Eternal Life

Chapter 1345

Chapter 1,145

“There are so many Lord objects behind, the gun of the trial wants to use me, how is it possible? You have firmly mastered the first position of King Grade Immortal Artifact, for many years, it seems that it should be changed position, this Fang Han is interesting. I have to see him. Jun Cangsheng was defeated by him. His strength is comparable to that of the ancient emperor…”

There was a playful smile on the face of the vengeful spear: “It seems that I remember that in the past, someone led the final trial. My glimpse of the lower bound, killing the man, but ended up with the end of the Holy King, which seems to be the Fang Han. The end of the Holy King to maintain him, interesting, very interesting, the Protoss is getting stronger and stronger, the rumor, the seal of the end of the King is getting looser, so the Heavenly Monarch is the Closed door meditation, the seal is reinforced, but with With the awakening of the ancestor of the Protoss, the seal will become more and more loose. Unless the Heavenly Monarch of Heaven has a cultivation to reach the realm of the king, the seal will break sooner or later. At that time, the heaven will encounter an unprecedented disaster. Unless it is the reborn of the king of creation.”

“But the rumor that the sacred king of the king, seems to have found the Gate to Eternity, has entered it, looking for the way of eternal life.”

“If the king of creation will not return, unless it is a new king of heaven, or if the door gDaoist, the end of the king, the ancestor of the Protoss wake up, plus many tyrannical characters This heaven, there may be a change of ownership.”

“Where do you go in the future, is it to fall into the long river of history, or to be promoted to the Heavenly Monarch, to survive the catastrophe of the world, and to live another era?”

The vengeful spear speaks to himself and seems to be thinking about the future of the future. Where is the future? His thoughts are profound and profound. Compared with the gun of judgment, there is a more intelligent Aura.


Suddenly, outside this ancient war fortress, a long voice came in.

“Xuanlong Huang, what is it?”

In front of the war castle, a powerful emperor of half man and half dragon came in and fell down against the spear of vengeance. This is an ordinary emperor, Xuanlong Huang.

“The genius champion of Ascension Sect entered the barracks and was appointed as a cadre, but did not know what was going on, but it had a conflict with the singer, and the trick was to knock down the tyrant, now it is chou The rule of the giant spirit, to quench the magical treasure.”

Xuanlong Emperor respectfully reported.

“There is such a thing? This is really a good thing.” The face of the revenge spear showed a smile: “Well, I will interfere in interference. After all, the giant spirit is a big governor, can not be so degraded.” !”


He grabbed his hands and suddenly condense emerged in his hands. All the Spaces of the different degrees opened up, and it was revealed that Fang Han was taking the rules of the Emperor.

Fang Han held the scepter, and he entered the body of the savvy emperor. The life as Heaven and Earth rule constantly poured into the scepter, and then a powerful force communicated with the treasure world, a huge treasure. Gas has poured into it.

“Baoqi…and there is no binding force? This person does not seem to be Fang Han? According to the truth, Fang Han has nothing to do with the treasure world. Is it that the gun of the trial is wrong? This wind is really the treasure of Heavenly Monarch. The descendant?”

The revenge of the spear is caught, the power is gone…

“This is the Expert in the army, and finally took the shot…”

Fang Han is learning the essence of the Emperor of Heaven as the essence of the life as Heaven and Earth, and the law is integrated into the cane of the legend, and I feel a strong blessing. Only one time, I smashed the Scorpio and took him. And the giant spirit ingested it.

He did not resist, it was cold and cold, and he felt a ruthless Aura.

“I knew that one of the masters of the heavenly conquest of the army was the spear of revenge. Now it must be his shot to see what tyranious role he is.”

After a while, he saw himself entering a war castle. Some of these war castles are similar to the “Thunder City”.

Every war castle is King Grade Immortal Artifact. It is imaginable that once wars are born, these war castles are motivated by millions of Immortal, arranged in a great array, directly crushed, a Space and a Space. Conquering the past, no one can resist it.

Upon entering the war fortress, the giant body of the giant body was shocked and rescued. A middle-aged man appeared in front of Fang Han. There were some temperament of the gun of trial, and it was also invincible in the world. People dare not look up.

This is the “spirit of revenge”, the famous King Grade Immortal Artifact in the ancient times.

This kind of character can almost completely destroy the ancient times and shock the heavens.

“Ah! Ah…” The Giants finally got out of the control of Fang Han, screamed and saw the spear of revenge, as if they saw the savior: “The big master, this kid commits the crime, actually dares to murder me.” Dudu, you have also seen, must kill this person, can not let him free and unfettered extrajudicial.”

“Stop? Go out! Useless things.” The revenge of the spear looks cold: “In the army, weak rou strong food, who Magic Force high, who is the boss, now pass me orders, to the position of your big governor, Respecting the fate of the governor, you go to do a unified system, when to win the wind, you will return to the position of the governor. Roll! Go to the military office to report.”

