Eternal Life

Chapter 1282

The first thousand two hundred and eighty two chapters

Fang Han was promoted to a saint and has an incredible Magic Force, and the best advantage is that Life essence has risen tens of times more than before.

Under this circumstance, he urged the body of the Zen Emperor, and he no longer consumed Magic Force as before. Even when he thought of it, xiao fatalism broke into the body of the Zen Emperor, and the emperor would wake up and wave. A variety of powers of Capricorn.

Moreover, there is a xiao part of the gourd Saint Grade Immortal Pill sent by the sadness of the South Palace.

The dan of this xiao part is also enough for him to burn the life of half an hour, summoning the celestial buddha to kill the enemy for half a time.

Now Fang Han has calculated his own strength. If you count the Zen Emperor, you can join forces to attack and even have a chance to fight with the Emperor.

Of course, the Emperor can not use the sword of the Church, otherwise it would be equivalent to two emperors.

The current sword of the Templar is growing in power. Fang Han has a clear feeling that this sword seems to be promoted to the realm of Life as Heaven and Earth. In time, I am afraid it will be comparable to the gun of judgment.

It can be seen that the plume is unfathomable.

The more he touched the Yuhuang, the more he felt that Fang Han had an unspeakable temperament. He was very calm and always cuddling. It was definitely not as simple as it seemed on the surface. In any desperate situation, Can be calm.

This person must have been the inheritance of the ancient sanctuary.

Fang Han thought so.

The ancient sanctuary is the predecessor of heaven.

It got its inheritance as much as Dao Lineage, who got a fairy king.

Slowly, Insight, the self-cultivation of the saints, Fang Han’s soul, more and more quiet, the body emerged a variety of brilliance, wrapped around the body, turned into a long river of destiny, hundreds of thousands of rivers and sands of the life of the gathering, Ups and downs, his xiao fate is becoming more and more pure, and he feels that the great existence of the heaven to the Gate to Eternity is getting closer and closer. It seems that in the near future, you can see this Gate to Eternity.

Suddenly, Fang Han opened his eyes and saw the body of the Emperor, the future, a black entanglement, in the black air, showing many embarrassing faces.

Among these embarrassing faces, Fang Han saw Hua Wenchang, and there are many figures of Chinese emperors, apart from this, and a dark body, a fiery shape……….

“not good.”

Fang Han blurted out.

“How? Junior brother, what new insights do you have?” Yuhuang also opened his eyes.

“Senior Brother, I just took the xiao fate operation to the extreme, and glimpsed your destiny. In the near future, even in these days, you will encounter a disaster. Many empires want to Kill you,” Fang Han said.

“What? Many emperors kill me?” The feathers were shocked, and then a cold smile appeared on his face: “Junior brother, about you are wrong, I did not feel any danger at all. ”

“My Dao technique is taught to me by the reincarnation of the mother-in-law Heavenly Monarch. There will be no mistakes. It is integrated with the fate of the underworld. It can be seen through the present and the future. There will never be Wrong, maybe my Culture Base is far worse than the Senior Brother, but the Senior Brother wants to believe in the mystery of fate.” Fang Han is a slap in the face.

“Oh? You said, what kind of emperor is going to kill me?”

“All the kings of the Chinese family, the seagull is a face-to-face, very cold and imposing.” Fang Han waved his hand and drew a picture in the air.

“狞皇!暗皇!燕皇!烈皇!心皇!” Looking at the shadows one after another, Yuhuang’s face is getting colder and colder, full of murderous, half believes in the words of Fang Han.

Suddenly, in the scene of Fang Han’s illusion, there was a symbol, which was looming, flashing past, not a Powerhouse with excellent eyesight.

But the feather emperor is now,

“Saint Grade Immortal Artifact The symbol of redemption and refining can be used to cover all perceptions. No wonder, no wonder I can’t sense my own danger. It seems that this matter is ten. But why do Chinese people want to join hands to make calculations? I? Don’t they know, I am Ascension Sect Headmaster? I am suppressing the air.” Yuhuang bites his teeth. “Huajia people are so disregarding the overall situation? Actually want to start with me.”

“Senior Brother, when broken, it must not be indecisive. This Ascension Sect is created by China Heavenly Monarch, but his descendants, regardless of the overall situation, actually murdered the Headmaster, it has already been ruined. Must be cleaned. , smothered, Junior brother Fang Han is not talented, can be made into Divine Ability, can compete against the emperor. Can contribute to the Senior Brother.” Fang Han immediately said: “Senior Brother must be considered for Ascension Sect thousands of absolutely disciple, now Huajia It has become a cancer of Ascension Sect. If you don’t get rid of it, I am afraid it will drag my Ascension Sect into the heat.”

