Eternal Life

Chapter 1268

The “Totem’s Can” slowly rotates, and in the winter cave of the savage barbarian sage, it completely turns into a totem on the can. Fang Han feels that the power of the saint is flowing, and at random, he can smash the power of the saint. Come.

Originally, this “totem can” even melted the barbarian saints and flew away uncontrollably, but the Zen Emperor of the Emperor suppressed it with the force of Supreme Immortal, and then thoroughly refining it, branding Fang. Han’s Yuanling, now this holy device has become the magic treasure of Fang Han.

Moreover, in the moment of branding the Yuanling, Fang Han completely accepted the memory of the sage’s main winter cave, and even dong learned the curse of the barbarian, which can completely promote the “cans of the totem”.

“Unfortunately, I got this saint, prepared to refine myself into the Aura of the Holy Spirit, and climbed into the heavens and sanctified into a saint. Now it is completely absorbed by the totem pot, it seems to be looking for the Holy Spirit.”

Fang Han also secretly regrets that the sage of the barbarian, when the cultivation succeeds, also needs the Holy Spirit. Now his body also has the Aura of the Holy Spirit. If it is integrated into itself, it has a great asist to the cultivation.

“But the world is not perfect, I have another treasure that can rival King Grade Immortal Artifact, and this treasure contains infinite mystery. The more barbarians I absorb, the faster I grow. Let me charge all the barbarians here. The army, the powerhouse of the opposite world. Achievements of my unsuccessful achievements, shocked the ages, made a great contribution, I see the old stubbornness of the Chinese family, what qualifications do you say?”

Fang Han This time to resist the barbarians, the Ascension Sect’s discipline is in the eye. If you can annihilate all the barbarian army in one fell swoop, immediately shake the dangNinth Layer, so much credit, even the group of stubborn opposition of Ascension Sect. I am afraid there is nothing to say.

“Totem’s can! Give me full force to push, expand!”

Wū wū wū 呜!

Under the pressure of his Magic Force, the totem cans expands all the way, and arrives at Taikoo Shenshan Daxiao. The dark magic pot is facing the air, and there is a burst of bo.

At the moment, close to the countless barbarian army, the whole body is shocked, automatically disintegrated, turned into a sacred door g worm, into the “totem can”, on the can body, turned into a totem.

Fang Han, at this moment, deeply understands that the chill of “many”, below the word “man”, is a worm, which means that the barbarian is a worm structure.

Each time a barbarian is absorbed, the power of the totem cans is one more point.

Many of the above arrays, the barbarian spirits came out, turned into a vortex, centered on Fang Han, scattered everywhere, even the powerhouse of the outer world, the army inhaled.

However, the barbarian warriors inhale the “totem cans” into a totem, into the body of the can, and those powerhouses in the outer world, the army is melted by the totem can, but it will become a different kind of True Qi.

This kind of True Qi presents a barbaric Aura, a roaring roar, and the assist can enhance the tyranny of the rou body. Fang Han gets the memory of the saints of the winter grotto, and knows that this is “savage True Qi”. For the cultivator of the cultivation rou body Martial Dao, it is simply yao.

If the tyrants of the tyrants can get this savage True Qi, then the body will double to double against the saints.

Fang Han let a lot of barbaric True Qi rush into his body, refining and refining, and there is a wild Xing Aura among all the crystal gods. In that Aura, his body has been greatly tempered. .

Beside the ancestors of every crystal god country, there is actually a savage savage guardian to protect the gods.

“All charged!”

At this moment, Fang Han seems to be the Gate to Eternity that swallowed the heavens. He walked out from the core of the barbarian army. On the top of his head, the “totem can” of the sacred mountain is sucking, and the ghost martial arts surrounds himself. Rotation, concentration of power, guardianship of the gods, praise, blessings, etc., can be used to prevent sneak attacks.

At this time, even if the saint came to sneak attack, it would be useless…

“The wind has entered so long, I don’t know how to fight the sage’s main winter cave? I can’t see it at all. But I can feel the power to destroy xing from the depths of the barbarian army!”

Just as Fang Han entered the depths of the barbarian army, a group of law enforcement disciples in the heavenly prisons looked at the stream and immediately looked at it, but could not see anything, it was dark.

Moreover, they are still under siege by the alien Powerhouse.

“He can’t fight against the saints and the barbarian army. The barbarian army here has more than 305 billion, and the Expert army in the outer world is probably close to 500 billion. Even if it is not rebellious, it will line up for us to kill. I have to be exhausted for years. He entered it and was trapped by the army. I am afraid I will die.”

“The energy is moving, so fierce, he has been with the saints’ main winter cave, and the winter cave is converging.”

“What are we going to do together to calculate? How about the battle in the depths of the army? It is best to be half-dead, and to escape, we can take him to the first place and win the ghost-martial map.”

