Eternal Life

Chapter 1342

Chapter 1,124

“Wind, from now on, you are a member of the Heavenly Conquest of the army. From then on, you have to work for Heaven in one heart and one mind, do you know?”

The tall warrior wearing armor appeared, and it was a royal.

The Emperor called it the Giant Emperor.

The strength of the whole body has a tendency to explode xing, and it can be used to blow up an ancient mountain, which is also the emperor of Life as Heaven and Earth.

When I saw Fang Han, he made a sound, and with a wave, he took Fang Han directly.

Fang Han’s heart was getting more and more intense, but his face was always quiet, showing a gesture of hard work and resentment. He nodded at the giant, and followed behind him.

There was a resentment in his heart, and no one thought that this time the heavenly genius battle, his own standing status, he had to get a chance to be promoted, but there was a gun of judgment, this heavenly power was stalked, and he almost lost all of it. Opportunity, we must also join the heavens to conquer the army and work hard for heaven.

In his heart, this heavenly court has already laid the mark of destruction. The gun of judgment is basically doomed to not be spared.

Moreover, he won the title of this heavenly genius war, originally wanted to see the eternal Heavenly Monarch’s righteous woman, to see if it is a smoked sky, but now it has been blocked, this desire is obviously lost.

The promotion of others to the genius champion is definitely an outstanding status. The benefits are endless and fall on his head, but no one benefits.

But he secretly calculated, waiting for the opportunity.

Watching Fang Han follow the back of the Giants, the Emperor’s gun to the trial: “Judge, you are sure that he is Fang Han? and the electrician Heavenly Monarch is extremely close. If the nong is wrong, I am afraid For us in heaven, we will establish a tyrannical enemy. If it was before, this person is a genius, and if it dies, it will die. But now, when the aliens and the barbarians invade, the protoss are making a comeback, stupid, and the mysteriousness of this heaven. Space’s Powerhouse also sharpened the knife, and if something went wrong, it would be hard to clean up.”

“What are you afraid of?” There was a sneer on the face of the gun of the trial: “I dare to conclude that this wind is Fang Han, where there is such a clever thing in the world, that Fang Han is in the lower bound, is the Sectmaster of Ascension Sect, come Heaven, the first is naturally to go to Ascension Sect. Second, this style of doing things is very similar to the style of Ascension Sect in the secular, hot, decisive, and forbearing. You see what he is doing, if it is in my heart No ghosts, I am like him, but he is not angry? Apparently want to cover up anything, but overshadowed, it is 1u.”

“Don’t you really give the brilliant blade, Heavenly Monarch to him? Deprive him of all kinds of rewards? But this thing has spread, I am afraid that it will have a great influence on the reputation of our heavenly court. Forbidden art, saved the Jun Cangsheng without authorization, but did not pass the consent of Heavenly Monarch, which made the reputation of Tianting also affected.” Huang Huang shook his head.

“If you don’t save Jun, you can let Fang Han directly swallow the king, and get the spirit of Heavenly Monarch’s reincarnation. The consequences are unimaginable. Moreover, Jun Cangsheng has a great relationship with us. It is our heavenly court, and even many Heavenly Monarchs. Finding the law of extrajudicial law, the key to the door of the law. The legal world is the legendary ancient mysterious land. If you can find it, then eternal, disaster, killing, hun chasing Heavenly Monarch, some of them can break through Arriving at the level of the immortal king, truly establishing the majesty of the ancient heavens.”

The gun of the trial: “How could I let Fang Han swallow this? Isn’t that destroying the overall situation of heaven, all the plans? As for the reputation? There is nothing, as long as the strength of the heavens is strong enough, all the Supreme Masters must surrender. If the strength is not strong, more reputation will be lost.”

“Then how are you going to deal with the kid?” asked the Emperor.

“First use him, squeeze out his full potential, let him assist us to deal with the barbarian alien army, and find an opportunity to directly kill, to capture the eight floats and totem cans on his body. Lei Di Heavenly Monarch, Isn’t it just about cultivation a Saint Grade Immortal Artifact? Unfortunately, it is not possible to cultivate success. We have dedicated the totem pot to him, so that he has the wreckage of Saint Grade Immortal Artifact. This is a great credit and it is good for us.” The guns of the trial have sharp eyes and have already made a determination to kill Fang Han.

“This is also a truth.” The Emperor nodded. “But don’t forget, there is a possibility that there will be support from Heavenly Monarch behind Fang Han. It is not easy to kill him.”

“Because of this, I didn’t kill him on the spot. Otherwise, I just didn’t directly slap him with him, and I took a shot and killed the magical treasure.”

The gun of the trial sneered again and again: “The reason why I let him join the heavens to conquer the army, let him fight against the barbarians, even the future Protoss, Buddhism, Dragon Race, is to put him in danger all the time, so that behind him Heavenly Monarch had to shoot, and then a few Heavenly Monarch Lords could observe and restrict. At that time, there was a chance to kill him.”

