Eternal Life

Chapter 1385

Heaven Court Prison, is one of the most mysterious places, is the Heavenly Monarch of Lei Di, which specializes in training law enforcement disciples, preparing to sweep the world and establish the law of the country.

These disciplines, each one of them are thousands of choices, all of them are peerless genius, each of which has almost a fortuitous encounter. However, it is also very arrogant, the pride of the sky, look down on anyone, and look down on any existence. Going out is a free kill, and the good is unscrupulous.

Because the Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Disciples are too arrogant, the reputation in the heavens is very bad, and many large-scale disciples see this group of people, all afraid of the tiger wolf.

Now, Fang Han is coming in, it is necessary to completely eliminate these law enforcement disciples, and to clean up the heavens. This prisoner law enforcement team is a cancer, can not bear to cut off, the heavens will never be peaceful.

The door to the heavenly prison is in front of you.

It is in a space parallel to the seal land, independent world, a solid crystal wall shrouded, in the forefront of the crystal wall system, there is a portal, the top of the portal has two characters, murderous, written on it “God prison.”

At the gate of the prison, there is a row of disciplines, patrolling back and forth, arrogant, and sullen.

Yes, the Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Disciples, each one is arrogant, regardless of the high-profile characters, even within the heavens, no one dares to provoke them. Because they represent the law and the road, they have the means to impose sanctions.

Even if the heavens are attacked, they are also stable, not afraid.

There are some prisoner law enforcement disciples, also went out to kill the barbarian, and then got a lot of things, come back to refining and digesting. A party is full of joy and happiness.

“Ha ha ha ha ha … this time the Protoss, the barbarian besieged the heavens, but it is to give us the heavenly prison law enforcement disciples. Brother, you killed a few Expert today?”

A group of prisoner law enforcement disciples flew in from the outside, to enter the prison of God, one by one full of color, it seems that the harvest is not small.

“I killed 30 Primordial Immortal, even a semi-St. Barbarian Expert, and more than 300 different golds. I got some good magical treasure materials. It’s very good. This time I entered the pool of life. Good cultivation, then go out and kill at night.”

“Fan Senior Brother is the most powerful. He went out alone and broke into the great array. He relied on the power of the heavens to kill the saints of the Protoss, even the supreme Protoss Supreme Immortal. The emperor was smashed half of his body and suffered heavy losses.”

“Difficult, of course, Fan Zhen Big Senior Brother is the Cultivation Base of the Emperor. Now go into cultivation, don’t know when to go out? Should it come out at night and kill more enemies?”

“In the rumor, some of the most powerful Senior Brothers have not yet come out. They are all cultivation and have arrived at Life as Heaven and Earth, which is comparable to the tyrannical figure of the ancient emperor.”

This group of heavenly prisons law enforcement disciples, there are many discussions.

“It’s really disappointing. The waste of some other sects is very heavy. I just pulled them out to be the cannon fodder. The troubles in the province, our heavens want the elite….”

“Junior brother, this is not the right thing, no waste, how to set off the majesty of our heavenly prison law enforcement disciplinary?”

“But this time, the mysterious Senior Brother Ye, but was smothered by the wind, making us lose our position in the heavens.”

“Hey! What Xuan Ye is, he gave us a heavenly prison law enforcement disciplinary, and then said, this is the heavenly genius battle, the practice of only 100,000 years of discipline can participate, that Xuanye in our prison discipline Among them, Magic Force is still very shallow. Some Senior Brothers are too old to participate, otherwise the wind has long been killed.”

“That is, the Heaven genius battle is not able to participate because of age.”

“I heard that now, the distant truth sanctuary has sent people over, and actually wants to collect some of the sects of our 100,000-strong state. This is simply to dig the corner of our heavens. Fortunately, we have left a part of the martial art. Just in heaven. I have known this before, and I have previously ordered that all the people in the 100,000 states of the heavens will be brought into our heavens. Anyway, the Space of Heaven is endless, and it is OK to treat these sects as pigs.”

“Yeah, if we don’t have these sects, we are not good at making a fortune, but the people of the Holy Land, who dare to offend our heavenly courts, seem to have only the law enforcement disciples of our gods to be able to deal with them.”… ……

These prisoner law enforcement disciples, flew over, it is close to the door of the prison to enter, suddenly a prisoner law enforcement disciple, looked at Fang Han: “Who are you? How come here? Here is the god of heaven Prison, do you know? Which sect is the discipline, dare to swear here? Your majesty, listen to the fall! These people really don’t know the rules. Now the court is 1uan. After the martial art, it must be cleaned.”

Now in heaven, in the midst of the battle, many martial arts have entered the heavens to take refuge. At least there are tens of thousands of Supreme Masters. All the elite disciplines are stationed in heaven.

