Eternal Life

Chapter 1352

Chapter 1,152

The barbarian army is pressing the border and besieging the heavens. Fang Han will naturally not miss such a good opportunity.

Now the entire barbarian, his Jinshan Yinshan, is an inexhaustible treasure house. As long as you kill the barbarian, the totem can absorb, create more rules of the gods, increase his own power, and make the totem pot more and more powerful, more able to temper his own body, derived from a bo and bo Crystal gods come.

At the same time, the Freedom Wings, the Eight Floats, and the legendary Staff of the King Grade Immortal Artifact, can also be improved, reaching the point where they can compete with some ancient King Grade Immortal Artifact.

Wū wū wū 呜……

Fang Han’s shot, the momentum is fierce, the more the emperor, the “Sword Emperor” sword world power compared with him, is simply a small witch.

However, his momentum is submerged in the rolling barbarian and the aliens.

There are so many troops to attack the heavens this time. Fang Han has never seen such a large army. It is as if it is recorded in the ancient Taoist system. After a big world is broken into fine dust, there is another big world in each fine dust, and the number of fine dust after crushing again.

Therefore, regardless of what Dao technique is displayed, Fang Han will be immediately overwhelmed and will not be able to appear. Unless it is Heavenly Monarch, it will be able to sweep a large open space among the coalition forces.

The screams and screams again and again, the totem of the cans, extraordinary, the first seven or eight barbarian military general characters, equivalent to the Holy Expert Grade other Expert, led the billions of the army, all were involved in the can deep.

The tank seems to boil in the pan.

Fang Han saw it and saw the inside of the totem pot. Some huge arrays were slowly starting. Because of the time plus, and the revenge of the spears in the war fortress for thousands of years, the totem cans again good Insight, from the treasure world, draw a lot of “petal” quenching .

After thousands of years, Fang Han has already put some of the magical features of the totem cans, and the Insight is thorough. Even the Emperor’s previous lack of Insight’s thorough knowledge is well known. This time, the barbarians are absorbed, and they are handy, any Barbarians have no resistance.

In a twinkling of an eye, there were seventeen or eight barbaric saints who were inhaled into the inside of the totem’s can, and began to change. The inside was like a volcanic magma.

The barbarian saints who were refining, one by one, became a thick juice, and the spirit was refining. In the deepest part of the totem’s can, it seems that the gate of the totem consisting of nine totem pillars appears.

Fang Han now knows that the totem can change to become the real Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, and the core totem gate should be thoroughly condensed, but this can only be done when Fang Han is finished with Heavenly Monarch.

“The wind is kid, be careful, the Expert in the barbarian has already targeted you…” The voice of the revenge spear passed, illusory, not knowing where it is.

Fang Han’s look was immediately apparent. In the depths of another alien space, the revenge of the vengeful spear appeared, and the palm of the empire was exploding.

Of course it is a common emperor.

But even if it is a common emperor, it is also a character of “Supreme Immortal”.

An emperor, used for blood sacrifices, can almost forge a primary King Grade Immortal Artifact. Of course, it’s not the treacherous treasure of the Eight Buddhism.

At the same time as the Revenge Spear reminded, a huge force suddenly struck from behind Fang Han, a whole body draped in a bloody cloak, and the high priest holding the scepter, looming emerged, the big hand caught, immediately blood The light cracked and the raging like chao actually offset the power of the totem can and hit Fang Han.

The bloody cloak, the blood of the slap, the spattered on all sides, and the totem can produce the same power.

“One of the seven saints of the barbarian, blood-stained clothes!”

Fang Han’s heart immediately knows what this is, the magical treasure, the seven sacred sects of the barbarian, all of which are Saint Grade Immortal Artifact and the existence of Heavenly Monarch, but they have lost their effectiveness, but the power is better than the general King Grade Immortal Artifact. Much larger, and only seven pieces of the same level of the holy device, can be comparable to the totem of the can, to fight against.

“Kids, jiao out of the totem of the pot, I am a barbarian sacred device, you can not die, or immediately become ashes.” The high priest wearing a bloody cloak cloak thoughts gloomy, free to move, there are many barbarian kings behind him The shape of the body seems to be in the arrangement of the array, to fight Fang Han will kill.

“This man is a black priest, dressed in blood-stained clothing, is one of the highest priests under the Heavenly Monarch among the barbarians. He once fought with the Emperor, and also used the blood-stained clothes and the totem pot to fight… The strength of this man is comparable to that of the ancient king of heaven.” Fang Han was calculated in the blink of an eye. Who is this big sacrifice in front of him? His path has reached the point of almost Heavenly Monarch.

