Eternal Life

Chapter 1312: Strong killing

Chapter 1312, tyrannical killing

Several saints in heaven feel that they have no face.

They have just promised that no one will deliberately provoke the emergence of the door, and immediately come to the provocative person. This is tantamount to ** naked face, a few sages just want to swear, but after seeing the coming, the face is very embarrassing, screaming back to the mouth will shrink back.

Because the comers are the people of the emperor family, the master of pure land in China.

Shenzhou Pure Land, status is detached. Heaven does not dare to take the rules to oppress, let alone these saints.

In particular, the sages of several heavenly courts saw the "King of the Emperor" after the Emperor's reign, and they took a few steps back. The emperor is a master who is more sturdy than the Tujia. The great man of the emperor family is second only to the current owner of the emperor family, Huangpu Avenue.

Now the owner of the Emperor's family, Huangpu Avenue, is also the king of the "Heaven and Earth" class, but between the strength rumors, it is almost comparable to the Emperor, can escape life under the hands of Tianjun.

This kind of master is a thousand times the power of the ordinary emperor, and even a million times the power.

The sages of several heavens quietly retired and did not dare to speak more.

They don't want to be caught between the Huangfu family and the Yuhua Gate, and they encounter innocent disasters. It’s not uncommon for the city gates to catch fire and fish.

The imperial concubine is compelling, and when it comes up, Fang Han is a "little rabbit", which is simply a naked insult.

The sacred son of Yuhuamen suddenly slammed and blasted the pot. The image of the invincible wind was already ingrained in their minds. It’s actually insulted now, is this still enough?


Fang Han looked at the masters of the Emperor's family. He lifted his hand and sent out two words. Immediately, all the sons of the Feathering Gate were quiet and no longer broke out.

This time, the Emperor's family has come to a lot of masters, that is, they are afraid of conflict with others' sects, and the power must be absolutely suppressed.

This time the heavenly genius battle, thousands of martial arts gathered together, to fight, conflict is inevitable.

Only absolute power can guarantee that we will not suffer in the conflict and keep the reputation of the sect.

Now, the Emperor's family, just before the start of the Tiantian genius battle, on the feather door, Fang Han also understands the other side's meaning, is to fight against the morale of the martial art, let it in the genius battle, stunned, take no Good ranking.

The reward of the genius war in this heaven, the rumors, is extremely rich, even if you won the championship, as long as you get a good ranking, you can get a lot of training in the court.

There are even opportunities to enter the heavens.

These are the things that the major sects are vying for.

Of course, this "National Emperor" is directly provocative, obviously against the wind.

"You are called Huangpu State, is it? It is called the National Emperor? The strongest of Tianshou Tongshou?" Fang Han's eyes, straight into the emperor, very calm, no expression.

"Yes, even if you are the master of the door, the Emperor is not the opponent of the emperor. The emperor can pinch him, you are a rabbit, it is really daring, actually led the feathered son of the door Isn't it afraid to die?" Among the eyes of the emperor, there was a glimmer of scorn, and the thick look looked down, apparently on his face.

"Bunny scorpion? Very good." Fang coldly said: "You have shouted me two sentences. In this regard, the emperor family must die two people before they can wash your sins with blood. Do you know?"


Hearing the words of Fang Han, the face of Huang Fuguo flashed a clear murderous machine. This killing was pervasive, and instantly shrouded Fang Han: "Bunny scorpion, you are too arrogant, you dare to deal with our imperial family, you must Pay the price. Believe it or not, I will abolish you now? And go to your feathering door and give the feather to the emperor? Let him retire?"

"It is another sentence, three lives, insulting my sects, sin plus one, five lives. Your family, the empire, has owed us eight fate."

Fang Han did not pay attention to the insults of Huangfu State, but calm calculations.

"I hope that because of your words, the family of the emperor will be destroyed. Even the ancestors of the emperor's family, the emperor and the other side are refining, it is just a magic weapon, and can't escape the fate of being enslaved."

"You! Look for death! I will kill you now!"

Finally, the king of the emperor was angered, not only him, but all the masters of the imperial family were completely angered. Although Fang Han’s language is calm, but it is too vicious, he actually insulted the ancestors of the emperor’s family, and the emperor’s side. This is something that no family can tolerate.


The emperor, Huang Fuguo shot. When I shot, it was earth-shattering, and the big hand grabbed it. The other side of the emperor’s family’s **** fists was displayed. The first type of “bitter sea” was not only shrouded in Fang Han, but even covered all the sons of Yuhuamen.

In the heavens, the emperor's kingdom dared to directly shoot, showing the tyrannical strength and arrogance.

