Eternal Life

Chapter 1395

Chapter 1,395

Fang Han’s current Culture Base is almost hundreds of millions of time and space. They all have an insight into the autumn. They can sweep through all kinds of time and space, and the world is at least 100% of the world.

He is almost infinitely close to Heavenly Monarch’s Cultural Base, and the actual road is almost the Heavenly Monarch level.

Therefore, in the Holy Land of Heaven, the Heavenly Lord, with many characters, when he came to the mighty, he already knew, stood up and shook his body. In the entire feathered kingdom, hundreds of thousands of thunder waters trembled fiercely. Regained itself, and throughout the feathered kingdom, it recovered from normal.

Wan Ming Lei Chi has now become a star in the Fang Han dynasty, and 33 Skies is inextricably linked to the treasures. The thunder waters are also stored in Fang Han. With a little movement, they can be dispersed. The mighty, stuffed Ascension Sect, for the cultivation of discipline.

Apart from this, his body is shaking, and the thunder water is collected. Ascension Sect is not in the heavens.

If he is willing, he can even spread the thunderwater throughout the state, all in it. In the sky of Zhongzhou, there is a robbery cloud. As long as it is not the discipline of Ascension Sect, he can sneak into the sky and let him Many of the existences are annihilated.

His voice, the mightyness passed out, immediately led a burst of frenzy outside, making the “Wanyang Heavenly Lord” just outside the ancient city of Zhongzhou, the other seven Heavenly Lords of the Holy Land, and many more. The definition of the crime has produced a feeling of being separated.

Nothing wrong, it is like a world.

Outside the murderous, the entire heavenly world is in a troubled world, and the entire Zhongzhou is now a paradise.

When Fang Han’s voice came out, he immediately fell into the air. The heavenly courts, the sanctuary, the splendid capital… appeared in front of everyone, real and true, and then everyone did not react, a huge bell Meditation, notes and beautiful melodies appear in the sky.

Golden Da Da Da Da, from the center of Zhongzhou Ancient City, the high heavens, lasing down, forming a golden bridge with a length and width that does not know how many billions of miles. The top of the Golden Bridge is full of people, Fang Han leads many Experts of Ascension Sect, and The virtual home, the Xuanyuan family, and the many Powerhouses of the Nangong family have come out, descending from the golden bridge.

“The original is the Expert of the Holy Land of Truth. I don’t know what happened to my era gate. Is it because we want to let our era gates go to the holy place of truth?”

Fang Han is a tiger, walking toward the people, first and foremost.

Wanyang Heavenly Lord looked suffocated and looked at Fang Han. His face became more and more shocked. A god thought was immediately passed to the heart of many heavenly places, the Heavenly Lord, and the disciple.

“Here is Ascension Sect, when did it become the era gate?”

Wanyang Heavenly Lord also had the same questioning in the face of Fang Han’s questioning.

“Yes, it turned out to be Ascension Sect, but now the heavens are chaotic. I am Fang Han escorting the same way, maintaining the principles, sorting out the Qiankun, in order to protect the many heavenly sympathies from catastrophe, so renamed the epoch, it will open soon, the mountain gate , spread this message out.”

Fang Han talked awkwardly, sweeping through the people of the Holy Land of truth, and his eyes were deep, and no one knew what he was thinking.

“It turns out.” After Wanyang Heavenly Lord listened, the look was slightly moved. This time the truth holy place came to surrender all the sects of the 100,000 state, the family, the Supreme Master, and then take all the Resources, go to the holy place of truth, make heaven a commander of light, empty shell.

But now, Fang Han is doing the same thing with them.

However, Wanyang Heavenly Lord, naturally, will not be in conflict now, and his face laughs: “This is the most civilized, Fang Han brother of Heavenly Monarch, and it is rumored that Fang Han brother refining 33 Skies. Invincible, sweeping the heavens, smashing into it and killing a happy one, killing the emperor, the gun of judgment, and even the law enforcement prison of heaven and heaven. They finally seized the life-threatening pool. So Shenwei is the first time in the past. People. I am leading the people of the Holy Land today, just to witness the style of Fang Han, and talk to the brothers about the future exhibition plan.”

“Since this is the case, the visitor is a guest, please speak inside.”

Fang Han raised his eyebrows and smashed out a law. Suddenly, the gateway to the feathered kingdom opened wide, and a channel emerged.

“You, please.”

Wanyang Heavenly Lord nodded and led his majesty and entered it.

Fang Han also took the lead and led the guests into the hall of the Feather of Heaven. It was the ruling hall and the throne. In a short while, the guests will be all right, sit down.

“You, please use tea. This is the God of God that I plundered from the treasure house of heaven. It is the god used in the creation of the king of the king.”

Fang Han’s big sleeves and a cup of tea have reached the front of many holy places of truth. In the tea, many teas are like a saint, Supreme Immortal, swaying, swaying, The rich atmosphere of creation will be distracted and refreshing.

