Eternal Life

Chapter 1260

Chapter 1 260

“The barbarian really invaded Zhongzhou? The Zhongzhou area is vast, and there are not many cultivate Dao sects. There are countless mountains and rivers. It is not the residence of the barbarian. The barbarian can actually attack from it. Obviously, it is really moving against the heavens. a large-scale war.”

A holy child.

As the name suggests, Zhongzhou is in the middle of the 100,000-strong state of Tianting, so it is known as Zhongzhou.

The barbarian’s place of residence is generally the edge of the 100,000-strong state of the heavens. The uninhabited wilderness, the desert, the Yuanshi forest, and the central area of ​​Zhongzhou, there will be no barbarians.

Now that the barbarian has appeared in Zhongzhou, it means that the barbarian really began to invade the 100,000 states of the heavens. This is a dangerous signal.

Fang Han has not seen the barbarians, but in the various books read, the news of the barbarians is cruel, vicious, barbaric, ru mao drinking blood, every time attacking the heavens, a large number of cultivators are killed, a large number The female cultivator was plundered back by the barbarians as a tool.

The civilizations and barbarians pioneered by the Ten Thousand Great States in Tianting have always been the enemy. They are tit for tat, and have been vendettas for generations. One represents barbarism and the other represents civilization.

However, in the battles of the past, Heaven has always been on an absolutely strong side, expelling the barbarians to drive these barbaric warriors into the barren desert.

It is a pity that Tian Ting has been unable to destroy the barbarians and completely eliminate them.

Even when the sacred king is still there, the barbarian still lurks into the barbaric land of the heavens to rest on the Cultivate Vitality.

It’s about because the heavens are too big, and neither Heavenly Monarch nor even the King of the Kings can detect the boundaries and limits. And there are also extremely powerful Powerhouses in the barbarian, the Expertly Monarch level Expert.

As long as Heavenly Monarch does not die, the barbarian can always take Cultivate Vitality.

Moreover, there are countless different spaces in the heavens, called the outer world. There are also powerful existences and races in it, and heaven cannot be extinct. At best, it is the most feited land.

“Anti-barbarism? Yeah, anyway, there are still some time when the genius battle is held from heaven. It is better to use the barbarian to practice the hand. Zhongzhou is the Foundation of our Ascension Sect, countless big xiaoxiao countries, Immortal Dao martial art, all must be preserved. Can let the barbarian kill.” Fang Han stood up: “Where is the barbarian army in Zhongzhou?”

“Returning to the Senior Brother, now the army of the barbarian is in a giant drum mountain on the edge of Zhongzhou. This mega drum mountain range is rumored to be dozens of mega liters. There are more than 10,000 martial arts sects in the xiaoxiao, and countless mortals. The country has a prosperous population.”

A saint immediately replied, “Unfortunately, now, when the barbarian invasion, many counties have been eliminated, just a few cultivations arrived at the Sectmaster of the Jinxian level, and came to our Ascension Sect for help.”

Among the heavens, Longevity Mysteries Realm’s Expert is called a mortal.

Even True Immortal, because of the limitations of the rules of heaven, cannot fly. So it is called a mortal.

The Ten Thousand Great States in Tianting, each big state, is vast in all areas, and Jinxian has to fly for several months or even several years. In such a vast area, there are countless “mortals”, and countless countries have been established. Take Zhongzhou, the mortal kingdom has tens of thousands of empire.

Of course, these huge empires respect Ascension Sect as the highest ancestor. There are some similarities in the world.

When the barbarian invades the state, it will naturally not kill Ascension Sect, but kill some of the empire of Zhongzhou, cultivate the martial art, and plunder the population and resources.

In this case, Ascension Sect naturally cannot sit still and is the guardian of Zhongzhou. At this time, it is not possible to shoot.

Ascension Sect’s Son, as the leader, naturally leads the Ascension Sect’s discipline to kill the enemy, and can also be honed.

“Go! Let me go to the Giant Drum Mountains. I have to take a look. What are the great people in the barbarian? The last time they even dared to besiege.”

Fang Han stood up, and now he is full of confidence, not to mention the Assassin who called the Zen Emperor, even if it is his own strength, he is now able to fight against the saint.

I was awarded the Magic Force by the Emperor of Heaven, and I thoroughly condensed the ghost figure. Fang Han’s current strength, when encountering the first-level saints, can directly divide the autumn.

He flew up and stepped out of the feathered kingdom, bringing dozens of Primordial Immortal monsters around.

Those saints followed him, and he was already led by him.

Just as Fang Han led the Ascension Sect, to the edge of the state, against the barbarian, in a distant space, sitting alone in a woman.

This woman, white three thousand feet, has a beautiful face, and there are countless educational civilizations Aura. The protoss of the protoss, the scenes that ruled the heavens in each era, all appeared.

She, after the Protoss, was destined to become the third holy king, who dominated the educated Tianmu Umo.

Scorpio Umo sat in the air and visited a residual picture in front of him. This residual picture is like a heart, bright red like blood, constantly crawling, seems to be dug out from some kind of god figure.

Strong vitality is brewing in the core of the Holy Figure.

This is actually the ghost martial arts map, the most powerful, the most critical one of the core residual maps, without this core residual map, the ghost Wu Shengtu is a display.

