monarch, it will not offend our holy place of truth, and it is the reincarnation of Heavenly Monarch? And here we are looking for the real murderer, and the peace, First ask the two to go to my holy place of truth. When confronted with quality investigation, it is best not to do it first.”

“I am naturally willing to do this.” Fang Han said quietly: “But Hua Tiandu said it would not be necessary to listen to the advice.”

Where can’t he see, the characters of this group of truth holy places intend that they will not be able to live as long as they enter the holy land of truth.

Of course, this time, he is not prepared to let Wanyang Heavenly Lord and others live to return to the holy place of truth.

He also saw that the Baosuo, which was taken by the Heavenly Lord and others, was a famous Saint Grade Immortal Artifact in the ancient times. The death of Tissot and the Deathly Monarch were forged by the death, but they were later robbed and changed. Into the wreckage, just like the totem can.

The strength of this Tissot is not the same, but he exerts thirty-three times of his combat power and must be able to break and kill all.

In particular, Wanyang Heavenly Monarch and other people have a lot of innate vitality. After they get it, they can make themselves more ready for promotion to Heavenly Monarch.

Many kinds of species, Wanyang Heavenly Lord and others will die.

It’s just a matter of late and early death.


Fang Han took a point in the palm of his hand and showed the Lesser Karma Technique without any scruples. He pulled out a long river of destiny and immediately opened the crystal wall system of the camel face. He directly shuttled through it, and the scenery in front of him suddenly changed. They are majestic and magnificent mountains and rivers. Although they are not as big as the 100,000 big states, they are also very vast. They are almost the land equivalent to hundreds of big states, and Space is folded, one after another, layer by layer, which is very The desolate, without a trace of human smoke, the aura in this plane has basically disappeared, there is no spiritual existence, so the cultivator is basically not.

The general cultivator, even if it is the ancient emperor, enters this hunchback plane and is trapped in it.

However, what kind of Culture Base of Fang Han, when I saw it, I saw it. The deepest part of the hump god plane, and the mystery, is a desolate temple. It is ruined everywhere, and it has withstood the erosion of the years. decay.

The Aura of Heavenly Monarch is getting stronger and stronger, and it is transmitted from the deepest temple of the camel’s plane, which makes Fang Han’s mind more and more calm and watery, and more and more determined as the sand of time.

He also, regardless of Wanyang Heavenly Lord and others, directly leaped to the center of this “hump god plane” and slowly landed in front of the temple of high destruction.

This temple is very large and presents an oval shape, like a hump.

Everywhere is decaying, decaying, but the deepest part of the temple, dark and deep, reveals a mysterious and deep Aura.

Fang Han stood in front of this temple, standing with his hands on his back, waiting quietly, not deep into it.

Shuā shuā shuā !

The back of Wanyang Heavenly Lord and others landed and looked at Fang Han: “Why, Hua Tiandu’s Aura is inside, don’t you go in?”

“This is the temple where the camel god lived in the past. It is dangerous. Even if the camel Heavenly Monarch is dead, the gods are still shocked. Many people who are looking for the treasure are dead. You see some weather outside the temple. The bones?” A Heavenly Lord glanced around and the bones were scattered in the dust. I don’t know how many billion years have passed.

“I am waiting for Hua Tiandu to come out.”

Fang Han stood still and looked calm. “This is a long-awaited battle. It must be more solemn. Especially the one who got the whole body of China Heavenly Monarch…”

Just in Fang Han, the voice just fell.

In the shadows deep in the temple, a figure slowly came out of it.

This figure, a blue dress, tall and high-spirited, eyebrows and squares, seems to represent the real truth in the heavens and the earth, just without any slight deviation, seems to be born in the spirit of heaven and earth.

This person, Tsing Yi is very ordinary, but the temperament is a little moving, the whole martial arts are in his palm, free to let the planes die, can let the heavens surrender.

Wanyang Heavenly Lord and others are shaking.

This person is extremely terrifying, walking freely, letting them be powerful, they all have a taste of squatting.

This is the real Heavenly Monarch Aura. It is not contaminated with cause and effect, and it is not bound by the heavens and the earth. The heavens and the earth are destroyed and he is not destroyed. There is already a sense of eternal life.

Tsing Yi, the eyebrows Founder, came out of the temple and held a key on his palm. The key was ten inches long. The strong Dan Medicine Qi above is passed on.

