Eternal Life

Chapter 1376


Chapter 1 367

“I am killing you this time. It is your own bad luck. When you arrive in hell, you have to blame yourself for your instinct. Don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

Fang Han’s voice is cold, like the Ice Age, and the world is frozen.

Three hundred times of the power of the excitement, he has a feeling that he is almost Heavenly Monarch, cao everything, control everything, there is nothing to do, the invincible world of invincibility.

He destroys everything and shapes everything, and Scorpio can grab it, and the earth can be lifted with one hand.

The owner of the emerald, although the lord of the Yuanjin is tyrannical, it is far from his opponent after three hundred times of combat power.

Fang Han wants to kill both of them in one fell swoop. For the crystal god country, all magical treasures, especially the mysteries of the king of truth, thoroughly understand the power of its deepest.

The three great kings, the truth, the creation, the origin, represent the most Powerhouse in heaven, have a kind of three things, master the feeling of heaven, and Fang Han can take his own three great kings with a direct sense that he has mastered the mystery of the king of truth. The means of thorough integration, and then calculations, will be of great benefit to the promotion of Heavenly Monarch.

Even after Heavenly Monarch, the promotion of the king, there are assist.

Heavenly Monarch can also be divided into three or six.

“Made in Divine Fist, the origin of the same, 33 Skies, all in my palm!”

Fang Han’s tall body is as beautiful as Tiangong, and the palm of his hand is full of luster, and it is like a mountain. The Great Dao is like a sky, stretching in front of him.


He is a simple one.

Numerous emperors mourn from the void, which is 8,846 King Grade Immortal Artifact, especially the lamp of Xuan Huang, the power of creation has shook a suffocation, the flames are almost extinguished, and no matter how rebellious, Why not.

Between the whine, all the King Grade Immortal Artifacts entered the mastery of Fang Han.

Baichuan goes to the sea in general, and the magical treasure in the sky is swept away. And at the moment of mastering the magical treasure, the imprints of those magical treasures were all erased.

Do not!

The Emerald Heavenly Lord screamed, his beautiful face twisted into a ball.

At this moment, he spurted out countless blood, and the blood showed the color of jade, very conspicuous, green yu drops, which contained Aura of yu.

Eight or sixty-six King Grade Immortal Artifact is the greatest asset in his life. It is also the biggest fortuitous encounter, this is his magical treasure enlightened, relying on this set of magical treasure, do not know how many resources plundered, how many cultivators are killed, but unfortunately, it is not his own now.

That Yuanly Heaven is not much better.

His life essence, Great Dao condense’s “Golden Capital” and “Golden Universe” were also under the palm of Fang Han, all collapsed, and they were in control, constantly changing, circulating, and finally cutting off on Fang Han’s palm. All his connections were turned into a small gold capital, which penetrated into the body of Fang Han.


He also spit out a blood.

The two lost their treasures connected with their hearts and minds. They simply couldn’t respond, and they were directly plundered by tyrannical forces.

“Go! Truth pilgrimage, flying, omnipotent, leave here! Heavenly Monarch can’t kill us, we can escape, you can’t compare to Heavenly Monarch!”

The minds of the two men were also extremely firm. When Fang Han plundered the magical treasure, he immediately knew that the current Fang Han could not compete, and the loss would be lost. Don’t want to take it back again, the strong man broke his wrist.

Aura of the truth, shot from the body of the two.

Immediately, on the heads of the two men, there is a vast depth of heaven, a holy place, a true holy place, everywhere is a fairyland, a land of truth, a city of truth, united, just 100,000 more than heaven. The big states are magnificent and vast, and they are another “sky court.”

This “Atrium” Aura, communicated with the two, the life of the body burned, the two are almost instantaneous, the strength increased by dozens of times.

But what about it, it is better than the three hundred times of Fang Han’s strength.

“Want to run! Impossible, Heavenly Monarch can’t kill you, I can kill you, Heavenly Monarch doesn’t have a fairy king, I have!” Fang Han looks and gestures, all showing a fixed state, three hundred times the strength Really explosive, punched out, and finally sank, it seems that the real “Tian Ting” has come to the world.

In the boxing style, it actually appeared out of the complete heavenly court. Even the forbidden art on the forbidden art of the heavens evolved.

At this moment, Fang Han is the real master of heaven.

He felt it, and the heavens were vigorous, and they did not want to bless themselves. This makes the punch three hundred times more powerful, more boundless.

Moreover, among the three hundred times of combat power, the symbol of the world-famous Wang Buddha was thoroughly motivated. In the boxing style of the Divine Fist, the six bodies of the world-famous Wang Buddha all appeared, blocked. Lived all time and space.

Report body, body, body, body, body, body!

The six bodies are all different and different. Sitting in the air, outside of **, there is no footprint.

The Emerald Heavenly Lord, the Heavenly Lord’s two major Experts, were completely blocked by these six bodies and could not escape. I was able to return to my body, and I was able to take over the three-fold battle of Fang Han Divine Fist!