“That is, Heavenly Monarch, born in this era, can’t kill us. If we are in the heavens, even the ancient Heavenly Monarch can’t enter the heavens to kill us. We are as stable as the mountains.” The Emperor nodded: “If this is really Fang Han, we can also dig out the secret of the electrician Heavenly Monarch from him.”

“Don’t forget, you can also dig out the secrets of the gDaoist inheritance from his body, and the secret of the end of the holy king, more likely the secret of hun1uanHeavenly Monarch, these secrets are all needed by our heavens. The gun of the trial seems to have mastered an absolute conspiracy.

“This is indeed a secret. It is not appropriate to take him down first, or to observe slowly. He will always be 1u.” The Emperor finally nodded. “What about the saints of Ascension Sect? Deprivation of rewards? Or secretly cut their rewards?”

“Our main purpose is Fang Han, how many of the saints of Ascension Sect can be given? Not only to give, but also to give.” The gun of the trial bombed his fingers: “When their hearts are wide, so that those who will be in the future It’s hard to talk. Also, the Ascension Sect’s Headmaster has recently been to advance with leaps and bounds, comparable to some of the ancient emperors of the heavenly court. He contains some mysteries of the ancient sanctuary and will get his hands in the future.”

“This is inevitable. The secret of the ancient church is not the same. How can it fall into the hands of an Supreme Master? Only the heavens can master it.” 羲皇道: “In this case, all the arrangements of Fang Han are up to you. Disposal of the whole power. I sing a red face, otherwise I will appease some of the uneasiness of this heavenly genius battle conference and take the opportunity to rectify the situation.”

“Reassured, Lei Di, hun chaos, eternal, killing, disaster, the five Heavenly Monarch, all in the Closed door meditation Insight, preparing for the future trend of the exhibition, will soon be out, then all the sweeps. We also promote Heavenly The hope of Monarch.” The gun of the trial returned to a cold.

Yan Huang nodded and went out.

In the entire “Ninth Layer Temple”, there is a gun for trial.

He swung his sleeves and walked out from the depths of the temple.

“Jun Cangsheng, you now know the celestial Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, even if you are a Heavenly Monarch reincarnation of the French world, you can’t dominate it.” The gun of the trial produced a stream of air, and suddenly it should have been a reward for Fang Han. But now the gun that was tried was given to Jun Cangsheng.

Jun Cangsheng also had a roll of big sleeves, his hands stretched out, grabbed the brilliant blade, and exploded into life. The Saint Grade Immortal Pill, the Heavenly Monarch Wang Dan also swallowed directly, and soon after, the head behind it. Derived a technique, more complete and clearer than when fighting against Fang Han.

“That wind is damn, actually hurt me like this, but it seems that he is not seen in heaven, you actually gave me his reward, a good Heavenly Monarch, not only makes my injury all recover, And there is still improvement, and more Heavenly Monarch spirits are awakened. Fortunately, it is not allowed to take the wind, otherwise he may cultivate to reach the realm of Life as Heaven and Earth, it is even more difficult to restrict him. The yao force that ransacked in the body, his eyes, showed a hateful look.

“I have arranged him into the heavens to conquer the army. When one is unified, it will be used as a consumable, and fight with the aliens and the barbarian army. You have to kill him.” The trial of the gun: “I will arrange You stare at him. If there is any change, kill him or find out his secret. Of course, you can now go to Tianmai to practice, and you can go to the book world to ask Martian art for the emperor. Every treatment of the kid is yours.”

“Good! Judgment, you really have enough friends. If I regain the strength of Heavenly Monarch in the future, I will definitely carry you.” Jun Cangsheng projected it.

“Take it?” The gun of the trial looked at Jun Cangsheng and left: “I don’t know what to do, I thought it was Heavenly Monarch’s reincarnation. It was supreme. I didn’t want to use the secrets of the legal world. I have already swallowed you. But now let you temporarily When you live more, waiting for you to lose the value of use, you will kill you completely. Do you think that you can still advance to Heavenly Monarch? Even if there is hope, it will not let you promote smoothly, at your best time. Killing you is my stepping stone.”

“Shadow of Shadows!”

“Judge Lord, what is the order?”

The gun of the trial suddenly snapped a finger and called, and then a shadow appeared in the Ninth Layer temple, which was also a sturdy King Grade Immortal Artifact.

“Shadow of the shadows.”

“Shadow of the shadow, you go to the Fang Han boy’s every move, there is any state, give me information immediately, and in the heavenly conquest of the army, now the big master is the revenge spear Lord, you go with him Ventilation, let him arrange the Fang Han kid! This kid may be restless. It is also good to suppress the suppression and dispel his sharpness. In the heaven, the dragon has to curl up, the tiger also has to Kneeling.”

The gun of the trial waved.


The shadow of this group disappeared silently.

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