The bitter sea is boundless, the endless stream, the infuriating, the surrounding collapse, the heavens and the earth, the warp and the latitude and rotation, the Huangpu country has a boundless sea to kill, and immediately the environment changes, everything disappears, turned into a sea of ​​sorrow, wind and waves, people The disaster was devastated.

The ordinary emperor encounters this blow and will die immediately.

But Fang Han is always calm, no mood swings, no movements, countless dragon scale runes, flying from the body, connected into an eggshell-shaped scale canopy, protecting all the sons of the feather gate live. This canopy is a self-contained world.

"The ancestor dragon domain."

Fang Han supported this dragon field, and let it be shocked by the boundless power of the bitter sea.

Under the impact of this bitter sea power, he not only resisted, but also suddenly counterattacks!

"Huangfu Fei, you are optimistic. Your Zhongyong Shenquan is not so displayed at all. I will let you see and see, the true doctrine of the mean, the Confucianism."

Between Fang Han and the counterattack, he actually displayed the Confucianism, which was learned from Huangfufei, and the Zhongyong Shenquan!

"Thousands of people refer to" "people and gods are indignant", "Yuzhu difficult book", "the last year of the stinking", "the scorpion is destroyed", the five major killings, all of them flocked out between Fang Han and the boxing, and on the spot they gave the boundless boxing strength of the bitter sea to tear.


All the power of the Emperor Huangguo was defeated, and the whole person could not help but step back in the air and looked at Fang Han with a strange look.

He never imagined that Fang Han actually broke his boxing method and shook him back.

Fang Han’s strength is also refined. During the battle with the Tujia, he has learned a lot of things. After going back, he tried his best to calculate and absorb the power of the heavens and the realm of the imperial person. Although he could not succeed, he did not succeed. Comprehensing deeper, his ecstasy of the gods has reached a state of horror.

All the history of civilization, the articles are rising, the words are adorned.

Every civilization, Fang Han's thoughts are traveling, and the moment of the journey, at this moment, he not only entered the realm of heaven and earth, but also successfully entered the realm of "the same road".

He knows that he has improved a lot during the period of cultivation in the "Wuhua Hall" of Heaven. Compared to just entering the heavens, it is a lot stronger.

It is more convenient to deal with the emperor.

A palm of the hand retreats from the emperor, Fang Han's eyelids hang down, and his mouth utters a voice: "The emperor, if the strength is not good, don't be arrogant, my strength is worse than the Yuhuang's teaching, you can't even beat me. I have to be shaken back by me. When I meet the Emperor’s teaching, I must be killed alive. I dare to speak out madly? Yeah, since you can’t compete with me, you have to pay for what you just said. The lives of the eight emperor family, I personally took it away. Even if the two are clear."

Between the words, Fang Han stepped out.


His body, invisible and invisible, actually rushed directly into the sanctuary of the emperor's family, and even many emperors could not stop.


A royal family practiced to reach the Son of the Yuan Dynasty, and he was rushed into it. When the air was shaken, it was directly torn, and in the screams, it became a symbol.

"The first person!"

Fang Han killed the Son, and his mouth rang through the sound of a reminder.

"The thief, you dare!"

In the family of the emperor, there is no shortage of masters. One of the emperors' faces is mad, and Zhangkou is sprayed. The general number of the rivers of the Ganges River is sprayed out of the mouth, forming a large ship and colliding with Fang Han.

Fang Hantou will not, the backhand palm, facing the big ship, pinched in his hand, smashed his life, once again reduced to rune, shake a hand, into another family of the emperor.

The saint's cultivation reached the semi-san, and screamed, the body turned into a blue smoke, condensed into a symbol, falling into the heart of Fang Han's palm.

"Two people's lives." Fang Han means non-stop, showing the freedom of nine changes, the walker has no boundaries, the many steps in the Jiyuan Shenquan, implied to steal the heavens, into the emperor family, almost no one Can ponder where his next moment will appear, even if the emperor can not calculate, his little fate completely covers his destiny.

"Only three thousand miles, one sword crosses a million divisions."

Hey! Between rotations, Fang Han urged the civilization of Kendo, the spirit of the sword, and the three sons of the Yuanxian.

"Five lives."

Fang Han Shen flashed and circulated again. After the emperor roared, the saint attacked again and again, but even his clothes were unable to be contaminated. He could only see the devil's general killing and death.

"The group of dragons has no first day, and the chaotic era is another year."

Fang Han also sang two poems, Ji Yuan Shen Quan, full of strength. Hey! The two saints burst again and were caught in his hands.

"Seven lives! There is another one, I want to harvest the saints before I can wash your insults!" Fang Han in this moment, killing seven people, suddenly blinking, aiming at a saint level among the family of Huangfu Too supreme elder.

He shouted and slammed against the saint. Under the force, the magic weapon on the body of the saint suddenly turned into a burst of blue smoke and was directly melted.

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