The spoon of the ancient Dan.

And this Aura of the Tsing Yi people, facing, Fang Han, immediately thought of all the things in the world, when he was a mortal grievance.

This person is Hua Tiandu.

Incorporating the Chinese Heavenly Monarch Mortal Body, it became the first place in the Heavenly Monarch waiting list, Hua Tiandu. Flying up to heaven, this is the first time it has appeared in front of Fang Han.

The Qingyi man Hua Tiandu came out of the temple and saw Fang Han at first sight. His eyes suddenly burst into cold light, and suddenly the temperature of the whole camel face fell sharply, and the outer wall was trembling. It seems to be destroyed immediately, and in his mouth, spit out two words!

“Fang Han !”

Fang Han didn’t move, he was under the pressure of Hua Tiandu, and his face was not unexpected. He said with a touch of old friends: “Hua Tiandu! We haven’t seen each other for a long time. Since you are flying up to heaven, I am very I miss you, an old friend. Our ten-year contract has been dragged on for a long time, and there is no end. It is time for the real knot to come.”

“Fang Han! It really is you! You actually flew up to heaven, and you have achieved it!”

On Hua Tiandu’s face, the look of surprise disappeared, and then there was an absolutely controlled mood, which appeared around the body. His body, no one knows how much power, one inch and one inch of skin, flesh and blood, fundamentally Any substance that does not belong to this world.

“Yes, your achievements are very huge. Now that you have been promoted, you have already reached the first place on the Heavenly Monarch waiting list. I am afraid that it will be promoted to Heavenly Monarch without much time.” Fang Han does not do it. It’s just a talk.

“Heavenly Monarch …. promoted Heavenly Monarch …” Hua Tiandu chewed the two, suddenly, haha ​​laughed: “Nothing wrong, Fang Han, is Heavenly Monarch, I Hua Tiandu has a day to promote Heavenly Monarch, in the secular In the middle, you are an ant, Mortal Body Realm’s Powerhouse, and at that time, it was the peak of Divine Ability Tenth Layer, but it was the difference between ants and dragons with Heavenly Monarch. I never dreamed that one day would be promoted to Heavenly Monarch. But now, there is 90% hope, no, not 90%, but inevitable, I am promoted to Heavenly Monarch is inevitable. You are in front of me, still an ant!”

“is it?”

Fang Han faintly spit out two words.

“Yes! Fang Han, let you have countless fortuitous encounters, not Heavenly Monarch, are ants, you have to disappear between heaven and earth, and I am swaying up, future achievements, not you can speculate. Of course, my past life Ascension Sect is the founder, Hua Heavenly Monarch. Now, you must have entered the Ascension Sect, mixed into a discipline, or a higher status, but as soon as I go, your status immediately collapses!”Hua Tiandu’s green shirts hunted and looked at Fang Han.

This is the enemy of his fate.

“Hua Tiandu, I already know that you have combined the Mortal Body left by China Heavenly Monarch and got his strength. But now Ascension Sect has disappeared between heaven and earth, and the only thing left is the era gate I created. You Know why I am looking for you this time?” Fang Han said: “It is the projection that arrived at your Aura, come to kill you!”

“What? You destroyed Ascension Sect, and also tampered with Dao Lineage? What era door? Great tone!” Hua Tiandu in the tone, with a sense of killing, but there is a kind of arrogance on the face, flying and smashing my artistic conception “You want to kill me? Very good, very good. Even if you don’t come to me, I will go to you.”

“Your hand is the key to the ancient Dan.” Fang Han spoke again, and turned to look at the key in Hua Tiandu’s hand: “With this key, you can open the door to the ancient Danjie. Looking for the richness of Divine Pill, and the legacy of the Danish Lord, it is more convenient for you to be promoted to Heavenly Monarch and even restore the strength of the previous Heavenly Monarch. Hand it out! This holy place of truth is also before Come.”


I heard the words of Fang Han, and many people in the holy land of the truth shouted: “The key to the ancient Dan world? If you get this key, you can open the door of Danjie directly? This…”

“Hua Tiandu! You are Hua Tiandu.”

Shenwei Heavenly Lord came out and said to Hua Tiandu: “Hand over the key to the ancient Dan, and go to our holy place of truth.”

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