Eternal Life

Chapter 1314

Wind and rain.

Fang Han rushed into the Son of the Emperor’s family, and really set off a storm.

Now his strength is once again enhanced. The general emperor can’t help him at all, because he is only half a step, and the cultivation has reached the realm of “the emperor” and become the real Supreme Immortal.

Now his realm can be described as “half emperor.”

Half step Supreme Immortal.

This kind of realm has already shrunk the distance between the emperor and the emperor, so the display of the footwork changes, the general emperor can not help him.

He was like a lightning bolt, rushing into the Son, killing seven people in a row, that is, two or three people taking off and breathing. The average person could not react at all. Although some emperors reacted, they could not stop it. Fang Han.

Fang Han took the seven sons’ life, and it was not enough. He said that he could achieve the invincible majesty.

The last person’s life, he wants to take the saint, aiming at a saint called Huang Fufu. Too supreme Elder.

There are several powerful magical treasure guards on the emperor’s body, which is not easy to kill, but in the hands of Fang Han, these magical treasures are all furnishings, and his research on the method of refining treasures has reached a perfect fire. Realm, any magical treasure, as long as it is not King Grade Immortal Artifact, as long as he displays the “Supreme Wanbao Dasheng Zhenzhen”, the magical treasure will be completely gone, become a smoke, all Essence Qi all integrated into itself.

This is also a capability he has recently calculated.

This “Manpower Mang” arrived at his hand, and it has completely surpassed the power in the hands of “Baosheng”.

Bao Sheng Wei Zongshi does not have the tyrannical strength of Fang Han, and the Dao technique is calculated to perfection and approach the vastness of perfection. Even if it is 10,000 Wei Zongshi, the cultivation in the magical treasure is not as good as Fang Han.

The saint’s emperor floated, his face showed a look of horror. In the face of Fang Han’s killing, he wanted to escape, but he could not escape, his body could not move, and he was completely covered by Fang Han’s momentum.

“The chaotic chaos is another year…” Fang Han sighed softly and rang again, as if the gods were sighing, as if the sacred sin were yin, as if the buddhas were mournful, as if the celestial beings were singing, like the dragons Singing low.


A huge and unparalleled force, blessed in the body of this saint, Huang Fufu, immediately his body collapsed, turned into a symbol, flew up, became a saint, falling into the hands of Fang Han.

“The eighth place, the blood debt is paid.”

Fang Han is quiet.


The “National Emperor” saw this scene, his eyes almost split open, and blood flowed out. “The second type of Divine Fist on the other side, back to the shore!” Hey! The fierce Space shock dang, a boxing to the back of Fang Han, he finally locked Fang Han’s position, riding Fang Han to kill the key moment of the saint, a trick will kill.

However, the fists came, suddenly a huge bergamot rose from the back of Fang Han, the golden light, the Buddha did not move, hard to pick him up.

Uh… When the Emperor felt the power of his fists, the Divine Fist seemed to hit a deep void universe. There was no echo at all, and then there was a bigger inside. The anti-seismic forces have emerged. In his mind, between the moments, he has felt the billions of Buddhist countries and the splendid Buddhism and Taoism civilization.

He stepped back a few steps in a row, and the law in his body rushed over, almost a spurt of blood.

Fang Han smiled coldly, and the body flew backwards, and the great array of the saints was shuttled. With the eight-way symbol on the hand, the bloody Aura was cold body.

Many of the experts of the Emperor’s family have rushed over and are not dead. Fang Han puts his hands together and the Buddha’s light condenses into a barrier that blocks the attacks of these Experts.

Many magical treasures, Divine Thunder, Daxian, and Divine Fist have been bombarded on the Buddha’s light barrier, and the earthquake exploded, but Fang Han did not move.

“How? The Emperor’s family is so little strength? The heavenly genius battle is about to begin. Could it be that you can’t wait for the Emperor’s family to fight with our Ascension Sect?” Fang Han made a loud voice.

Passed out, many Experts have turned their eyes to this place.

“Damn!” The emperor’s family of many emperors is so angry that the three corpses are violently thundering, and they are about to exert their power to kill the squad. Suddenly, the emperor screamed: “Stop!”

Immediately, many of the Experts of the Emperor’s family stayed, but the grievances, watching Fang Han’s eyes can not wait to live and chew.

“The heavenly genius battle is about to begin, Ascension Sect, Fengyuan, I don’t care about you now. When the genius battle, as long as your Ascension Sect’s discipline, I met the discipline of my emperor family, you will kill! Today, I killed eight of my emperor’s family. In the future, my emperor’s family will destroy your Ascension Sect whole family, and the ji dog will not stay.” Huangfuguo saw a lot of people projecting their eyes here, knowing this way, Huangpu The majesty of the family will be seriously damaged, so I will immediately strike. “With your words, our Ascension Sect will be dead with your family. In the future, our Ascension Sect will definitely set foot on the pure land of China and occupy this land. The people of the emperor family are our slaves.” Fang Han said.

