Eternal Life

Chapter 1262

The first thousand two hundred and sixty two chapters

In the sky, a group of barbarian warriors chased the cultivator. bubble-(

Barbarian warriors, all wearing animal skins, these skins are the skin mao of some heavenly animals, after being tanning, they are very strong and can form a force field.

Every barbarian warrior is tall, his face is covered with oil-like things, and the whole body 1uo1u’s skin is full of tattoos, or wolves, or snakes, birds…

Every barbarian warrior is brutal, cruel, bloody.

Moreover, they are extremely powerful, and the weapons they hold are often a glimpse of a void. Every time, the tattoo on the whole body muscle rou bursts with the power of majestic barbarism.


A scream came out. Among the group of cultivators that were chased, a female cultivator flew a little slower. After being caught by a tall barbarian warrior, he grabbed it hard and smashed the clothes on the spot. And then start the humiliation. The female cultivator made a screaming scream. After a few breaths, the cry suddenly stopped and lost all life Aura.

Hahaha, hahaha… The laughter sound came out of the mouth of this barbarian warrior. These barbarians rip a big hand, and the female cultivator who lost her life was torn.

“Damn! This group of barbarians!”

Many of the cultivators that were chased were completely angry, and several of them went back to fight, but the barbarian warriors collapsed and the cultivators were killed by alive.

“Retreat! These barbarians can’t resist, the son of our Ascension Sect, has got the news, come to the reinforcements, when these barbarians will be destroyed.” An Ascension Sect’s golden fairy core seed disciple loudly Chang Xiao: “You are all friends, you are the cultivator of Zhongzhou, and our Ascension Sect will try our best to ensure your safety.”

“Hey! Is it safe? Your Ascension Sect will be extinct this time!”

A tall barbarian warrior collar, holding a sharp axe, suddenly pulled out between them, immediately between, a long light, ji shoot dong wear, chase to reach the front, many cultivator was smashed into pieces.

This barbarian warrior is talking about the blunt heavenly fairy language.

The celestial world is popular, but the barbarians use barbarians. Barbarian warriors who are able to learn the fairy language are basically intelligent and deep, and there are some positions in the barbarian.

“Catch up and kill, turn these cultivators into corpses, and the souls are collected, used to sacrifice our barbaric Ancestor. Let their blood smear on our totem poles.”

One by one barbarian warriors roared and chased again.

“Not good, escape.” Ascension Sect’s discipline escorted these cultivators, desperately fleeing.

“Have you escaped?” Among the eyes of the barbarian warrior, there was an evil light shining. Zhangkou suddenly spurted out a black gas, and suddenly turned into a magic cloud, overwhelming and shrouded.

“The genie is swallowing up!”

Ascension Sect’s disciles were shocked and could not escape. The black clouds ejected by this barbarian were wrapped in it.

Suddenly, a fine man in the sky swept down. The black gas was directly shocked, and all the cultivators were wrapped in it, and all the people were saved.

Then, a group of people landed in the air.

“This gang of barbarians, barbaric beasts, is simply lawless.” Sun Shi’s face is very unattractive. The light that just came out is his shot, which broke the savage and swallowed all the people, but His contact, the Devil Qi is very powerful.

“It is the Son of our Ascension Sect coming!”

Several core disciples of Ascension Sect saw Sun Poetry and cheered. I know that the savior has arrived.

Fang Han also saw this in the Sons, but did not shoot, but looked at Aura of many barbarians coldly, as well as many cultivators saved.

This group of cultivators is full of three or five thousand people.

The color of the clothes on the body is different. It is obviously the survivors who have been smashed out by various sects. There are two or three Jinxian Experts, most of them are half-step golden fairy power.

“God’s door, the door of the refining, the star of the star, and the Ascension Sect.”

The leaders of the three Jinxian came and immediately met. Some of the disciples talked about it: “This is the Ascension Sect Son? It is really powerful. It saved us out, and it is completely safe.”

“I heard that it was the Ascension Sect Son, the Sun Poetry painting, the painting reincarnation, and the immortal Primordial Immortal.”

“Painting the reincarnation, the ancient saints.”

“With Ascension Sect guarding Central State, you can really sit back and relax.”

Many disciples know that painting the paintings of the Sun Sun, especially the three leading Jin Xian, is even more respectful.

“Don’t come to see me, our leader is the wind.” Sun Shi painting saw all the rescued cultivators seeing themselves, and their faces suddenly looked bad. They immediately pointed at all the stars cup themselves around the moon. Han Road.

“This is the true leader of our Ascension Sect. I have already built a semi-sacred position. After a period of time, I can be a saint. In this bloody trial, I defeated the Emperor Wu of the Emperor. Xiao Shihuang Song Tengfei, the invincible.” The virtual cloud quickly to the three or five thousand cultivator said: “This time we will completely kill the barbarian, rebuild the sect for you, of course, you can also enter the wind under the door of the Senior Brother. Listen to the teachings.”


