Eternal Life

Chapter 1322

Chapter 1,320

Huangfuguo is hateful to Ascension Sect, especially Fang Han, but it does not help at all. However, he knows that there is Heavenly Monarch guardian behind Fang Han. Now he is the only chance to kill him. In the battle of heaven genius, even Heavenly Monarch can’t netbsp; not only him, but many experts of the martial art also have the same idea. .

To annihilate Fang Han, now is the best time.

Even some secret emperors began to cast their empowerment, pouring their Magic Force into the body of some genius disciple, in an attempt to improve their strength, killing Fang Han on the spot and winning the championship.

Some mysterious sons of killing, sons of hun chaos, prisoner law enforcement disciples, genius disciple of the eternal Heavenly Monarch are no exception, trying every means to kill Fang Han.

Because all the people have seen it, this Fang Han definitely has a crown.

“A lot of murders have come, but unfortunately! Unfortunately, these people are disappointed today? I am now pushing the way to a peak. When you feel free, you know what you are thinking, what do you want to use? Kill me. I took the enemy first, the autumn wind did not move forward, can you get me? But it is my stepping stone.”

Fang Han closed his eyes and operated the future, and now there are many killings coming from the void.

These murders, he can even distinguish which person from, what is the face of that person, how Divine Ability Cultivation Base, even the other party’s psychological activities, what is Assassin 锏, almost know it, even if it is The emperor, unless it is the realm of Life as Heaven and Earth, there is no secret, and in front of him, it is a transparent person.

“This windy, let him be arrogant, but I don’t know that I secretly got a ‘Devine Thunder’ made from the destruction of the last era. When I get into his body, it makes him skyrocket, take the opportunity. You can take his life.”

This is the voice of a law enforcement prison from a cultivation that reaches the realm of the saints.

“Eight Buddhism, but there is nothing? I just have restrained dragon race’s treasure, 遁龙桩. It is an artifact of the ancient Wu people refining, specifically to take the dragon race, I see what treasure you have to restrain? This time It’s a great opportunity for me to thank Wushan for making a name for himself. I don’t know that I am thanking Wushan, but this time, I became famous in the world!”

This is the genius heart of an eternal Heavenly Monarch…

Many of the attempts to murder Fang Han’s voice were all calculated one by one. As a result, Fang Han is now like the rumored Great Dao, the thought of all beings, as long as he is together, he will know.

The bell rang again.

The fourth round of genius battle is over.

Ascension Sect’s discipline, all come back, some injured disciplines, have also been cured by Fang Han, these fragments killed the opponent, get the other’s full magical treasure, Dan yao, also got the reward of the heavens, the harvest is quite rich.

In particular, the virtual cloud, actually got a Life as Heaven and Earth Powerhouse refining symbol, is the opponent’s Assassin 还, the Emperor family’s disciple emperor letter.

Moreover, the imaginary cloud uses the materialized dragons to refine all Divine Ability, Culture Base magical treasure. The rewards of the heavens are getting richer and richer, and there is a kingly spirit.

If this continues, I am afraid that the strength of Ascension Sect will really be advance with leaps and bounds.

However, Fang Han knows that the next battle will become more and more rigorous. Ascension Sect’s discipline is basically less likely to be on the battlefield, because after several rounds of battle, all of the deaths are Expert in Expert.

But winning the championship is the thing that Fang Han has appointed, the king of genius, who is it?

After the end of the fourth round of fighting, about two or three hours of rest, the disciples of the major sects took care of the wounds, some were in the top, some were comprehending, and some even broke through the realm on the spot.

Before the sun was hidden into Space, the glory of the setting sun shone in the heavens, the drums resounded, the sun was like blood, and the air was filled with a bloody taste.

The brilliance of the thrones of all the sects flashed again, and many of the Experts got information about their opponents.

Fang Han routinely counts the many sons of Ascension Sect. If you are sure to win, you will be out. If you are not sure, you will abstain and save the fire.

His calculation ability has been enhanced by countless times. This calculation is almost working with Great Dao, so that all the disciplines are admired, and the mind is once again enlightened. Some of the disciplines that have been unable to break through the realm, again Breaking through, especially the Sun Poetry painting, actually led to the sacred robbery. In the presence, the promotion reached the realm of Saint Immortal and became a true saint.

Fang Han is naturally assisting him, killing the holy robbers in formless, tempering the body, cultivation rou body.

Just at the critical moment of this gun, Fang Han’s throne also flashed a halo, and Fuxi condense became the next object to be a jiao hand: “Huangfu family, Wu Ba Huang Fei fly!”


Fang Han’s heart moved, his face showed a faint smile and went out. Directly into the world of battlefields.

The light flashed, and in front of him, the appearance of the “Wu Ba” Huang Feifei appeared.