“Huajia really wants to poison my hands… I am able to understand the emperor, I can understand. Earlier, they sent some disciples into my Ascension Sect, which is always trying to figure things out. In fact, this person knows me. I have mastered some secrets of the Bible, and I have long wanted to take away the secrets of the ancient church. If I didn’t look at the son of the disaster Heavenly Monarch, I killed him. He dared to count me now. “The Emperor contemplated and said slowly: “But it hurts me. These old antiques of the Chinese family, for the sake of si, are also mixed with them. Killing them is not, not killing them. I don’t want Ascension Sect to be torn apart.” .”


Fang Han smashed the iron: “Do not kill enough to clear the source, not enough to go to evil. Chinese people must be cleared, China Heavenly Monarch is China Heavenly Monarch, Ascension Sect is Ascension Sect, Senior Brother can cultivate until now Realm, can’t you still see the current situation, since the Emperor wants to be the secret of the church, it is sure to collect the sword of the church, and the emperor is cruel and cruel. Is the Senior Brother willing to fall into his hands?”

“Yu Huang, Fang Han said that. If the Emperor is perverted, if I fall into his hands, it will be a lot of fierceness. What Chinese family, the son of Heavenly Monarch, will die.” The twelve-wing Artifact Spirit woman screamed. “Before, you were afraid of the disaster Heavenly Monarch. Now, behind Fang Han, there is hun1uanHeavenly Monarch’s shelter. Later, there will be more descendants of gDaoist. What is the disaster Heavenly Monarch? Kill! Kill him with a blood flowing into the river, and the film is not left.”

“Good!” The feathers of the emperor turned and finally made up their minds: “If that Hua Wenchang and others really come to me, then I will be welcome. But now the situation is the Junior brother, your calculations, maybe not true. … In the future, it is unclear who is ever-changing. It is impossible to say that people in China will not be so heart-wrenching.”

Just as his voice just fell, a slamming voice conveyed a gloomy voice from the outside: “Headmaster is there? Hua Wenchang has to ask for it.”


Fang Han blinked.

Yuhuang’s fingers slammed and suddenly waved his hand, letting Fang Han hide, and then smashed out a channel in the air: “Chang Huang, what? I am in Closed door meditation Insight Nothing can’t be disturbed.”

“It’s very important.”

Sure enough, a total of five emperors Supreme Immortal appeared, for Hua Wenchang, the rest are actually Chinese, Fang Han has long known, one is Hua Wenwu, one is Hua Wenbin, and Hua Wentian, Hua Wencheng, the five Supreme Immortal emperors, suppressed the airlift of Ascension Sect. Everyone is almost a shock to the world.

“When the five old Chinese, how come all this today? What happened to Mo Feimen?” Yu Huang asked deliberately.

“We have a very important thing, which is related to the rise and fall of Ascension Sect.” Hua Wenchang said with a serious tone: “We have a big treasure, it is a legacy of ancient times, but unfortunately can not be opened, must come Inform Headmaster, if this treasure is opened, I am afraid that the strength of our Ascension Sect will double, there are many Supreme Immortal emperors, a large number of saints.”

“What? What treasures have this ability.” Yuhuang pretended to be shocked: “How horrible our doubling of Ascension Sect’s strength, you should know.”

“It is the secret of the ancient Dan.” Hua Wenchang said: “We are now in the position of the ancient Dan. The Headmaster should know what the significance of the ancient Dan.”

“The ancient Danjie?” Yuhuang Mingming knows that Hua Wenchang has another purpose, but there is still some yearning. The ancient Danjie is the world composed of Dan Yao, and there are countless ancient Divine Pill, King Grade, Saint Grade, and even There is also the creation of Divine Pill. If you can really find the entrance to the ancient Danjie, get the infinite Dan yao from it, not to mention that the strength of Ascension Sect doubles, even if it is increased by ten times.

Unfortunately, this is fantasy.

Heaven has not yet found the entrance to the ancient Dan.

“Yes, Headmaster, we are now the entrance to the ancient Danjie, it is of great significance, so come to discuss immediately, it is not too late, if it is already seen by others, the loss of our Ascension Sect will be great.” Hua Wenchang.

“Is this really true? Then take me to see.” The Emperor took the sword of the Church.

When he collected the sword of the church, he silently and silently put Fang Han into his sleeve and hide it. Now Fang Han is a tyrannical force, summoning the Zen Emperor, it is his turn The powerful Assassin 锏.

“Good.” Hua Wenchang turned and went, but suddenly stopped: “Headmaster, what about the wind? This Xiaozi heard that a person has defeated all the barbarian army, and actually has a totem can, you can put He summoned him and went to the ancient Danjie world. His totem can have great benefits for us to break the seal.”

“Surely insidious, actually want to go to the net.” Fang Han secretly sneered.

“Oh? That wind, in order to be promoted to a saint, has gone to Shangzhou to buy the spirit of the Holy Spirit.” Yuhuang coldly said: “This child also has some dissent, did not pass my test. But do not care for him, When using him, let’s go to the entrance to the ancient Dan.”

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