Eternal Life

Chapter 1271

Chapter 1 271

These three great saints are actually prepared to display the secrets of collecting treasures for magical treasures. In the rumor, this “Supreme Wanbao Dasheng Zhenzhen” is indeed the strongest legacy of Duobao Heavenly Monarch. The secret of collecting treasures, especially the cultivator with a high level of cultivator, has no suspense at all, and it is charged with magical treasure.

Now the “Bao Sheng” Wei Zongshi, “Sorrowful St.” and “Fantasy St.” three sages suddenly burst, and jointly took the magical treasure, which gave the deadly threat.

In the midst of it, all magical treasures are motivated.

Even the eight floats in the body, 33 Skies, all kinds of magical treasures began to shake dang, to fly out of the body, and the crystal gods in his body began to loose 1uan, hun1uan.

Because his current body is equal to a magical treasure, and he is also subject to the restraint of “Supreme Wanbao Dashengzheng”. This Dao technique, under the joint initiative of the three saints, is extremely terrifying.

“my God, the wind xiaozi, no wonder you are so arrogant, you really have enough arrogant capital, actually refining yourself into a magical treasure, all of which are crystal gods, this degree of solidity, even if it is special repair refine Body 魄’s Expert, also to be defeated, but unfortunately, today your body, it is difficult to escape the treasure of the collection.”

Bao Sheng Wei Zong Shi Yin test the road.

“I don’t think that this xiaozi actually refines himself into a magical treasure. It is really embarrassing. I don’t know if it is very difficult to upgrade the realm after becoming a magical treasure?”

“Diaoxin, this xiaozi knows the realm of heaven and earth.”

“What, it is actually the realm of heaven and earth, oh! That’s better, we can refine and refine him, and we can refine the rumored artifacts.”

“Receive all his treasures and refine him.”

The Magic Force of the three great saints is becoming more and more tyrannical. In the body, the spirits of the roads are pulsating and violently burning. These spirits are full of the sacred Aura. In the spirit of the spirit, there are countless The rune composition is actually the vitality of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is only in the legend, and it is never easy to show people.

There is in Ascension Sect, but it has never been seen by the discipline.

Hey! The treasures of all the disciples in the field, all flew up, and condensed into a large light group in the sky, even the treasures of the heavenly prison law enforcement discipods were stupid.

“Three saints, don’t start with us.”

Several prisoner law enforcement disciples leaders quickly said.

“The power of Supreme Wanbao Dasheng is too great. It is our Dao technique that is specially prepared for the temperament of the wind. It just happens to restrain his magical treasure. You assist me to be besieged him, lest he escape and be a beast. Fight.”

“Yes, this person was killed and you have the benefit. And, these Ascension Sect disciple, you are slamming, and they are not allowed to join.”

“The Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Disciple, you will help us to refine the wind, and there will be benefits. The Divine Ability, Martial Dao, all of them are yours, and the totem cans can be dedicated to you. Heavenly Monarch Lord, as long as you talk about the good words of our Five Sacred Gods in front of the Heavenly Monarch Lord.”

The three great saints immediately said.

Bang! This time, it set off the Xuanran **o, the Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Disciples all shocked, screaming, each ignited the Divine Ability, and swept the Ascension Sect many sons.

“Three sages get permission from Ascension Sect, clean up the portal, and all Ascension Sect disciple dare to move, immediately kill without mercy!” A prisoner law enforcement disciplinary.

“You! It’s just lawless, killing people in our Ascension Sect!” The painting of the reincarnation of Sun Poetry is almost vomiting blood, but his magical treasure can’t spurt power at all, and between the hard-pressed, suddenly skyrocketing And up.


An Ascension Sect’s discipline is closer, and it is a punch on the spot by the court of law enforcement. The body is exploding, screaming and dying.

“Who dares to move, that’s the end.”

That heavenly prison law enforcement disciples arrogant road.

The virtual cloud wanted to be desperate, but when I saw this scene, I knew that I was far from the opponent of the heavenly prison law enforcement disciple.

“Wind, you will accept the fate, from the time you killed my apprentice, Xuanyuan Akasaka, the moment to deal with the Xiao Prison Emperor, it is doomed to your destiny, you are self-existing in Ascension Sect, even the Chinese family spurned you.”

Bao Sheng Wei Zongshi saw that he occupied the absolute top, and could not help but laugh, because they saw the body of Fang Han, an eight floating sects were soared up, and they were collected by Wan Baozhen.

“It’s a pity. If you don’t make yourself a magical treasure, it’s the body of the human body, you can be free from the influence of Wanbao, you can still escape, but now there is no chance to escape.”

Sadness also laughed: “Everything is worth it. Refining this Fang Han, we have benefited a lot, and we are not consuming our Life essence. We have built this Shinto with the help of the Yuehuang Collection in the Five Sacred Mountains. ”

“I will die immediately.”

Fantasy St. has increased the means to motivate Magic Force.