Many cultivators were stunned and looked at Fang Han for a moment and forgot to see.

“Not too late to bow down?” Sun Shi painting quickly reminded.

“Yes, yes…” The three sects of the Jinxian Sectmaster quickly smashed Fang Han in the air. “See the leader, I am so scornful, and please redeem.”

“Life is really incredible. I want to see the day, I see the Tianquan master, and this is the golden tyrant, how imposing? And now the golden tyrant is actually kneeling down to me.” Fang Han for a moment, feeling a thousand.

“Ha ha ha ha, Ascension Sect’s Son? It’s just right. I’m going to let me go all out. I attacked the state and didn’t gain much. I captured some female cultivators, plundered some of the spirits, and didn’t encounter big prey. The prey has appeared, and you will get you, presumably I will make an immortal contribution to the army of our barbarian, so that I can seal the army.”

Suddenly, a burst of laughter and a blunt fairy language were delivered.

The group of chasing barbarian warriors stopped and looked at Fang Han and others in the sky. The barbarian took a big axe and was very arrogant. This collar body is amazingly explosive, just like a huge volcano that needs to be sprayed at any time. It contains lava.

He trembled in the big axe, and spit out a sulphur-like Aura in his breath.

Fang Han’s eyes are swept away. Now there are no traces of the law in this group of barbarian warriors, but the structure of the ** is very peculiar. Each piece of muscles and muscles rou are similar to the insects of countless micro-xiao, those insects. In the case of magnifying hundreds of millions of times, it is like an ancient savage beast, a snake body, a elephant head. With boundless power, every time you move, you can take advantage of the world and gain strength.

“The sacred door g worm.”

Fang Han has four words in his heart. It is recorded in the classical books. The body structure of the barbarian is very different from that of human beings. Their bodies are made up of many worms that are invisible to the eye. These worms are called ” “Ban Shenmen g worm”, every xiao worm, incomparable micro xiao, micro dust is not enough to describe, but it has unlimited potential, the barbarians practice, is constantly repairing **, forging refine body quality, awakening themselves The sacred door g worm. In the end, the rou body tears the world, breaks the void, and evolves various kinds of laws without any rules.

Fang Han This is the first time I saw a barbarian warrior. The structure of the sacred gods in their bodies suddenly became similar to their own crystal god country.

“Wind Senior Brother, I am going to kill this person.” A son is on the wind.

“Diaoxin, this barbarian sees the tattoo on the body, there is a dragon snake blue wolf figure, it should be a very high-ranking warrior. This person’s body of the sacred door g insect has cultivated to reach a very high level, I just confronted him Fighting, did not take up anything cheap.” Sun Shi painting immediately said.

“You Ascension Sect, no one can fight?” The barbarian collar seems to be very smart, not moving, and the big axe: “You! Come out, how do we fight alone? Win, You can go, lose, all of you are staying. You, I know you, called Sun Shi painting, painting the reincarnation, the realm of saints, in the words of our barbarians, you are the reincarnation of the army. Come, and me The war. We barbarians are brave, not your xiaoxiao cultivator can be compared. I, Kukaka, barbarian condemnation pioneer, nickname Wind Wolf Warrior!”

This barbarian collar is a young man who is named after the surname and wants to challenge with Sun Poetry.

“Wind, I am going up with his jiao hand?” Sun Shi painting asked Fang Han for advice. After all, the status of Fang Han is now established.

“There is no such trouble. This warrior is powerful, but it is the strength of Primordial Immortal. It is directly killed. We are destroying the robe of the barbarian army and completely killing the barbarian army that invaded the state.” Fang Han waved his hand. Step out.

“What? You want to be with me?”

The barbarian warrior Kukaka saw that Fang Han came out, and the big axe was spinning in the palm of his hand: “It seems that you are the leader of the Son, so you and I are jiao hands, if you lose. The woman behind you is giving me.” He pointed to the illusory cloud.

Fang Han looked motionless and suddenly blew it out.


Fang Han blows out this breath, first a white line, but in an instant, the whistling expands, the landslide and tsunami are generally, and the rolling world is full of white giant 1ang. In the giant 1ang, there are countless gods of war. Valkyrie, armed with weapons, rushed to the ground.

The barbarian warrior changed his face and just jumped up. He was overwhelmed by the giant 1ang, and he was beaten up and turned into a strip of sacred gods. He tried to gather.

These sacred gods, the body is like a snake, the head is like a giant mammoth, and the elephant is shouting and the power is boundless.

Fang Han grabbed the big hand and covered the sky, shrouded all the barbarian battles in a moment, and all of them were wiped out and exploded into the same sacred door.

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