Eternal Life

Chapter 1382

The first thousand three hundred and eighty two chapters

“Fang Han, let me go, I will be your dog, I can’t do it, I will be your faithful running dog….”

The screams of the trial’s guns spread throughout this small Space.

“After a thousand years of hatred, it is already a hundred years old. The gun of the trial, you still want to look back, it is already late.” Fang Han sat on the ground, countless days of vitality poured into the body, he body each The crystal gods are all working, and the truth gourd gives the maximum capacity, so that his vitality can be stored endlessly.

Originally, he was able to display a hundred times of 300 times of combat power. Now, after this period of cultivation, storage, it can be displayed more than two hundred times!

Moreover, this number is still increasing.

And Fang Han keeps running the truth gourd. Now the more the gourd is showing more power, the more explosive it is, and it can even explode directly, comparable to the strongest robbery.

At the same time, the Dao technique of the king of truth, casting his own immortal dynasty, regulating the blood, and transforming itself into the existence of a similar magical treasure, which is similar to the crystal god country.

The more he cultivated the profound Dao technique cultivation, the more he felt comprehensible. There was a feeling that the dong had the deepest mystery of the body structure, and he traveled with Great Dao all the time, and integrated with the heavens and the earth.

The gun of the trial was now spurted out by Fang Han, burning and burning the body.

“Fang Han, you don’t let me go, you can’t die! Don’t you rely on 33 Skies? I tell you, as long as the real 33 Skies is born, Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, your product, King Grade Immortal Artifact has to fly away completely, into the Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, how long do you think you can be crazy?”

The gun of the trial shouted again and again, and the curse of the fierce god was evil.

“Yes? You thought I couldn’t think of this problem. I am now sacrificial refining you, just to train yourself into a epoch, wash all the treasures with fate, break the connection between them and the body, break the fate, change Be yourself, and then become an independent individual, no one can take it.”

Fang Han coldly said.

The gun of the trial was well said, and his own King Grade Immortal Artifact 33 Skies was immediately seduce, flew into it and lost from his body as soon as the real Saint Grade Immortal Artifact 33 Skies appeared.

Apart from this, the wing of freedom, the stick of legend, and the eight bas-reliefs are all likely to be summoned.

If the Freedom Wing of the treasure world is summoned, Fang Han’s King Grade Immortal Artifact is almost impossible to hold and is called. Moreover, Fang Han vaguely felt that the eight bas-reliefs also had the existence of Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, because every time he was running the eight floating squads, he felt the same blunt floating dragon power, boundless, I don’t know where the Saint Grade Immortal Artifact of the Eighth Buddhism is hidden.

Or is it a Heavenly Monarch of the Dragon World? Is it the rumor, the mysterious dragon king?

The Lord of the Dragons is the sacred dragon of the King of the Kings, but it has disappeared, but the eight battalions he created are still there. It should be the Lord of the Dragons now.

If the Eight Grade Immortal Artifact is summoned, then the eight Kings Immortal Artifact will fly away, and no one can suppress it. The same is true of the legendary staff.

Of course, the blood-stained clothing, the totem can is the body, the impact of this is smaller. But in the face of the real supreme existence of the barbarians, there is also the danger of being taken away.

This point is always a hidden danger. This time he completely eliminates this hidden danger, and combines all his magical treasures with the sacred crystal gods. Based on the book of the epoch, he casts a epoch and breaks many magical The fate of treasure, breaking the fate, makes many magical treasures completely belong to themselves, belong to their own body.

“All magical treasures, all out!”

Fang Han waved, and the eight-six-six-six King Grade Immortal Artifact had flown out, and the guns around the trial continued to rotate. The wreckage of the Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, the totem pot also flew out, in eight or eight At the center of the sixty-four King Grade Immortal Artifacts, re-condensed into a great array.

Fang Han’s blood-stained clothes on the body are also hunting. The blood on the top is stained with bright red clouds, such as the big flag, a respected barbarian warrior, fighting blood and fighting, creating a new future for the barbarian.

He wants to re-saccurial refining the magical treasure, so that the body’s many magical treasures, thoroughly integrated with themselves, with their own core, relying on many magical treasures, incarnation into a epoch.

This is the revelation of the king of truth.

Fang Han is now in the body and has many magical treasures.

The Eighty-six-six King Grade Immortal Artifact left by the Emerald Heavenly Lord, as well as the Yuanjin Golden Capital, left by the Heavenly Lord, has eight floating sects, 33 Skies, the Wings of Liberty, and the Wand of Legends. Totem’s cans, blood-stained clothes, and now the sacrificial refining of the early ancient scriptures, more guns of judgment, all magical treasures, after calculation, casting the gods, re-evolving the era.