“This black wood priest is extremely dangerous. After being defeated by the Emperor, he went back to practice hard and got the guidance of the barbarian Heavenly Monarch. It must have the technique of restraining the totem can, but it is good, I killed him and took blood. On the clothes, there are two holy devices of the barbarian in hand, and the power is strengthened again!”

Fang Han already has calculations in his heart. He saw many barbarian emperors Supreme Immortal around the black priests, against the totem cans, suddenly the body changes again and again, between the cans of the totem, it turned into a dust, income In the body, then thousands of dragons, rising from the back, turned into the kingdom of the dragon, another dragon world, the birth of the dragon, he changed the magical treasure between the moments, and sacrificed eight floats.

During the thousands of years, the eight bas-reliefs have been tempered by the temperament of the heavenly spirit and the Supreme Immortal rule of their own emperor, which is twice as strong as the strength, power, subtlety and momentum of the battle with Jun Cangsheng. Once it was displayed, Fang Han slammed into the enemy’s position.


The emperor of a barbarian was directly crushed. Fang Han used the method of stealing the heavens. King Grade Immortal Artifact is a subtle, fast-moving, carrying eight Buddhism goddess. Each hit can almost kill one. Named Supreme Immortal.

When the emperor was killed, all the Essence Qi were sucked away, adding more fierceness to the eight floats.

“Blood-stained clothes, give me a break!” Fang Han stepped out step by step, between the big bangs, Space ruptured piece by piece, and the void again became empty. Many of the emperors were stunned by him, and the sages were blown up by the whole body.

The power of the blood-stained garment was directly torn by him, attacking the body of the black priest.

“this is……”

Although the Blackwood Sacrifice is comparable to the ancient emperor, it did not expect Fang Han to be so profitable. He exhibited eight floating sects, the whole body was one, Magic Force was like the netbsp; he swung the scepter in his hand, the whole body The blood-stained clothing hunted, and the strong blood light came out, forming a sky, the bloody silk thread, firmly stuck in the void, like the blood vessels of the heavens and the earth, he pointed his hand: “The blood of the barbarian, dyed The holy clothes, the seedlings are immortal, I will live forever, and any offenders will be wiped out.”

One pointed out, the strong blood and light ghosts crying, turned into a thick blood river, in the blood river, countless blood saints, bloody Demon Soul, one after another, one finger, the best of the world.

However, Fang Han screamed, his body stood, immortal, and rushed directly into the bloody river. The whole body was violent, the dragon was transpiration, and countless blood-colored rivers were sprayed out by him, and they were turned into strips. Blood dragon.

He actually rushed straight to the side of the Blackwood Sacrifice and made a rou fight.

“Heroes are coming!” He rushed into the bloodstream and directly carried out Martial Dao. He raised his hand and smashed all the formations with one kick. He kicked the foot and the True Qi condense became a blade glow and turned into a long river.

The hymn, the praise of the runes, falling from his side, set off him as if it was the eternal. The only true God.


A punch was on the body of the Blackwood Sacrifice, and this great sacrifice immediately spurted blood and stained the void.

“Leather of blood, give me a strip.”

Fang Han grasped the big hand, and the five fingers pinched the blood from the blood-stained clothes. Even the hard-boiled ones had to peel off the holy clothes from the body of the coffin.


“kill him!”

There are ten emperors, and at the same time, they are all the expert of the barbarian, and there is also an expert of the outer world. Ten people joined forces, and the magical treasure all attacked and bombarded Fang Han.

Fang Han turned sharply and grabbed a big hand. On his side, he showed a portal. It was the “door of all the wonderful things.” This portal almost absorbed all the attacks and made the emperors of many emperors. The magical treasure bombardment power is like a mud cow into the sea.

“The door to the fairy!”

The door of the crowd absorbs all the attacks, Fang Han pushes again with one hand, and the condense of the door of the fairy is formed, hit out, directly wraps the world, annihilates Immortal, and suppresses all the emperors!


A recently-respected emperor was oppressed by the power of the door of the Immortal, and immediately exploded. The soul struggled with three breaths in it, and then screamed and was completely annihilated. Fang Han’s current strength is no longer imaginable by the average king.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! ……

The door of the celestial beings was continuously crushed, and successive five emperors were directly crushed. On the spot, it exploded, and there was no bones. All the rules were infused into the eight floating sects. The eight sacred sacred sacred lights, eight of which were suddenly exploded, and turned into eight great wild dragons!

The ridiculous dragon, rumored to be among the dragon races, is second only to the dragons of the dragons and dragons. Each dragon has nine claws, creating the world together with the devastating ancestors, destroying the world and refining the world.

Eight magical treasures of the Eight Buddhism, turned into a great wild dragon, but with the body of Aura, the destiny of the sacred dragon, covered in clouds, surrounded by runes similar to fate, can not see the true face, and the sky The savage dragons are violently killed, the whole body is golden, like a god of war…

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