Eternal Life

Chapter 1380

The first thousand three hundred and eighty chapter

Fang Han is really unscrupulous at this time, without any scruples, whoever provoked him before, who is going to kill now. The hatred of the gun of judgment, today is the real snow hate.

Aura enveloped three people, whether it was the emperor, the gun of the trial, or the emperor, there was almost a feeling of difficulty moving.

The three people were shocked and almost unbearable, and the whole body was desperately trying to resist.

“The unity of the body! The gun of judgment! The final judgment, the coming of the end.”

The gun of the trial screamed and mobilized all the vitality. Cha was in the first body of the congenital five-line True Fire. It violently moved to the sky, flew up, and united with itself. Suddenly, an invincible Aura dissipated from the body, grabbed the big hand, and there was a crack in the sky. The world behind the trial showed blood and fire.

The gun of the trial, the combination of man and gun, Magic Force soared.

“The Emperor’s Day, the combination of people and yang! Heaven and the sun, for my god!” At this moment, the Emperor also launched his own means of pressing the bottom of the box, and suddenly appeared on the top of the head, a void in the sky. Seeing that Heaven’s Great Japan ruthlessly hangs in the sky, on the big day, it shows a face that is exactly the same as the Emperor, and becomes a avatar of the Emperor.

This is the ancient secret technique, with the sun as its own life god, between the throughput, and finally the will on the hot sun, every move, there is the sun shining, Ze is the ability of Wanfang Kyushu.


The emperor’s face showed a killing effect. Suddenly, there was a black long Sword on his hand with the words “酆都”.

In the rumor, the ancient “Yudu” is a peerless ghost, and is synonymous with “ghost world.” “Ghost world” is also a different boundary with the “French Circle”, “Danjie”, “Baojie” and “Book World”. It exists in the space of Heaven’s Heterospace. The power of the Lord of the Ghosts is almost the rumor. The peak of Heavenly Monarch, reaching the realm of the half-step fairy king, survived many epoch civilizations, so many of the epoch civilizations have ghost legends.

This “酆都” sword is obviously from the ghost world, the peak of King Grade Immortal Artifact, very unparalleled, random shock, thousands of days of ghosts swept over the sword, Sword Qi skyrocketed between a ghost town, Yudu Ghost town! With a boundless ghost move towards Fang Han, the rumbling oppressed the past.

The three Experts also attacked Fang Han.

The gun body of the trial was straight, and the ji shot came over and pierced the sky.

The Emperor communicated with the heavens and the sun, and the big hand took a shot, and the non-stop expansion, the rumbling of the rumbling, the burning of the sea with the burning of the mountains, breaking through the eternal majesty of the Scorpio.

The Emperor’s “Sword of the Capital” showed the capital of the ancient ghost world, the ghost town of the capital, and the rumbling of the rumble, the three men joined forces to launch a slap in the face of Fang Han.

“Good to come, look for dead end.”

Fang Han’s face showed all the look in his grasp. Aura suddenly flowed, and the whole person leapt, and glided in the void, directly to the side of the “Emperor”, facing the oppression of the “Ghost City”. His hands seemed to be a large grinding wheel in the heavens and the earth, as if the singer of the Supreme Emperor hit the past.


The ghost town of Suidu was crushed by the other.

The crack of the “Sword of the Skull” at the peak of King Grade Immortal Artifact appeared, and the trace was still infiltrated into the blade. The Artifact Spirit inside was a big ghost, and the ghost ancestor sat in it. Screaming screaming.

“not good!”

The blood of the emperor spurted out and hurried back.

However, the general punches of Fang Han’s grinding discs kept hitting the heavens and the earth, hitting them, and the horrible black dongs were produced one after another. The black dong interprets the birth and death of the Myriad Heavenly Domain, and the fists almost arrive at the creation of the void. Haoyu is completely covered in the realm.

This punch completely blocked the way the emperor retreated.


Among the desperate eyes of the Emperor, the punch hit his body. Suddenly, it seems that thousands of Taikoo Shenshan’s powers collide, and the swords of the capitals are turned into dust.

And the entire body of the Emperor Huang, divided into pieces, broken into pieces of blood rou, squirming in the air, ups and downs, struggling to run out.

Fang Han’s five fingers were gently caught in the void, and immediately the blood rou that escaped was dragged by a force, flew into his palm, and re-condensed into a seven-inch small servant.

“Fang Han, you dare to kill me, I am the son of the disaster Heavenly Monarch, I am the victim of the ghost king! You dare to kill me, no one can save you!” The seven-inch small servant of the emperor came out with a curse.

“Kill one!”

Fang Han didn’t understand the curse of Emperor Huang. The palm of his hand was closed inward and pinched into a fist. The seven-inch small servant suddenly exploded and dissipated into a vitality, which was instantly absorbed by Fang Han.

“Ghost Story?”