The bodies of the two, carrying the power of truth, and the creation of Divine Fist fight!

Two loud noises.

The Heavenly Lord, the Heavenly Lord, bursts into a jade-colored skylight and a golden skylight, and the two tyrannical thoughts roar and scream.

“Ah! Make Divine Fist, three hundred battles! I can’t believe how you can display three hundred times more power, but unfortunately, we have not refined the artifact of truth! Otherwise, it can kill you.”

The Emerald Heavenly Lord still wants to escape.

However, being hit by Fang Han, he was already badly hurt.

Fang Han screamed, the skylight dissipated, and the sound wave deeply hurt the souls of the two.

“All into my body, I want to cast your body with your body!” Fang Han’s face is still quiet, cold and incomparable, the body is running, the palm of the hand draws a perfect Tai Chi.

That Tai Chi Great Dao directly integrated the two brilliances of the Emerald Heavenly Lord and the Heavenly Lord.

Then, in the palm of Fang Han, a Taiji figure appeared. Yin and Yang fish, but this Tai Chi figure Yin and Yang fish is very strange, green and gold.

The general Tai Chi figure Yin and Yang fish is black and white.

But think about it, this Taiji figure is the Emerald Heavenly Lord, the Yuanly Heavenly Lord, you can understand.

The Taiji figure is formed by a condense, shaking on the palm of Fang Han. It seems to be flying away. It is the eternal spirit of the two Heavenly Lords. It is roaring, struggling, and desperate in hysteria.

“Fang Han, you dare to suppress us, you must not die, you know that we are the holy places of truth, do you know how many Heavenly Monarchs of the Holy Land? The truth king disappeared, but will return at any time!”

The Emerald Heavenly Lord is doing a dying struggle.

Fang Han was directly moved, and Zhang mouth spurted a flame of the color of the yellow blood, injected into the Taiji figure, and immediately burned two people screaming again and again.

“Ah, this is the flame of the blood of Xuanhuang. How can you have this kind of flame? You have spent the ravage of Xuanhuang, which is part of the Heavenly Monarch. It hurts! I have to suffer from the infinite suffering. To break through, Fang Han, you can’t kill me.” Yuanjin Heavenly Lord actually cultivation, taking this breakthrough.

Fang Han’s eyebrows, a huge force of traction, from which it was shot, penetrated into the Taiji figure, and in a moment, two strong magical treasure capsules flew directly out.

This magical treasure sac is actually a gourd shape, showing purple, is the human Essence Qi condense, is the unique “truth of the truth”.

In this purple “Truth of Truth”, it is the vitality of the heavens and the vitality of the heavens! Fang Han shakes a little, and feels that the Tianmai in it seems to be filled with Tianhe.

The Holy Land of Truth is equivalent to another heavenly court, and it also leads the hundreds of millions of sects. In the Holy Land, Tianmai must be there. The Heavenly Lord, the Heavenly Lord, is among the highest places in the truth, and the status is extremely high.

The vitality of Tianmai is equal to the wealth of one person. All Essence Qi gods, the volume of the vital energy of these two Experts is very considerable. Fang Han wants this.

Shaking the gourd in his hand, Fang Han calculated it a little, and it was a surprise. The two expeditions of the Experts can support themselves to display the Divine Fist for ten times and three hundred times of combat power.

A full ten chances.

In other words, he can have ten chances to harden the existence of the Heavenly Monarch level. You can also escape completely under the Heavenly Monarch.

“Haha! Haha! The gun of judgment, the emperor, your last days have come.” Fang Han held the gourd, suddenly in the look, flashing a trace of poison.

The gun of the trial has been bullying him. Now the hatred has not been reported, but Fang Han is afraid to go to heaven. There is no match for 1uan, great war, and Heavenly Monarch, and he lost his heart.

But now, Fang Han has mastered the Divine Fist, and can lurk into the heavens without being affected by the forbidden art of heaven. Moreover, his strength has grown.

As long as the Emerald Heavenly Lord, the Yuanly Heavenly Lord, and the inheritance of the Truth Emperor, and the Han Han cultivation, the Dao technique of the three kings of creation, truth, and origin are merged, and Heavenly Monarch is really hard to kill him.

Fang Han now has the idea of ​​lurking into heaven and making another sum of money. Of course, he entered heaven to revenge and kill the gun of judgment.

However, the most important thing is that Fang Han is ready to find out the mysteries of the ancient Dan.

He got the news of Saint Grade Immortal Pill, and made the king of the attack on the ancient Dan, the owner of the ancient Dan, desperately resisting, and finally lost a large number of Divine Pill, equivalent to the Heavenly Monarch level Expert and his own sleep. Resist the attack and permanently enclose the Dan world.

However, if he finds the Danjie, he can enter it and get a sleepy Divine Pill… even the rumor, the things of the Lord of the Ancient Dan, even the ontology. Direct devouring, refining, and promoting the Heavenly Monarch, the only shortcut!

The lonely loneliness upload.

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