A pair of treasures flew up and gathered into a bright flame. In the bright flame, one of the magical treasures melted in them. They actually began to refine some of the Immortal Artifact of the Ascension Sect disciple as a force to supplement.


Some of the Ascension Sect disciple’s Low Grade, Middle Grade Immortal Artifact, exploded, causing them to vomit blood and suffer serious injuries. Only some disciplines with High Grade Immortal Artifact are still struggling.

“Wind, are you still not dead?”

Bao Sheng Wei Zong Shi said.

“Death? I will die like this, you are too ignorant to see me!” Suddenly, Fang Han’s eyes violently opened, and the glare of the glare came out, and his crystal god suddenly became a whirlpool. The Dao technique of “Supreme Wanbao Dashengzhen” is all torn.

After the body of Fang Han, the shape of a Buddha flew directly.

This Buddha is pedaling in all directions, thousands of hands, thousands of faces, Megatron, and the tyrants of the sea, screaming like a thunder, a mantra, heaven and earth. The Zen Emperor was once again summoned.

“There is no magical great curse in the south!”

The Zen Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor shouted loudly, and all the treasures of Wanbao Dasheng were directly ruptured and turned into nothing. The “cans of the totem” and the “Ghost Wusheng” were all out of bondage and were provoked by all power.

“You three saints, this is looking for death, I sent it to the door, no wonder I. You think that Hua Wenchang, the ancestor of the Chinese family, let you kill me, is a good thing? He is letting you come to death, he did not tell you, I Can you push the body of the Zen Emperor?”

Fang Han stood under the Zen Emperor and suddenly pointed.


The celestial buddha’s big hand smashed out and slammed it. It was shot on the Astral Qi, the body of the sorrowful sorrow. Immediately, this sorrowful screams, blood squirting and reddening the sky.

“What is this? The body of a Supreme Immortal emperor?”

Sadness looked at the celestial buddha who was culled in the sky, and 1u was in the eyes of fear, fear, and unbelievable emotions. He screamed again and again, and both hands played the sorrowful Demon Soul.

“The king is sorrowful!”

He did his best, and a palm full of weeping bursts out, countless blood shocked dang explosion, turned into a sad light, against the Zen Zen Emperor.

But it didn’t work. The buddha of the Emperor Zen Emperor directly oppressed, and the sorrowful Demon Soul’s palm was beaten up, and then the saint, the saints, seemed to be fallen, and the straight tingting fell down from the sky. Into a holy map.

Nature is the ghost martial arts map, Fang Han unfolds the ghost martial arts map, and lays down Dragnet.

“Impossible! This is really the power of the Supreme Immortal Emperor.”

Bao Sheng Wei Zongshi has been chilling, it is necessary to netbsp; “kill them, Heaven Zen Buddha, can not have a free!” Fang Han’s voice sounded up, no feelings. The body of the Emperor Zen was immediately changed. Thousands of bergamots flew up in the air. The huge body radiated countless Buddha light, and the void was rendered into a country of purple and gold. Everything was completely banned.

“The Dharma is boundless!”

Tianzen Buddha Emperor, the sound of bo directly impacted the Mirage and the Treasure. First, the screams of the sacred sacred, all the phantoms were smashed, leaving only one body, struggling in the air.

When the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor grasped it, he took the body in his hand.

“No!” The sacred screams, but the whole body was smashed, severely wounded, and thrown into the ghost martial arts map.

Finally, there is the treasure that is left, and it is shocked by the sound of bo, bloody, bloody, and miserable. “No, I am Baosheng, the ancient saint, how can this happen, the situation is reversed. I can not die, I also want to be a Supreme Immortal emperor, no Heavenly Monarch, no one can kill me.”

“Tian Chan Buddha, accept him!” Fang Han continued to order.

The Zen Emperor immediately came to the body, and the huge Buddha light was just close to the body of the Bao Sheng Wei Zong, and his body was immediately suppressed by the suppression.

“Get up! In front of me, you won’t have any resistance. Even if it’s self-destructive, it’s impossible. You can’t hide my vision.”

The Zen Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor saw it clearly. Wei Zongshi was playing something, grabbed it with a big hand, and immediately took control of his entire body. He grabbed a symbol from his body, and this symbol shimmered and the light appeared on the dragon. The pattern of the snake 1uan dance, with his own strength, seems to explode.

It is a pity that this symbol is taken by the Zen Emperor and the light converges.

Then, the body of Bao Sheng Wei Zongshi was like a xiaoji, and was raised and thrown into the ghost figure.

“These three people have been sealed by me and completely lost Magic Force. There is only a huge rule of fine elements. You slowly refine them in the ghost map, especially this Bao Sheng Wei Zong, he There are so many magical treasure materials that are of great benefit to you.” Between the Zen Emperor and the Emperor, the three men were suppressed, and then the form of light faded and entered the body of Fang Han.

Fang Han stepped on the square, and the ghost martial arts figure shook. The three great saints were suppressed in it, and they began to wear out. They wanted to refine them in front of all people.

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