“It’s a good idea to join hands and win his ghost martial arts map, then sacrificial refining becomes his own. We join forces to spur the ghost martial arts map. It is not impossible to kill the saints. When it is time, credit will definitely fall into our hands. .”

“This time, the heavens promised us a generous reward against the barbarians. Every time we kill a barbarian saint, we can get the grace of Saint Grade Dan yao.”

“Slaying the saints, we can easily reach the sage realm.”

“At the time, in the genius battle, we can also get a good quota, maybe we can get the favor of the eternal Heavenly Monarch and marry the righteous woman to us.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, join hands.”

The leaders of several prison law enforcement disciples are half-cultivation bases. They are caught by a big hand, and a water mirror appears. They are put together and turned into a gossip figure. It is actually one of the Three Eight Greatest Triss Great Three Trigrams Technique. .

They jointly calculated and looked at how the battle between Fang Han and the Barbarian Sage Lord Winter Cave was good.

However, just as they used the Great Eight Trigrams Technique to form the gossip mirror, suddenly in the depths of the barbarian army, Aura, a ghostly crying sacred aca, was thrown out of it. There was a scream on the mouth of the can, which was the cry of hundreds of millions of barbarian warriors, shouting, and screaming.

Kā chā !

Under the induction of the air machine, the gossip mirror burst.

“what is that?”

Many prisoner law enforcement disciples were shocked. They saw the scene of the totem’s cans devour the barbarian. The huge earthen jars, no matter what, can be swallowed up with a little first-class turn.

The barbarian army did not understand what was born, and was automatically called by Aura into the earthen jar.

Generally, even King Grade Immortal Artifact, it is impossible to kill the barbarians so thoroughly, because the barbarian army is not a fool, especially some of them are masters of wisdom.

Seeing that the situation is wrong, they can escape.

But now, I can’t escape. Because the “cans of the totem” has a fatal appeal to the barbarian, once sacrificed, many barbarians will involuntarily project into the can, as if a group of flies saw blood.

And this is the more, the more people absorb the barbarians, the stronger the appeal, the harder it is to resist. At the end, some of the barbarian warriors, the Primordial Immortal level of Expert, can not withstand the totem of the cans, have invested in them, Turned to the totem.

Fang Han can now use the True Qi to let the barbarian troops who inhale the totem can come out to fight for themselves.

“That is, it seems to be the sacred barbarian sacred, totem can.” The leader of the Heavenly Prison Law Enforcement Disciples immediately recognized it. “It is the highest sacred sect of the barbarian to lead the various races. This crock is in many years.” It’s been shattered before, it’s turned into waste, how can it regain its brilliance today?”

Before the “totem of the totem” has no potential, it is a common earthen jar, no one knows it, but now, such a huge sucking barbarian, the gods are unmatched, as long as people are familiar with the experience of the ancient scriptures, naturally can recognize this What is it.

The law enforcement disciples of the Heavenly Prisons have swam in the “Books” of Heaven, and the knowledge is very rich. There is still no reason to know.

“Ascension Sect disciple, the expert order of Quzhou, the sage leader of the barbarian army, the winter grotto and the men of the warriors, all killed by me. Now all the barbarians are scattered, immediately chasing and killing, comprehensive counterattack , annihilating the army of the aliens and the barbarian army, and building the foundation of the world!”

Fang Han spurred the “totem of the totem”, and the scorpion sucked the barbarian army. When he was all his own time, he was pedaling into the clouds, and the sound of the rolling was almost spread throughout the battlefield. So many cultivators were struggling. One of the earthquakes.

“What? Ascension Sect’s Son of the Son killed the Sage Lord? A saint was killed by him? Killing the army in the army, even the same saint, immediately died. Only Supreme The Immortal Emperor was able to do it.”

“The sage army leader was completely killed by him. There is nothing wrong with it. You see, the barbarian army has collapsed. We are saved!”

“The alien army has also begun to collapse, the Savior, the wind is the savior!”

“In the endless barbarian army, among the aliens, killing the saints, only the Supreme Immortal can do it. Is it because of the strength of the Supreme Immortal? It is impossible.”

“What is Immortal Artifact?my God, with the majesty of King Grade Immortal Artifact, the nava can seem to be the barbarian’s nemesis. He originally had the King Grade Immortal Artifact ghost, and how to add another King Grade. Immortal Artifact ?”

“It seems to be a legend. One of the seven ancient sacred sects of the barbarian, the can of the totem, has long fallen into the dust of history, and it shines in his hands. If so, then he can explain that he Why can you kill the barbarian saints? This is the barbarian’s nemesis.”……….

Looking at the Fang Han Totem’s cans, the Ascension Sect’s Son has many cultivators, and they all have the feeling of a savior, they cheered wildly.

And the heavenly prisoner law enforcement disciples a heart but sinks…….

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