In the twinkling of an eye, Fang Han killed the emperor, absorbed all his skill and forbidden art, and remembered. From his body, he got a secret, which completely recorded the legendary ghosts. All kinds of secrets.

There are so many sneaky techniques that are refreshing.

Fang Han broke into the book of the epoch, and the “ghost civilization” condensed out, and the book of the era was once again rich.

Another son of the disaster Heavenly Monarch, the emperor fell!

Fang Han killed the son of Heavenly Monarch and didn’t blink.

“Damn!” The gun of the trial saw this scene, and the heart was burning in anger. The gun body pointed out, and the articles such as the dragon and the snake exploded, vying for the earth, smouldering the smoke, and urging the final judgment with the power of judgment. Finalize Fang Han.

Fang Han’s body turned, the five fingers opened, the whole world, all in control, the power of judgment, all melted, in front of his palm, there was a vast river of gods, the fate of the river, the river clearing bo, which reflected A variety of different, billions of people’s future.

The attack of the Emperor, the Great Heaven, fell into the middle of the river, sinking down, the sunset at dusk, landing under the horizon, dark.

“Even if it is an eternal great day, it must fall into the middle of the river, and the sunset will be long. Your life will be melted into the fate.”


Fang Han’s Cultural Base at this time is completely impeccable, and the law is unbreakable. All kinds of things can’t be blessed. He was simply scratched, and he completely cracked the gun of the trial and the attack of the Emperor.

The gun of the trial, the Emperor Huang was shocked and flinched.

The whole person of the Emperor Huang became a group of hot sun, and the gun of the trial was the fierce light 1u. Suddenly, the fire of the congenital five-line True Fire was suddenly sprayed out. Immediately, the flames burst and spurted out. The void was burned, and the spiritual practice in the depths of the entire Ninth Layer temple became a sea of ​​fire.

“Fang Han, you think, you can get us. I will let you taste the power of the ancient pill cauldron fire!” The sound of the gun of judgment, filled out, in the flame, his form completely disappeared .

“The flames are extinguished, all the law is broken, the sky is smashing, the suppression!”

Fang Han was in the blazing flame, and did not move at all. The flames burned on the body and were absorbed by him, causing no harm to him.

He lifted his palms and gently moved towards the ground, banging! Countless flames, all disappeared, fell into the fire.

The flames of the fire caves are boiling, forming a lot of flames. Demon Soul, the fire emperor, is almost an army composed of a fire emperor, to rush out of the fire.

Fang Han looked at his eyes and shot a lot of runes in his eyes. He sealed the fire directly, while his left hand was raised, and the five fingers were like a hook.

Wū wū wū !

The fire immediately exploded, and it flew out of the air, forming a cluster of crystal spheres that flew into the palm of Fang Han’s palm. This crystal ball is the essence of fire.

Congenital five elements of the god of fire!

Fang Han nodded, this powerful fireball circulated in the palm of his hand, blended into the body, into the civilization of the book of the era.

Subsequently, his eyes, violently fired, layers of time and space tunnels, the creation of the mi palace, the gun of the trial, the body of the emperor was all stopped, lost all kinds of changes.

“You! You, you, you, you…” The gun of the trial was rounded out: “You actually collected this fire, this is one of the fires of the alchemy of the king, you can burn Heavenly Lord, you What is the realm of strength in the end?”

“The gun of the trial, can’t talk to him more, we go, this person has grown up completely, we are absolutely not his opponent, only the real Heavenly Monarch can kill him, now in the heavens, he dares to come Killing us, and having this strength, we are a little bad, it is at stake.”

The Emperor Huang screamed: “There are ten days in the sky, I am in a hurry!”


In the sky, there were ten rounds of scorching sun, revolving around an ancient gossip graphic, and the ancient Great Dao, the body of the emperor, was transformed into the most original qi of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. The jiao weaving on the gossip graphics played a lifetime. The essence of Insight!

He tried to stop Fang Han.

“The arm is a car, not self-reliant.”

Fang Han spit out eight words in his mouth, his body is tall, and there is a mountain shape behind him. The history of thousands of civilizations is floating in it, and the ancient Aura of each era has emerged.

嗡……. His palms are extended, his arms are crystal clear, and the time of the crystal gods condense, my body is eternal. The huge palms directly broke through the sky and caught the ancient gossip figure, ten rounds of the sun.

Broken and broken… consecutive sound explosions, all the ten rounds of the scorching sun, the ancient gossip graphics, and the gas of the beginning, were caught by Fang Han.

The emperor also showed his body, his face pale, and he sprayed a few golden yellow blood like flames. The golden light mottled like the scorching sun.

Suffering serious injuries.

“Give me a hand.” Fang Han took the palm of his hand and went to the sea. The last move of the Nine Transformation of Freedom was put out, and the whole man was taken in the hand.

Emperor Huang is an old man. Now he is beaten by Fang Han. The whole body is bloody, and the cockroach is put on his hand, as if he is carrying an old dog.

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