Scorpio Umo quietly looked at this picture, seems to be remembering, thinking about something.

“Ghost Wu, was to be promoted to the existence of Heavenly Monarch, but unfortunately was robbed of a key gas transport by the pastoral wilderness. Unexpectedly, there is really nothing new between Baiyun Canggou.” Tianzhu Umo suddenly Sighed.

Just then, suddenly, the heart-like residual picture trembled violently. Essence Qi, which was originally blocked, actually began to lose a lot.


Scorpio Umo was taken aback: “The power of the core of this remnant figure is beginning to be lost. It is impossible. Ghost Wu Shengjun has been built into the realm of Life as Heaven and Earth, and the body is old, unless it is destroyed. Essence Blood will decay.”

Between the words, her three thousand whites began to tremble, each white, as if it were a brush, sketching all kinds of pictures in the air.

She is calculating.

“In the past, some people used the way of destiny to summon the spirits of the ghosts and sacred monarchs from the long rivers of the past, and created a new ghost-martyr, and the law in the midst of the confession, recognized a ghost-martyr, Therefore, the power of this core residual map began to be lost. This person has no one other than Fang Han.”

“I’m going to figure it out, that Fang Han is now in heaven, what kind of person has it become?”

She has to continue to calculate, suddenly, in the void, the will of hun1uan, volleyed, and smashed the projections of her figure that she outlined with her head.

Then, the endless hun1uan will, in the air for a tall and sturdy form, can not clear the face.

“hun1uanHeavenly Monarch !”

Scorpio Umo stood up and looked at the Heavenly Monarch who lived a lot of hun chasing. The supremacy of the giant level exists.

“Scorpio Umo, don’t come innocent, since you were smashed by the gdaoist, I thought you would die, but I didn’t expect you to be in the sky, but actually broke and stood up. I really admire, Protoss. Three holy kings, you deserve it.”

The shape of hun1uanHeavenly Monarch is just a will. When a condense is formed, it seems to be very familiar to Scorpio Umo.

“hun1uanHeavenly Monarch, you are even more powerful. When you turned out to heaven, hun chaos, disaster, Lei Di, Eternal Heavenly Monarch, you will come together to pick you up, but they are all resolved by you, now free and unfettered, Magic Force is more reinforced. I am afraid that some time, after this hun chaotic era, you have to achieve the kingship position. I will call you hun1uan Xianwang later?”

Scorpio Umo quietly.

“Hun chaos, disaster, eternal three big Heavenly Monarch fell back, these three people I am very scrupulous, the three together, I definitely have to retreat, that Thunder Heavenly Monarch even, a new Heavenly Monarch, this time hun chaos The ecstasy of the era, the world is not broken, I don’t know if I can get through it. It’s not impossible for me to kill him.” hun1uanHeavenly Monarch’s will sneak a cold snort.

“The mother-in-law Heavenly Monarch is also the newly promoted Heavenly Monarch of this era. I don’t know if you can kill her?” Tianmu Umo laughed.

“The mother-in-law Heavenly Monarch is different. She is a character who has entered Gate to Eternity. She has won the favor of fate. Many Heavenly Monarchs are not as good as her. In the past, in order to suppress her, even 33 Skies was broken by her. Displaying the Great Destiny Technique, summoning Gate to Eternity, but unfortunately, there is no cultivation to reach the realm of the king, and he can’t bear the pressure of Gate to Eternity, and it falls directly, but the sacred king was also seriously injured and then disappeared. “Hung chaotic Heavenly Monarch quietly narrates a past event.”

“So, you have been guarding Fang Han? Because he is the favorite of the electrician Heavenly Monarch reincarnation? Do you want to take this opportunity to pull the relationship with the electrician Heavenly Monarch?” Tianmu Umo said: “You are a Chess chess.”

“What kind of character is my hun1uanHeavenly Monarch? The reincarnation of the mother-in-law Heavenly Monarch, I will not guard.” hun1uanHeavenly Monarch proudly said: “I guard Fang Han, naturally I have reason. He is not the district electrician Heavenly Monarch can Compared to what you have learned, you still don’t understand, all people don’t understand. Only I have a glimpse of the secret. Of course, the mother-in-law Heavenly Monarch also peeked into the secret.”

“Isn’t Fang Han the reincarnation of the king of the immortal? He has an artifact of creation, is the reincarnation of the king of creation? No, he communicated the power of origin, is the reincarnation of the origin of the king, or the reincarnation of the gDaoist? He is not right, he Is it the reincarnation of the worldly self-contained king Buddha? Or is it the reincarnation of some fallen kings before many epochs? In short, he must be a reincarnation of the immortal level of the immortal king. Otherwise, it is not at all It is worth your guardian.” Tianzhu Umo tempted Xing’s question.

“You will know sooner or later.” The sound of hun1uanHeavenly Monarch has no expression at all. “However, you understand this. In the coming days, you can win a chance for the Protoss. It’s not useful, leaving a little chance to have a great advantage for you in the future.”

Between talking, this Heavenly Monarch pointed his hand, hehe! The core of the ghost map of Ghost Wu is destroyed.

At the same time, Fang Han, who flies in Zhongzhou, suddenly felt that the holy figure of the ghost Wu Shengjun was moving, and the innumerable vast powers in the void were directly poured down.

Aura of the king, dang漾 in the map.

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