Eternal Life

Chapter 1339

Chapter 1 139

“The door to the wonderful” “The door of the heavens and the earth” “The door of the fairy” ………. These portals are all in the existence of ancient legends, and now the introduction of Fang Han, but their singularity, Not enough, even this is enough to make the millions of emperors horrified and destroyed.

Now Fang Han broke all of them and absorbed their vitality. The law of strength in the body was tempered by these portals. A lot of energy was burned and consumed, and finally succeeded in transforming into Supreme Immortal.

The laws of the body are all transformed into the supreme rule of the imperial rule.

He also really promoted to the realm of Supreme Immortal, but the title has not yet been thought of, do not know why the title is “imperial.” This is the invincible realm, the supreme presence in Immortal.

His savings are so thick, that even a little movement, the vitality of the body is rolling in, the law is constantly being produced, permeated into the legendary rod, the wing of freedom, the eight Buddhism, and even the book of the era, There are also totem pots.

His promotion to the royal family, the number of laws in the body, is equivalent to the sum of hundreds of emperors even more than. And every breath can produce new Supreme Immortal rules that can be used to temper magical treasures.


The powerful Supreme Immortal rule has poured into the “King of Legends”. This magical treasure has suddenly changed and turned into King Grade Immortal Artifact. The power of the legend has come down again.

At this moment, Fang Han holds the scepter, and the wing of freedom behind it is fanned. The whole person is in charge of the power of heaven and earth. The flame of the burning of the heavenly veins is boiling above his body.

He got a lot of strengths from the body of Jun Cangsheng, and got a complete and complete sacred spirit. He finally had enough energy to burn directly, survived the catastrophe, shattered many portals, and promoted to Supreme. The realm of Immortal, breaking through the heavens, Martial Dao condense.

What is even more powerful is that in the process of passing through the robbery, he used the book of the annihilation of the epoch to make the era of the era more than ten times more exquisite, that Beginning Era Divine Fist If you show it, you can swing twenty times more.

Now his power, he does not know how much he has reached, even if it is not the first person under Heavenly Monarch, but any existence under Heavenly Monarch, I am afraid that he will not be able to kill him.


The crystal gods in his body shang dang, and the hunger and thirst mood became more and more intense. For the depths of the heavens, the piece of the size of the planet was also more clear, and I wanted to break the world. , enter it.

The 33 Skies in his body are also shaking, and now this set of treasures, there is no material promotion, the power has been reduced to the end of all treasures. Fang Han can’t even use it.

And with the strength of Fang Han, it is no longer possible to use 33 Skies to display thirty-three times more power.

What is his current strength? It is the Supreme Immortal. 33 Skies is now only Peeterless Grade Immortal Artifact, and the rest are semi-Peerless Grade.

Once the thirty-three times of combat power is exerted, this set of treasures will completely explode and become nothing.

So now, in addition to simple calculations, this set of treasures has completely lost its effect. Even Fang Han, who combined the reincarnation disk, has the ability to calculate his own crystal god country far beyond Zhou Tianyi.

The eight floats arrived in King Grade Immortal Artifact because of their promotion, and the calculation of the fate of the ball was also the 33 Skies.

“The size of the planet’s artifacts, one day, I will get you. I am now approaching heaven, and when I really enter the heavens, I will find opportunities to plunder. As long as refining, even Heavenly Monarch can’t kill.” I. By that time, I was not afraid of the suppression of the heavens.”

The strength of the promotion reached the Supreme Immortal of the emperor, and Fang Han was increasingly eager for the fragment of the planet-sized artifact. But now, he knows that the timing is not mature.

Right now, you have to kill the “Jun Cangsheng” to live alive. Plundering the spirit of his Heavenly Monarch reincarnation, refining the body, is the use of people, not easy to kill, both lose. Special order! The battle is over. ”


The forbidden art of the heaven and earth battlefield suddenly turned a little, and the unpowered power poured down. It shocked all the attacks around Jun Cangsheng, and then took a glimpse of the light and took Jun Cangsheng away. Fang Han’s attack, Failed.

“What? This power….” Fang Han was shocked, but his face was sneer. He didn’t think that in the eyes of the public, the heavens were actually cheating, not letting himself kill Jun Cangsheng, but this is also his In the calculation, Jun Cangsheng is the reincarnation of Heavenly Monarch, which contains many mysteries. If you are refining yourself, you will become more and more tyrannical. When you become a character of the Emperor, Heavenly Monarch can’t kill it. It is not a good thing for Heaven.

However, the people in the heavens suddenly shot and rescued Jun Cangsheng. They still made the emperor of the Ten Thousand Great Masters steal the Si language. Some said that the heavens were unfair, while others secretly nodded.

“Is that the eternal Heavenly Monarch shot? It seems that it is not Aura of Heavenly Monarch, far from the vastness of Heavenly Monarch’s shot. What is going on?” The Makino family’s 瞳皇牧野瞳 is a good family. Leader.

“No, not Heavenly Monarch Aura, I am in the forbidden art, I feel the power of the trial, is it?”

“Is it the gun of the trial? This is the real master of heaven. The right is bigger than that of the Emperor. But he and the Emperor are in charge of everything in the heavens. The Emperor is in the Ming Dynasty. He is secretly in charge of the trial. How suddenly Come out, did you get the advice of Heavenly Monarch?”

“It is the power of the gun of the trial. It is rumored that he is infinitely close to Saint Grade Immortal Artifact. The power is the first among King Grade Immortal Artifact. I don’t know how much he compares with the power of the Emperor. Which one is stronger?”

“It’s not like, he is a magical treasure, and the emperor is a man. But in the rumor, the gun of the trial may be stronger, his power is in control, and he is absolutely trusted by Heavenly Monarch in heaven…”

“This time the heavenly genius battle is over, but it is really wonderful, especially in the last game. The wind is actually defeated and defeated. After the catastrophe, it is impossible to fight back, and a peerless expert is rising. I am afraid. In the near future, on the mysterious Heavenly Monarch candidate list, I am afraid there will be a place for this wind.”

“Heavenly Monarch Waiting List!”

“Yes, there are hopes for the promotion to reach the Heavenly Monarch realm, the Emperor, the gun of the trial, and some other Powerhouses on the outside. But now the strength of the wind can also be on the list, he It’s not the realm of Life as Heaven and Earth, but the strength is enough to kill many Supreme Masters.”

“The Makino family has formed a good ally. Not to mention that there is a Heavenly Monarch-level power behind this wind, it is said that he is no less than the existence of the ancient emperor.”

“That is that is…”

Many of the Experts know that the genius battle was over. Although Jun Cangsheng was rescued and there was no death, Fang Han’s first place was deserved, and the reward of “Glorious Blade” Saint Grade Immortal Pill fell. In his hands, this is a matter of nailing, no one can change.

Some people are jealous, some are mad, some are envious, and the Ascension Sect’s discipline is ecstatic.

Heaven court prison law enforcement disciples, one by one as earthy, after going back also know how to with the Lei Di Heavenly Monarch jiao generation. The Emperor Huang saw this scene, his face was blue, and blood was flowing in his eyes.

“Damn, hateful! Even Jun Cangsheng can not kill him, he is more and more tyrannical. No! I want to kill him! This little beast, more and more powerful, where do I put me?”

“Yu Huang, you have to stop and stop recently.” Shenghuang naturally saw the state of Emperor Huang, and could not help but immediately warned: “This wind has become a big trend, you will provoke him again, but it is self-seeking dead end. From then on, you Don’t worry about Ascension Sect anymore, do you know that? The wind will dare to kill you. When we don’t, we won’t be in front of you. You can do it yourself…”

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