Eternal Life

Chapter 1328

Chapter 1 238

Just a big bang, Fang Han completely destroyed the “King of Wans” and “Heavy China”, which made Makino really defeated, and he was lifted up by him. Life and death were completely controlled.

“Wind………Wind brother…”

Makino really felt the threat of death, and the voice trembled: “You will not kill me. There is no hatred between us. I have never used you.”

“Kill you? It doesn’t have to, and you have to gamble with me beforehand, I won’t want you, I will be able to simulate it, and I will look at it carefully.”

True Qi, who had made up the sky, directly rushed into the body of the injured Makino. It was smashing, and Makino really recovered quickly and her eyes returned to light.

When he opened his eyes, he was surprised. Fang Han’s eyes also changed. One compound eye appeared in the pupil, and there were three thousand pairs, copying everything, twisting time and space, creating the sky, the earth. , ocean, sun and moon, stars.

In the distorted time and space, a Makino who is the same as him has really come out, and it is also the point of re-emphasis.

This is what Fang Han copied.

Hey, hey!

This copied Makino really, suddenly punched, actually hit the Seven Styles of Ruling, attacking Makino.

Makino was really shocked. The body flew backwards. He shot True Qi in one hand and played the “Makino” fight. He had to check and test whether it was really powerful.

But when the palms collide, his whole body True Qi is boiling, and the explosion is coming.

Similarly, that Makino really exploded.

“It’s true, it’s really the power of the shackles.” He screamed at the explosion, and he recovered his body in a moment, looking at Fang Han with a look of ghosts.

Fang Han smiled: “Mr. Makino, admit defeat, down the stage, I am not difficult for you.”

Makino’s face was red, and a burst of white, after a long time, only bitterly said: “Wind brother, you are the hero of the world, once overlord, I have to admit that the emperor flew in your hands, it is indeed worthy, many Thanks, your mercy, my Makino really feels inexhaustible, since then, as long as the wind brother can use my real place of Makino, a call, Shangdaoshan, under the fire, not to leave.”

Zhiquan is not a fist, but he immediately expressed his opinion to Fang Han. He knows that Fang Han’s Culture Base can’t use him at all. Now he will show it and rely on the big tree in the future.

“Go.” Fang Han smiled, didn’t say anything, waved.

Makino really confessed his hand and directly conceded defeat. The rune of the battlefield received the voice of his admittance, and then he sought the advice of Fang Han, which slowly opened a passage and made him fly out.

In the heavens and the earth, the general battle is not endless, even if one party admits defeat, it can not withdraw, unless it is the consent of the opponent.

Because in the moment before the battle, there is the right to abstain. In the battle, there is no right.

Makino really returned to the Makino family. Immediately, the king of the Makino family, Life as Heaven and Earth, spoke loudly: “Wind friends, many thanks, you are great, since then, You are my friend of the Makino family. I will go back and report my ancestors. I have time to invite you to see my ancestors in my Makino family.”

This is the clear display.

Makino’s ancestors, the king of Heavenly Monarch, and the pastoral wilderness are also the Heavenly Monarch. A family with Heavenly Monarch showed up to Fang Han, which means his prestige began to be grand.

Fang Han took the reward of this battle in heaven and put it in the bag. He said: “Many thanks Makino family to enjoy the light, wait for me to win the champion of the genius battle, the Culture Base advances, and I have the qualification to see the war king. Heavenly Monarch ancestors, must come to visit at that time.”

This heaven’s reward is even richer. It is actually a sword array composed of more than 300 pieces of Peerless Grade Immortal Artifact’s flying knives. At the same time, there are dozens of spirit snakes composed of holy spirits. These elements are equivalent to ten thousand. One of the complete holy steps.

A holy thread is a martial foundation, even if it is Ascension Sect. Now the reward of heaven is one ten thousandth of the strength, it is not strong.

However, Fang Han is more eager to get the pulse of the heavens. The last reward was the pulse of the heavens, which is too little, not enough for him to use.

While clearing the pulse, he remembered the secret of the re-emergence from the real body of Makino.

With his current way, and the longitudinal change of cao for his own vitality, he can completely simulate the simulation of the martial arts. However, the nickname of Zhonghua is called the king of Wanhao, and the ability is far more than that. He has not yet Insight is transparent.


He returned to the place where the martial art was stationed, and assigned all the magical treasures and spirits that he had obtained to his subordinates, and he sat down to observe the battle in the field.

At this time, the Expert of the genius battle gradually became clear, and the most powerful four people. The first is Jun Cangsheng, the second is Fang Han, the third is a killing son wearing White Robed, called Li Qinglian, and the fourth is the Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Disciple Xuanye.

Now Fang Han is the first to end the battle, and the rest of the three are entangled with the opponent.


A scream, Jun Cangsheng first solved the opponent, a simple sword, pierced the opponent’s throat, and seized all the vitality of the opponent.