“Huangfu brother, I haven’t seen you for a long time.” Fang Han said faintly.

“Wind!” Huang Fufei directly “s Assassinate” his eyes: “I claim to be Wu Ba. Since birth, I have had an extraordinary Martial Dao genius. At Heavenly Immortal, I can fight Profound Immortal, and the promotion has reached Profound. After the Immortal position, you can kill the Golden Fairy. All the way to the present, it can be said that it is invincible, no one can compare with me, but your appearance, ending my unbeaten myth, in my heart, leaving The shadow. So, you have to die, become my stepping stone, and I will be able to go further on the road to the Heavenly Monarch!”

“So, you must die! Wind!”

Wu Ba Huangfu flew a step forward, suddenly bursting out of the head of the Wuxu gas. Among the Aura, there was a Great Cauldron, which sprang slowly, and the king Aura hit it.

“King Grade Immortal Artifact, Wu Yi Ding?”

Fang Han opened his eyes and looked at it: “Wu Ba Huang Fei Fei, you should know the difference between you and me. Although this is the ancient King Grade Immortal Artifact, it is quite different from my eight floats. You are like this. Confident, full of means, just show it!”

“Hey! I have cultivation to reach the realm of the saints, with King Grade Immortal Artifact, you can compete with you. You said that this is not as good as your eight Buddhism, then let me see, the eight floats in the end How powerful is it? Sacrifice.” Huang Fufei’s face is as calm as it is, immersed in a special Martial Dao realm.

“What is the realm of all the hearts?”

Fang Han looked a move.

This is a legendary Martial Dao realm.

“Hands, come out with your magical treasure, just by your own strength, not my opponent.” Huangfufei quietly, seems to be waiting for Fang Han to shoot first.

“Huangfufei, there is something in your body that can restrain my eight floats.” Fang Han did not shoot, but quietly said: “So, I want to sacrifice eight battalions to collect it, if I didn’t guess the mistake. The thing on your body is a symbol. It must be the ancestor of your emperor’s family. The emperor is refining on the other side. He is the equivalent of the Heavenly Monarch, refining this one. Fu Wei, I want to collect my eight floats and go back to study? He is a magical treasure body. He is extremely sensitive to the things like the eight floats. Naturally, I want to study it. Unfortunately, it is a pity that this change hides me. .”

“What…” Wu Ba Huang Yu quietly listened to Fang Han’s words. Suddenly, his eyes flashed a bit of 1uan. He did not expect it. Fang Han knew everything about it.

“No one can hide me.” In Fang Han’s eyes, the gods are shining, and there seems to be a special kind of magic, which makes the time lapse of all the time slow.

His gaze saw the deepest part of the body of Emperor Huang, an unremarkable symbol, lying quietly. This is the calculation ability that he had just made and he felt the fatal threat to himself.


Huang Fufei did not expect that Fang Han actually saw his conspiracy. In his calculations, he fought with Fang Han, making him indifferent, and then he took Fuxi into the Eight Buddhism and took Fang Han’s Magical treasure is used by itself to kill each other.

But now, when the conspiracy was discovered, he was shocked and flew up, and his hands violently attacked, and he had to show his plans ahead of time.



Fang Han’s body, Demon Soul generally rises up, punches in the left hand, and hits the five killings in the Divine Fist. “Thousands of people refer to the “small smells of the years”, “the gods and gods are angry”, “the bamboo is difficult to book” “the sky is destroyed.”

And his right hand, suddenly changed, also played five strokes of eternal temperament, the Divine Fist of the eternal life, one right and one reverse, is the complete ten strokes of Divine Fist, the highest school of Confucianism and Taoism First, you can create the peerless Martial art that rivals Divine Fist and Beginning Divine Fist.

“Wu Ba Huang Fei Fei, your Zhong Di Divine Fist, anti-five, also cultivation has a scale and half claws, I will now let you see what the real set of Divine Fist looks like, you call it Wu Ba, for Martial Dao Comprehension can be thorough, but I will let you know now, what is childish. This is the Divine Fist, which I just calculated. You die under this boxing, but it is a wish.”

Fang Han’s body has been transformed into a king of Confucianism, mastering the righteousness, the name, the right way, and the virtue….The two fists are ten strokes and they are smashed out.

“Liu Fang Bai Shi” “Wan Shi Taiping” “Sheng Shi Hua Zhang” “Benevolence is invincible” “Brave without fear”!

Fang Han’s voice, a shout of screams, ten strokes of the middle of the Divine Fist played the true style of Confucianism and Taoism, the positive and negative five styles, were all calculated by him. He had long wanted to figure out the other five tricks of the Divine Fist. He has always been in the bud, but suddenly he got a part of the Taoist Daoist’s inheritance, and the power of calculations has increased by a thousand times. In the twinkling of an eye, there are five other tricks. All are calculated.

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