“The fate of heaven and earth, the fate of life!”

Fang Han pointed out that he burned his life and played the Lesser Karma Technique. The fate of the emptiness between the moments came down and entered every magical treasure. The Artifact Spirit immediately began to change and was distorted. The fate of oneself seems to be to be cut off by the power of destiny.

Fang Han spreads out and turns into a gods. The book of the epoch has been thoroughly catalyzed in the crystal god country. The shape of the three great kings is surrendered in the gods. It seems that Fang Han is above the king. The presence.

In the rumor, there is still a realm above the king. I don’t know what level of existence, that kind of existence, never appeared in the heavens, is in the mysterious legend in Gate to Eternity.

That is the way to Supreme Decimation.

“You devil, you actually learned the Lesser Karma Technique, as long as you let the highest level, you can see the Great Destiny Technique when you see Gate to Eternity… No, Lesser Karma Technique, only the electrician Heavenly Monarch got the Gate to Eternity’s recognition was passed on to her. In heaven and on earth, no one can copy it. Even if it is a sacred king, you can’t learn it. How can you learn it? What is it? Why hun1uanHeavenly Monarch, the end of the Holy King, want to guard You, who are you? Are you bigger than the one who is born?”

The gun of judgment was madly screaming.

However, Fang Han fought down with a fateful technique. Everywhere, he showed the fate of a long river, and the jiao weaving showed the fate of the general life of the Ganges.


After the constant baptism of this destiny, all the magical treasures are more and more mysterious, crystal clear, and the fate of the river, all infused into the major .magical treasure, eight floats, legendary stick, 33 Skies to treasure……. They are mutually inductive and independent. Actually, they have a taste of “no dragons, no goodness in the world”.

Fang Han’s epoch of the epoch, once again evolved, swallowed up the major .magical treasure, into a myriad of eyes, each magical treasure, combined with a group of eyes.

The fate is washed and washed.


Suddenly, the sound of the broken egg was broken. It seems that there is a core life-threatening thing that has been broken. The whole floating squad, slowly spinning, is in an absolute independence, without any restraint, jumping out of its own destiny, flying in the mood of the long river of destiny.

This is the eight Buddhism that broke its fate, absolute freedom and independence, and even after the call of Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, it could not have any effect on it.

Fang Han felt a burst of excitement flowing through the body.

Then, a few ji eggs broke, the wings of freedom, the stick of legend, the clothes of blood, the cans of the totem all made a sound, breaking the fate and gaining absolute freedom.

At the end of the day, 33 Skies came to the fore, and even the cannons resounded. Even when the Fang Han Lesser Karma Technique reached its limit, it also broke the fate. The first thing to break the fate was “Zhou Tianyi”, followed by “Zhentianhuan”. The claws “sealing the lock”………one by one.

At the end of the day, thirty-two pieces of treasure, all broken, there is only one to the Heavenly Gate household, in the constant rotation, there seems to be a kind of power in the way, to prevent 33 Skies from breaking the fate.

This is the most difficult one to break.

Fang Han knows that 33 Skies is the most difficult to break. Once broken, Fang Han will be separated from the shackles, and the sky will be a bird.

He was very calm in his heart, running the Lesser Karma Technique, brewing, continually brewing, and the last blow.

When breaking the magical treasures and running the epoch, Fang Han’s understanding of the Lesser Karma Technique is more profound. There is almost a dong that wears the essence of fate. In front of him, it seems to have a thin barrier. They can be torn, but they are not touched by mo, far in the sky, close to the eyes.

As long as the barrier is torn, he can truly understand the Great Destiny Technique and grasp the first Great Dao, three thousand.

It is a pity that he still has no ability to break, touch mo, and reach Divine Ability’s infinite realm.

However, in continuous operation, Lesser Karma Technique reaches the limit, suddenly a change, once again into a vaguely great existence, Gate to Eternity.

This Gate to Eternity is a change of the Lesser Karma Technique. In the deepest part, there is a special kind of True Qi, which True Qi is eager to reach, can’t be met, can be inexhaustible, and exists infinitely.

“That is… the eternal temper, how can you change the illusion of Gate to Eternity to such an extent? Even if the sacred king saw Gate to Eternity, he did not steal the eternal life from it….” The gun is still struggling to support, and when I saw this scene, my heart finally collapsed.

Fang Han sneered: “Hey!”

He spit out a mantra, and immediately the ghost of Gate to Eternity broke into the Heavenly Gate, and the last 33 Skies came to the fore. 33 Skies are suspended in the air, absolutely independent, and no body can affect them anymore.

Fang Han succeeded in casting the epoch to eliminate hidden dangers.

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