His opponent, also a genius under the eternal Heavenly Monarch, unfortunately met the Heavenly Monarch reincarnation of Jun Cangsheng, there is no big killing trick, it is a sword.

This sword, seeing Fang Han’s pupil tightening, he feels that this Jun Cangsheng is his biggest opponent. Because every battle of his life is plain and faint, there is no big killing trick at all, that is, a simple sword, awkward, stabbing, picking, smashing…. These actions lead to the rules of heaven and earth.

This shows that his terrifying has reached the point where any Movement is decaying into magic.

After killing the opponent, Jun Cangsheng got the reward of the heavenly court and strode out. His eyes looked at Fang Han unexpectedly and looked at him with a smile on his face.

Fang Han is motionless, like a god, in the calculation of every battle of this eternal life.

Then, the killing son Li Qinglian and the supreme leader of the Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Disciple also ended the battle. They were clean and neat, and they did not receive any harm.

“If I have not refining the eight floating sects, I am afraid that this is not the sin of this prince, Li Qinglian, Xuan Ye’s opponent. It seems that I really look down on the heroes of the world. The strength of these three people can almost be the supreme leader of a generation of martial art. Comparable, against the king of Life as Heaven and Earth, the real is the peer genius.”

Fang Han looked out, whether it was Jun Cangsheng or Li Qinglian, Xuan Ye and himself were the realm of saints, but they were able to compete with Supreme Master.

This ability to leapfrog challenges is itself a shocking act. Of course, I am the same.

“It seems that this time the title competition of the heavens is clear, with the Ascension Sect’s Son of the Wind, Jun Cangsheng, Li Qinglian, and Xuanye for the competition. The other genius are all foiled.” Many of the kings watching the battle Road.

“Hey, it’s better for you to count the calculations. If you look at the four people, who will win? Let’s bet on a gamble?” An ancient emperor is good at counting the emperor.

“I can’t be sure, the fate of that wind has been covered by the Heavenly Monarch door. I don’t know if it is done by Duobao Tianju.” The Emperor shook his head: “There is no need to say that.” For the reincarnation of the mysterious Heavenly Monarch, it is impossible to count, and the son of the killing, Li Qinglian, and Xuan Ye have also been blinded by the door. It is better to ask the Emperor and see who among them will win the championship?”

Yan Huang also looked at the four people, his eyes were quiet, it seems to be guessing what, after a long time, he said: “The champion should be born in the king and the wind.”

“Oh?” The Emperor of the Dark Emperor said: “Jun Cangsheng is the reincarnation of Heavenly Monarch. Martial Arts Cultivation Base has reached the point where it has become a magical one. It is certain that the winner will be a winner, but that Xuanye and Li Qinglian are not in the wind. Underneath, can you conclude that the wind can beat the two?”

“Look, that is the next round of things, this time the heavenly genius battle will come to a close. That Saint Grade Immortal Pill and the brilliant blade belong to whoever, will be truly revealed.”

This round of battle is over.

After resting for about an hour, each prepared, the drums sounded, and the last rounds of fighting began again. Fang Han was in the midst of the battle, and he solved several killing sons again, the Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Discipline, and the Eternal Heavenly Monarch. After genius, I finally got to the end.

At last!

Among the heavens and the earth, the sacred sons of thousands of great religions no longer appear. There are only four people left, Fang Han, Jun Cangsheng, Xuanye, Li Qinglian.

Four Experts, each side.

At this time, in the heavens and the earth, it was quiet. Almost all the great professors knew that this championship was born among four people.

This time, Fu Xi did not flash, but above the heavens and the earth, the voice of the emperor sounded: “The last two rounds of battle, the winners are eliminated, the losers are out, Ascension Sect winds on the heavens and gods prison law enforcement son Xuan Ye, Jun Cangsheng, Li Qinglian, the son of the killing!”


As soon as the voice fell, Fang Han entered the battlefield and quietly waited for the arrival of the opponent.

In the eyes of the public, the Heavenly Gods Prison Enforcement Son Xuanye stood up and stepped into the heavens and the earth to stand face to face with Fang Han and look at each other.

“You are the wind? Ascension Sect Son, in the past silent, suddenly, a sudden rise. Even promoted, but also repeatedly against my heavenly prison law enforcement disciplinary against the law of the heavens? Big reversal?”

As soon as the black leaf came, the cold face showed a sneer: “So, you are not obeying the rule of my heavenly prison?”

“The rule of the Heavenly Prison? Is it a big deal?” Fang Han smiled. “I am the Ascension Sect, using the laws and rules of Ascension Sect. The rules of your Heavenly Prison want to interfere with the internal affairs of my Ascension Sect? Not a joke. Do you rule? Do you think that you are a cultivating fairy king? Can you rule the cultivate Dao sect in the world?

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