Wanyang Heavenly Lord didn’t drink, just nodded: “Good tea!”

In the face of the unfathomable Fang Han, how can he drink tea? He didn’t drink, and all the people didn’t dare to drink. Some scenes were picked up.

Fang Han smiled and opened the boring atmosphere: “Don’t you have a big deal with me?”

“Yes, our holy place of truth, there is a Heavenly Monarch candidate list, which records all the names of the Experts in Heaven, are the Powerhouse of Life as Heaven and Earth, which was set by the king of truth, and communicated the invincible truth of heaven. The battle between heaven and earth turned to mystery, but recently it has changed….”

Wanyang Heavenly Lord faintly looked at Fang Han and took this as an opening statement to see how Fang Han handled it.

Fang Han is a faint nod: “Heavenly Monarch’s waiting list, I have heard about it. But I haven’t seen the truth, I have the chance to go to the holy place to see and see, I don’t know what changes have been made recently?”

“There are so many changes, such as the birth of Fang Han brother, but it has not yet appeared on the list. I don’t know what the fate of Fang Han brother has blinded the fate and the secret?” asked Wanyang Heavenly Monarch.

“This, I own the Culture Base, it belongs to the secret.” Fang Han will not tell the secrets of this group of truth holy people. He knows that the holy land of truth is another heaven in the heavens, the ambition of the wolf, and the killing of the jade The Heavenly Lord, the Heavenly Lord, will sooner or later be known to the people of the Holy Land, and will be the absolute enemy at that time.

“Don’t say I know one or two.” Finally, Wanyang Heavenly Lord felt that he had mastered some of the initiative: “Fang Han brother is flying up from the lower bound, and was once the Ascension Sect, and the electrician Heavenly Monarch’s reincarnation is intimate, gaining the insight of her destiny, can blind the heavens, cut off the induction, isn’t it?”

“How about this?” Fang Han’s face was cold, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense. Everyone immediately felt that Jin Ge Iron Horse, the blood of the corpse, the frozen era, chaos and confusion.

Many people were immediately nervous, and Wanyang Heavenly Lord was taken aback and almost stood up.

“Does the Wanyang Heavenly Lord come to my eclipse door to be a guest, is it to expose my oldest? If so……. then I am not happy.” Fang Han talks, not rude.

“Misundership, misunderstanding.” Wanyang Heavenly Lord thought and turned, and said: “I actually want to tell Fang Han brother a big secret, your biggest secret.”

“What secret?”

Fang Han asked: “My biggest rival, there is nothing… my opponent has gone more, and heaven is my biggest rival. Do you want to tell?”

“No, no…” Wanyang Heavenly Lord waved his hand. “I am talking about another person.”


“Hua Tiandu !”


Fang Han listened to these three names, suddenly bursting into the heart, like a tidal wave, but the whole body did not see the slightest fluctuations, the expression on his face was calm and calm, but there was a faint smile, it seems to be counting 10,000 Yang Heavenly Lord will say the same name.

Wanyang Heavenly Lord was awkward. He thought that Fang Han would be shocked to hear these three names, but he didn’t expect to be self-conscious. He had a calculation and suddenly had a feeling of miscalculation.

So, he hurriedly said: “About, Fang Han brother still does not know, what changes have occurred on the Heavenly Monarch waiting list? Hua Tiandu turned out to be farther away from the original ‘one heart’. Arrived in the first place. In the rumor, when we were in the lower bound, we got the news that Hua Tiandu and Fang Han were dead, so I will send you this big news and make a good relationship.”

“Is it?” Fang Han nodded, still a scene of humiliation, but suddenly there was a flash of lightning in his heart, bursting out of boundless calculations, together, forming a map, the entire Zhongzhou ancient city, a source of Aura 冉冉Ascending up, Aura of China Heavenly Monarch, in the body of Fang Han, began to brew. With this Aura, Fang Han’s gods rushed in the air and felt the depths of the distant heavens. Aura of Heavenly Monarch was not The stop was shocking, and Fang Han seemed to have caught some key point!

This moment of news. It is equivalent to a lightning bolt, breaking through the sky, making Fang Han’s multi-day calculations suddenly clear. He faintly based on the Aura of the entire Zhongzhou ancient city, and calculated the location of the Chinese Heavenly Monarch.

The true body of the Heavenly Monarch seems to be drifting in the universe of time and space with a rare coffin.

Hua Tiandu, in the coffin cultivation, merges with the Heavenly Monarch Mortal Body. Fang Han now caught the drifting Aura and wanted to lock the specific position. As long as he could lock the position, he immediately went to kill. No matter which end of the world he arrived, he must kill Hua Tiandu thoroughly and then plunder China. The body of Heavenly Monarch makes you truly become Heavenly Monarch!

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