“Yes is…” The giant spirit was in a shackle, and the hatred looked at the wind, and flew out, the panic and wretchedness that could not be said.

Suddenly, after the entire war castle, Fang Han and the vengeful spear were left.

“Wind… No, Fang Han, what kind of name should I call you?” The revenge spear shot with a cold gaze for a moment before asking.

“This is the beginning of this sentence!” Fang Han looked sharp: “I have said it many times, I am not what Fang Han, the Fang Han you are looking for, another person, I am the treasure of Heavenly Monarch It is the master of the future treasure world, the wind! What Fang Han can match me?”

Fang Han said this, naturally there is a momentum of Lingyun.

“The gun of the trial determined that you are Fang Han, but he still needs to find evidence, but I am different from him. Here is the heavenly conquest of the army. I am talking about the law, that is the truth. I know you are Fang Han, you are Fang. Han, you are Fang Han and Fang Han, you are not Fang Han, you are Fang Han. So you are now Fang Han…”

The vengeful spear smiled, but the voice spit out in the mouth, but it was overbearing more than the gun of the trial.

“There is no way, people are under the roof, they have to bow their heads.” Fang Han blinked a little surprised, spread his hands and showed helpless emotions: “But the vengeful spear Lord, what I think is Fang Han, But there is no advantage. You are the body of magical treasure. If it is not difficult for me, I can pass on the experience of heaven and earth in one realm of my own understanding. How is this? This is the realm of creational artifacts. I got the treasure of Heavenly Monarch. Personally teach Divine Ability to reach this unique realm. Presumably the realization of this crystal is of great benefit to the vengeful spear Lord. The Fang Han you said has once been built into the realm of heaven and earth?”

“Oh? The realm of heaven and earth?”

The vengeful spear looked shocked, and once again looked up and down Fang Han, and gradually his face showed a very surprised look: “It is true that this is only the realm that can be possessed by the creation of artifacts, but your understanding of this realm, It is still very shallow. Strictly speaking, your realm is not a true world. It is just a mystery of heaven and earth, but it has also stepped into the edge of heaven and earth. Only the descendants of Heavenly Monarch can have such a It’s amazing, but in this realm you make me realize that it is very beneficial.”

“Hey, the gun of the trial deliberately framed me, saying that I am Fang Han, but also deducted my reward, the blade of glory, Saint Grade Immortal Pill, Heavenly Monarch, Dan Dan, the right to practice in the Venetian, this feud Not reporting, I am sleepless, the vengeful spear, the gun of judgment, the sword of loss, in the age of Taikoo, it has been tied as the most sturdy King Grade Immortal Artifact, but it seems that the vengeful spear Lord has been behind the gun of judgment. I don’t mind changing this ranking.”

Fang Han began to provoke distraction.

“Are you arrogant?” The face of the revenge spear suddenly changed: “Do you know what relationship I have with the gun of judgment? You are so bold!”

Fang Han was surprised.

“I have had a lot of battles with the guns of the trial. I have been involved in countless times of life, life and death, and rest. Is it possible that you can provoke it? Are you dying, are you dead? Believe it or not, I will kill you now!”

The voice of the revenge spears suddenly and fiercely, murderous, one after another, the illusion of the void, has come here. Wrap the Fang Han group.

“Revenge Lord, are you testing me?” Fang Han suddenly smiled: “Between heaven and earth, there is only eternal interest, no eternal friends and enemies, especially our Life essence is almost endless cultivator. Do you want to kill me? Then try it and see if Heavenly Monarch behind me will appear? Tell you, the gun of the trial wants to kill me, but I always care about Heavenly Monarch behind me, so send me here, think Use your knife to kill me, and make you confess, don’t say this thing, you can’t think of it? If you can’t think of it, it’s not a revenge spear.”

“Good boy!”

The vengeful spear looks amazed, killing all the murderous, and once again looking at Fang Han, seems to want to re-recognize him in general: “Yes, you said so, the gun of the trial does not want to kill you personally, so I sent you to me. Heaven is in the barracks of the army, so I can kill you by my hand. But since you are not Fang Han, I am innocent and innocent, and I don’t want to carry this black pot, but you want to provoke the relationship between me and the gun of judgment. It is also a dream.”

“No, no.” Fang Han shook his head. “I don’t want to provoke the vengeful spear Lord. You have a relationship with the gun of judgment. I want to study the mystery of heaven and earth together with Lord, and about you know what I use. The way to defeat the technique of the reincarnation of Heavenly Monarch? Is this the mystery that is not worth your Insight?”

“Gate to Eternity Soul Brand!”

Finally, the revenge of the spear was completely moved.

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