In addition, Fang Han has undergone a series of practice, and his temperament is completely different from that of the past. He is tall and burly, and has the domineering of Heavenly Monarch. However, True Qi is back to nature, not strong.

Therefore, these heavenly prisons law enforcement disciples did not know him.

One of them came to drink Fang Han’s Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Disciples, a saint. The Culture Base reached the Saint Immortal level. It was obviously the collar, the eyes were like dragons and phoenixes, the heavens were full, the mouth was majestic, and there was a sigh of anger.

“I am Fang Han, that is, the wind, this time is to smash the land of hell, killing all of you.” Fang Han carrying his hands, bloody clothes without wind, slow, slow, he does not Mind to use your real name.


“Wind? Fang Han? It really is you.”



Between the embarrassing, these heavenly prisons law enforcement disciples, immediately awakened over, each of them are peerless genius, almost at the peak between the two, you can understand all the circumstances.

The little-collar sage of the Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Disciples, even screaming, a Divine Thunder blew up, and now their strength, because of the blessing of the forbidden art of the heavens, has made great progress, and even can cross the border to kill the enemy. people.

However, Fang Han’s palms stretched out, and the Divine Thunder that had blown up was still in Space, motionless, and the saint’s small collar was waved by Fang Han, and the whole person lost his resistance and caught himself on the palm of his hand.

Fang Han’s palm is large, powerful, and shiny. He masters the most terrifying power in the world. His body, majestic tall and strongly built, supports the starry sky. If the sky collapses, he can definitely support it.

Kā chā.

The saint was caught in his hand, and even if he didn’t even have time to pull it out, he was pinched off his neck, the whole body withered, became a human skin, and all the Essence Qi gods were sucked up. It is the Impurities in the body.

Killing this saint is effortless.

“Go, go, go back to prison!”

“Fang Han! You don’t have a wind! You dare to go to God, 1uan, you know, don’t know….” A discipline retreats, still roaring, and sounds strong, but Fang Han is a finger, like Miao Li Heavenly Monarch pointed out that the disciple was steamed, leaving a black lacquered leather from Impurities.

Then, all the prisoner law enforcement disciples, seeing this scene, are angry in the heart, have to retreat into the prison.

Fang Han walked in the air, walked in the void, near the prison, looked at the scary 1uan’s discipline, and the look did not move half a bit. Until all the disciplines had to enter the gate of the prison, he suddenly reached out again. Gently press.


The whole group of Space, all compressed, the door of the prison of the day, fried into a powder, the entire crystal wall system of the world of the prison, bursting everywhere, like a broken glass house.

All the disciples were screaming, Essence Qi steamed, plundered by Fang Han, and the darkened human skin, Impurities fell, terrible.

In the past, Fang Han, who swallowed everything, even Impulities went into the body and then washed out. Now, his Culture Base is so refined that he can directly purify the enemy, ingest the essence, and fight against the enemy. Impurities are not in the body.

This is a spotless realm of wonder.

In the Buddhism, it is also called dust-free. It is the great realm that will come out of the big Bodhi, who is about to become a Buddhaly Monarch.


Fang Han broke the gate of the heavenly prison and walked into it. He saw a towering city, the thunder in the sky, many thunder thrones, suspended in the air, the Thunder Essence Qi flashing everywhere, and some evolved human lightning. Some lightnings are turned into powerful magical treasures, and there is a huge thunder pool ocean, standing in the void, the incomparable, the ancient emperor can not be comparable with it.

This is the life-threatening pool.

Lei Di Heavenly Monarch, a lifelong essence, cast a magical treasure, do not know how many heavenly prisons law enforcement discriminating. It has completely exceeded King Grade Immortal Artifact, but it has never been able to take the most crucial step and become Saint Grade.

The power of the eternal thunder pool is too large, and the gun of the trial is completely over, but the eternal life pool is not King Grade Immortal Artifact, but the magical treasure between King Grade Immortal Artifact and Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, not even a creature. There is no Artifact Spirit, and Lei Di Tian Ting seems to be waiting for something.

Entering the eternal life of the pool, you will be able to have thousands of lives, eternal life is not dead, this is the legend of the heavens.

“Good mine pool, good mine pool, this thunder pool, is the life essence of Lei Di Heavenly Monarch casting, the strength is strong! This thunder pool is the essence of the sermon! If I completely collect this thunder pool, I hope the hope of Heavenly Monarch At least 30% increase!” Fang Han originally thought that the life-threatening pool is just a place to cultivate the discipline, but now it has entered the heavenly prison, and now the thunder pool is extremely terrifying.

Originally, he only had less than one percent of the grasp, and he said Heavenly Monarch, but now if you charge this eternal thunder pool, you can have a 40% grasp! This is a very horrible chance.

However, just as he stepped into the prison of heaven, countless horns rang out and the whole prison was alarmed.

Fang Han’s arrogant overbearing comes in, and there is no reason to worry about where the prison is.

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