“Well!” Huangfuguo angered and laughed. In his heart, there was never a moment, so hate a person, so want to kill a person, hate the sky, hate completely: “Your words, I will definitely go back to my ancestors in the original book. I believe that soon after, the ancestors will come to Ascension Sect, and I hope that you will not beg for mercy.”

The ancestor he said in his mouth is naturally Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, the boat on the other side, comparable to the existence of Heavenly Monarch.

“Your words, I will also tell the Duobao Heavenly Monarch Lord in the original book, I hope that when the Heavenly Monarch Lord comes to the Pure Land of Shenzhou, your ancestors do not ask for good.”

Fang Han also responded with one sentence.


The face of Huangfuguo suddenly changed. Many people guessed that there was Heavenly Monarch behind Fang Han, but the guess was speculation. Now Fang Han personally said the words of Heavenly Monarch, which finally confirmed people’s conjecture. Many people who immediately played Fang Han’s idea had to press down their ambitions again.

“let’s go!”

Everyone from the family of the Emperor, flew up, with shame, flew away from his throne.

Along the way, the emperor flew his fists, but he never did, but he chose to give in. Not looking face to face with Fang Han, it seems to be accumulating strength.

“Huangfu Fei, you have done a good job. I have not sacrificed the ancestors of the ancestors. I remember that this symbol must be used at the most critical time. The wind is so unfathomable. Here, he may escape and let Fu Xi Reactive, but in the genius battle, in the world, he has no ability to escape, is enough to seize his eight floats, and then completely kill him.”

On the way to Huangfu, he snarled the emperor.

“I know, uncle! This person is insidious and sinister, no one can match it, and the calculation is profound. Even if it is beyond the wisdom of the boxing, I will naturally choose to use it at the most stable time. It is absolutely not 1ang. Opportunity.” Huangfufei entered a state of incomparable calmness.

Among the thrones, the people of the Emperor’s family found their place and sat down.

At this time, many sects saw the scene of the battle between the Emperor and the Fang Han.

“This wind is becoming more and more fierce. It seems to be more sophisticated than when fighting with the Emperor. It is completely afraid of the supreme characters of Life as Heaven and Earth. If he is promoted to reach the realm of the royals, then it is worth it?”

“Yes, he was promoted to the realm of the royals, I am afraid that in addition to some old antiques, they must sweep. Hope to win Heavenly Monarch.”

“The Emperor’s family lost a big loss this time, and the students were killed by eight people, but they couldn’t help at all. Even the emperor’s country is willing to go down the wind, and Shenzhou Pure Land is the first time to suffer. This is not afraid of the ancestors of the emperor. It’s daring.”

“What is he afraid of? He is behind the many treasures of Heavenly Monarch. Duobao Heavenly Monarch, rumored to have passed ten chaotic epochs, is the first Heavenly Monarch, sweeping the world, for the origin of the first king of the immortal king, And he is the nemesis of the magical treasure. If it really comes out, then the emperor is afraid to escape immediately.”

“I suspect that the wind is bragging, pulling the Tiger skin and smashing the flag, scaring others. Duobao Heavenly Monarch has long since fallen, and it has never appeared in the ancient times, even the legend of the origin of the king of the king has fallen. How can it be repeated again? appear?”

“Hey, you won’t see it. Fengyuan holds the legendary stick, communicates the mysterious treasure world, and is not subject to the traction of the treasure world. This is clearly the acquiescence of the treasure world. There are so many people who have refined the magical treasure, but in the end, they are all wedding dresses for the treasure world. The magical treasure of the hard-working sacrificial refining is out of control, flying to the treasure world, but this wind has nothing at all. The mystery is in it.”

“Not bad, the treasure world was founded by Duobao Heavenly Monarch, and now it is the wing of freedom, the legendary stick, and actually admitted the wind, then he must be the descendant of the Taobao Heavenly Monarch. Retreat 10,000 steps, Even if the multi-hearted Heavenly Monarch is degraded, there are two big ones that can match the presence of Heavenly Monarch to guard him, and his background is very tough.”

“That is of course, there is Heavenly Monarch behind, this is the real thing that can fly.”……….

Countless Experts have talked about it.

There are some mysterious Experts, sitting on their thrones, and they are all looking at Fang Han. Some of them are disdainful, some are eager to fight, some face show sneer, and some are conspiracy tricks in their minds.

Among them, a group of chaotic sons, the son of the killing, the heavenly prisoner law enforcement disciples, the eternal Heavenly Monarch digs many peerless tyrants, and many unknown experts, are thinking about how to kill if you encounter Fang Han!

Although Fang Han’s strength is tyrannical, this heavenly world always has a boundless fortuitous encounter, and the lawless Expert is determined to trample him to death.

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